(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

As for the gathering, I wanna join but it's too faraway from my place... I stay at Pasir Ris... hmm... hubby may be working tt weekend... else shd be able to join.

Hope the next gathering will be more central...

Thanks!!! I shall join the merry queue tomorrow or next week...
Hi Jessica, Welcome!

Ling, Happy BD to Sophie
Hug Hug from Cayden gor gor ...hehehe

Puppylove, your photos are always so professionally done !! NICE

Emma, same here.. People always thought Cayden is girl girl *faint* There was once i dress him in yellow (well, maybe is my fault to dress him in such a unisex colour).. In the toilet, one auntie told me :" your daughter very pretty leh!" hmmm.. dunno should i be happy or angry.. haha.. then when i was in the nursing room feeding Cayden, a lady beside me told her son : stop looking at mei mei, drink your milk first! hahaha.. After which, I STOPPED DRESSING him in yellow!! gosh.. But if that means, my next is a girl, i will be so happy!! hehehe

Emoments, i am staying near Loyang.. i can check with hubby if we are going straight from home that day. if we are, i can give you a lift?

jasmine lau


Any one is fine with me
Brenda, my girl also everytime scream until very loud, she can scream till she cough. She happy or unhappy also scream, she just like to scream.

jasmine lau

E-Ling (this is good esp for mummies who came w/o hubby) drooling...

Any one is fine with me

when shld u start looking at thighs ? tot when they are fatter they develop more lines ?
ehhe these myths are just so funny !!

I really hope to have a boy and then I can relax a bit. Would love to have 3 kids though .. so the 3rd one can be a WILDCARD ! ha !
they wouldnt have more lines even when they get fatter.
so can actually see now.
i know it works for me, my cousins' kids.
so far so accurate!!
-jasmine lau


Any one is fine with me

really ?? hmm come to think of it ,.. Rachel seems to have only 1 line .. BOY !!!

ahha ok we shall do our guessing games when we meet up !
Hi jessica,
i am new too... jus join tis week only aft watching "boabei yi bu yi bu lai". They show this website in the show so thought it might be fun to join.

happy right !!!

ok so i will go chk out Rachel's crown (clockwise?) and thighs ! ehhe


welcome welcome !!

it's real fun here ! and very addictive !
<font color="aa00aa">| Mariko / Jessica |</font> Welcome! Enjoy the ride! hee..

<font color="aa00aa">| E-Ling / Sha |</font> Very ma luu when you're in a restaurant right? My hub and I try to cover her mouth but she screams even louder.. =(

<font color="aa00aa">| Ling |</font> My PD also told me that I should only feed the infant panadol if temp reaches 37.5 and above..

<font color="aa00aa">| babybenmen |</font> We're actually on a BP for the bumbo PLAY TRAY, not the seats itself.. U can get the seats from www.kidzloft.com or Mothercare outlets.

<font color="aa00aa">| Gathering |</font>

<font color="119911">Potluck</font>
-jasmine lau

<font color="119911">Cater</font>

<font color="119911">Either</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Pumping Mummies</font>

Does any EBM Mummies here use something to strap on the pump from expressing? Meaning, the strap or whatever gadget helps u not to lean forward while expressing to prevent backache? Anyone heard of that gadget?
Mariko and Jessica,
Welcome welcome to this 'MOST ADDICTIVE' thread ever!! haaaa! U know, it juz hooks u on.. and besides being informative, it's also a plc where we share our happiness and woes...

See, these mothers are meeting up really soon!!!

So fast think of another one liao! haaa! I also better check on Wayne's crown, breast and thighs! haaa!!!

Actually, i don't mind another son leh!!!
haaaa. I am not sure how it goes.. but heard checking on their nipples... If it's protuding or sink in.. but i forgotten if protuding, it's daughter or son!

Hey, why not u juz go do it and let us confirm that the myths r accurate!!! Heee, if you have boy, means correct lah!!!
They said if your baby has the boy boy look now, then next one will be boy, then if ger ger look, then will be ger.
help! what is happening to my baby ariel??? Since this morning she has been crying aft latching on to my breast for only 5 mins. i tried to feed her more but she still continues crying...
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">| GymB Class this Sun |</font></font>

Any mummies interested to bring your bb to Gymboree class this coming Sunday @3pm? Including myself, the class has 5 attendance so far and they'll close the attendance at 10 bbs.

If you're interested, please PM me with your full name/bb name/HP no..
<font color="aa00aa">| Mariko |</font> Does Ariel has fever/diarrhea/vomitting? Any of these signs, better make a dash to the doc.. GP still opens now..
Ariel does not haf all those signs... Thanks for the concern... Really puzzle. I am jus afraid that she is taking enough milk.
<font color="aa00aa">| Mariko |</font> How about trying another environment to feed? Like in a car while cruising? Could be nursing strike..

She only cry after you latch her? Could it be your BM, the taste of it?

I remember my friend told me once she took some durian, then her bb refuse to be latched for the next 2 days. And apparently her bb who is abt 4 yrs old now, dislike durians.
<font color="aa00aa">| Pig2 |</font> heehee.. Me! I hate durians!
Malcolm's latest bumbo pic can't see bumbo well so I resorted to use the older pic.. hope u don mind..

by the way, those who don't know.. I am Jovann's biggest fan.. his daddy.. aka daisybutton's hubby...

sorry to intrude again.. but just had a great idea during the gathering...

We all gather our babies in their bumbo, and arrange them seating in a circle.. like they are having a meeting... think it will be sooooooo cute!!!!!!!
then since we want to capture as much detail as possible, so we should maybe arrange a "round table meeting" for 5 babies max.. (can take profile of each baby with anothe baby at the background)
this way, those who don't own a bumbo will still get a chance to have their baby in the photo...

for the main group photo, we arrange the 5 babies in a row to take lah... WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK????

The only challenge is to get all 5 babies attention at the same time and to ensure they all won't fuss when we take their photos.. kekekek
<font color="aa00aa">| Sam |</font>YES! YES! BRRRrrrilliant idea and I'll bring mine!

Not meeting la, more like having a press conference. Each time the 5 bbs will be celebrities cos the daddy paparazzis will be busy clicking away!

Huijun n Jo
U ladies here too??
I only always see crystallized active in here thought she's the only one. U 2 joining the gathering too?

Remember me??..hehe
U r workign already? I thought u took 6 mths leave?
