(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

wow wow wow .. the gathering is getting more attendees ah ?

tks for the effort in organising this gathering. Hey what if my hubby can make it ? Cos till now he still dont know if he needs to go back to work. ooops so it could be 24 adults !!!

i am ok with any food + price since I am always hungry ahhaha ..

<font color="aa00aa">| edksd |</font>Hey! You've been MIA for a while ya..

<font color="aa00aa">| ilovebabies |</font>I guess your hub comes is ok la since you're coming.. I only kpoing for daisybuttons
, she's the host
HAHAHA! that is HILARIOUS! thanx! u are our resident events-planner and montage-creator! hur hur...

thanx for being the ever gracious host. every time we try to arrange a meet-up, it fizzles out. but once u show pictures of FOOD, the list keeps growing!!!

<font color="ff0000">It's the year of the PIG! We must celebrate in an appropriate fashion too!
"Oink oink, just lead me to the food."</font>

thanx for finding out
<font color="119911">xie xie! gam xia!</font> so u're starting a calendula cream BP? or are u too busy? i can help u do it if u're swamped. which website is this btw? how much per tub (in USD)? do we need to fulfil a min number?
haha! when i first saw the picture i was thinking,"why does the ice-cream look so weird??" it's a chicken drumstick! ha!

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Gathering + Playdate</font></font>

Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday
Time : 1pm
F&amp;B : Food Catering = S$10.85 (round up to S$11.00) per pax

1. Joon + Perng Fey (bb Der Nen) <font color="ff0000">(Bumbo)</font> <font color="119911">better spell my hb's name coz it's so diff to remember!</font>
2. Daisybuttons + Samuel (bb Jovann)<font color="ff0000">(Bumbo)</font>
3. Brenda + Shawn (bb Arianne)<font color="ff0000">(Bumbo)</font>
4. Phoebe (bb Javier)
5. Ling + James (bb Sophie)
6. Jo + hubby (bb Kelicia)
7. Orange + hubby (bb Cayden)
8. E-Ling + hubby + maid (bb Amabel)
9. Sha + maid (bb Sherilyn)
10. ilovebabies (bb Rachel)
11. Jasmine + hubby (bb Jadelle)
12. Crystallized (bb Reubern)
13. Doreen (bb Damien)

Total headcount = 23+13babies
$13.50 est price.
awaiting on final shipping charges before informing me on the final costing.

you want to email your sources 1st to enquire on shipping charges 1st?
if they provide free shipping in US. ask them for the box dimension &amp; gross weight. then use the vpost calculator to find out the charges.
hohoho... so botak bern's pix stirred up quite a response ah?

<font color="119911">Joon &amp; Brenda</font>
ice-cream?! i not siao mummy leh, let him eat ice-cream now...
yep, thats the real drumstick! the drumstick was wrapped in tissue paper and my mum made him hold his drumstick while the rest of us were standing in front of him, willing him to taste it. not to mention, we had a fun time laffing at his antics!

u super cartoon! lead u to the food?! hurhurhur

<font color="aa00aa">daisybuttons</font> (sorry no pink colour!)
the walker was a hands-me-down. i got a new one at home. was a gift fr his bb shower.
4 the buffet, er, can we hv green veggies pls? i dun like loh han chai leh. sounds so vegetarian. and i dun eat egg tarts &amp; char siew pau oso. but nvm i can give these to u lah.
take temp? hahaha, sounds so SARS! but yes, juz in case lah.

i can order the buffet but think coz this order is small, probably not entitled 2 any members' discount. but i will ask them, juz in case.

<font color="0000ff">Jazz Samz</font>
T is wkg, so dunno he wanna join us anot. will leave it to him. he wld probably prefer an aftn of undisturbed nap while R &amp; I r at ur plc.

now u r oso popping in here.
think its more appropriate 4 sept babies lah. so far, jo, wei kuan, doreen and me hv sept babies, tts y we r oso here. hope u dun mind. anyway Jo will plan the nxt gathering at her plc soon.
a quick check, any one of u were at Dr Ong E K's clinic this morning ard 10+am? i saw one baby girl at the clinic tt resembled one of the babies here. if i rem correctly, i think it was Rachel.
hi brenda, yes i was on course for the past whole wk. no time to come into the forum even after course.

the course was at ngee ann city. last time i'll sure to shop ard. but now, during lunch time and right after class, i'll chiong to the nursing room at basement to do my moo moo duty and then rush to my mom's hse to see kai.

quite surprised tt supply maintained and in fact increased a little bit. normally i express abt 300ml on average, now i get 400ml on average.

today is saturday ive not pumped once yet coz latching on. will my supply drop huh? usually during wkend i oso try to squeeze in a few pumps. but today super bz.
phoebe, any update on the babycook? I am interested leh, do you know around how much it cost huh?

edksd, I also looking for BP for Bumbo leh
me and brenda also looking around. the manufacturer reply is no export to our region. only available in europe.

me now looking at other sources. price range around 58 pounds. shipping not sure yet. waiting for reply
Wow! the gathering is OVERWHELMING!

Wendy, hey welcome to the thread! Aiyah.. the gathering overwhelmed... hey, I am sure we have another gathering soon and you can join us!!!! We love babies! haaa!!!
<font color="aa00aa">| Julie |</font> I doubt so cos I compared the prince's arms vs bumbo's arms, bumbo's are 'fatter' so the clip for the tray to be hugged on the arms will be loose if use on your prince.. I'm only judging from the pics la..
<font color="aa00aa">| Mariko |</font> The PM works like an email. You'll receive it in email form.. So when the fella replies u, you will get it via your email.

<font color="aa00aa">| Joon |</font>You mean to PIGG out? heehee..

<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe, the Purchasing Director |</font> hee.. If my mum can help with shipping (ex-UK), does it mean I can try to buy from the UK suppliers and ship here?
yes. u mean ur mum is in UK?
then get her to buy and have it delivered to her place. then she re-send it back to spore to you.

btw, i've email some sellers in ebay. see if they want to ship out to spore or not
<font color="aa00aa">| Julie |</font> You're welcome.. I actually like the Prince's trays better cos of the pretty design, but like I mentioned earlier, I doubt it can fit Bumbo, vice versa.

<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe |</font> No la.. My mum handles shipping in her company and quite 'arrh' with her UK shipper so I thought we could ask them for help and just pay shipping charges accordingly.. But I don't know the correct procedures in doing so. I'll give the shipping company a call on Monday to size them up then revert to u..

I'm in love with the BABYCook la..
ask u all 1 qn.

the bm u express at wrk on fri wat do u do w it?
a. freeze
b. give it to bb during wkend
c. refrigerate for next monday feed? but it's more than 48 hrs already?

i find tt ive no time to pump during wkend since latch on 100%. n the amt pumped is not much. sat n sun n mon early morning pump then can accumulate the amt for monday feed.

so im wondering if i can keep fri milk for mon w/o freezing.
edksd, butif u keep fri milk till mon w/o freezing then will be more than 48hrs which is not use for bb to consume leh. I suggested u freeze it lor. For me even if weekend i will give my girl drink milk through bottle, i only latch her for 1 or 2 feed, so fri milk i can chill for sat or sun feed.
me pump during during weekday and latch on nites &amp; weekend.
so the milk i pump on friday, i freeze and let him drink on monday.
tks eling n phoebe.

i tot latch is gd for increasing supply so im like phoebe latch on during night n wkend, dun want to feed bottles.

i tot freeze will kill all the antibodies so i try not to give fbm.

sigh... dilema isnt it? why dun the fathers think abt all these issues.... instead of us mothers who r already so bz....
joon, saw ur blog, how much u bought the kate spade diaper bag? is tt th only color/design?

tt time i saw another type in the local magazine but couldnt find it in the store.

ur new hairstyle looks great. but i guess it needs blowdrying to look gd which normally we wont hv time for -_-

which salon did u go to? tt time i tried kr+ but yucks...
good news!!
found another source for the CB calendula cream. cheaper than both sites mentioned earlier by joon.

emailed them liao. waiting reply on frieght charges &amp; stock availability. heehee
<font color="119911">| Bumbo Play Tray | </font>

1. Brenda
2. Brenda x 2
3. Emma
4. Jasmine
5. Joon
6. ilovebabies
7. daisybuttons
8. puppylove
9. phoebe
10. pig2
11. E-Ling
12. Sha_987
13. Mae
14. Bow_wow_bb (shirlyn)
wah cheaper?!! <font color="ff0000">i heart u!</font> *muack!* forget abt my source coz they haven't emailed me back. and anyways, since urs is cheaper, i'm jumping ship, haha. i'd like to get 2 tubs. or do u think i shld be more kiasu and get 3? but i'm afraid i won't use up before the exp date...
if u're organising a babycook BP, put me down for 1 too

hurhur, ur new nick damn farnee!
and yeah, i mean <font color="ff0000">PIG OUT</font> in every sense of the word. (er, words!)

my pumped milk on fri is frozen. most websites say fbm can be kept for up to 3 mths, but DG did say before that 6wks max is the best. thanx for the compliment! heh heh heh! my head is now very <font size="+1">big</font>. -_- i go to le salon to cut my hair. *sigh* it's not cheap, but i think i deserve it. i gave birth ok!! haha. the bag? haiii... i paid $300. <font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">ACK!</font></font> even typing it makes my heart sink.
<font size="+1">BUT!</font> it was 50% off! <font color="119911">hiak hiak hiak!</font> mommies, pls don't scold me for spending so much ok??

<font color="aa00aa">hi J!</font>
u're a mambo jambo bumbo baby too!

this is the beaba babycook that the sept mummies are going 'crazy' over


phoebe, i think i got to forgo the babycook liao. Just bought a blender (can be use to make baby food) cos i am going to do puree for my girl le, so cant wait for the BP for this babycook. too bad.Btw do you know how much is the babycook huh, very curious?
phoebe, i think i got to forgo the babycook liao. Just bought a blender (can be use to make baby food) cos i am going to do puree for my girl le, so cant wait for the BP for this babycook. too bad.Btw do you know how much is the babycook huh, very curious?
