(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hi aidanee, i've got a multi-purpose mirowave oven, and prob used the grill/bake function like less than 10 times for the past 3 plus years. if u want to bake come over my place lah.. just clean up after that!

hmm, no guts to try potty training yet. planning to leave it to school and we just follow up. talking abt school, am planning to send zephan to school earlier than next year, cos during the week we were in adelaide (yes, we survived!), my ILs were talking to him constantly and he learnt quite a few words during that week. realised that he may have limited stimulation cos both me n my hb and my parents are pretty quiet persons who dun talk that much.. thought the school can do better...

just to share a thought.. travelling with ILs can be a double-edged sword. they can be handy when u want to take a break fr baby-sitting, but they also interfere with the way you treat the kids, and towards the end i was pretty short-fused with my MIL...
hi jessica, welcome.

ting, welcome back 2 sg. i totally agree wif u. ILs r really a double edge sword. my ILs drive me up d wall sometimes wif their theories.
nursing a flu...and waiting for my masseuse to come...
will know gender of bb on the 24th ( hopefully)
Oh btw, I have bought my std sized single mattress from babysafe at 399SGD. Figured that he can pee on it while I toilet trained it and wun feel so much of a heart pain compared to a 1000++ mattress. I have even bought those waterproof pad just in case. Oh Aussino having a sale so I bought one fitted sheet with bolster and pilow case for less than 10 bucks...hehe ( ok the other 2 is 11.50 cos its nicer) but still reasonable cheap.
hi Nancy
I just returned the Gina Ford book "New Contented Little Baby" @ SK Library.. abt 4pm. The librarian confirmed that the books are not transferable, and renewing the item under my name would cost $0.50. So i guess it's better if u try your luck there.. o'wise just purchase from bookstore..
Take Care. I just recovered from a cough myself....really bad one. Had it when i had cayden after my 1st trimester too.

u mean u cant see during the last scan? so most likely gal gal liao....hehehe....cos usually for boy, can tell as early as 13 weeks. hehehe.....good luck!

renovation will prob complete by this week. BUT i have not gotten my bed, dining set, sofa, console, Cayden's bed/wardrobe, fridge, washing machine, microwave etc.....so how to move in? sian leh...any sponsorships from here? hahaha...

Aidanee, the mattress sounds tempting. how thick is it? how abt bed frame? i intend to put the mattress on the floor first until he is confident of sleeping on his own.
one question: so when bb slept thru the night, did you wake up to express? or u slept thru too? i could not ever sleep thru during the first 5 months of nursing cos will be very painful and hard by 4am.
Toilet train
Thanks Wendyg for your advice on toilet train... he could tell us "poo poo" until I gave birth recently he refuse to go to potty. Maybe I wait till its more settled down.

thanks ayl0212... guess I have to go to the pd and ask. His hives is really quite bad.

Whats you girls take on sending 18 months old to childcare? Is montessori better than the rest?

Yeah feeling better now actually...din take any meds so just let it heal by itself.
The last scan I was only 12 weeks so dun think can see anything...hehe will let u know the gender once I know hehe...

The mattress is 4 inches thick. I did not get a bed frame cos I have decided to use the haenim play yard to surround the mattress until he is much bigger, then I will get him a nice bed frame.

Ok I am the lazy mummy here I will only express in the middle of the night until I cannot sleep hehe ( cos anton slept thru at a very young age, so too lazy to wake up and pump)
So I will do is I will pump at 12-1230am so I can sleep longer...so it come to a point, I can sleep till 6 am but my breasts will be leaking like nobody business ( soaking thru the breast pads) but I would rather sleep hehe....
hi triniti,
Just wondering what happen if there's function eg wedding dinner (or other dinner/gathering/party) since anton sleep at 7pm will you bring him along? If so he still sleep at 7pm outside? Or you and hubby attend the function and he'll be at home?
Cos even I manage to train my kids to sleep early at home, don't think its easy to train them to sleep so early as well when outside.
hee I dun bring him out cos I have a maid at home. So technically, he will not join us in our outings for about a year plus...cos only until this year, he actually stayed at my grandma's place for CNY till 7 pm then I wisked him home and he slept at about 740pm.

So I usually stick to my routine unless its a special occasion like CNY. This way, they will definitely stick to the routine
This routine will not be easy if you go out frequently without someone to look after the bb when the bb is sleeping. Unless, u can have someone to come over while u are out when the bb is sleeping.

used to have a colleague who works at montessori.
she says the school lacks of teachers.. so actually i guess mus make sure the school is operating on full force. Oso double check on quality of food. Some place cannot use MSG den they put sugar in the porridge, den they use a lot of canned food. I think not healthy for kids. Oso make sure the operators/principle is not money/profit minded, they dun realli care for the kids, the place i used to work in the food not bad, at least no canned food, the most is the frozen mix vegetables.. n the operators have a mindset to care for the kids.. bt sumtimes the teacher oso not enuf...

used to have a colleague who works at montessori.
she says the school lacks of teachers.. so actually i guess mus make sure the school is operating on full force. Oso double check on quality of food. Some place cannot use MSG den they put sugar in the porridge, den they use a lot of canned food. I think not healthy for kids. Oso make sure the operators/principle is not money/profit minded, they dun realli care for the kids, the place i used to work in the food not bad, at least no canned food, the most is the frozen mix vegetables.. n the operators have a mindset to care for the kids.. bt sumtimes the teacher oso not enuf...

like to ask, any1 knows where to buy tomy baby monitor??
cakey, zephan has a sleep routine at 8pm, though recently it's been stretched to 8.45pm cos had to work OT recently and can't pick him up in time. From my experience, if ur baby is used to sleeping at a particular time, it's easier for him to adjust back after a brief disruption, say wedding dinners. Zephan's sleep routine was disrupted when we went to australia last week. he took abt 2 days to adjust back. where possible, i'll not bring him to wedding dinners cos it ends too late, and it's v noisy so he may be over-stimulated by the time he gets home. if really have to bring him, i will usually leave by 8pm (which is like only into 2nd/3rd course) so that he sleeps latest by 9pm. He'll be cranky by then and i won't be able to enjoy the dinner anyway.
my experience...
my husband and i haven't been attending evening functions together since isaac was born... once i remember there was an offc function & i could only get home after 10pm.. my husband put isaac to bed earlier (abt 7.30pm as opposed to usual 8pm) before he went out for evening classes, and then my folks watched isaac until we returned.
Routine is dinner, shower, milk, sleep. We rush home from wherever we are (eg early weekend 6pm dinner @ relatives' place) before he gets too cranky to do the winding down properly.
Oh ya, when we went HK last Christmas (abt 4 days), we changed the routine a bit for 1 night, eg shower, dinner, milk, sleep. Coz wanted to chk out the night mkts... so we was walking the pasar malam 9pm-10pm while carrying him after he fell asleep. Couldn't shop properly... i think he also didn't sleep v well coz he's used to being in bed and dark room when sleeping.. not carried about in a bright and noisy night market!
Gathering prayers...pls pray for baby samantha pls...

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 1:03 am:

hi everyone, just wanted to give an update on Sabie, she was in surgery from 3:30 pm till 11:30 pm today. Operation went well but she bled a lot during the surgery (much more than expected) and she lost a lot of blood... doctors are a bit worried about it. so far they say she is in very critical condition for the next 2-3 days and they are hoping the bleeding will stop by tomorrow. They did not close up the chest because the heart is swollen and due to the bleeding.

Please please pray that the bleeding will stop...

Thank you.

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 11:40 am:

Hi everyone, just a quick one...just came out of ICU, sabie is much more stable now than last night. The bleeding has stopped but now the problem is her kidney is in shock and she isn't passing urine. They will do dialysis on her later and also infuse more blood trying to get the kidney back up working.

She looks ok, still heavily sedated. X-rays are better than last night and for now the lungs are clear.

We're praying for continued recovery with no more complications.

Thank you very much for the support, James and I really apprecaite it very very much!

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 10:06 pm:

Hi everyone... thanks for all the jia you!!

Just got home after being chased home by hb and my dad. The doctors have been able to find the source of the bleeding and have stabilized it, and the blood is starting to clot normally already, so we're hoping past that hurdle. Doctors also said renal failure isn't unexpected so they're not worrying about that (as per what Jules said above, thanks!)

we're hoping for continued progress and no more unexpected complications. doctors have warned that we are not yet out of the woods but are a bit more comfortable with her position now. Please continue to pray for her.

Posted on Friday, April 13, 2007 - 11:29 pm:

hi everyone, it's been a tough day... from seeing sabie doing well this morning, she's not doing so well now. her left lung has collapsed due to fluid buildup, most likely caused by renal and liver failure. her kidneys had too much of a shock and she has not yet pee'd in 2 days, and her liver is not functioning and not making the blood clotting agent so she is still bleeding. The doctors have decided not to close her chest yet because her heart is swollen again due to too much fluid.

chenoa: i went to but but slept on and off... until about 5 am then i slept and woke up at 8 am and jumped up to go to the hospital! haven't filed for leave, my boss told me to stay off for as long as i needed.

thanks to everyone for their prayers. we really need it now. they don't dare take sabie off the paralysis medication because her chest is still open so she's still drugged out. please pray for her kidney and liver to start functioning soon...

Sms from Patsy as @ 9.10am

They are (surgeon) closing her chest now. Hoping its a good sign

please keep those prayers gng! tks a million

Sms from Patsy as @ 1.41pm

Just want to share some good news, the Surgeon has closed Sabie's Chest, lungs are ok now and she is gng to be off anesthesia also. Kidney and liver still not functioning. Please continue to pray.

Posted on Saturday, April 14, 2007 - 11:17 pm:

hi everyone, thank you for your prayers, we need them now more than ever, she's not doing well... doctors not sure if she'll make it.

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 12:12 am:

Latest SMS from Patsy as @ 12am.

They just had to shock Saby's heart 3 times because the heart rate went up to 200. Meds given to bring it down. Please pass on msg and help pray

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 1:05 pm:

Sms from Patsy @ 12pm

We really need alot of prayers now. Sabie has deteriorated more and the blood acid is destroying her organs due to poor circulation. She is going on a bypass moachine now to help the situation but now we ran the risk of her bleeding out. Please pray for her

another update from Patsy...

Saby on bypass machine now, the next 48 hours are very critical. Please pray for no bleeding & no infection.

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 6:50 pm:

Sms for Patsy @ 6.30pm

just to update, Saby seems to be responding to the bypass and hemo dialysis. She is still in critical condition but least her blood chemistry is better than this morning

Sabie's heart is stil not working, BP is dangerously low, blood chemistry going down wards again. Doctors saying it looks bad but I'm hoping prayer can intercede.

Sabie is having multiple organ failure now. We need a miracle.

All medication to saby has exhausted and bleeding everywhere. Hoping
bleeding does not occur in her brain, and will lead to brain damage.
Its not really a piece of good news compared to now. I choose not to
reveal a moment ago, worrying mummies would not be able to take it.
That is why we are asking for a Prayer with Miracle.

Saby is now on 100% oxygen but only taking in 10%. Her grandparents
are worried sick and so are Sarah & James.

We needed a turn badly tonite, please pray for a miracle to happen.
Pray for our Merciful & compassionate God to heal Saby

PLS PRAY & GOD... pls hear our prayers!!
HI all, hasn't been able to log in to chat. since start of year, work has been so busy & hectic, plus to take care of an active child.

Kylie has been so active lately, that ytd she had a fall, knock on the bedside table and got a cut on her ear loop.. Wound wasn't long, but was quite deep thou. My mum immediately brought her to latest GP to clean up the wound.

And GP recommended us to go KKH to get the wound stitch up. Ytd was a long wait, waited 2hrs to see the doctor from the A&E. as we need kylie to fast for at least 3hrs b4 injecting with the sedatine.

When the time, she got the jab, and doze off unconsciously, my heart really sinks!!.. I broke down into tears, as i have nvr seen her in such "pain".. but when she woke up, she still shows me a cheeky face which makes me feel much more relieved.

Now, she is back to normal.. Able to eat well, sleep well & also play well.. Also helps to take care of the little baby (my niece).. at least now i feel so much better.
Toilet train:
My mum has successfully toilet trained kylie. Now even if she is wearing a diaper, when the time she wants to pee or poo, she will still let us know by saying "um-um"..

Good thing is now, she needs not wear diaper at home.. Bad thing is, sometimes when we are outside, she insist of using toilet bowls instead of settling on her diaper..

Re: Scratching of "p-part"
Hey any mummies out there can share if your little ones are scratching on the p-parts? notice tt my girl start doing so lately, as she has not been wearing diaper during the daytime. Nothing is wrong with her area, always has ensured it is clean.. Checked with a few website, tt it is normal for a child now at this stage to explore.. juz like during their infant stage wen they started playing wif their hands..
Hi Lib,
Congrats for successfully toilet training Kylie, how did your mum do that (any special method?)

My ds is at the scratching thing too but for her case I think sometimes its because its scratchy!
We do try to stop her though.
michele, i read the latest abt Sabie. My prayers are with her family during this difficult time...

Lib, congrats on successful potty training! i still haven't started with zephan...

Anyone keen to buy stuff fr ON? Planning to do a quick one, to order by end of the day. Pls PM me with your orders.
Hi Nancy, according to my mum is every hour she will put her on the potty, somehow, there are few accidents. And most of all, when she did it, gives her lots of praises.

My girl luv praises, nowadays whatever she do correctly, we will clap our hands and cheer for her.. and now she will clap her hands when she has done something..
hehe..no more kids! I don't want to have a shorter life...I can't wait they turn 18 and then send them to overseas for uni. Then me and my hubby can tour around the world and have an early retirement hehe

haha, now u know why I dun want a daughter! Wait all the guys coveting her...I will have a real headache...hehe..Phew!
hey triniti
so what's Anton's baby bro's name....

yeah, an advantage of having all the kids at 1 go is that u'll hv your life back sooner!
hi triniti,

When they're 18? I don't see so far.. I just hope for the day when they can entertain each other to come soon hehe...
after handling a mischievous boy, i will welcome a more docile daughter.. hehe...

has anyone's kiddo started sleeping on a single bed by him/herself? am planning to shift zephan to the bed, but though he can climb down the bed safely by himself, he still can't climb back up. now he's on the floor sleeping on the mattress.
Hi triniti,

Welcome to 2 boys clubs... hehe

Hi mummies,

How much ang pow should I give to my CL for leaving? Basically, I am not very happy the way she taking care of my bb. I just found out that she gave my bb "gripe water" everyday and finished a bottle a wk before end my confinement. (which mean only 3 wks) I told her not to gave gripe water as it will make bb sleepy but she inssist to yet told my MIL that I heard too much frm others. Beside that, she let my bb sleeps in yaolan almost every hour. Sometimes, I took out the bb frm yaolan and she will talk to bb and said " mummy oh, I want yaolan oh"...I felt very sianz whenever I heard it and I endure it.

Other than that not much to complain. If give her $20 will it be too little? My MIL said her pay already so high, shouldn't give her so much. Further more the ang pow is only for "yi shi yi shi".
What do your think about it?

since not happi wif CL den oso no need to gif face.. just gif $8 or $12 will do lar.. oso tell her off lar.. say "u are employed to take care of MY baby.. not YOUR baby/grandson... pls do follow my instructions..." den tell her tat you will not recommend her to your friends... hahahahaha... tat should cool u off...

i oso member of 2 boys club....
Hi all,

I've started work at Ngee Ann City. Any mum working around the around if you want a lunch kaki, you know who to call
hi esther,
How much is yr CL charging? $20 maybe OK? Usually they'll give back an angbao for bb during full month right?
So how are you doing now after confinement with yr newborn?

hi clarences_mum,
Congrats on yr new job

How's yr hubby dougnut in AMK doing? Any discount hehe... Wanted to dropby the new AMK shopping area but haven't got chance to go anywhere with my bb to take care of.
Hi Cakey,

We've sold away the partnership. Biz was good but very difficult to work together when the views are different.

Anyway, thinking of planning for a 2nd one end of this year
Time to get Clarence a sis/bro!
Hi Cakey,

My CL charged $1850. Ya, in the end I gave her $20. Taking care NB with Ethan is really tiring. BB still dring milk every 3 hr interval. Night time doesn't really want to sleep. Haiz.. still wondering how long will it be..
Ya ya, clarences mum, found you again!
So you wanna clash EDD with me again huh?

If you're too busy at work, I can always send your future DIL to help you with the housework.

Hi mamalynn,

Freesia is soooo cute! It's certainly good to have a DIL who can do housework. Hahaha... Btw, Clarence asks for ur daughter very often. He loves to imitate her cries. Maybe we shld bring them out together again one of these days.

You also planning for another one?? This time round gal for me, boy for you hor. So your son can have my daughter! Hahaha...

Anyway, call me when u r free leh.
Any mummies experience your kids kept on mentioned don't want recently? Nowaday, Ethan kept on saying "mai" (in teochew) whenever we asked him something. We found out that regardless he wants or dun want he will just said "mai" by repeating. Even he is very sleepy, want to bath him, drink milk. First word come out is "dun want". It makes me very fed up especially he dun really knw how to speak yet. So dun really catch up he needs. When repeating asked him, he will start crying and cranky. haiz...with NB, it really make us in difficulty. Is it because he knws our concentration more to NB or it is just a passing phrase. Those with NB, do you have this problem too?
Hi Esther, almost exactly the same scenario here. It started when I was pregnant with the second one and couldn't carry him as much as before. He said "bu yao", "mei you", "no" all the time. I guess other than the impact of the second one, its also because we keep saying "no" to him whenever he touches anything.

But with my newborn, I notice my first one shouts alot more, refuses to go potty (he was almost potty trained).

Can share what breakfast you are giving your baby now beside the milk.

- Bread with Cheese
- Organic Oatmeal cereal

I think of giving those cornflaks , put in the milk.
Can share with me any nice type/brand too?

As for milk, what brand Fresh Milk are you giving ?
