(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

vivian... my coll ops.. all tell me nt to tell.. cos my boss will sometimes says those kns things. the earlier i tell him the earlier he start her attack... but on the other hand.. i need to ask him on who shd i pass my job to during my maternity.. cos need time training..

doggiemummy.. my gynae tried to let me hear the heartbeat.. but cannot hear.. :-( hopefully the nxt round can hear. haha... ur office oso got spies ah...

jenny.. haha... ya u duno.. my co spy is very 'li hai' one.. can be compare to 007. hahaha... i tink my boss will give me additional stress if he noes.. Maybe u can tell ur sil ur friend or coll is preg and wan to borrow the dress from you?? dan later when u tell dem u can say b4 u pass to ur friend you know u preggy aldy.. so nv lend?? Actually nw i see my old maternity clothes i am like abit sian... Feel like buying new m.clothes esp when i passby the m.boutique...

vivian, my hubby also.. during my 1st preg when i sign up for the antenatal class, out of 8 times he only went abt 2-3 times for me... some of the nurse teacher keep telling me to bring my husb along the nxt time says it best for husb to get involve... i was like @#$% And for my antenal check up most of the times is company by my mum only. sometimes i felt very mad at him.. but reali no choice... hubby is too busy working.. when he's not working.. he's too tired to move.. :-(

i seeing baby on 13th mar... long way to go.
Think baby doll dress can last for a while and much cheaper too
<font color="ff6000">hi mummies</font>
went for chkup last night
EDD chged to 20oct
in my 7wk today...sighs, tot im oredi in my 7.xx wk liao..
but according to scan last night, today then 7wk..so abt 7more wks to go to start my honeymoon

bb was abt 0.84cm .. and there's a heartbeat!
however, am still to cont' to take my hormone pills ... yucks!

<font color="0000ff">maternity wear</font>
well, some of my work bottoms are getting tight, but my maternity pants still too big for my stage .. prob will go get some XXL pants n wear till i can fit into my old maternity cloths bah..
er, still yet to lose 7kg i left over from my previous preg

<font color="0000ff">boss</font>
well, i informed my boss that i will be taking long leave in oct this yr .. he asked me how long .. i replied 3mths .. n so he knew ..
Hi everyone,
I want to know where to buy reasonable maternity clothes too...
Feel so weird when I went into one materity shop once and i dun have a tummy yet. You all get what I mean?
So dun really dare to go in and go thru the clothes.
But i think I really need to get some work pants coz my current fitted pants dun feel comfy anymore...
I cannot even imagine myself wearing dress or skirt. Think all my colleagues and students will faint when they see me wear dress... haha...
Plus my other concern is my size... I am already more on the XL side b4 preggie... dun know can find my size easily or not....
sigh... talk abt losing weight before preg... never works for me...
doggiemummy.. haven reali buy.. nw wearing my old maternity clothes... haha.. but i tink there's a shop call spring maternity in causeway pt. the price is ard $30 plus onwards for top. Last week I went to metro at causeway pt.. there's some item by Blossom maternity on sales... bought a pants for $19.90. maybe u can go have a look if u r nearby.
<font color="ff6000">hi viv</font>
i used to get most of my maternity clothes from Spring Maternity in Suntec.. i only know there's another one in Causeway pt, not sure whether there's any other branches elsewhere

can also go to Chinatown's market.. they also sell dresses and quite cheap too, i tink those are more suitable for casual wear rather than work

there's also maternity dept in OG, if u hv OG card, u can get 10% off too.

There's also Thyme Maternity, er personally don't realy like their clothes.. and they are rather expensive

if wanna get more than XL, can try OG.. tink they got XXL type of sizez..
i was wearing XL pants till wk12 for my 1st preg
thanks, will go and take a look if i am nearby.

Can go take a look at the 2 website i have posted, looks nice, but I prefer to see n touch the clothings before buying :p

hi hi doggiemummy..
ya, u r right..i will go &amp; check out babydoll dress..at least can still wear till a few mths later..some of the skirts(tights) &amp; shirts, i cant fit liao, need to go for flare skirt..but look more funny..ok, will go &amp; check it out..wish me good luck in the search~

hi hi chihiro..
that's a very creative way in telling ur boss abt ur pregnancy..heehee..so u manage to check with ur gynae abt ur honeymoon trip?then where will u b gg to?

hi hi Vivian..
me too, feel weird lately walking to a nearby maternity clothes shops..my purpose is to find out what type of clothes/dresses they have in &amp; try to see if i can find anything outside which is usually cheaper..heehee..but i guess i will go &amp; check out babydoll dresses as recommended by doggiemummy..hee..

hi hi May..
thks for sharing..i will also go &amp; check out from Metro since it's near to my place..hee..

<font color="ff6000">wendy</font>
haha... tink u hv mistaken me when i mentioned honeymoon

i actually meant 2nd tri is our honeymoon period.
Usually no MS, not big n heavy, still very mobile.
I've done most of my shopping during this period back then... hee...

but anyway, am tinking to go Bintan for a getaway leh, not very confirm as yet to discuss with hubby. And also most likely not gg to bring my girl, so i'm hesitating. feel bad for not bringing her along

<font color="0000ff">maternity</font>
oh ya, u can also find Blossoms in KidsMall i think.
there is a shop at bugis junction sells a lot of baby doll dress, with beads n sequiens. Shop located at ground floor, but i forgot the name. The "sister shop" is at opposite Watson (side door), u can go and ask them

hi hi chihiro..
haha, i think i really mistook u liao..thot u gg for a HM..haha..so blur me..discuss with ur hubby, maybe it might be fun to bring ur gal-gal along too...heehee..

hi hi doggiemummy..
hmm..okok, i will go &amp; check it out at bugis..will go to tamp tonight 1st...heehee..

hi hi ladies..
<font color="0000ff">anyone knw if it's ok to eat chocolate chips for now? duno me blur anot...have this thinking that chocolate isnt gd for the bb..so i dun dare to touch even chocolate chips muffins..does anyone know? thks~</font>

If chocolate is bad for bb, then i jialat liao... I eat a lot... I still got half pint of chocolate ice-cream in my fridge... :p
Think should be alright. except easier to put on weight lor... dun think chocolate is that bad leh... (trying to console myself)... haha...
I anything chocolate also eat leh... JIA LAT.... haha.....
Hi Ladies,

Got a few places that can get quite nice maternity clothes :

1. 9Mois - Paragon (but can be quite expensive)
2. ?? - 2nd or 3rd floor of Specialist Centre (can't remember the name)

Happy Shopping!
<font color="ff6000">doggiemummy</font>
1 in IMM 3rd storey
1 in Suntec
they also sells kids' stuff

<font color="ff6000">wendy</font>
well, personally i tink its actually ok to take a bit lah..
take in moderation lor.. dun indulge

hi hi doggiemummy..
Mphosis usually have more body-hugging dresses, right? i dun think i have the figure to wear leh..but will go &amp; check it out when i m in bugis..thks! thks!

hi hi Vivian..
thks for the url link..i just got to know that there's a outlet in century sqaure..me gg to century square tonight to have dinner with my MIL &amp; 2 SIL, so will go &amp; check out later..heehee..wow..u still have chocolate ice cream in fridge ahh..hmm..seems nice &amp; yummy too hor..i guess dun eat too much shd be ok lah...heehee...

hi hi chihiro..
okok, then i will share w/ my colleague my chocolate chip muffin..heehee..at least not that guilty also..coz i m not really a chocolate person..kekeke..

there are baby doll dress at Mphosis, but material is the stretch-able type.

I think I saw the one at IMM before , thanks
hi hi doggiemummy..
oic..i didnt knw Mphosis have baby doll dresses..thks for sharing..maybe i will go &amp; check out the tops also..today, went to NTUC &amp; saw one preggy mum wearing a striking green maternity top..seem to be cool..it's like those stretchable type also..then she had a cardigan over it..looks nice also..with a bead necklace to add on..
Think buy loose clothing for the time being, anyway our size now, neither here nor there cant really get maternity clothings
wah.. all these shopping posts makes me want to go shop rite now... but my back still ache sia.... sigh....
And now, how I wish I have lose all those extra fats b4 i got preg. now want to wear nice nice spag top or dress also dun dare. So envy you all can wear nice nice clothes and still look good...

almost all the gals that posted needed to change clothes already! Me can still fit into my clothes, except for some working pants, most of the A-line skirts can still wear. Nowadays, wearing more skirts as i find that it's more comfortable around the waist area, especially sitting down...

my 2 SILs will be passing their maternity clothes to me (they are very happy cos I'm helping them to clear their wardrobe) :p

it's only i wanted to buy shoes but afraid buy now, a few more mths later, cant wear.. Ohh.. i love to buy shoes..
so far, I have not informed my colleagues yet, only my team leader knows about it. Even my friends do not know, though I'm dying to tell them. I do not want to create "unnecessary excitement" so early.

maybe now wait when 3 mths (on 24 mar), then tell them loh.
I haven change clothes la... only working pants need to change to a more comfy one... actually if i dun say, no one can guess that i am preg.
You so lucky, SILs passing you maternity clothes. Me, my 2nd SIL never mention anything... she just too engross in her 10mth old girl... And my eldest SIL is also just got preg... 3 weeks before me... All the good news she will update my MIL liao... mine like old news like that... so now i also keep quiet at my IL side liao...

All my colleagues and very close friends know I am preg liao... hee... cannot hide the happiness... dun know good or bad... but at least now, my colleagues treat me like queen like that... I loved being a preggie....
thewife, it's not really confirmed yet, so must still take care, and remain positive, in case baby decides to be on the small side... even if things really don't turn out well, at the very least, u know you're able to get pregnant, so there are still many chances down the road. be strong! we're always behind you!
Hi Vivian,

don't worry too much, when your MIL see your baby next time, she will be very happy too. My MIL also the same, from 2 weeks ago till now when we informed that I'm preggie (my hubby only son), she did not really say much, moreover on changing her dinner menu. Lucky thing, my dinner on wkdays are over at my mum's place. Can "choose menu" and she will also cook those "bu" soups for me.

at least your colleagues dare not stress you too much, you will have a much easier time at work now..
how did u tell mil? hubby has no intention of telling her, but tummy is showing liao. Think i better tell her lor, if not like treating her like a fool.
Hi gemini,
Thanks. My MIL is ok one... but she also now too engross with her first granddaughter who is 10 mths old... very cute and fun to play with... my tummy haven show at all so nothing much to say lah... My eldest SIL had MS so my MIL put more attention to her than me lor... kinda feel neglected sometimes...
As for my mum, her reaction even jialat. When I told her, she like "or.. ok". Wah... I almost fainted. Then, she say less than 40 days is not confirm one lah... sigh... imagine the "encouragement" i got man.... she din cook "bu" soup also... she say wait till 4th mth then can "bu"... :p

Think you better tell your MIL. Anyway, they will soon find out. Better to tell them out of respect la... you know la....
vivian ...
that's what my mum told me too... "or.. ok lor" not 40 days yet, but when i was spotting, she got worried :p Think it's better not to get any attention, have problems then the attention come.

Ya will tell mil this weekend, think they suspecting liao just that nobody mention so mil act blur. But that time I had thyroid (lost 6 kg), nobody from in law side noticed or asked too... so sad.
Dun be sad lah... my IL side also not that sensitive one... maybe becoz we are not as close to them than our own parents...
Just happily tell them the good news this weekend la...
Hey mummies....

Suddenly I got a thot... anyone writing a journal on your pregnancy? i was thinking of writing a journal about this whole preggie period... abt my feelings... abt every move I feel... abt things I am worried... abt my first day when I found out I am preg....until my bb touchdown to this world...

Hmm... I was thinking maybe make it into a blog instead... then can share my bb scan photos and all my feelings...

What you all think abt the idea?
Please give comments....
Hi doggiemummy,

i tell my hubby to tell her. Out of respect. Furthermore, her 1st grand-kid. Also I don't know how to tell her. Agreed with Vivian, we are not as close to them compared with our parents, that's why a bit uncomfortable with them.
Wow, you ladies need to switch to maternity wear liao? I can still fit into my old clothes and I don't think I'll buy any this time I still have maternity clothes bought for the last time but didn't really get to wear them I bought almost everything online and get them sent to home as I was on bed rest the last time so no chance to go shopping.
My bb will be the 1st grandchild of my IL too. But I don't feel like telling them. As when i told them the last time, my MIL start making plans. Like she'll take care of bb, no CL for me, etc. And comments about me being weak when I have MS. So this time I'll make my own plans and I always tahan when I'm at her place. I'll not let her see me suffering from MS else she'll call me weak again. So glad it's fri!
Vivian, I already stated writing some of my feelings on my blog about this preg. And hb is planning to take my tummy every wk/mth as a record.
Hi, all

My workplace is a mother &amp; baby haven - United Square! There are very nice maternity wear shops and almost everything u need for baby &amp; mother can be found there. I went into one of the shops during lunch the other day and the lady was very nice. I told her probably too early for me to buy but just want to have an idea what maternity wears are like. She explained to me the different types of bottoms. very friendly and not awkward at all
Hi Oct06 mummies,

So glad to see so many of you here... hee dun feel so alone. Very lost when juz found out I am pregnant. Actually very happy but then I just start a new job (less than 2 month)now very worried that my new company will find excuse to fire me. ANyone to share experience cos I really worried... BTW my EDD is late OCT
hi thewife,
gynae suspected the cause of my failed pregnancies to polycystic ovaries (pcos) but before i could be tested for that, i got pregnant with #1. And since i managed to have a successful pregnancy, i didn't pursue anymore.

hi wendy,
chocs has caffeine in it hence not good to take too much. ok to have choc chip muffin. Everything in moderation lah, i'm still eating my chocs everyday :p

Saw in today's papers (Life section) that 9mois is having a warehouse sale this weekend. Can check them out.
Spagetti-strap babydoll tops were my staples during the last pregnancy. You can get lots of milege from them. Cos after birth still can wear and they make good nursing wear cos can breastfeed baby discreetly. I got my babydoll tops from zara, Forever21. Topshop (it helps that these were in season the last time i was pregnant). i managed to find a few nice pieces in This Fashion too.
I'm still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes, including jeans.

Got very light spotting this morning. Now i got to take hormone jabs twice weekly and pills daily. Thought i could escape taking it this time round. Gynae says it's due to over-exertion. It's very difficult not to carry my boy since it's just the 2 of us at home during the day. He's extremely sticky to me.

2nd-time mommies,
Do you find your #1 more sticky and manja these days? It's like they know that there's another sibling vying for their attention.
Hi babygrace,

I had spottings today too. Really scare the hell out of me.. went to see gynae immediately but was almost turned away by the clinic assistants cos it was abt 10mins to lunch time. I was given some pills to take for the next 10 days.. didn't say much.. fetal heartbeat still there. Really worried now.

I have a 16mth gal. And like you, it's just the two of us in the day and she's extremely sticky to me too!! Always "bao bao, bao bao". And Yes, I find that she's more attention seeking nowsaday.. since when I suspect I'm preggie again.

I had a very smooth pregnancy the first time round.. no MS, no pains.. etc. But this time round.. really worried becos of the spottings.
Hi Sassyger,
Welcome!! I cannot help you much except tell you not to worry too much. Maybe someone here can give you better advise or share their experience... Jia You ba... Congrats again on the preggie...
Hi thewife,

So sorry to read your post. The important thing now is to go on with your life, and do not blame yourself or whatever on what happen, it's just not meant to be yet. I've been there so i know how it feels, i just don't want to dwell on my past, of all the people here, i bet i have the longest history of TTC, if i'm out of the woods, i will share my story later. What i always think is, if i was able to get preggy, then i can do it again, it shows that your fallopian tube is not block, and the egg and sperm are compatible.

Just one question, were you the one who took chinese medicine when you are already pregnant? I read it before, not sure if it was you. And how many times you had an ultrasound, 3 in total, week 5,6 &amp; 7? Just curious. Maybe next time you are preggy, just tell the doctor you don't like U/S on week 5, i did that when i first see a doctor, i know that he won't see anything so why do that. So i switch and look for a doctor who doesn't do much U/S. Just my opinion, not telling you that i'm right.

Take care and all the best!!! hugs.......
Hi Ladies,

Just went for my first ultrasound today at 7weeks, we finally saw and heard the heartbeat, i was so nervous and been crying as soon as i lie down that bed ;-) So anxious. Hope i'm not the only patient who did that. I feel "paiseh" for crying.....tears of joy. When do we go back again? he said after two weeks again, didn't even get my weight, blood test, no pre-natal vitamin, except for folic acid and my progesterone support. i guess my doctor is a conservative one, but he already ask me if i will go thru amnio, and i said NO. Anyone done any test now? like blood test?
Hi luckyme,
thanks. I'm actually quite ok, just hoping to get a final answer soon and start afresh. you've been thru it?
ya i took an tai yao after i discovered i got preggie. did 3 scan, week 4, 5 and 7 (but gynae said its about week6+). you mean should not scan too many times?
hi thewife,

i've typed a long answer for you, but decided to delete it as i might caused some confusion here. Pls. leave your email, or if i can PM you later, the better, i checked your file you chose not to accept PM, so you can change that later if you want.
doggiemummy, Wendy, May,
Hee hee, I got all my maternity clothings back today! Yesterday night, my SIL called my hb and said she had pack my maternity clothings, said anytime can return me. Today we went to "pick them up". Now I just need to find a day to wash all of them.

I plan to tell my in laws later, most likely after 1st trimester. Anyway I think it makes no difference to them cos they pampered my 2nd SIL's boys more.

Wat a nice and creative way to inform your boss of your pregnancy!! I like it!

Vivian, doggiemummy, Wendy,
Just window shop at the maternity boutique before you start buying. Different shops designs are different, as well as the price. Personally, I love the maternity clothings from The Maternity House. The material are nice to wear and not so ex. I dun like Perfect Mum cos their staff very pushy. Cloud9, 9Mois and Spring have nice designs but price more ex.

Ok to eat chocolate chips, but fattening lah. My 1st pregnacny hor, I love chocolate muffins!

I got note down in my blog but is only for my 1st checkup. Other than that, nothing else haha... I lazy to update my blog cos busy updating my gal one.

Great to know you are eating. Must eat hor!

RE: Spotting
I got light spotting this morning too! Think over exhausted myself today, looking after my gal alone as hb away for ICT. Lucky, it stopped after resting for 1/2 day.
Got spotting again today..hiaz!! Kept checking on myself today. So damn scared that I'll see fresh blood. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Hi ladies,

Just got back from my scanning yesterday.. so execited to see the bb's heartbeat.. blinking.. blinking... now then I had got the actual EDD is on 09Oct06 i/o 18Oct06.. am in the 8 weeks &amp; 5days. bb size is 1.9cm..

But my appetite still the same... feel hungry but no appetite.. eat for the sake of baby...
