(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Nicky's mom,

I'm facing the same problem as you. Kai's feet is also very wide. Those sandals are normally quite hard and cause some blisters on his feet. So, i'm thinking about croc shoes.
Wondering if it is advisable for them to wear croc shoes at this age. They having a bulk purchase at the moment.
Any mummies' baby wearing croc shoes???
Can give advise?

eileenp, so far i have not seen any blisters on nick's feet. Nick is wearing bubble gummers. There are some concerns about croc shoes recently especially after the escalator accidents. I think better not let our babies wear them.

I think it's better to hold on to the purchase of the crocs frist as there was an article recently on the close association between the crocs and the escalator incident not only in Singapore but also overseas...
Hmm... Thanks mummies for the advise.

Nicky's mom,
Where can i find bubble gummers? I went kiddy palace at Toa Payoh. Soooo big oso cannot find a suitable one. Hahaha...
Their sandals are quite hard kind. And I felt the inside, some parts are quite rough and protruding from the material. So i dare not buy.
nicky's mom
drove to genting with Isaac when he was 10m old, he was ok during the journey to & fro, except sit too long get a bit fussy. 4 adults & 1 baby squeeze into a Toyota Corolla, not to mention all the 'luggage' in the car boot. Guess hubby couldn't drive as fast as he wanted. Took 6hrs each way.
hi wendy,

haha.. we sama sama.. we have 4 adults + 1 samuel + 1 nick in his car seat into a nissan sunny. the whole journey, nick was the most comfortable one(cos he was in his car seat). while my mum, sam and me squeezed into the back seat. it was 4 hours of not moving and sam was switching between mine and my mum's lap.. think we took about 4 hours on each journey. Not to mention we were there for 5nights, so the amount of clothings we had was quite a lot.. BTW, the weather there is so cold when we were there, so nick only bathe once in the 6 days trip. haha
nicky's mom
i thought weather there is same all year round, except maybe more rain @ end of year? I'm not sure ley. We were @ Awana resort.. outdoor swimming pools were heated! And there was a huge jacuzzi in our room too. Isaac had a fantastic time. Stayed 3 nights only.
at awana, it was sort of like a chalet with living room, kitchenette & 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms.
So 4 adults no problm. We asked for a cot for isaac... which had bed bugs! *hiak* Recovered from his bites in a few days.
yikes, wendy, was even thinking of asking u to go genting in dec until i saw the bed bugs episode! dun think i can take it... once got bitten by bed bugs and i took 2 weeks to recover. think zephan inherited my skin prob cos he also takes long time to recover from mozzie bites...
where have all the other mummies gone to?

Cayden surprised us again last evening....while we were driving home from ponggol to jurong, he pointed at a bus and said Ba...( cant really pronounce the 's')

Cayden woke up and pooed at 3am, 6am and 9.30am (i was still in bed! late for work). must be the bananas.....oh, could it be his molar is popping, or could it be the jab? headache man!

ting,how much did you pay for the car seat? I am using a handme down from my sis....it's called Century....hahaha, bet it's a century years old as well cos can not find it at the store anymore....so far, he can sleep quite well in the seat. but i would like to get one that he can sit up comfortably and at the same time, allow him to enjoy the view.
cmy, the resort hotel deluxe rooms comes with 2 queen bed. So hb and me with nick in the centre, while mum and dad with sam in the centre. Years ago, brought the maid along, so she slept in the sleeping bag.. haha
oh oh, maybe for a short while.....i am not sure cos he seems abit unsettled still. u sms me again this evening to remind me ok?

oh yeah, your isaac also a rally speaker.....ok, they can have a good discussion.
Anyone else want to come over? 7pm onwards @ Blk 646 Punggol Central. 'for a short while'

unsettled - u mean his frequent poo?
aidanee, thanks for your invitation to the playgroup in Jurong in advance....hehehe...will definitely update you on my HK trip.

You are welcomed to pop in when you visit Dr Yvonne. Just check if my beetle is in the driveway. If it is there, it means I am in. If not, then I am out roaming somewhere. Cayden & Nicole can have a conversation too....hahaaha....when you come over.
seabreeze, yah....hb decided to go....so he decide...& I make the necessary arrangements. So it is off to HK we go.

wendyg, how about you take the leave to go to Europe....then get yr mom or someone to help out to help adjust Isaac's sleeping schedule?

adelyee, we are recently travelling more cos hb seems to be bitten by the travel bug too. hee
no no... the idea was for my dad, mum, husband, me & isaac flying to toronto to visit my sis & her family & kids. My parents are both abv 60.. they need time to recover from jet lag also. And it's not fair if 3 of us go & enjoy ourselves, then return to Sgp & get my parents to work on isaac's schedule. They need a break too.. they've been taking care of isaac 5 days a week when i'm at work.. it's TIRING to say the least. Every evening they CAN'T WAIT to go back home & rest.
hi ixwong, eileenp, our ON stuff have arrived! pls arrange for collection. Have sent you a mail on payment.

wendy, can't tell ur parents eager to "offload" issac to you each day. when i go over on weekends i still see ur father coming by leh...
wkends he only comes to drop off some items, or as backup when i'm unwell. He scoots off as soon as he can. U shld see them after a long day @ my place.
THanks for the information. HW is a good looker.
Btw, which attractions are worth going and that the kids would enjoy?

Thanks for the information. My neighbours warned me abt that too. But coz we decided on this tour pretty last minute, ALL the time share apts in NZ and other parts are Australia are taken. Left with only Perth...No choice.

I agree with Wendyg that whenever I go travelling these days, will always bring my parents along too. They are over 60 and should enjoy themselves more than we do. Oh, an a break too. Have been wanting to go HKG and BKK for shopping spree with gfs, but have to hold back as I will be feeling very guilty leaving all behind. Like snoopy's hb, am bitten by travel bug, but so many issues to consider...
HB learnt a lesson, and will be booking a switzerland trip next June for everyone. Till then, will need to check with you ladies who are very well travelled. :))
My gal caught the gastric flu and vomitted quite a few times yesterday. She got it from another child whom MIL bbsit. Now MIL is down as well and quite serious. So take note if anyone is vomiting (orange stuff) and some diahorrea cos the waste is contagious and they spread by air. Those clearing it will kena spread.
I've been thru 1 vomit and 1 big pool of soft stool by my gal so pray hard now that I wont' be getting it...
But my gal's vomitting had stopped just abit of mild fever and patches of nappy rashes now. The worst is can't force her to take medicine/milk/water or any food else she'll just cry and vomit! So we just let her be lor.. sleep when she feel like it, drink milk/water only when she's in the mood... Got to keep asking her whether want water or milkmilk.. if no shaking of head then I give her... She now rejecting sarong and sometime milk... I think she's abit phopia (spell right?) of sarong after vomitting in it and maybe her vomit got smell of milk?
Sorry long post... finaly can take a break now that she's sleeping....
Sorry to learn that yr dd is not feeling well. If she has diahorrea, u might want to give her lactose-free milk (Dumex or Isomil), rice/porridge with fish and root vegetables, baby bites, yakult, plain bread, biscuits, apple and bananas. The advice was from our PD when my dd had gastric flu last month.
Hope she gets well soon. Take care.
Oh no. Hope HJ is feeling better now. U must take care too now that u are carrying no. 2....

Sarah's mom
We went to Freo, caversham wildlife park (swan valley), yallingup shearing shed and sunflower farm (margaret river).
Sarah's mum, ixwong,
Thanks. dd could drink milk now and not vomiting. She only pass motion (very soft and alot) once yesterday so I guess doesn't count as diahorrea. Ya she could eat better porridge/bread then milk.

The bad news is hubby kena the dieasea too starting yesterday middle of the night! He practically couldn't do anything but just feel terrible and could only lie down. Luckily my MIL, SIL they all recovering liao so pass dd back to them while I take a break and hubby cont to rest.
cakey, do take care of yourself. Hope Tricia gets well pretty soon too.

wendyg, you didn't say that you intended to bring your parents along too. In that case, maybe you have to stick to areas that don't have too much of a time zone change, so that there is no issue with jet lag. Nicole went to NZ which has a 4 hour difference from Singapore. Coming back home, she took 1-2 days and her schdeule was adjusted liao. So you can time to come back before the weekend so that you can do the schedule adjustment over the weekend.

Sarah's mom, our parents may not necessarily travel with us all the time. My parents and hb's parents went with us to NZ in May. My parents then went to Italy with my sister & hb in June. And my mom and I went to Glasgow to visit my aunt (mom's sister) in July. Hb's parents are going to Taiwan this month-end on group tour. So they may want to go holiday to enjoy themselves too. Just as I would like to go on a holiday with just hb & Nicole and enjoy some time together as a family.

Haowen look sooo handsome. Like some model like that. Hahaha...
My bb cannot go for these shots yet leh. Cause still botak. Very ugly.. Haha...
ixwong ...

Haowen v handsome ler ....

He can pass off as a 2T or 3T lor ... YC still look like baby like that hahahahah

IF i ever have a daughter ... I chop Haowen first k heehee
Hi mummies, long long time nvr input into this thread.. Has been so busy with work..

1st of all: congrats to some mummies who are now preg with their #2.. really peifu your courage to have the 2nd bb within such short time..

All our babies are now grown up loh.. Suppose now many of them have oredi started walking ard or even running ard!!..

Ixwong: HW is very very handsome, I like his photoshoot most.. shows his boyish yet with style!
Hi ixwong,

Your hw looks so adorable and cool... I went for one with foto-u too just before he turned one...whose your photographer? Is it Ben?

My ds finally started walking more yesterday in church... out of a sudden, just let go of his hand and he walked for quite a distance unsupported... but at home, he is still quite cautious... think because he saw many young children walking and running, and finally decided that he wants to be like them too... :eek:)
Thanks for all the compliments, mummies.

u quick quick try for no. 2 lah. If ganna gal, then can choop HW loh...hiak hiak.

David was our photographer. He's quite good with kids and we enjoyed our session.
hi mummies: i've got some questions to those who drove up to genting highlands. Is it safe to park the cars in the carpark at the hotel? am scheduled to drive up.. for a short holiday soon w/o realising the crime rates has been increasing steadily too. My friends who will be driving up suddenly asked me these questions.. today.. so am a bit.. blur.. is it safe?
adelyee.. now u ask this question, i just remembered that our steering wheel lock is spoilt. When we were at genting the other time, the lock out of the blue couldn't lock. Must remember to get it done tomorrow as i will be driving up on Friday.

If u are driving an MPV, better not drive up. Other types of cars are still prone to thief, maybe buy an extra lock? For us, we like to park at the level where there are a few other Singapore cars as well.
if u're going in a Lexus or Rav4, then better get another car.. coz even on the highways can get car-jacked. Our car is a Toyota Corolla 3-4 years old liao.. so not too risky. We also parked in the resort premises. When we drove up to First World, we parked in a smelly (strong smell of urine) multi-storey carpark, which was quite crowded! Had clouds coming in from outside.. initially thought they were fumigating. hahahaha.
Dear Mummies,

I need help (non-baby matter)
Any HR profession here to advise me , if I tender resignation, without giving 1 month notice , I want to pay back that 1 month, how to calculate that notice -in-lieu sum?

1) Salary exclude 20% CPF means Net Salary
2)include 20% CPF , which means the Gross Salary

3) If I got balance leave , should I offset , and this month pay , should I forgo and pay the balance

Can anyone show me example
Hi coffedrinker,

If based on MOM guideline 1 month notice in lieu should calculate as :

12mths x Gross salary / 52 wks x average working in the week

Gross salary is include fix handphone, transport allwance but exclude housing allwns.

Leave balance wise, it is depend on your company practise. Either you can off-set or you want to encash.

Hope this help.
hosanna, congrats! me still waiting patiently for zephan to start walking independently. think he's being really cautious... :p
wendyg: alamak! u mean rav4 can't go ah? shit man.. dunno wad to do now... mm... how how how? how's the parking facilities there? bad?

nicky's mom: i heard tt locks are of no use... wad car are u driving?
adelyee, mine's a sunny.. also 4years old liao.. so hopefully they don't like my car..

Some says by putting those CDs with the muslim wordings helps.. But according to an "ah beng" friend, it really depends on the batch of cars those pple need to export at the point of time, then they will only steal those. At one time, they only still Altis.

Another friend used to advise me to park front in first (towards the wall) and turn the steering wheel of the car all the way to the end position so that if they were to tow the car out, the car still cannot come out of the lot and will crash into the wall. do u know what i'm talking about? Not sure how much this helps to prevent the cars from being stolen, just follow.

Also, don't park in a corner where no one can see what happen loh..
nicky's mom
dat's a good tip... to park head-in & turn the wheels full-lock.

if u very brave then go in with Rav4 la... but how much would u enjoy your holiday if u're worrying abt the car all the time? Steering wheel locks maybe help - coz they may take more time to pick the locks? But with Rav4... i really dunno hor.
no problm to find parking lot, & it's FOC. But the lots quite narrow @ the multi-storey carpark (i dun think it's First World.. some other hotel casino carpark). Some corners quite dark. But we parked at a level where many people walking to & fro, and quite bright from outside sunlight.
thanks wendy.. good summary.

adelyee, actually the truth is, whenever, i drive into malaysia, i cannot help but worry about the car more than anything else. I make it a point to go to the car park and see my car at least twice a day finding all types of excuses to get the key from hb just to go to the car park and see. very stressful holiday whenever i drive to genting. Funny thing is i didn't have this feeling when i drove to penang cos most of the pple there are driving bigger, nicer and newer cars than us. haha


1) when u calculate notice in lieu, u don't need to include CPF.

2) if you have any leave balance, you may offset your leave as part of your notice in lieu.

3) average working in a week - provided you are on a five day week. if you are 5 and a half or 5 and a half alternate, you have to take the average of 2 weeks to mulitply by 52 weeks.

each company has it's own policy so it's still better to check with your HR but you can take above as your guideline. hope this help...
