(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi E-Ling,

My gyna also advised no sex for the 1st trimester.
Adrain din measured the water bag for me. He gave me the scan photos last week but there is no gestational weeks indicated on the scan. So right now, still not sure how many weeks? Based on wedsite shld be 6wks 3 days.

Does anyone still do not know the gestational wks although u can see the heart beat n bb?

yeah, good move. if you do it now wld be quite a waste of money. i think maybe after 25wks wld be great.

stretchmark cream i'll only start using when my bump is showing
the thing abt stretchmarks is you either hv it or you dont. some ppl start using the creams early but still gt stretchmarks.

i wld think that its ok to hv intercourse in 1st & 2nd trimesters but if your gynae advise against it then dont. definitely no sex in last trimester as this can result in premature labour!!
sasha, yah i also heard cannot have sex in last trimester but not sure abt 1st trimester. Heard that can in 1st trimester unless got miscarriage before or bleeding during pregnancy then not advise to but just wanna to confirm is it safe or not.

My gynae also advised not to have sex in 1st trimester. But from what I read in those pregnancy guidebooks & websites, seems that it's okay leh. So, I guess no hard rule for this lor.

Hi edksd,

I know that even if I were to buy anti-stretchmark cream, I may not use it very often coz I'm the lazy type. Plus, I still keep on reading in the papers (eg in today's Straits Times) that it's not useful leh.
Hi Bel, I paid about $180 for my 1st visit - consultation, scan, urine test, folic acid, multi-vitamins. I haven't found another gynae, so I might just stick with her. (v near my place) I called today and they told me it'll be cheaper from 2nd visit on.

edksd, I just started applying stretch mark cream. My friend recommended the Mothercare brand and it's only $12. I use it as a moisturiser and put it all over! I know, very kiasu!

Applying Stretch Mark Cream
1. Apply cream in upward motion, from navel up.
2. Do not rub in circular motion.
3. I don't know why, but that's what I heard!

Ladies, can I ask, what's your gynae's package like? My gynae's package starts only from week 20 and is $1,500 excluding the hospital charges. I will get more details when I see her next week and I will update all of you.

Have a happy day, mommies!
edksd... i am now in my 8th week only.. can see tummy cos always eating.. hahah.. maybe that's y my pants are too tight too... hehe.. still actively seeking cheap maternity wear...

any lobang gals?
hi folks,

Marton Bell at centrepoint is having 50% sales.
Go grap watever maternity wear u need

Hi esksd,

I oso had a miscarriage b4, so now i oso dun dare to annouce my pregnancy.
joon, if i remember correctly my package start from week 12 is $580. I am going to sign the package in my next visit(12th week pregnancy)
WOW! E-ling! That's A LOT of difference compared to my gynae! What does the $580 include, do you know? Does it include your gynae's charges during delivery itself?
hi e-ling, do u know whether Clarin Stretch mark prevention oil is oily or not?

i really dun like sticky sticky or oily oily feeling on my body. tts why i never use body lotion. makes me feel uncomfortable.

i hope to get something so lightweight tt u wont feel u've applied anything on the body at all.
i hv nv heard of such an expensive package. i assume yours incl the delivery fees??

i've been using palmer's cocoa butter. love the smell
a bit on the thick side though...
hi joon,
wahhhhhhh yr gynae quite ex hor...whic doc ah?mine is $550 start immediately cos me n hb comfy w him..it only exclude hormone pills,detail scan n oscar scan..

wah thanks to mae for e info...can go centrepoint chk it out..

hi edksd
according to my fren she use e clarins buay oily 1 cos u use i thk b4 shower...hmm not so sure update u after i chk out e prdt..

jus finish lunch beri sleepy..do u moms hv tis prob?mid aftern really can doze off..
hi edksd,

I have told both our parents. but we keep it from frens. mayb wait till 1st trimester over then announce
edksd, i nv use the claring oil before, my friend only told me is good. Maybe i buy le then tell you before you go and buy, so you dun have to waste money if it is oily on skin.

joon, if i am not wrong she told me that $580 (i think this amt doesnt include OSCAR test that i am doing) is for everything except the delivery cost incurred for stay in after delivery which cost $1900+
what are u guys doing for valentine's day next week?

all i wish is just to stay home
coz always tired mah....

but wanted to do something meaningful w hubby. definitely not whipping up a candlelight meal coz eating healthily and simple and no energy to do too much :p
Do you all heard before that eating too many yellow noodles will cause the baby to born with yellow skin (jaundice)?

Can we actually eat crayfish huh? Yesterday went to Malaysia to eat seafood in midnight and ate alot of crayfish. Haha i'm eating unhealthy food (fried, cold drink) throughout my 10th week pregnancy. Yesterday sleep at 3pm then morning wake up at 7.30pm. Now so tire look like zombie
er.. dunno how true... my fren told me that the stretch mark creams usually dun work. her nurse advised her to juz moisturise the skin all the time with J&J baby lotion...
hey gals,
here the list for u....as for mae, joon and edksd nid ur details to update

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+0">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Age</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">EDD</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Hospital</font></TD><TD> <font size="+0">Lovenest</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">chngs wife</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">25</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">19 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Clementi</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">E-ling</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">24</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">2 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Caroline Khi </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Boon Tiong Rd</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">DaBee</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">30</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">11 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Y C Goh (Thomson Plaza)</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">MAH</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">Emma</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">25</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">14 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">pjen</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">27</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">21 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Sengkang</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">Amylim</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">31</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">29 Aug</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Yu Su Ling </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">SGH</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Bartley Rd</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">pig2</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">33</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">26 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Prof Mary Rauff </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">NUH </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Bishan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">cookies_gal</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">27</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TBC</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Lawrence Ang </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC/MAH </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Sembawang</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">Charis</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">2 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0"> Dr Y C Goh (Thomson Plaza)</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">MAH</font></TD><TD> <font size="+0">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">elaine</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">27</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">10 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0"> Dr Adrian Woodworth</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC</font></TD><TD> <font size="+0">Ubi</font></td></tr></table>
Hi Dwoof,
Here're my details... thanx

joon : 31 : 4 Sept : Dr Eunice Chua : TMC/MAH : Balestier

Sasha &amp; Pjen, my gynae is Dr Eunice Chua (TMC). Yes! It looks like the package is exp! Oh dear... but I think it includes the charges during the delivery too. I must check when I go next week.

Oh gosh, I am so confused! Can anyone help explain how these packages work?

Edksd, V Day is a Tuesday right? I think my hb and I are just going to cook yong tau hoo soup and watch CSI at 10pm! I can't bear to go out and see all these teenage couples carrying bouquets of roses. Makes me feel so old...
Hi dwoof
so kind of u to help to update e chart..

hi joon,
no la wont feel cold at all....got hb to hug hug leh...keke..after u chk e package w Eunice Chua can update me cos my fren wana chng gynae n she prefer a female that can deliver in MAH..gum xia
Hey gals...can u all adv if it's safe to take cuttlefish? the tidbits kind...i know it's not healthy but bb wise, does it have some kind of ingredients that will harm the bb? cos me craving for it sometimes le....
And is it safe to continue using Nivea whitening moisturiser? cos I've been using b4 pregnancy and have been continuing using since..
Hi chocolat,

I'm not sure but personally I would avoid it. This is because my mum say that I must avoid eating cuttlefish head now that I'm preggie. According to her, this is to ensure that we'll have a smooth afterbirth - ie, the placenta will come out after we deliver the baby. As we don't know what parts of the cuttlefish are used to make the tidbits, I suppose it's better to avoid eating lor. Of course, is up to you whether you believe or not lah. I think this is one of those old wives myth coz this restriction is not mentioned in the Western book but I suppose no harm following since can still eat the rest of the cuttlefish.
hi woof_d: i staying at marine parade please kindly update the list for me thanks.

hi gals: there are so many of u now.... i cant really remember who wrote what...... i think my memory is lousy after birth.... keep forgeting...

i am going to be 10 weeks this sat. besides the daily folic acid ( 2 x 5mg per day), n multivit from gynea, i hv started to drink pregency milk too.... twice per day...and also take fish oils one 1000mg per day.

i tried to include fish in my meals but diff lar... and some fishes really smelt to me leh. horrible, making me wan to puke... i also hv the craving to drink cold drinks like ice lemon tea, sweet gasy drinks like F&amp;N orange etc. i dun used to drink all these, and also now like to munch on tibits like pototes chips, nuts etc, but i tried to restrict myself. i will turn to fruits if there is any avaliable. now i still take coffee once a day leh, cannot dun drink, the more i tried not to drink the more i think about it.....

i am also quite big size usually i wear UK14. some of my mango work pants cannot button up when i am in my 5th week!!! so now can only wear those which i still can fit in. yesterday morning, i wan to wear one of my A line work skirt also cant zip up!!! aiyo, that day i went groccery shopping, the slimming cream promoter aunty keep asking me to buy the cream saying tat would remove my fats at my tummy area.... i duno what to say to her, then tell her no no.

my coli told me there is this shop at beauty world which has nice n cheap maternity wear, jeans at only $27. but i still hv not time to go n see. that day i went suntec near mothercare there is this maternity wear shop, cant rememeber the name, i think the maternity clothes on sale can buy, about $50 for pants usually is $80 to $90. i bought two for work and a work dress ($50).

i also started to use the mothercare stretch cream which everyone told me should use from the start of our pregency, so just use loh, i tried to remember to use every morning n night.

i also duno, some say can eat this some say cannot, so i think just eat abit loh if i really feel like eating.... i going to eat black pepper crab with my ex colis next week.

my gynea package start from 16wks, $700 for schedule scan n consultation but i think blood tests, medicine n supplements need to pay. doc normal delivery fee is $600, $900 for ceasearan.
Hi E-Ling,

I haven't heard anything about crayfish. So should be safe to eat.

For myself, because I got allergy to shellfish like prawn, crayfish, crab etc, I have to avoid. Funny thing is, after I got preggie, my allergy seems to have gone away but I've read somewhere that this allergy may be herditary so I still have to avoid for baby's sake.
E-ling, not sure how much the blood test package cost and what tests it include. Will only know when I see my gynae next week.

Dabee, will check &amp; let u know.

Not sure what I'll be doing on V Day... but have hinted to hb to plan something special...
Thx for the info DaBee! Your packages sounds quite good. Does your gynae's clinic have female doctors? Any to recommend?

Pjen, after checking, I've found out what the $1500 is for :
$1000 for the delivery charges and
$500 for 10 visits from 20th week onwards, including scans and urine tests. Prob not inclusive of medicine and extras. I'm going to see the gynae next week, so I'll get the full details and update you again.

Eunice Chua delivers at TMC and MAH. She's nice to talk to and quite friendly and pleasant. Very smiley doctor
Let me know if your friend wants her clinic's number.

E-ling, I ate crayfish too! I hope it's ok :p
Dabee.. i have heard of the shop in Beauty World too.. but dunno their clothes aunty or not.. haha... cos my fren says that they have branches in TP central and AMK central too...
here's the update

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+0">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Age</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">EDD</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Hospital</font></TD><TD> <font size="+0">Lovenest</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">chngs wife</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">25</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">19 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Clementi</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">E-ling</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">24</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">2 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Caroline Khi </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Boon Tiong Rd</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">DaBee</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">30</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">11 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Y C Goh (Thomson Plaza)</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">MAH</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Marine Parade</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">Emma</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">25</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">14 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Bt Batok</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">pjen</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">27</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">21 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Sengkang</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">Amylim</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">31</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">29 Aug</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Yu Su Ling </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">SGH</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Bartley Rd</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">pig2</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">33</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">26 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Prof Mary Rauff </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">NUH </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Bishan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">cookies_gal</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">27</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TBC</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Lawrence Ang </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC/MAH </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Sembawang</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">Charis</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">2 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0"> Dr Y C Goh (Thomson Plaza)</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">MAH</font></TD><TD> <font size="+0">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">elaine</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">27</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">10 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0"> Dr Adrian Woodworth</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC</font></TD><TD> <font size="+0">Ubi</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">joon</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">31</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">4 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0"> Dr Eunice Chua</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC</font></TD><TD> <font size="+0">Blastier</font></td></tr></table>

dun mentioned lah...
hi ,

i'm from feb forum... going to give birth liao... i bought a lot of folic acid when pregnant. Anyone interested to buy ? i left with 100pcs at $10.00.
Hi Lim, I'll get the folic acid from you. Do you want to meet? How do I pay you? Thanx
You can email me at [email protected]

Hi Emma, I don't get it free... I paid $10 for 30 tabs of folic acid and 30 tabs of multi-vits. Do you get urs for free?
Hi joon, jus curious...did you sign package with ur gynae? Thought folic should be included? I have so much folic acid than I'm suppose to take!! So sick...I hate e sight of pills...
Hi chng, I haven't signed any package yet. My gynae's package only starts from week 20 onwards. I'll check next week if folic acid is included. Is it the norm for gynae's to give folic acid for free?? Aiyoh, I don't know all these things!
hi d_woof,

maybe u can help us arrange the list according to EDD?

my details
edksd, 29, 28 sept, Dr yvonne chan, tmc, bt mearah view

thank you!
hi dwoof,
can help me chng e EDD to 03oct?gum xia..

hi edksd,
mine oso 5mg per day...thk pretty standard prescription

hi joon,
thanks for the info..by rite after signing package folic acid shod b inclusive FOC..mayb nw u hv to stil hv to pay cos not on package yet...

Hi dabee,
is this yr 2nd pregnancy?cos u said memory bad after birth??keke..correct me if i m wrong..cos i heard tat pple for 2nd pregnancy tummy tend to grow faster cos aredi been stretched b4..not sure hw true it is...hehe me going for crab tonite..
chng's wife, i tried to pm u but it says u do not accept pm ... hehe can help me calulate if mine will be boy or girl?
last mense month (November 05)+ age (25).
Hi Pjen,

I realized that your EDD is been push back. Did u ask Adrain to calculate for u or u could see the EDD on the scan photo?

I went to Adrain twice but he din advised me on my EDD.
pjen: no lar this is my first pregency. i typed wrongly.

my gynea charge me for those folic acid i think 30 tabs for $9. is 5mg each. then after that i got from guardian 30tabs for $1.65. i took 2 each per day total 10mg. u gals only need to take 5mg...?

emma: i duno if those maternity clothes down at beauty world aunty or not. from my coli view they are ok. quite trendy...

where exactly at is the shop at beauty world? Which level?

My gynae charge about $2++ for 42 tabs of folic acid. But I bought them from Unity at $2++ foir 100 tabs. I am also taking 2 each day, 10mg and also Duphaston.
hi eve,

last week whe i visit adrian he said my water bag small so even thou my LMP was 15th dec,last fri i m stil at 5.5weeks...n e scan he gave me had e EDD on it wic is 03rd Oct..2nite i m seeing him again..when yr next visit??chk w him during yr next visit ah..

hi dabee/pig2,

any reason for takg twice a day for folic acid?isnt it inclusive in e package?
hi pjen
My package start on the 20th week.

Currently I paying $52.50 for the consultation, excluding scan and medication.

I din ask her why twice a day, before I pregnant, I already taking once a day, is only after pregnant, she ask me to change to twice a day.
for our package with Dr Woodworth, the folic acid and the prenavit is free.... 5mg per day for folic acid..
i have also heard from my fren that folic acid is cheap at guardian.. think if u all have to pay the clinic for folic acid, might as well go guardian to buy..
Hi Pjen,

My last visit to adrain can alreday see the heart beat so the bb measured at 0.19cm. He din measured the waterbag leh...he also din tell me my EDD and the scan could not measured also. The nurse says it is too small to estimate.

Can u see your bb heart beat during your last scan? How big was your bb then? My LMP was on 18 Dec and my cycle is ard 35 days. So my EDD shld be later than yours right?

My visit to him will be schedule on next fri...can know only next fri.
