(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


yah i wear the binder after my 5day massage ended too. cos the traditional bind a bit mafan want to tie. wonder which is better.

i try to wear the binder all the time cos when take off, can feel tummy like jelly so makes me uneasy.

feza, yah lah.. melayu... memberss.. hehe

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ur sarah v cute! wah, actually ur labour really quite short and smooth

if lie down all the time, wont bed run the risk of being stained by the post-preg menses (is it called lochia??)

congrats to u on ur bb boy
wat is the binder for? sorry think i m a bit suaku here...cos i din see my sis n sis-in-law using this stuff last time..
does it help to tone the tummy?
how big is the tummy after delivery or when u discharge from hospital? i was wondering i should wear my maternity cloth during discharge or?

by e way, have u any recommendation on infant furnitures, like chest drawer..cos i been shopping around but couldn find any good n nice one.
err... dunno if it s ok to write in a mix of english and malay here.. but never mind ok girls.. it a pleasure to have someone who speaks my language.. although i understand all three... hahaha.. yr babe dah in yrs hands while i m still waiting for mine to come.. bila my turn?? every single day i have ppl asking me when s the bb gonna come?? even strangers..

can i replace stella in becoming the paranoid one?? when is my bb gonna come??
Hi gals,

Recvd Etelle's sms, since 4am, she is 5cm dilated now. Jia you!!!!

Hi Fan,
My total bill for the stay in hospital included 2 days induction stay + 3 days C-sec stay + baby charges etc, total bill abt $4K plus. After CPF medisave, I paid abt $1.4K (Cash) in total.
So if u opt for c-sec straight away, dun tink its as much as i'm paying cos mine got induction charges.
As for the abdominal binder for C-sec, its included in the bill..not sure how much. Cos after u operate, ur gynae will bind u straight

Thanks to all who compliment abt my gal's lips..yeah, tink she inherts my lips...when i was a newborn, my lips oso like dat..hehehe

Now me still trying to manage the pain my c-sec wound..when i try to walk, damn pain, mus walk like an old lady..

To those who juz given birth, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
those who havnt, JIA YOU & GD LUCK!!!
Hi babycutie
So you also not very sure she's reliable or nt?
Based on receipt reliable?

But so far how's her skill?

Hi Babycutie

Can your maid handle both ? Is your gal attending playgroup now ? My gal is attending 3 hr playgroup daily, and my maid will be the one looking after both of them.

I wore the wacoal binder immediately after the confinement and wore it to sleep at nite too. i stopped wearing it when I can fit into all my clothes. Have you bought it already ?

Hi Marcia

Congrats on the arrival of your baby boy ! I am still waiting for my turn.

Hi Vs,

The binder is to tighten/tone the abs muscle but personally i like corset better but corset is extremely uncomfortable and the tightess is as tight as the malay cloth binding, hardly breathable.

After delivery, will still look like 5 month pregnant. If I am not wrong, the weight loss right after delivery is about 3-4 kg, yes, wear your maternity clothing upon discharge.

For infant furnitures, try Ikea. They have good range of chest drawers and cupboards.

Hi Feza Haron

I hate it when ppl kept staring at me and my tummy commenting that it's sharp and must be a boy, some even stop me and ask. One even pointed at me and asked his wife to stare and stare till my hubby told him off.
Hi Claire,

I opt for 2 bedder, very cosy. The charge for 2 bedder and 4 bedder oni diff by $100+, rather opt for 2 than 4. (My personal opinion)

The food, nurses, and the environment etc all very nice and accommodating. No regret choosing Mt.A.

i have that too.. they keep commenting that my tummy is sharp and pointed therefore it has to be a boy.. when i tell them no it s a girl, they give me the 'are you sure??' look.. anyway, i read in a book saying that the shape of the tummy is not determine by the gender of bb but the size of the mother..

thanks! yah actually i made the move to proceed to hospital a bit too late. and my contractions a bit sudden. when i felt it was suddenly already like 5-7mins apart one.

and yah.. the lochia (i think thats what its called) very messy. the hospital bed got napkin to protect.

mine really unexpected. but luckily all went well. strangers asking you when baby is due is better than strangers staring at my swollen feet and telling me, 'poor thing'. LOL.

anyway, waiting is exciting kan? heh
hi Feza

Was at my gynae's clinic 2 weeks ago and there was this lady who was told she might deliver same time as me, right away,she stared at my tummy and said to the nurse while I was seated next to her " how come her tummy so small one, sure or not ?!" I looked at her and almost wanted to blurt out that I am not as fat as her :p . Tummy size has no bearing on baby size or due date.
Hi Claire,

I also opt for 2 bedder in Mt A.... Like what jas said, the diff is not much between 2 and 4 bedder.

Hi jas,

Thanks for the info... Wow! bind straight away after operation? Isnt that painful? Must bind for how long? Did they put a waterproof plaster over ur C section wound before binding? Will binding impede the recovery of the wound? I cant imagine the pain leh... BTW, do we have to pay the deposit when we admit or beforehand? Ur $1.4k cash includes bb bills? Did u ask them to separate bb and mother bill?

U use epi right? Is it scary to see and hear all those operation equipment and gynae cutting and stiching since u were awake during the operation?
yah, same thing. now my tummy's protruding quite a lot so ppl keeping asking if boy or not, then seem so disbelieving when I say it's a confirmed girl. after that, they still say sometimes doc not accurate one, come out already then know. but then already see my bb's genitalia lor, so what's there to not confirm?? actually, i find the worst thing is when ppl just touch my tummy wo asking. 2 wks ago, i was waiting for hb at my teacher's condo lobby, then this female security guard who i dun even know came over and started to touch my tummy and join in the conversation when i was talking to another lady abt bb. wah lau. was uncomfortable, but just moved away n didnt say anything.

thanks for the info, will go for 2-bedder then

halfway there liao!
Dun need to buy the glass bottle cap lah, 1st few days no milk one lah... even got, jus enough for your bb to drink only.

BTW, my bill after CPF is $977

Hehe some many of u received message from Etelle ah? I was abt to tell u all. She sms me at 3.55am this morning she admitted hospital! Phew, finally!
Hi Babycutie

Re: staining of mattress with massage oil, are you using your own bed mattress or a separate mattress on the floor ? I got those thin cheap mattress and 2 beach towels and 2 sheets to alternate between washings, no pillows. Am thinking now maybe I should go get those straw mat to lay on top of the floor mattress and also lay the towel on top of the mat.
hi all
I am thinking to have a 1st month celebration or not leh? Cos when I counted, I have a guest list of 100 plus person leh... dun think my house can have some many ppl in... even when I schedule them to come... hmm...
Also, too many ppl, too many virus around, like not so good for bb leh.
n bb will be carried by so many ppl, wait at nite will have difficulties to sleep leh
Is it alright to jus give cake only? Or jus keep "quiet"? Hehe
hi gals...
thanks for all ur support.. i sure hope i can get thru it soon... me not a bb person... but i sure hope i can overcum the fear soon..

Re : Susie the massage lady
Dun worry about her running away after u paid upfront on ur 1st session... she very professional... tdy is already my 6th session...my hubby oso worry she will run... but think again.. its oni $500.. n so many of us using her services... if she run, bad reputation for her oso

now is already not as painful as the 1st few sessions... but i do have a lot a lot of blue blacks... those area will still hurt when she massage... her strength really super strong ah... really have to bite on my lips to stop myself from screaming
now she say i my wind n water have reduced alot alot...

when i preggy, i was 72.8kg. after delivery was 67.8kg.. Mon i weigh i ard 64.4kg
dunno if it bcos of the massage..

susie very nice... the 1st session she cum she see i dun have extra mattress or big big towel to put on my bed, the next day she bought a shower curtain for me to put on the bed to prevent more staining... anything u can ask her to help, she really very helpful
Hi SiewIng

It's ok to just give cakes, I prob will do that since the previous round, mil had made a huge issue about the first month celebration - she insisted it must be done AFTER the actual date i.e. late not early, and she wanted to have just the few of us in macdonalds or fast food rest. So this round, I doubt I would be inviting ppl since hte previous round we didn't even invite any relatives because of her.
Hi, i'm due on the 20th feb. i having more n more contractions n very bad backache, wonder whether any of u have this experience?
thanks for the advice Lenny. think i shld get more stuff when i go shopping again..

on the first month celebration i m thinking also...cos dad passed away jus few months ago and we are not suppose to hold any celebration..even during CNY i was alone at home when hubby went back hometown. if we cannot invite guest for buffet lunch i was thinking if we should distribute cakes/eggs to relatives n frens.
somehow i felt poor thing for my baby tat i couldn't give her a decent celebration.
Ivory, blue black after massage sounds real scary

i understand what you mean.. it really gets uncomfortable when someone touches your tummy.. sometimes i just dunno how to react..

read thos from another thread and find the link useful.. it s for those mummies that are breastfeeding right now.. they believe the spice fenugreek can help with the milk flow somehow.. here s the link..


Guess it depends on the "significance" of the first month celebration. i would imagine everyone would wanna see and crowd round the baby and to carry the baby, and depending on the size of your guest lists, it would take up prob half a day ?
Hi Fan,

Yes, Bind straight away after operation and at 1st Epi had not subside, so no pain. After 1hr plus, i start to feel pain, but didnt take pain killer can endure.
As for water proof plaster, yes of cos..if not it will be very painful. Wow, if no adominal binder, i dont noe how to get up from bed arr, cos i tried to remove, damn pain.
If u r using medisave, u need to pay $450 cash 1st, Yes,$1.4k cash includes bb bills and deposit ($450) and it is seperated.

I opt for c-sec epi. Actually u cannot hear the stitching lah, juz dat u can hear gynae taking knife etc, the "cling and clang" sound. very fast, baby will be out. U can feel the movement but no pain.

After operation, the 1st movemt to get up from bed is horrible...if ur threhold of pain is low, u may nid to take painkiller, so far..i try to endure the pain...now manageable liao.
Hi jas,

Wow... sounds scary leh....Good to hear that the pain is now OK liao.... Do u intend to do malay massage? But for C section think cannot do so soon.... Did ur gynae tell u when u can start to exercise and do massage? Do u need to go back to remove the stitches?

BTW, did u breastfeed ur bb?
You were also at the clinic this morning? I was given the option to be induced. If I had agreed I would be delivering same day as Etelle. Hope she is coping well. you have any labour symptoms yet?
Everest: Yup, was there for my scheduled checkup. It was a very fast one, just scan & I asked Dr Ho some questions. Think he's quite busy today. Were you there also? Why did Dr ask if you want to induce?
Hi ladies

My edd is 11 feb 2006 this sat same as etelle. So envious that she has went into labour while I am still waiting for my baby to arrive. So far no dilation yet. If he doesnt come out this few days, my gynae will induce this Sat.

Has heard that induced is not a good experience. Really hope my boy will come out before Sat.
hey girls,

etelle has given birth to bb ethan at 6.39pm weighing in at 3.67kg.. she went thru normal delivery with epi.. pei fu her man..
My maid still can handle both kids with the help from my mum at times. Of course if both demand at the same time, she will handle my girl and my mum tend to my boy. So now we r planning to let our girl attend hf day playgroup. In the afternoon she can take her nap and that will ease the workload a little.

I use a separate mattress for massaging. Because I scare that the mattress will get stain, I put an exercise mat on top and place 2 big towels overlapping each other. I put a pillow to make myself comfortable. I place a face towel beneath the pillow case as well as above the pillow case then cover with 2 towels on top because that is my sleeping pillow. Very kiasu hor.....kekekeke
Susie massage is good but very painful....she said I hv a lot of wind in my body that's why its very painful....... gosh!!! how long I hv to endure????? I also feel blue black all over....

I weigh myself on monday and my weighing scale shows that I only lost 2kg. Today I went for my gynae checkup and weigh agn. I hv lost 5kg. Dunno is it because of the massage or what...... I also can see that my tummy not so flabby liao......
Relac ah..... Your turn will come when the time is right.... no point kept thinking bila bayi sayi mau keluar.....
Congrats for natural delivery of a heavy baby. Do share with us your experience when you can.

My EDD is 12 Feb so he said baby is good weight and can give birth early out safer. However I prefer baby to choose when to come out so if by 12 Feb still no news then I will be admitted when I see him on Mon.

You are not alone. I am also waiting for things to happen. Did CTG today and nurse told me got mild contraction but I can't feel.

Congrats! You finally got your wish!


Don't gan jiong! Your turn will come. Hehe, it'll be super tiring when that happens.
So enjoy while u can now.
To those who had given birth, CONGRATS!

Saw my gynae today. today 38wk liao but no my cervix not dilated yet. Oh, he did VE. Now, I finally know what is it. It is quite uncomfortable. My gynae said maybe next wk. Now he wants to see me 2x a wk! Do you guys see your gynae so often nearing EDD?

Irene, I am due on 22 Feb 06. Me got no contraction or any other sign of delivery leh.

Now, everyday, when I go to work, my colleagues will ask "how come I still around?" Hehe!

I also think that natural is better than induce. Heard that induced delivery usually got more complication and more painful.
gong xi la! u finally can see and hold ur bb liao
and so gd, managed natural with epi even tho ethan's quite big. share ur story and pics when u'r back

edd 27 feb and already in labour ward??? oh boy, i'm the opp of you, hoping my bb hangs on in there til edd which is about 2 wks later.

my colleagues also keep asking me why i'm still around and when im going on ML

sounds like susie really effective, will sms her after delivery n see if she's free n when i shd do it if really c sec.

now a lot of ppl down in school, cold or flu type. then hb's office got 5-6 ppl down with chicken pox. siao liao. left 2 wks, hope nothing pops up. suddenly my tummy super itchy, and got some rough red skin there. dunno if allergic to the new shower foam or not. then finish my clarins n use back the cocoa butter, so could be that too. argh, have to really control and not scratch...
gong xi la! u finally can see and hold ur bb liao
and so gd, managed natural with epi even tho ethan's quite big. share ur story and pics when u'r back

edd 27 feb and already in labour ward??? oh boy, i'm the opp of you, hoping my bb hangs on in there til edd which is about 2 wks later.

my colleagues also keep asking me why i'm still around and when im going on ML

sounds like susie really effective, will sms her after delivery n see if she's free n when i shd do it if really c sec.

now a lot of ppl down in school, cold or flu type. then hb's office got 5-6 ppl down with chicken pox. siao liao. left 2 wks, hope nothing pops up. suddenly my tummy super itchy, and got some rough red skin there. dunno if allergic to the new shower foam or not. then finish my clarins n use back the cocoa butter, so could be that too. argh, have to really control and not scratch...
Congrats to Etelle! Wow ur bb quite big leh... do share ur birth story and Ethan's pics....


Me too.... waiting for bb to come out... hopfully he will come out before EDD or else my chances of emerg C will increase.....
Hang in there girl ! your turn will come soon

So good that you had signs of labor - water bag and show. So did you actually experience contraction pain?

So good ahh. lost so much weight. I still heavy leh, my MIL and everyone said that i must eat to gain energy... boy... i hope i can lose more weight. My CL cooks very well too and sometimes i cant control myself.... Hmmm...

Massage lady
Had my 4th session already. Can see some reduction on my tummy and the back. Yeah, massage can be painful but have to bear with it. My massage lady call Nisah, very nice and sometimes she massage more than 1 hour... 1 hour & half. She also concentrate of areas that i need to reduce. So far i am very happy with her and thinking of extending her service.

I also paid her $300 all in advance. So i think they would not run away as Sg is so small.
Bravo etelle...ur baby is big...yet u delivery naturally!
think we will have to wait a while before she can come in to share her birth story with us..

is ur massage lady a malay? what is the diff betw malay massage and the normal one cos my confinement agent kinda mentioned abt having a professional one is diff from engaging a malay massage lady.
wat is the usual rate and no. of session?
Hi ladies, my edd is on the 20th , feeling very excited cun wait to c my bb boy. This few days getting more n more contraction followed by backache.
Hi Everest, Wendy here. My edd 10 Feb but still no symptoms. going for CTG & VE later. hai...

U confirm goin to induce next mon?
i intend to wait for at least another weak lei.
now i kept drinking coconut and raspberry leaf tea, hoping to bring on natural contractions.

hi everyone...so many postings yeah hehe everyone waiting to pop... those who pop like seldom post liao ah... busy tk care bb and b "cow" hahahaa

Re: susie
i finish my 10 session massage w her liao.. she good ah... u all dun worry lah she wont run away lah wat for run away and spoil her reputation for a mere $500....

Re: swollen feet
i that time feet v swollen too but it din go down and i went deliver lei so not nec swollen feet will goes off means we gg to "shen"... no go off also will go "shen" one
