(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

edksd, i'm not sure abt the ginseng sweet whether can eat or not cos my gynae only got me to avoid ginseng. Maybe u can check with your gynae and let us know too. You can see info on ginseng in the following link:

Hmmz... there are certain seafoods that a pregnant woman cannot eat. Things like swordfish, stingray, shark as told by my gynae and the others as stated in the following links:


Happy New Year! I know it's a little late, but we still have 7 days left yes?

dwoof, so sorry to hear that. Be strong ok? Like what the other ladies say, now you must take care of yourself.

bel, I went to see Dr Eunice Chua too. When I got the bill, I almost fainted. So much! And I waited so long too. I'm thinking of changing gynae. Supposed to see her next Friday for 2nd visit, so must decide soon. Are you sticking with her? She's nice though huh?
when i had my twins, i had to take iron tablets as supplement. helps me feels less giddy. you can start on the milk anytime you want

if i am nt wrong, tuna also has high mercury content. try not to hv coleslaw as well. as for MS, usually it will go away after 1st trimester (ie: after 12wks) but some mothers to experience MS till end of pregnancy.

chng's wife,
its true that cabbage can cause bloatedness and make you feel nauseous. speaking frm experience frm my twin pregnancy

i think we can only know sex of the baby at abt 20wks, also depends on position of baby. as for 3D scan, i think its too expensive. if its not a neccesity then dont waste your money. also studies hv shown that doing too much ultrasounds may not be good for baby.
multivitamins, i am just taking the normal Centrum ones.

I stop seeing Eunice chua, coz the distance (i stay at Punggol) and the bill....moreover the package only start fr week 20 onward.

I paid abt S$205 for my first visit, how about u??

how come u say cannot eat liver? i thought its one of the foods with the highest iron content and is highly recommended by the preggie books...
eling, I'll be doing the blood test next week... I'm still taking folic acid now. Gynae will prescribe multivitamins on my next visit.
emma, liver best to be avoid as told my my gynae and preggie books too as it contain very high vitamin A which is not good for baby.
anylim i will only do my blood and OSCAR test on 20 Feb. I am also still taking folic acid. My gynae given me multi vitamin (prenaforte)and DHA tablet.
amylim & E-Ling, how many weeks are you at now?? So fast take blood test ah? Eee... Btw, what's OSCAR test?
Chng's, I'm now 10th week 2 days. OSCAR test is to test for Down's syndrome, not really can remember what other thing it involve. Know that there is some other test to test for Down's syndrome but i opt for this OSCAR test.
E-ling & amylim, I thot we will take blood test when we are in the 4th mth or so...=) not mentality prepared to take blood test so soon...
Dear mtbs, I would like to do a test here..

My aunt gave me a formula to calculate the gender of the bb..dunno how true, but would like to test on e accuracy..

If you dun mind, do PM me ur last mense month + age (as of last year). Thank u!
hi chng's wife, we dun even know the gender of our bb, how do we test if it's accurate or not. i think we've to wait a couple more mths before we know the gender, by then we'd hv forgotten all abt this test.

i think u shld do the test w those mtb who already knew the gender of their bb.
hi sasha, how much more ex is the 3D scan compared to the normal scan?

eling, right now i'm taking folic acid (5mg per day). doc says take until first trimester is over. and oso duphaston (some kind of progesterone) 3 times per day. doc will determine when to stop.

i oso had progesterone jab every wk. maybe due to my previous miscarriage and I'm pcos.
i had a scan during my last visit to gynae, tt was 5wk+. i only saw a small black dot (abt 7mm).

the next visit i'd be 7wk+ already. i hope i can see something more
so far, ive not told anyone of my pregnancy yet. coz of my previous miscarriage, my hubby said better to wait for it to stablise a bit before informing anyone.

of course the first person we'll tell to are our parents. friends doesnt really matter. as for boss, probably soon after we told our parents coz right now work is not too stressful.

actually i wish to tell our parents now. but i respect my hubby's decision.

as to when to tell, i oso duno. maybe when closer to 12th wk.
hey gals,
do u nid me to update the table for u? if yes, pls let me noe although i m no longer a sept MTB
edksd, during my 5th week it also just a dot measured 1mm only. In my 7th week is show 0.5cm then week 9 already 2.4cm. U will feel amazing to see the different ech time you went for the appt.
anylim, ur blood test include? And you pay how much for that?
I get a blood test package which cost $88 include:
1. Thalassemia
2. Hep B
4. Blood count
5. Blood Group
6. +- HIV and rubel

And also a OSCAR test + FA Scan with Uterine Doppler @ 20 week, which cost ard $298
Hi ladies,

I won't be taking any blood and urine test so soon either. My gynae will only conduct these tests after I start taking up package with him in the 12th week or so. As for type of scan, my gyane claims his machine can scan up to 4D but that he's not using this technology for me now coz baby too small, dunno how true. Scanning costs me $20 per visit right now, but once I take up package, it's included in the package price.
hi e-ling, the dot on the scan is the sac right? mine was 0.75cm. so tt was 75mm. why urs only 1mm? so i wonder are we seeing the same dot???

strange... since last evening, i did not hv tt nauseous feeling anymore until now. i duno is it a good thing or something tt i shld worry

its such an exciting ride. got morning sickness oso worry, no morning sickness oso worry. i hope there're pple like me who dun feel morning sickness everyday???
hi cookies_gal, hv u determined ur EDD?

hi d_woof, hope u're feeling better now. are u resting plenty at home?
Hi edksd,

During my last visit, my gynae didn't tell me my EDD. But based on the printout from the ultrasound scan, it says 21 Sept. I'm 7+ wks preggie now.

Is there a flu virus going around now at your offices? I noticed a lot of my colleagues feel sick over the CNY hols and still haven't recovered till today. I feel worried when I'm around them coz doctors cannot anyhow prescribe medicine to us if we fall sick. We can only depend on our own immune system and lots of rest to recover if we should fall ill. But I'd rather hope I don't fall ill at all!
hi gals:
i hv not been checking this thread... busy at work n tired.

amylim: remember i mentioned about the blood test for toxoplamsa? "virus" from dogs. i went to see my gynea last fri , the test results is negative. Thank God that i am not infected.... my gynea still insisted that i should try to stay away from my dogs... did u ask ur gynea?

woof_d: hugz hugz. i hope you are better now and resting well must really take care of your body n rebulid it.. do take lots of rest n nourish food. ok.
hi mae, why u so eager to buy maternity wear now? i tot the bump will only show ard end 1st trimester or into 2nd trimester?

paragon has a lot of nice ones. but v ex too.

i think united sq and novena sq has some too.
not eager to buy..jus wana look ard 1st cos i am quite big, worry i cannot find nice maternity wear ..hvnt bought any tho
hi pig2, yeah our edd is so close. but my doc says if there's any complication, might hv to induce earlier like 1 or 2 wks. quite scared.
d_woof, i pay for the package in ACJ Women Clinic, my gynae is Caroline Khi.

edksd, the dot that measure 1mm is the baby. not the sac as u mention. The size of the sac at that week, i am not sure leh.
maternity wear is so ex.. haha.. my pants are all too tight now... so i started buying... the pants are no cheaper than 70 and the skirts no cheaper than 50.. man... pocket one whole ah..
hi emma, when's ur edd? when did u start to feel the bump (which wk)?

normal clothes i already find it quite difficult to shop for. now for maternity, i think another headache. i realise most of the maternity clothes r sleeveless..... i dun hv toned arms to show off leh..... :p
I think 3D scan can be double or triple cost of normal US depends on your doctor etc. There is also 4D scan if you are interested. Obviously wld cost much more

is it necessary to get test done for down syndrome if your baby is nt at risk?? nv went for these tests for my first 2 pregnancies.

as for maternity clothes, hopefully if its a singleton then maybe can fit in my usual clothes till abt full term. my first pregnancy i didnt need to buy any maternity clothing. fits all my old clothes since i hv lots of stretch amd empire cut tops & dresses. try nt to buy so much maternity wear as well since you can only use for a while and its expensive.
hi all

I am from the June 06 thread & am consolidating the next bulk purchase for Neurogain Pb fish oil plus. For me, gynae recommends taking the capsules from 3rd month. It costs about $31 (30 capsules) to buy from the gynaes and pharmacies.
I have contacts to get at $26.50 each for a minimum of 5 bottles.

Pls kindly email [email protected] by 15/2/06. Thank you

Anyway, for those who are clueless abt Neurogain PB plus fish oil, these are the info.

Product Details
DHA & AA: EFA`s with a structural & functional outcome.

Everybody needs DHA & AA. DHA & AA are particularly important early in life to meet structural requirements for brain & eye development, growth and immune functions. DHA & AA enter into the composition of biomembranes and play an important role in the proper functioning of the membranes and receptor-neurotransmitter functions.

Our ability to synthesize DHA & AA from precursors ALA & LA is limited. We rely more on dietary sources of DHA & AA rather than conversion from precursors. It means, the less we get DHA & AA from our diet, the less we have in our body. At times of high requirements, like during pregnancy & lactation, such a dietary intake should not be neglected in order to minimize the risk of deprivation. DHA & AA can be found in fish & eggs.

A healthy & balanced diet is particularly important during pregnancy & lactation to minimize the risk of fetal dietary deprivation. Conditions like closely spaced pregnancies, multiple pregnancies, unhealthy maternal diet, lifestyle should require extra attention.

?Maternal DHA consumption during pregnancy and lactation continues to be studied intensively as a means to improve pregnancy outcomes as well as to optimize perinatal brain and retinal development.?

What is NeuroGain PB PLUS
NeuroGain PB PLUS is a special formulation of conditionally Essential Fatty Acids for Pregnant & Breast-feeding women. NeuroGain PB PLUS is rich in DHA, low in EPA with AA & OA to help Pregnant & Breast-feeding women meet important pre & peri natal nutritional requirements. NeuroGain PB PLUS provides a balanced intake of omega 3 Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), omega 6 Arachidonic Acid (AA) and omega 9 Oleic Acid (OA) fatty acids.

Who needs NeuroGain PB PLUS

Pregnent & breast-feeding

History of low birth weight, pre-term births

Frequent, multiple pregnancies

Allergy to fish & eggs

Poor, unbalanced maternal diet

What is the ratio of DHA : EPA in NeuroGain PLUS ?
The NeuroGain PLUS "DHA oil" is specially concentrated in DHA and diluted in EPA to mimic natural levels of DHA & EPA in the human milk in line with WHO recommendations for DHA supplementation at an early stage of life.

Early in life, high EPA levels may lead to: increased blood loss at the time of delivery , depressed AA status and affected growth.

DHA-rich edible fish oil, AA, OA, EPA and Vitamin E as antioxidant in a soft bovine gelatin capsule (gelatin, glycerine, water)

The DHA: EPA ratio in this formulation is higher than 10:1.


Dosage : Take 1 capsule daily with meals or as directed by your physician.
Welcome new mommies on the thread..

hello all,few days nvr read thread liao..almost cant catch up..looks like most gals having blood test ah..Dr ADrian nvr mention anything leh..mayb i ask him again tis fri...last chk up was quite sad for me as adrian says my water bag small..has given me hormone pills to an tai..EDD push back to 03 oct

talk abt clothes,tdy my skirt cannot wear low waist liao..getting tight at e tummy area...wahahaha...mommies who work in raffles plc can chk out e shop at e basement of raffles mrt..they hv trendy outfits..

hi cookies gal,
my office most ladies all got flu including my preggie col...wana siam oso cannot..cos e virus is from all corners..hehe...

Gals make sure yr hb do foot massage for u once a while okie..tis is to prevent water rentention..my preggie col who is gonna due 5wks frm nw got serious water retention..her feet so swollen & she cant wear her rings nw...

tdy hb send me to work so grouchy cos cte soooo jam....beri angry!!!
hi pjen, i presume u're abt 6wks pregnant?

what's the size of ur water bag? water bag = sac?

wow! so fast detect the bump already? maybe i'm bigger size, tts why to me, no difference coz before pregnant, i already hv a big bumpy tummy... :p

i think try to eat more fruits is the only way to boost our immune system.

for the retention, does anyone knows when we'll start to get retention, early stage or middle or later stage in the pregnancy?
sasha, i think i'll do one 3D scan in the later stage of pregnancy where i can see the baby features more clearly. now still early, nothing much to see i guess.
is anyone of u taking milk for pregnant women already?

anyone started out on stretch marks cream? heard tt hv to start as soon as u know u're pregnant.
hi edksd,

u are rite..nw 6weeks liao..actually by rite from my LMP this wk shod b my 8th week liao..
its okie la BB healthy can liao..
ya my bump pretty obvious even hb oso say..water rentention shod b last trimester bah..bt its gd to do massage early lor..1 of my fren who deliver recently dun experience it at all cos she make her hb massage evyday..hehe

me oso eatg more fruits bt is to cure my constipation...beri jialuk..keke...lazy to use e stretch mark cream yet
Hi pjen,

how big is your bb? did adrain measured for u? My last visit to adrain showed bb size of 0.19cm with heart beat. He din tell me the water bag size.

Do u still feel your breast to be very sore? Today i dun feel the soreness anymore...scared!
edksd, i think can start to use the stretch mark cream after 3 months. I am going to but Clarin Stretch mark prevention oil this wkend. My friend commented very good. How long is consider constipation for a pregnant women huh? I only go toilet do business every 3 or 4 days leh.
I am alreay 10 weeks, near to 11 weeks but i still never notice tummy leh maybe i'm too skinny liao? My tummy will only become big (bloated) sometime after i taken meals
Eve, me too never feel the soreness but once awhile will feel that (but not as painful as early stage). Dunno is it normal or not, worry that may not have breast milk to produce for my baby leh.

hi eve,
adrian din update e size of the BB...probably i wil ask him tis fri...my breast sore evyday esp when i sleep at nite....i cant hv big movements if not knock e breats beri pain..hehe..thk is growing at nite??

hi e-ling
i oso heard e clarins stretchmark oil is gd..me oso getting 1..hehe...my gynae say to avoid sex in e 1st trimester..
