(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

ooh congrats lucida... 1st tri liao huh.
hmm.. u take care... maybe take some manuka honey or supps to boost ur immune.

gd tat u hv plan to be SAHM.

Congrats! I think u need alot of rest.

Are u sure u wanna stop work and coach ur child from P1 - 3? If the kids are prepared, i believe they still be able to handle P1 & 2 work but starting P3 will be quite different. P3 will be tougher and most kids result will tend to drop a bit. Later by P6 PSLE, I saw many of my collicks who is away for half the yrs to help in the exam.

Dun know why parents now are so "ku ming" or we are too responsible to our kids.
Hi Hong, I suppose we love our children too much. Actually i intend part time in one or two years time. Just want to spend more time with children and still have time to pursue my own interest. So now have to spend less.. lately been spending more due to medical fees etc.. now we learn.. no need to bring Yujie see specialist. Normal GP can already.
Yesterday i was given Ventolin and it cost only $15 at the KK pharmacy. Yujie last time was given Ventolin by the specialist also and it cost $60!!! I think all padietrician and gynae are millionaires!
well, even if the PD and Gynae r not millionaires they shld have hundreds over K in the bank.

Best will be that the kids dun fall sick so easily. hahaha..

Part time - why not if ur household income can substain. Last time older folks feel that home cooked meal are cheaper but that also depends. 2 adults and 2 kids - it is still cheaper to eat out (normal hawker food) then to prepare a 3 dishes meal. Of course, home cooked meal are healthier.

Guess the home cooked meal cost cheaper may only apply to bigger family.

More time - hmm i didnt find I can do much with the kids on weekends. Dun know where has my time gone.
Cough like mad. non stop. took 2 spoon ful of cough mixture also no use. Took manuka also no used. Took cough lozenges also same. I really worried for my baby.. VEry tired!
lucida - aiyoh... maybe u wan to try TCM medi for your cough. think maybe now it's ur "peak" for your cough... it shd only get better from now on.
Congrats on your pregnancy! I'm also thinking of working PT in future in order to coach Kay in her sch work. Probably by P2/P3.

Have to consult how Dsii manages with the pri sch work since she's going thru them now with her elder son. Haha.

For me, any gd pri sch within the vincinity is gd enough for me. 'Branded' schs might be gd academically but I dun think they emphasise much on civic moral education etc. I used to be a relief teacher in Rosyth, btw. :p
Hi Hong, Actually i was thinking why i more ganjeong about my son that my parents was with me. For what i know if my mum has to work very hard to support the family and she doesn't have time to be with us and "educate" us per say since she did not receive much education as well. When i compare myself with children whereby parents spent more time with them, they seems to be more confident and did well in school. But of course, we all learn and managed by ourselve and all well turns well. I'm sure if given a choice, my mum would want to spend more time with me as well. So it's not that parents love their children more now. The love is all the same. Just that if we can afford it (both time and $), we would choose to give more to our children. And because we receive more education, we know the importance of early education and concern with overall developments of our children. But of course cannot "protect" too much. But sometimes it's really difficult especially if only one child, we will tend to pamper.. haha.. what to do.. have to be more firm

Now when Lucas see that I'm starting to get angry with him he will immediately kiss my hand and look at me with his "innocent" eyes. Than my heart soften already.. faint..
Hmm..to me, a good neighbourhood pri sch shld emphasise equally on academic education & moral education. Best is the pri sch is within walking dist from home. Haha.

I heard there're a few gd neighbourhood schs around my area. Like Xinmin Pri, Punggol Pri & Hougang Pri.

I'm forced to be KS cos I'm very "lucky" to be in an area where the 2 nearby schools (within walking distance or direct from condo) are very popular. So if we don't do anything, chances of J ending up in a school furthest away from home is really high. Then it's dummy whammy.
good pri schs

i rem reading sthg abt East View Pri in the papers few days ago..neighbourhood sch i think. But i thot their teaching strategies etc r so interesting & varied. Would not mind such a sch for my child actually. Of course, must still go down to the sch to look at the discipline of the kids, focus on values & good habits etc.
My advice to all is to study/analysis the chances of getting into your preferred sch...I have fren who went balloting under ph 2B, failed, reg again under ph 2C failed again..finally managed to get a sch under ph 2C supp...but is the last sch in her mind..v stressful process...
I am glad that I do not need to go thru the balloting process for my elder ger tis year
Cheri - Go down to the sch to look at discipline of the kids. How? usu the sch wont allow strangers to go in right? What do you observe, esp on values and good habits. How do we know they impart/ emphasize such things to kids?
hehhee...hang ard the vicinity to observe the kids after sch? like how they behave after sch..?
i oso dunno...but hor i used to see those sec schs..hang ard the void decks...bus stops..on bus etc..haiyo...see liao at times oso headache...
I guess Dsii has a pt. If u intend to send E to pri sch nearby, it's quite common to see schoolkids from these schs around ur area. Observe how they behave. It might be an indication. Another way is to go MOE website. If I'm not wrong, it shld be some descriptions of the schools, their values, achievements etc etc. Else, ask around with frens who are teachers lor...
prior to the P1 registration process, some schs actually allow u to make an appt to enter the sch, tour ard etc. Ask them for their past sch newsletters etc & u can hv an idea too of the kind of activities they hv in the sch.

Like dsii mentioned, surveying the nearby vicinity of the sch will tell u a lot abt the kids...after sch hours is best hehe cos kids will b hanging ard after sch. Can even talk to the parents who pick their kids up if u r frenly type.
ya ya..agreed with u..after sch..can see lots of stuff de....saw pri sch kids...'flirting' with the boys..pengz primary sch leh...then back of the bus...giggling..'flirting' etc...i wanna faintz..cant imagine if iz like this...hmm..will i pull his ears and go straight home...?
"spy" ard schs - think only SAHM can do it. by the time FTWM comes home - sky dark liao! wahahaha

MOE website/open hse/sch newsletter - well, those are "marketing" talk. sure put down v nice stuff right? i dun think they wld put - how many kids kenna public canning due to behaviour problems? hahhha

of cos best is by word of mouth - frens who are trs? frens/neighbours/colleagues with kids in the sch...

Like my mom - I told her maybe XXX is one of my consideration. Her reaction damn big... straight away condemn it! wahahhaha :p
Hmm.. i feel that whether good or no good, branded schools are pretty subjective to individual.

Not fair to condemn the whole field for just a few bad crops bah.
Hahahha...suddenly all the topics start floating up. I also very kiasu, already start eyeing a few primary in preparation for the registration.

Like MTDT stated, there are always black sheeps around at every school no matter how good the school is.

But I guess its only natural that every parent would have to have give their kids a good start. The rest is really up to them
wah...just nice, I was talking to my hubby about choice of pri school for Arin and this topic came up in the forum.

I want to send Arin to a girls' school, so I guess I boh bian...have to be PV..in any case, my parents' place only have one pri school within walking distance, so would probably have to volunteer anyway...may as well as do it at a school of our choice, rather than risk kena sent to a school at some inconvenient location.
Zoom down to 2 school as of now. 1 is Tao nan, the other is Maha Bodhi, amanda primary school last time.

Still cracking my head, asking my friends who are teachers in primary school now for advice.
Asking my friends for advice now lor. Still got time to ask around, rather than wait until the day get nearer then mad rush.

Mine is EC, so until next year than can buy, so no need rush, now is property bubble, hope it burst next year then I go in. If not then suck thumb.

Just curious if parents from that primary school, do we still need to shift near or ballot? Or under phase 2A straight go in?
Hi mummies,

Talking about P1 registration. I am very stress now...

next year is my ger turn but just realised too late if considering the grassroots and the PV routes.

If parent or sibling has studied in the school of choice, shoule be able to secure a place..i think..
lucida - haha.. MS huh. tat's my 2 nephews sch now. why u like abt MS?

sigh.. too bad.. cousins dun hv "priority" hahhaha

tat area v ex meh? :p
Are u MAD?

Go Maha bodhi lah. Do u know how many parents hope they are in ur shoes now where one of the parents is an old ger/boy. I also hope I can enrol my kids there. One major reason - religion. Very good review of the teachers. So good teachers = motivated students = good results.

No matter where u stay, u can get into MB at phase 2A.

I am old ger of Temasek Pri but I am not intend to move to Bedok for the school. I dun have the captial to shift hse and I really like my current place.

So I hope i can get into Phase 2C for the school I want next yr.

NOIF, which school are u aiming?
working mums/parents oso can take leave what...to get an idea of the sch for ur child for the next 6 years, sacrificing some days of leave is worth it, no? which sch r u eyeing for Z?

i hv a fren who's tg in maha now...what do u wanna know? i can check wif her hehe. Tao Nan should be more stressful than Maha.

wanna go MS, no need buy property lah, if u r catholic oso can...my cousin's kid is oso there...but always hear her complaining abt her son's teachers. Sometimes, it's really up to ur luck. Whether ur child gets good teachers. Even so, getting a good teacher for one year doesn't mean he will be so lucky for the next few years. So i'll feel safer going for overall climate of sch. Usually, if sch leader is sound & humane, teachers will also work happily there. Higher chance of success that they will treat our kids well haha.
MB is temporarily at Circuit Road, within 1 km of my MIL place. She claims the standard has dropped based on feedback from others, hence chose Geylang Methodist over MB for my nephew.

Alumni student is almost guaranteed a place. No need to fret.
I don't hv details, just her feedback. I thought MB is a very good school too and also recommended to her/SIL but kena rejected... Probably for the afiliation to GMSS too..
Lok, MB have shifted back to their new premises at Jln Ubi.
The circuit rd will be taken over by kong Hwa Pri cos the school will go thru renovation for 2 yrs.

Parents are talking abt affliation but I feel the kid shld try to work well for the sec school they wanna get in.
Hmmm, GMSS better? GMSS not sap school base on MOE website.


Correct me if I am wrong, but base on MOE website
Maha bodhi already shifted permanently to Ubi leh.


Cheri, just want to understand what are MB key focus and strengths in their education system. Feedback from my friend who is a teacher that MB primary school teacher standard is damm high and is always a common topic among the teachers.

I thinking of sending my gals to SCGS, but donno the school will take me as PV leh..my mother was old girl...but hoh, too bad last time out of convenience, she enrolled me in neighbourhood school which has since closed down...

looking at girls school near my parents place around tiong bahru ah..but not much choice
