(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

I'm also having some pregnancy rash near my hip bone, using calamine lotion to sooth the itch.

Emma, next time must remember not to carry heavy things! Go back home and bed rest for the next few days!

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum. Have reading it since morning.

My EDD is 19 Sep.

Me too having these rashes especially on my lower back. anything to apply?
Hi Resha,

You have got the same EDD as mine. =)

Think it's best to check with ur gynae what to apply. Maybe it's due to hormone changes.
Hi Chng's Wife and Resha,

All of us share the same EDD! My baby is due on 19 Sept too.

I am new to this thread. Glad to see all the friendly advice here. I am expecting my first child, so all these advice comes in useful.

Looking around for maternity clothes to wear for work. Anyone has any cheaper places to recommend?

hi 77, you can also consider getting larger size normal clothes instead of maternity clothes for your first and second trimesters. And only buy maternity wear in your final trimester. This way, you can still wear them immediately after giving birth since it usually takes a few weeks at least to lose all the additional weight. More economical this way and also more variety to choose from.

hmm.. if your bras are already feeling tight, it may good idea to start shopping for maternity bra as they are designed to support the extra weight and allow for further growth. Our normal bras do not provide sufficient support, esp for those lucky ladies whose chest expand quite a bit during pregnancy, so without proper support, you may find your breasts sagging quite a bit after delivery.

And from my experience, do not buy nursing bras with underwire as it will hurt a lot when your breasts get engorged with milk as it prevents your breasts from enlarging normally and also you run a greater risk of infections. This is also advice from lactation consultants. Hope this helps!
Hi All,

I had visited Adrain on last Fri and my foetus measured 1.47cm and i am 8 wks 1day.

After the consulation, I was passed with a strip where there are 2 coloured paper at the tip (blue and pink coloured - look like litum paper to me). The nurse asked me to drip my urine on it. Does anyone done this test before? What is teh signifiance of this test? Can anyone advised?
hi eve,

i think the strip test for protein in ur urine in addition to sugar levels. Sugar level is too see one develops gestational diabetes and protein level chk is to know if one is at risk of pre-eclampsia i think.
hi folks,

I experience some pain on the left side of my abdomen...anyone experience this? is this normal?
emma, i heard from my friends hor...if ur baby is boyboy right will have lotsa pimples leh. if urs is gerger right ... u will be very pretty...dunoe how true that is...

mae, me experience pain as well. do u feel bloated? If u still feel the pain on 2nd day ... better go and see ur gynae. I vomit 8 times on thursday and had pain on my abdomen on friday. seen my gynae, he suspect I might have eaten wrong food. Given me medicine, I'm feeling much better now.
oh...so i normal lah...coz i ask arnd my friends who is a mummy already. They say they only start wearing maternity wear after 1st sem. hmmm...what size do u all buy ah? stick to ur current size or u buy 1 size bigger? I'm wearing M size and the shop ask me to buy M size maternity pants but the lady say 2-3 months later i wont be able to fit into the pants liaoz...its not cheap..one pants can cost arnd $50-$60...the shop at kk...after discount isit much cheaper? Like $30-$40?
we;; speaking frm experience, i can say quite true
my first born, a girl, my pregnancy no pimples anything. then second pregnancy, boys, wah...break-outs like hell!! i think got smthg to do wt the hormones clashing wt sex of baby...but dunno how true either

maternity clothes,
1st pregnancy, didnt buy any at all. fit most of my normal clothes. 2nd one, since was twins, i startedd wearing at abt 4mths already. the maternity clothes i buy according to my size before pregnant and fit me all the way to term.
this pregnancy, i am planning to buy tops that stretch and are slightly longer in length. also buying lots of empire cut tops. so at least can still fit after delivery. i'll wait till 2nd or 3rd trimester to see if i need maternity wear.

when's ur due date? mine is on 1st oct, so i think pretty much arnd yours huh? and how u feeling and coping?
Hi domesticgoddess and sasha,

Thanks for your advice on pregnancy clothes! I think I need to shop for bigger sized clothes liao. My hips and tummy have expanded, and so has my chest.

Hi Mae,

Looks like all of us got pregnant at the same time. Come tomorrow, our babies will all be 10 weeks old. I had tummy pain last week. I think it was due to all the bloatedness and indigestion. If the cramping is severe, think u better consult your gynea just to be safe. Otherwise should be fine.
hi peachie and rainnie,

think the pain went off today...heng ar...perhaps it is some kinda muscle pull...hee

Tmr we 10 weeks liao..keke...cant wait to go for my nxt gynae visit. wanna see how bb look like now
Hi Emma,

Thanks for your reply. I am having a lot of breakout on my face too.


I am not sure whether the saying of having boy will has a lot of reakout is true. My friend who is 6mths pregnant now with a boy but her complexion still remain very good. So i am not sure whether it is true.
Eve, think it depends on individual also ba...like what sasha said...

no matter is a ger or boy i guess we will love our own baby ;)

u all have any preference on the gender?
hi amylim and chng's wife:
i am thinking of quit my job after my maternity... my MIL is staying with me she will be lookin for my baby. but she is in her 70s liao, so if i wan to continue to work, i think need to get a maid to help out. but then, my hb is not keen on the idea of getting a maid. he would rather i stay at home to take care of our baby. i am in a dilemma....
According to the Chinese concept, the body has two opposing and complementary vital forces - yin (cold) and yang(hot) and our health is dependent on the proper balance of these forces. When a woman get pregnant and give birth, it affect the hot-cold balance of the body, in order to balance them, it is treated by adjusting the diet.

Cooling foods - most vege, certain furits (sugar cane, water melon, pineapple, papaya) , medicinal tea, some chinese herbs (american ginseng). Excessive consumption of cooling foods is believed to produce 'wind', numbness, muscle cramps, aching veins, dizziness, coughing. Cooling food are not totally forbidden during pregnancy, but are avoided because they are belived to cause cramps in the mother and weak unhealthy children or miscarriages.

Heating food - meat (beef, mutton), spices, some fruits (durian), some chinese herbs(korean ginseng), brandy, rice wine and chocolate. They are not advocated during pregnancy because they are said to produce stout babies and this makes labour difficult. Chinese take heating foods during pregnancy because they are good for the health.

Heating food strengthen the body but too much of it causes 'hot air', like dry throat, dry lips, fever, etc.

Rice, poutlry, pork and certain fish are neutral. Thus the method of cooking enhance or dimisnish the effect of the food. Steaming is cooling, frying the oil is heating. Flavouring agens like ginger, pepper, rice wine, sesame oil are added when cooking to reinforce the heating good.

Then there are other groups call 'itchy food'(crabs, cockles, cuttlefish, prawns), 'windy food' (young cocunut, mango, jackfruits), 'poisonous food' (cockerel, crab, cockles, cuttlefish, catfish and some fish). These are avoided during pregnancy and confinement period because they may cause bleeding, produce an itch or hamper wound healing.
Hi everyone,

just read your responses today.

WOW so many Sep 19 babies due. I am have been having cramp like tightness around the pelvic area. I asked my gynae last week & she said its due to the womb expanding. Nothing to worry unless it very severe....

Also looking for maternity pants, just saw some from Dorothy Perkins at Bugis. But too casual, nothing for office. Need to buy pants at the moment & maternity bras....
Resha, i bought some maternity bras from Perfect mum. Quite comfortable and design quite trendy, maybe u would want to go and have a look. Go Suntec 3rd storey (where toys'r'us is), there's plenty of boutique selling maternity wear, I think it should be ok for office wear.
Thanks so much, Chng's wife! I will do that.

I will be going to do my First Trimester Screening on 8 Mar. Its to check the risk for Down's Syndrome. Any of you gonna to this test too?
Went shopping for maternity clothes at Suntec last Friday. Clothes there are quite ex... about S$70 - S$80 for a pair of pants and about S$40 - S$50 for a blouse... I'll probably get mine from junction 8 or heartland mall.

Resha, I did the test for Down Syndrome last week... Gynae said that only 1 in every 2,700 will get it.
Just to check if we can drink lemon tea... lemonade lah or even lime juice or pineapple juice? Felt so tempted to drink, but afraid it might affect the bb. Pls advise.
hi chng's wife
Someone from OctMTB said pineapple juice is ok, my girl friend also have fresh pineapple juice every morning during her pregnancy! But I am not taking cos I know my body not suitable. Lemonade or lime juice should be ok, but I think tea got caffine, so moderate will be fine.
Hi everyone,

I've been following this thread. Can i join in? This is my 2nd pregnancy.My Edd will be 11 Sept. ;)
Hi mae,

Ya,a 911 baby.
But everytime i did the abdomen scan, the edd keep changing so i took the 1st date as my EDD.

Btw, have u all done any blood test? Last sat,i did..
In another 3 wks, i got to do another blood test for Down Syndrome .
elmo88, u say everytime the EDD will change right. Isit to a earlier date or later date? Mine is 21 Sept...but i wish to have it on early sept so that my bb will have e same birthday as ME!!!

i've yet to do any of the above u all mention leh. not even urine test leh...i'm only 9 weeks...isit too fast to test?
Hi Resha,

What tests will u be doing? Since our EDD are the same, so I can probably do the tests by then too!

Anyone here knows what are the tests available, and how much? And when is the best time to do?

I scanned twice so far, and both times the EDD remains the same, and it is one day apart from the date of my last period. I think there are quite a few ways to calculate EDD right? Heard from my gynea that u can use the date of last period, or the feotus size (which the scan will tell). So it depends on which method is used.

On my last visit, my gynea told me to see him 4 weeks later, even though I was 8 weeks pregnant then. So won't be seeing how my baby is until some time later.... sigh. How often do u gals visit ur gynea?
Hi ladies,

I'm afraid I can't join in this thread anymore.
I had a miscarriage and went in for my d & c today, so am at home resting now.
Hi all,
Gd morning!

Last sat, my gynae asked me to do an antenatal blood test bcos i have been complaining giddy.
He told me to do the "triple test" for the Down Syndrome on my next visit.Normally this test is done around 15th wks.

11 Sep is the EDD calculated using date of last period.Like what 77 peachie said,there are a few ways to calculate the EDD.My EDD keep changing bcos of my foetus size and always to a later date.

I think its fine not to do any blood test now.Guess have to depend on gynae.

77 peachie,
I visit my gynae every 3wks.
Chng's wife, my gynae is Dr Adrian - TMC. wad abt u? when is ur EDD?

Elmo88, oic...my gynae can only calculate via the size coz ... i cant remember when is my last menses...so paisay...
Hi emma, pig2, rainnie1, and sasha,

Thanks for your kind words...

I went for my gynae check on Sat and during the ultrasound scan, we realised that the baby's heartbeat had stopped. Gynae told us that according to the size, the baby's heart most probably stopped abt 10 days after my last appointment (at week 6) 3 weeks ago.

My case is termed missed miscarriage coz my body didn't terminate the pregnancy automatically when the baby was gone. He explained to us that there are many reasons for a miscarriage but they're nothing to do what a preggie mum eats or does. It's usually because the genes of the baby is not healthy so nature will naturally terminate the baby's growth.

On a personal note, hubby and I have accepted the miscarriage. We're Christians and believe that all things are in God's hands and that his plans for us does not include a baby at the moment. So we are moving on. We won't be TTCing so soon because I want to secure a more family-friendly job before we try again.

Anyway, this experience has definitely awakened my maternal instincts and will also make me treasure the children that I give birth too eventually.
hi cookie

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
77 peachie, I visit my gyane every 4 wks. Did my blood test last week when I was in my 12th week and urine test on each visit.

cookie's gal, sorry to hear about your loss. Please take care and rest well.
cookie's gal, sorrie to hear abt ur loss. Hug! Hug! Take good care of your health.

Yesterday went for my OSCAR test and blood test. Have the scan for the size and the neck thickness of the baby in the morning. Actually suppose to get the result of everything yesterday afternoon but TMC machine down cannot process. Just received call from to get the result but only will be able to go for the appt this satursday. She told me everything is ok. Have the scan yesterday and it show my baby is now 6.64cm in my 12th week pregnancy.

So jialat, recently have alot of breakout. Dunno what i can apply to control that leh.
E-Ling, mine only 5cm when I went for the 12th week scan last week.. Smaller as compared to yours, but my gynae said it's ok. A bit worried...
Hi everyone,

I spoke to my gynae. I am going to the Down's Syndrome screening. This is to access the risk of having a DS baby but will not guarantee that I will not have one. I am 28 yrs & no family history of DS. But gynae said that usually couples do this test for assurance more than anything. Will go for blood test in the morning. Will take about 4 hrs to get the results. Then in the afternoon is the Special Scan for the bb' neck measurements, development, etc. Combine the blood & scan result will give me the risk %.
This done on the 12 to 15 weeks period.

Hi, will all the gynae ask their patient to go and test the down's syndrome?
So excited to hear that can measure baby neck...etc...2 more weeks than i can do the measurement...coz me only 9 1/2 weeks nia...
