(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi pig2, I'm so worried when I go for my 1st scan...can't even see a thing. Hehehe. At least, now can see a little bean.

Hey Chng's wife,

Adrain gave me folic acid, hormones pill and multivit. It cost me $151...

Hope that the pain will goes off slowly as the time goes by. Are you taking any hormones pills also?

Actually before i was pregnant, i was visiting a chinese physician. And she gave me some herbs to antai.

But the chinese phys asked me to give 3hrs in differences bet chinese + western medicine.
Hi Eve,

I'm also taking the hormones pills...but i excused myself from taking these few days. Felt nausea after taking the pills...so yucky...
I paid $550 for the package. But the hormones pills got to pay $25 separately. He gave me 6 days MC last week to rest after I complain abt the cramp and pain.
Bel, Im seeing dr LC Foong at Gleneagles. Nice Doc. My gynae have not spoken to me abt the package. Think this will come after the 1st trimester.
Hi everybody,

i need yr advise, i hv book a japan tour last mth but after booking and make the full payment, i realise i pregnant...should i go or cancel the trip...if i cancel now i can't get my $$ back..sigh...
Hi Chng's wife,

Adrain asked me whether 1 mc but i told him that it is ok. The reason is i din tell my boss and none of my collegues know abt it.

So after your rest, do you feel better?

Does anyone heard of the myth that do not let anyone tap on your shoulder? Just now my collegues just tap on my shoulder and my abdominal started to pain again?
Eve, I find sufficient rest seriously helps. But whenever I go shopping, I'll get the cramps when I got home.

My colleague did advise me on tat...but just dun get so affected by it. Talking abt myth, there's so much stuff that the elders will advise you not to do.
Hi Chng's wife,

hee hee...that is wat my husband told me too.

So i am trying to relax and sleep more. But i always feel very sleepy after lunch and at times, i could dozed off. Last time, i always go back home after 8 or 9. But this week started, i cannot tanhan so go home after 5. You can imagine i still need to drive on the cte which is always so pack. Sometimes, i dun even know how i managed to reach home.

Think my collegues are wondering how come i been going home so early recently...
thanks for the info. just found out that under new pro-family section, i can still use medisave for 4th child so thats gd news...hopefully no need to spend so much in cash

let me know what your decision is also...we are still comparing...

when is your trip? i wld advise nt travelling in 3rd trimester...i was travelling at 24wks during my twin pregnancy and by time i came back, i delivered at 29wks. travelling and walking a lot can be stressful to the baby thus leading to prematurity!!

you and hubby shd go do a blood test for thalassaemia as it can affect your baby and can be quite serious especially if you or hubby or both are positive!!
bel, travelling during 1st & 2nd trimester should be ok. Just need to be more careful

sasha, I'll be doing a blood test for thalassaemia, HIV & down syndrome during my next visit...

Anyone experience pain in the feet / ankle area so far? I had that this morning... Not sure if it is normal during pregnancy. Went to see my gp... she said it's rheumatic pain...
Eve, I also feel tired easily...imagine i actually dozed off at 7pm while watching my fav show. So angry!

Amylim, how many blood test are we suppose to go thru? I have not been to any yet.
hello *sasha*,
toking abt thalassaemia, my hubby has it...itz in the family trait...for me, i dun tink i haf but den haf not done any test on tis.......where can i do a test which is cheaper? i tink if u ask ur gynae to do it....it will be expensive...

chng's wife,
who is ur gynae? u mean the hormone pills are nt included in the package?

u sign up wif Adrian rite after the 1st visit? i din n i paid $111 for the 1st visit....i tink when i visit him tis fri, i will sign up wif him.....me too....din tell anyone yet even my best friends....onli my mummy knows n my brother in law knows....my parents-in-law oso dunno....dun intend to tell them until everything is stable n confirm......
u can get folic acid from the unity pharmacy..itz much cheaper....100 tablets for 2 dollars + onli....

hey bel,
ya actually, can start the package since the 1st visit but den i was still decising whether to stick to tis gynae so i paid per visit......the package costs $550
Hi amylim,
but the doctor advise me not go go leh... sob sob..she just come back fr Japan and she say the weather there very bad..moreover i got bleeding last week....

feel very sad..i haven't prepare to hv baby now..very scare of the process of pregnant and giving birth... since the day one i know i'm pregnat, i not even can hv a good sleep..sigh...
hi woof,

but they stated the package only start weeks onward leh..i also never ask the nurse, coz my hubby not with me that day and i was so consfuse and dun know what to ask.

I pay abt S$205 for my first visit and hv my 2nd visit again on 4 Feb.
Hi ladies,

I went for my first gynae check on Sat. However, couldn't detect any heartbeat, which if I'm 7+ weeks pregnant, it's not a good sign.
But based on the size of my pregnancy sac, gynae say I might only be 5 weeks pregnant. So, will be going for follow-up check this Friday. Hopefully, the baby is a healthy one.

I was also prescribed hormone pills. Previously, I don't suffer from any morning sickness but because of the pills, I now suffer from nausea and some appetite loss. Luckily, no vomitting so far.
d woof,
the national thalassaemia centre is located at KKH, children's tower level 7 i think. when i went, they charge $12 for the test. so you might want to check that out.
some family members of mine hv thalassaemia also but thank god hubby and i dont.
Hi d woof,

I din take up the package with Adrain cos i am thinking of waiting for it to be stable. I am not sure why my charges are so high? But i have an additional bottle of medicine for "liao sia". But i dun think it will has a differences of $40.

But adrain gave me 2 boxes of hormones pill. How many do you have?
hello bel,
maybe different gynae practise differently....mayb u can find out more on the nx visit...

halo sasha,
can i do a blood test at the polyclinic? do they haf this service?

oh i noe liao...i onli haf a box which last me for a wk onli and 24 tablets of multi-vit...as i told him i haf folic acid so he din prescribe to me.......maybe the difference is a box of hormones pills....as mentioned by chng's wife, she paid $25 for the hormones pills......could be tat reason....so when do u intend to sign up wif him.....for wat i noe, u can pay partial of it den till the delivery date u will haf to pay the rest...my hubby was oso asking me tis too...mayb i will clear tis doubt wif Dr Adrian tis fri....

cookie's gal,
i guess u r seeing Dr Lawrence Ang rite...so how much did he charge u? is the waiting time to see him long?
hi all,

i went to see my gynae last saturday... was experiencing some spotting... i should say the spotting was getting more and more... and thicker too... so i was quite worried lor.... luckily baby alright.. doctor cannot find any bleeding after the scan ... so she say the spotting might be caused by the homone changes in the body.. but will go away soon lah...was quite relieve when hearing that... hehe

then last saturday.. manage to see my baby heartbeat... hehe... keeps blinking and blinking.. hehe... i started to cry when i saw on screen.. cos relieve that baby is alright mah...a bit drama i know.. but happy lah.. hehehe... my hubby came in just in time to say hi to our baby.. hehe... he also amazed to see the heartbeat lor.. hehe... baby is about 0.45cm lor... doctor say baby looking healthy ...is about 6 weeks into my pregnancy liao lor...

she print a picture of the scan for us too... hehe... my gynae is Dr Chen Chern Yi.. at punggol lor.. cos near my home mah...

her charges i think is quite reasonable lah.. consultation fee is $65..she didn;t mention about package leh.. maybe is still early stage bah...
hi woof,
i still haven't decide which gynea to go.
i have make an appointment with her for my 2nd visit...dun know whether should i try other gynea or not.
Hi d woof,

Yup, seeing Dr Lawrence Ang. I paid about 120 for the visit, of which $70 will be offset as payment towards my package of $550 when I take up the package at week 12. Waiting time was okay coz my appointment was the last slot on Sat at 1pm. Waited less than 1/2 hr.
d woof,
am not sure whether you can get this tested at the polyclinics as it also involves looking at your dna so not sure if a polyclinic will be equip for such tests. it takes a mth before you get results.
hi gals:
my gynea Dr YC Goh at thomson plaza, charge $65 for consult + $65 for scan for first visit. folic acid i think $9 for 28 tabs. during 1st visit did weight check n blood pressure.

as found a drop of blood, call nurse, she insisted that i need to see the gynea immediately so i went lunch time, i was given jab ($35) n hormones pills (white tabs at $20 per bottle (20pcs)) n gynea insisted that i rest on bed for a week!!!! i tot he is abit too cautious but better listen to him. so bcos of my long MC now all my colleagues know that I am p!!!! after my mc, i went to see him again before i went back to work, he gave me another jab (for an tai) n another bottle of hormones pills. i also did a blood test ($50)for if i have the anti bodies for parasites from dog faeces.... cannot remember cant endo what plasma.. i told him that i hv two dogs, that is why he suggest this blood tests n asked me to stay away from my dogs.

sub visit is scan $50 consult $50, package of $700 from 16 weeks. his delivery fee is $600, cearsean is $900. can go TMC or Mt Alvenia.

ya like what charis mentioned our gynea dr goh everything also cannot, interesting guy...
d woof,

my gynae is Dr Adrain Woodworth. I got to pay hormone pills separately leh.

Are all the mommies here taking hormones pills?? Any nausea feeling after taking??
I feel like stopping the pills, do advise!
Hi d woof,

Adrain told me abt the packages but we are thinking of signing up only when everything is stable. That amt is nonrefunable.
hi all
I just came back from my visit to my gynae.

According to her, everything is ok. Saw the gestational sac! I'm 5 weeks pregnant.

I will be seeing her 4 weeks later. No need for any medication, since I already taking folic acid and ANNMUM.
hi chng's wife
The gestational sac is the small amnionic cavity containing the fetus that exists in early pregnancy. Can see the yolk sac too. Praise the Lord, the size of my gestational sac is appropriate for 5th week.
pig2, when's ur EDD? We might hv the same EDD date. Haha, I went to see gynae on monday, he told me i'm at my 5th week too. =)
hey cookie's gal,
wa so gd huh can deduct from the package...sounds very reasonable......does the package starts at wk 12?

i oso lost at this pt lor but den since quite a number of gd comments abt Dr Adrian so decided to stick to him lah..dun wan to think so much....

chng's wife,
i m taking the pills too...coz the 1st time i c him is bcoz there's mild pain in my tummy...so he says take beta to stablise the condition.......i thot the hormones pills have to stop if u r allgery to it....mayb u give Dr Adrian a call to check out wif him......

ya lor but when r u gng to sign up the package...arent u paying more if u sign up later....

will check out wif my gynae when i c him again...
Hi bc778.

I tried to check the schedule for discovery channel for the 'Conception and Birth' show but can't seems to find leh. Do you know what is the timing of the show? Thanks
Hi d woof,

Eh...not too sure. Think it starts around wk 12 or so... the nurse will let me know when to start taking up package.
bel, best to follow the advice from your gynae. Try selling the package to your relatives or friends....

dabee, I think you are referring to toxoplasmosis. Must we really stay away from dogs during the 1st trimester coz I've got a dog at home?...

Chng's wife, am not taking any hormone pills.... not sure how many blood tests we need to go thru.

I paid about S$120 for the first visit, which includes charges for the gynae, ultrasound and folic acid + nausea pills. Don't think I'll be signing up for any package as my company will be paying 90% of the bill (both consultation & delivery).
Hi Pig2,

How many days cycle is your period? Mine is ard 33 to 35 days. So my gyna say that mine still very early and cannot see the sac yet.

But the funny thing is my LMP is on 18 Dec whereas yours is on 20 Dec, but you are able to see the sac today?

When i entered my LMP in a number of wedsite to calculate the EDD, it mentioned that mine is still at 4 wks. So i am quite confused....

d woof,

I will sign up maybe next visit or the 3rd one.
Mine is 26-28 days cycle. I tested +ve on CD27, which is 15th January.

Maybe because my cycle days are shorter, that's why can see sac today. Just wild guessing.

My gynae said I am 5 week pregnant. Some of the wedsites also calculate as 5weeks.
hi everybody,

The package yr all mention about incl how many time of consultation and scan and etc??? can anybody tell me more detail? thank you.

My package is S$500, start fr week 20 onward, incl the following:
1. 4 weekly visit from week 20 to 32. 2 weekly to 36 weeks and weekly thhereafter

2. Routine urine test for protein and sugar

3. Two fetal growth scan at appropriate gestation

4. Post-natal visit at 6 weeks after delivery.
hi babes..

i'm with dr woodworth too..
still puzzled cos he looks very chinese.. hehe...

aniwyz.. i am seeing him everyweek.. and i am on the hormorne pills too... am now on 1 week MC cos the kids in sch are having a chicken pox outbreak and i have to stay away from them...

juz curious... is it normal that in the 7th, i am still not able to see the baby's heartbeat??? kinda worrying...when was the earliest u saw ur baby's heartbeat?
Hi Amy,
so good yr company pay up to 90% of yr bill.

Yr first visit only cost S$120.00? so cheap compare to me. I pay $205 for consutlation, ultrsound and some medicine. which hospital u went and which gynea??
hey amy,
ya ur com so nice leh...i wan to join..hehe

wow tat's expensive...i nearly fainted when i see the price $111, dun mention abt $205......

oic...so u r a teacher huh....i haf no idea of when will we c the heartbeat..heard tat in 6th wk can hear liao but den my appt is tml...will update u again...haf ur tummy shows oreadi?
wonder in which wk will the tummy shows...

ok...i tink i will clear my doubts tml n sign up wif him as itz my second visit liao...
d woof,

dun know why so exp....and is my first time i tot this is normal charges! sigh

i remember the medicine cost 40, then 70 for consultation and 90 for scan lor...the rest is GST...

and moreover the package only start 20 weeks onward, that mean fr now till week 19, i need to pay everytime i visit her.

btw..how can we see or hear the baby heart beat?? from ultrasound scan?? i will be going for my second appointment next sat...very kan cheong...

my first visit only doing the "external scan" (scan fr my tummy).. the doctor want to do the internal scan but i dun want...feel pai say leh
hi Emma,
u r seeing Dr Adrian Woodworth too ah... did u sign his package cos really worth it... especialy can always see him when we not well.

I went for my scan in 7th wk... able to see e heartbeat liao... e doc will show u something blinking in e monitor...tat's e baby heartbeat but not to worry... wait for another 1 week cos my gynae says if 8th week still no heartbeat then got to check whether baby growing well or not..
hi elaine.. ya.. i signed on the first visit.. haha.. cos the first bill was alreadi 170.. so might as well sign.. somemore can pay half first.. so we have only paid 300. and i have been to see him 3 time since..
hehe.. so i think its quite worth it.. then u can juz go to him as many times as u need.. flu or fever also can go..
but best is dun fall sick lahz.. hehe..

hihi d woof..
yaya.. i'm a teacher.. hehe.. dunno when then can see heartbeat lehz.. he said it was normal.. but i am still worried.. my tummy not realli shown yet.. but my pants are alreadi too tight.. cos eat too much.. haha...

u guys lehz? planning to get maternity wear alreadi???
hi bel...
i thought e gynae will only do external scan(ultra sound scan) unless they cant see anything from that then they got to do vaginal scan for u.
but anyway to make sure everytime u go for e scan can see e baby then must drink lots of water n try not to empty ur bladder b4 seeing e doc......
bel, I'm seeing Dr Yu Su Ling, Senior Consultant with O&G in SGH. She used to be the head of service for 2 terms, but stepped down recently. S$205 for the first visit is very ex leh...

I think most stat boards & ministries offer that medical benefit to employees (company pay 90%, employee pay 10%)... but I heard from my hubby that some big mncs foot 100% of the maternity bill for the employee....
I'm so happy - managed to find 2 books by Dr Miriam Stoppard on pregnancy in the library just now. Shall be reading them over the CNY holidays.

Hi Emma,
My clothes are also starting to feel tight but think I can still tahan for another month or so before I have to look for new clothes. Luckily, some of my clothes for CNY are quite loosely cut around the waist area or else it'll be quite a waste(wasn't expecting to be preggie when I went shopping). As it is, I bought myself 2 new pairs of heels for work and think I'll have to sell them rather then let them stay unused at home for a year.
hey cookie.. i bought a pair of heels before i found out i was preggie too.. hehe.. but i love it too much.. so i think i shall be keeping it.. hehe... maybe now still can wear to those places where i dun have to stand for too long.. hehe... muz quickly find an opportunity to wear them.. hehe..
elaine, the technician who did the scan for me at SGH said try not to drink so much water before going for the ultrasound as it may be difficult to see the baby. She actually asked me to empty the bladder coz can't see the baby on the first attempt.

Hi d woof,

Do you still have the pain and cramps now? The pain now not so srong but i started to feel cramp. Very funny...


Think my cycle is around 33 to 35 days and tested positive on CD35. When i keyed in the date, it mentioned that i am 4wks so i just have to wait for 2 wks before seeing Adrain again.
