(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi Eve,

I see... sometimes at work, I get a little sleepy too. Will steal a nap at my desk if possible. Otherwise, I can't even keep my eyes open!

Went for lunch with my hubby just now and then we went IKEA to window-shop for furniture for baby. Now, I can't wait to start doing up our baby room!

cookie's gal! you so fast start shopping alreadi ah.. my hubby and i still dun dare to shop yet.. haha... wait for everything stable first..

this period is so worrying... and they say worrying is no good for the mommy.. but like we can help it lohz... sigh...
Hi Girls
I will like to join in
as my EDD is 13th of Sept

May I know is Dr Adrian good ? Thinking of switching gynae. Currently with a gynae in RH :p
Riushiki , can u sms me (90266040) the gynae u are with RH.

I am choosing btw the gynae at RH & TMC.
Hi cookies's gal,

My office is open concept so cannot steal a sleep.

Yesterday i slept at 4pm till 7pm and then at nite sleep at 11pm again. I think i sleep like a pig now.
hi emma,
i oso dun like to puke lor....jus hate the feeling..wah piang duno hv to tahan this nausea sickness til when....tell hb oso no use he wont understand 1...

hi elaine,
Dr Adrian hasnt give me any yet...2nite going to c him..thk wil ask 1 frm him..keke..nurse say 2nite packed at SK..i better go early man..

Hv u mommies increase yr food intake?my t-break has to be twice leh if not i can really faint in e office...sometimes i feel hor my tummy grow due to my over eatg leh..hehe

Hi dwoof,
take extra care of yrself...tis is the time tat u need to recover yrself back!!rest according to wat adrian told u then u try again...best of luck!!
d_woof, sorry to hear tt. right now pls take good care of urself and try again when u're ready. grieve over it and stand up again soon.
eve, i read tt u had cramp and pain earlier on. how many wks are u into now?

im currently 6 wks 1 day. ive this funny feeling of contraction for 1-2sec once or twice per day. im not sure if contraction is the correct word to describe, it's hard to describe, it's just a feeling down there (below tummy). it's not pain but u can feel it.

im quite worried abt it. my gynae did say it may be expansion of the uterus. but i wonder when will i suppose to stop experiencing such feeling?
ive yet to experience any morning sickness or change in appetite.

ive oso heard of pple who never had any morning sickness during their pregnancy.

i only feel extremely tired easily.

my only worry is my on and off 'crampy' feeling below the tummy. what's happening to me????
dwoof, sorry to hear that. Take good care of yourself....

E-Ling, I told my boss about the pregnancy 3 weeks ago to get her mentally prepared coz there will be a few projects coming up towards the end of the year. She seemed quite ok with it. Don't worry too much. Try to find a right time to talk to your boss.

Eve, I'm into my 10th week now... Symptoms not as strong as the initial period with all the nausea etc.... But I do suffer from backache once in a while...

Pjen, I still eat as per normal (3 meals a day).... don't snack that often in the office leh...
Hi edksd,

I think i found out my pregnancy in the very early stage maybe 3wks + or 4wks. I went to my gyna very early due to some pulling pain in my right abdomen. However, he assure me that it is due to the uterus expanding.

During my first scan, i could see nothing except the thickening of the uterus (i think so!) I started to get worried cos most of the ladies here seem to saw something in the first scan.

During the 2nd scan yesterday, i managed to saw the waterbad and the foetus that measured at 0.19cm and the heartbeat which keep blinking.

By right the scan shld showed the EDD date but the nurse say it is still very small so pc cant calculate the EDD. But according to some website, i think i am 5wks 5 days today.

I can only confirmed again when i visited the gyna 2 wks later.

The pain now is lesser and my gyna say it shld fully reduced and eliminated as we progressed in teh pregnancy. Think as long as no bleeding or spotting, it shld be ok.
d woof,
so sorry to hear abt your loss. hv some rest and take some time out. try again when you feel ready.

i still dont hv any mornin sickness which is a blessing i must say. just feelin very tired and now back to takin my afternoon naps. also some days seem to hv loss of appetite. backache also bad after i do hsework.

still hv nt gone to gynae yet. i think will do so after safe zone
ok amylim, think i will find a best time to tell her if not wait till 3 month of pregnancy then inform her.

Eve, me too when i found out my pregnancy is ard 3 weeks also but no pulling kind of cramp. My first scan also can see the thickening of uterus only through the v scan.
2nd scan only saw the waterbag and a tiny little dot (baby) measured 1mm only.
Only managed to see the heartbeat blinking in my 3 visits which is 6th week pregancy and have cramp on the lower abdominal which the gynas said is very normal which cause by the expansion of the uterus. So you dun worry!
Last Satursday went for my 4th visits (9th week pregnancy), my baby already measured 2.4cm with the heartbeat rate of 169 per min. The sound of the heartbeat is more obvious during that visit.
My next visit will be 20 Feb 06 morning (12th week 3 day pregnancy)and is going to do the blood test (HIV... etc) and OSCAR test.
If you know when is ur ovulation day then u can calculate how many week pregnant more accurately. Cos i very sure my ovualation day therefore my gyna said mine estimate due date will be very accurate also.

I still got mild MS but the frequency of urine during sleep time is not that frequent these few days leh. Is it normal huh? Tot the pregnant women will have frequent urine throughout the whole pregnancy.
Really envy those not having morning sickness! For me, not just morning sickness, I have afternoon sickness and night sickness too. Whole day I can feel nausea and uncomfortable. Also, always feel tired, must sleep. So every afternnon will sleep about 1-2 hours.

Worst, this morning realise I started to have PIGMENTATION on my cheek.
d_woof, so sorry and sad to hear about your loss. dun give up, try again. And take good care of urself when u got pregnancy again. Since u are trying to conceive again, dun stop your intake of folic acid, continue it and is good for the baby also. Take care!
Hi E-Ling,

Initially i went to toilets very frequently and felt very thirsty. But as the days goes by, the urge to toilet is not as high now. I also dun wake up in the nite to visit the toilets.

Today, my breasts suddenly become very pain and it seem like expanding. My husband say wow, my breast is much bigger than normal and it looked very full.
frequency of urine will increase as you go in the later stages of pregnancy. i used to remember when i was pregnant wt my twins, i used to leak when i laugh or sneeze.
Eve, haha me too, hubby kept saying my breast look big now and feel the pain on and off lor. You feel the pain all the time? From the beginning till 6th week, my breast feel the pain and tenderness almost very day but now is like on and off one. I feel very thirsty everytime(think is because of the weird taste on my tongue), so i keep drinking water leh.

pig2, according to my gynas, she said got MS is good which mean the baby is healthy cause got enough HCG which cause the MS. I also got MS in the morning, afternoon and night. No appetite at all but feel hungry very easily. Not appetite to drink pregnancy milk and fish also, see liao already wanna vomit.
E-Ling, tat's why I try think positive, MS is good! My appetite is ok, still can eat. But got craving for chilli and hot stuff.
sasha, really ah? I dun like that kind of feeling will make me worry whether is it discharge, urine or bleeding!!

pig2, haha i also craving for hot and spicy food leh. Same same leh, but they said eat spicy food not good, but i just couldnt control and eat leh. Then i kept thinking of drinking ice lemon tea, coke (which i dun drink last time) and green tea sometime will just cant control and drink. Is it ok for baby or not huh?
E-Ling, tea and coke got caffeine, drink moderately! Too much caffeine is not good. I also trying to cut down the taking of hot and spicy food, because will feel miserable after vomiting!
pig2, oh is it. then i will try to control it, hope can. I am still ok normally eat liao wont vomit. is just that milk and fish will make me feel nausea. There is only once i drink milk then vomit. So xin ku leh
hi D Woof... so sad to hear abt ur loss. Dont give up! Build up ur body 1st & try again when u r ready.
hi Pjen.... everytime i go he will sure give me a copy of e scan. how many wks r u in?? so far i 1st see him in my 6wks...7wks..then 8 wks..so got 3 copies of scan from him.
if u r less than 6 wks then maybe tat's e reason y he didnt give u any copy of e scan if nothing can be seen. not to worry just ask him tonight.
pig2 n E-ling, i also like to eat spicy food now n if the food does not has chilli, it seem tasteless.

So far no MS yet. btw, how many wks r both of u in now?
E-Ling, tend to visit the toilet more often at night now as compared to the past...
Try to eat something which you feel like eating even though you don't have any appetite...
Eve, i am in my 9th week 6 day. Tmr will be 10th le. EDD is 2 Sept 06. How abt you? My baby measured 2.4 cm liao in 9th week compare to 7th week which is 0.5cm only, so grow quite fast and feel so surprise.
I do take back all the scan and compare really amazing
Hi E-Ling,

I think i am 5wks 5 days today. My bb measured only 0.19mm yesterday. Wow, your EDD date is my birthday.

Your bb will has the same birthday as me.

I check on the web and it include that my EDD might fall on 1st Oct (which is children day).
hi everyone,
really thanx for ur encouragement....appreciate it.......trying to put all back into pieces....
Eve, wah children day ah, good for your baby mah, children day no school then can celebrate his or her birthday. wahaha...
But is still depend deliver day wont be so accurate one maybe deliver before or after EDD also, we wont know one
MTBs, Happened to find this and find it fun and good to keep track of baby day. But i tried, think cannot post it here. Tried on my friendster and blogs can leh, quite fun. Maybe you all can try.

Hi d woof,


Sorry to hear about your loss. However, it's very important that you take care of your health now. Try to eat nourishing food like those for confinement to "bu" your body to prepare for your next attempt. If you need any confinement recipes, can go to idobaby.com.sg to check them out! Meanwhile, can always chat back in our June brides thread or something!
Hi all,
just tested +ve. been to see a GP who is doing some blood test for me. results should be out tml. Could anyone please advise what i should do next? i so confuse & lost. Which Gynae should i look for? have been having cramps too. is this normal? this is my first pregnancy and i'm so frighten i'll lose it...
hi koh, Congrat!Think the GP is taking the blood test to check the HCG level (pregnancy hormone)or to test whether it is ectopic pregnancy ba? Think you just wait for the result first and can start to look for a gynae. All of us are with different gynae, is still depend on which gynae you are confortable with. Cramp is very normal provided without any bleeding or spotting. Anything you can just check with us. But for now just avoid those food that are not good for pregnancy like shark fin (those fish with high contain of mercury), liver, coffee, cooling drink (grass jelly, barley), ginseng, banana etc. Best Avoid those skin product that contain ANY use of vit A, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, retinol and retin-A, AHA, BHA and PHA.
thanks e-ling. thou i m mentally prepared for a bb, it still caught me off guarded when i saw the double red line.seems tat everthings gonna change. feel so uncomfortable trying to squeeze into my old clothes. should i buy now or wait a while more? where can i get gd deals? i tink i also like u, crave for coke like crazy.. hahaha
koh, think dun buy any maternity clothes yet until 3 months later or until tummy show. do you know roughly how many week you are? when is ur last menses? haha me craving for coke but my advice to drink moderate if not dun drink better.
bel, what blood test you are toking abt? If you mean the blood test to test the HCG level then think you dun have to do if ur gynae already confirm the baby is at the right place through the tummy scan. The blood test to check the HCG level is done during early pregnancy where the gynae cannot see the embryo (baby) yet through the tummy scan and they will take ur blood to confirm is not ectopic pregnancy (baby outside the uterus - not at the correct place). If you mean the blood test to test for Down's syndrome, then it is best to do.
Eling, i'm about 4-6 weeks i guess. i've receive my test result today. my blood seems to be a little low on iron. need to replenish it according to the doc. otherwise i feel more tired easily. ohter than tat, guess i m putting on abit of wt as my pants feel abit tighter. can i start drinking milk formula for mummy like enffamama?
koh, yah you can start drinking it if you want. Of cos will be better for your baby. Cos i also drink it once i discovered i am pregnant but stop during my week 8 cos when seeand drink it wanna vomit so stop for now first then will start again once MS over. Have you find a gynae?
Hi mtbs, saw some posts that u gals have stated that you felt nausea for 24 hrs...me too.. Before or after food also wanna puke!! So sick... Today, I had puked twice le..
So sad, I have lost all my appetite. Dunno when then will recover.
hi i started to feel nauseous too for 24hrs starting last weekend (6th wk+ into my pregnancy).

its really uncomfortable though i did not puke at all. whole day feel like zombie, tired, dun feel like doing anything, feeling bloated all the time.

i think i shld go and buy some sour plums.

i heard tt this morning sickness feeling will go away ard 13-14th wk.
oh no i just had shark fin once during cny. i hope it's not too much to cause any impact.

e-ling, what are the high mercury fishes?

i oso had some ginseng sweets tt day :p
hihi, me too hopefully will goes off after 13 weeks cos heard some MTB commented that most of them still suffer from MS after 1st trimester. This make me worry man. Sour Plum no use for me, so jialat leh. Me going to sign up a package with my gynae in my next visit and do the blood and OSCAR test. Very nervous.
May i know what multi vitamins or medicine you all are taking?

edksd, I saw a posting advising not to eat too much cabbage and onion, as it causes bloatedness. I dunno how true. Jus for info.

If there's any food that will cause bloatedness, do advise, pls....
