(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

vone, i saw the cod at giant.. doesnt look fresh leh..

cmy, i also gave fruits leh but its only 1/2 hour after his meal loh.
he dun have time for snacks leh.. maybe dats y he's not gaining weight much..

breakfast at 9.. nap at 10am till 12noon..
lunch at 12.30noon.. nap again at 3 till 5pm
6pm dinner liao.. dun seems to have much time left for snacks loh.
PD says he's underweight and needs about another 600gram..

Cayden is 13mos 1week at 10.7kg. He drinks 120ml in the morning, followed by cereal or yoghurt for breakfast. at 11am, i would offer another 120ml milk before his nap. Then lunch porridge at 1pm, then 150ml milk before his late afternoon nap. Dinner porridge at 6.30pm, then 210ml milk before his bedtime at 9pm. Intend to drop his morning tea when he starts on rice and more solid food and increase his afternoon milk to 180ml.

i have not started him on rice yet and he is still eating his own food(mushy stuff).......i think he is ready for self feeding....it's mummy her who is not ready!! hahaha...
hi mummies, didn't drop in today cos was on course at OBS.. pengz man! nearly died doing the rock climbing... :p

was also planning to give zephan mushrooms. was thinking of giving fresh mushrooms cos not really keen on dried ones. any mummies in punggol wanna share a pack? either the shitake ones or the jin zhen gu... sorry arh, cos i dun cook for adults during weekend so everything i buy is baby-sized. hehe..

for gals who joined in my ON BP, i've placed orders last night. pray hard that our order goes through without hiccup!
Thanks mummies for all the sharing, it helps me to make my decision on whether I should increase the milk intake ..Thanks

One more question, I have a list of current food that my gal is having, anyone can topup a few more for me ?

Meat : Pork , Threadfin, cod fish, chicken fillet, beef, frog leg

Green Veg : Spinach, Broccoli, Chye Sim, Heng Cai,

Other : Marrow, Potato, Zuchinni, Asparagus, carrot, pumpkin, tofu, cauliflower, sweet potato, Egg , frenh bean , tomato

I usually cook a soup base (to add taste to the porridge ) , then use the soup base to cook porridge.. but I only have corn soup base and scallop soup base.

any other soup that can have taste.?
Wah, so many postings today. Must add my inputs

I think HW is the heaviest....he's 11.5 kg at 13.5 mth old. He takes abt 4 milk feeds of 200 ml per day + 3 meals. Breakfast is usually light w bread/cereal bar/biscuits. Lunch & dinner are table food cos he's taking rice now.

Re soup or soup base
HW loves soup (hee, a true blue cantonese like daddy & mummy) so we make that for him every meal. So far, he had tried all sort of soups such as black bean, ABC, watercress, sliced fish, lotus root, ikan bilis veg, peanut, winter melon, yellow melon, etc except those herbal and salty veg types.

Not sure abt Sengkang, but I usually get cod fish from nearby wet market or cold storage. Costs abt $35 per kg. But my mum said no good to eat too much cod cos it's frozen compared to threadfin which is fresh.

Thanks, I oso think I very lucky to find such a nanny. As for feeding time, definitely take longer to feed rice than porridge, so what I do is to time HW's feeds and make sure he's hungry enough by meal time. Then he'll eat quite fast. He like to chew things with texture (e.g. cauliflower, carrot), so too mushy he will spit out....
my family also dun cook for adults, so whatever fish/meat that isaac gets is frozen also..

i share wiv u 1 pack of golden skinny mushrooms hor. U buying on Saturday morning? If i happen to get it earlier, i'll sms u.
Any idea why Scotts no good? Edna has been eating this for months already.

Not bad, u have intro a lot of food to your dd.
I contribute somemore not in yor list:

Meat = liver, ham, snapper, salmon
Green Vege = xiao bai cai, kai lan, dou ya and anythin green in my fridge
Other = Winter Melon, Old cucumber, turnip, lotus root, baby corn, mushrooms, cheese, yogurt, peas, onion, garlic, chee cheong fan, mee tan ma and so on...

Can do fish bone stock but add a few slices of ginger to get rid fishy smell. Or veg stock oso can if u have a lot of veg to get rid.

Weekends got cook bor?
hi mummies,

any tips or experience to share on training toddler to sleep through the night? past 2 nights i tried feeding water, pat and rock her back to sleep. battled with her for 1 hour before i finally gave in and latch. very siong leh, every day insufficient sleep and work in office is so busy!

maybe it's also my fault for taking the shortcut in the past of latching her in my bed when she woke up in middle of night. think it's a habit for her now to wake up seeking for comfort from latching.

i'm also having problems introducing FM to her - she's not receptive and still prefers BM. needless to say, she's refusing bottle from me as well. jia lat leh... i cant possibly be BFing her long-term right? how har?
wendy, i intend to get my dad to buy from the market on friday morning. if he cannot get them will prob go NTUC on sat morning. Just msg me if u happen to get the mushrooms and cabbage before friday ok?
hi rainstan,
May can try feed from cup or use straw? Since my gals's prev fever last mnth, my MIL been giving her lots of water. She let her drink direct from cup to make it faster. 1min can finish 1/2 bottle of those small transluscent hellokitty water bottle. I think she also feed her milk this way leh...
Morning gals...
Wow...its a recipe page! can film a 'Mum-can-cook' show liao... heehee..
Great, i oso 'scratch-head' how to vary Keyon's meal. Now more choices!

shld hv started earlier leh...now bb more 'dong3 shi4', so more expressive on their preference. Hmm... my hb use the 'cruel method', give bb a full FM-feed, then let him cry until he tired & drop into his pillow... I very 'bu she de', though sometimes still give in & hug hug.
Keyon sleeps better in our bed, he'll climb out fr his cot in middle of night & crawl to btw me & hb & lie flat there & continue sleep... *faint*
hi raisintan, u SAHM? can try to let her have EBM in bottle first, then gradually mix in FM until it's full FM. Let people other than you do the feed, cos she has already associated you with BFg. (Fyi, my boy points to my breasts when i ask him where's milk! :p) sometimes being pregnant can also alter the taste of the BM and toddlers may be turned off by it. *wink*

as for sleep training, if your gal can already get down from the bed, one book recommended the silent method. Keep the door slightly ajar. When she gets out of bed and goes out of the room, put her back in bed without speaking to her, or looking directly at her. Keep a blank face. The first few nights may require you to do this many many times, until she realises that she's not going to get what she wants by getting out of bed. You can keep her fav soft toy or bolster in the bed. When morning comes, lavish attention on her to emphasis on the "perks" of staying in bed till morning. If she just cries in cot, I guess the only method is the cry-it-out.
sounds like what SuperNanny did in her programs =)

how does Keyon climb out of his cot?! Low rails har?
Hi mummies,

Have any of you let your baby try lamb or mutton yet? those ang moh cookbooks like annabel karmel start introducing lamb at like 8-12months...but my mum say lamb too heaty, dun give...

any recipes to share on cooking button mushrooms for bb?

Applejuz, keyon can climb over his cot railing?? wow!
cat, i didnt ask in details about that.. she just told me that she read an article about it.. maybe you can check with your PD on the next visit loh..

raisintan, i also started daryll on FM recently.. he rejected initially. what i did was to feed him while he's sleeping, he starts to accept little by little. now he can take 1 full FM feed
yes, when introducing FM to isaac, i gave him when he was most hungry, so put up least resistance - that was at first milk feed of the day, when he just wakes up at abt 7am
I'm a mummy
Anton ate organic minced lamb at the age of 8mths. He loves it! For mushrooms, I got the shitake mushrooms and cook it in water and then minced it to tiny pieces

I followed the Gina Ford recipes very closely that is why very angmo hehe. Moreover Anton is half ang mo ,remember?
Anton is 10.8kg at 13 mths 6 days. Going to cutdown his milk feeds into 2 ( cut down the 3pm milk feed ) when he is 14 mths
no matter what ingredient i use, i'll always chop it finely and throw into slow cooker! haha.. lazy mummy, but i guess the inevitable comes when he has to eat adult food, meaning i'll have to cook during weekends! oh no... but compared to letting him take outside food, i think the sacrifice is worth it. as it is, he'll be taking at least 1 meal outside each week cos my ILs always have dinner outside. And I'm not going to cook for them!

for self feeding, think zephan is happy to have food delivered to his mouth. dont see him grabbing for the spoon.

wendy, oh yah, i bought the supernanny book actually.. haha.. could have been that. find the book interesting, cos it reflects real life situations and it's easier to relate than the theory books that most PDs write about.
cot's rail pulled halfway. ie, if he stand inside, level at his waist.
So climb over like a 'thief climb over a gate'.. :p btw, he can move his body & press on to our bed's headboard to give himself a lift! aiyo

no wonder i find ur train 'bb to sleep' method so familiar.. I oso got the super nanny book.. haha

chk wif u, i jus booked a 7D Taiwan Tour Pkg dur Natas for Dec. Very excited now. :>
Goin wif my parents & siblings. u all know anywhere selling nice sweater or winter clothing for baby?
i bought a basket (those u can find at the supermarket) and put nicholas into it at meal time. Throw in some toys also so that he will stay in there and can't crawl away. These days, i realize that he will automatic climb in when he sees his lunch / dinner coming. In the evening before he goes to bed, i make him "keep" all his toys in the basket..

i've just found the CDs in the car. Burning them now and post out to you later today k.. Sorry, took so long to locate them.

nick is 13kg at 11 months. now, maybe somewhere around there or slightly more.

i got 1 can of 400g Friso 3. Yr baby is drinking this formula right? U want it?
It's time to eat at home..heehee.. Or else u & ting2 got to share the bb food every wkends.

Chop the jin zhen gu into small pcs & cook as veg soup for baby. Or else just steam them inside the rice cooker & cut small pcs before u serve.

I dun dare to use your hubby's method. Edna will puke out if she cried too hard & then here goes my mattress...

Hmm.. ok, will do some research on it.

"Fu" u. I got the Gina book & follow 1 mth..wahaha...
nicky's mum, no prob. take your time. my player is currently under repair, no thanks to zephan who kept pressing the open/close button n spoiling the reader. :p

applejuz, hehe.. yah. think the super nanny is now a super rich nanny! wendy, the book is easy to read. i always forget the lessons learnt when watching the show, so figured will be better off with a book to refer when i want.

i'm also thinking of fine-tuning zephan's diet so that his mealtimes can coincide with the adults'. but if he sleeps at 8pm his dinner should not be later than 5.30pm right? that makes it impossible to meet cos i'll be still at work!
how did you cook the lamb? with pasta?

what's the name of the supernanny book? can buy from where?
i tried sippy cup, and cup with straw but she doesnt want. think it's cos she knows she can get the real stuff from me & she has also yet to acquire the taste for FM. but cos my supply has reduced, it may not be enough to last her through the nite, so gotta top up with FM.

yah, should have tried earlier but cos i wanted to continue BF for as long as i can. so drag and drag till now... have been latching her on middle of night partly also cos of her weight (13.5mths not even 9kg). but recently read the "what to expect" book and it mentioned there's no reason for them to wake up for night feeds - they've long passed the stage and body is capable of fasting for at least 12hrs. your boy is so smart to climb out of cot and climbed to your bed!

i'm a FTWM. yah, nanny has been mixing EBM+FM and slowly increasing the amount of FM. when we're home after work, she simply refuses to take any milk from bottle or cup from either hubby or me. she'll keep saying "neh neh" and lift up my t-shirt, sometimes even after emptying my breasts.

cant work with cry-it-out, tried few times and it back-fired. she got so cranky that nothing else pacifies her except latching. and i also cant bear to see her cry so hard.

i also tried bottle feeding her when she's sleeping but she pushed the bottle away and started crying. tried many times, end up gotta pacify her back to sleep. jia lat leh..
hv u tried training her? Say "No more neh neh" in a firm voice when she tried to grab your boobs or smthg. Does she understand the word "No" ?
i'm a mummy, i think the book is simply called "Super Nanny", with a pic of Jo Frost on it. I bought it at Kinokuniya.

raisintan, hmm... come to think of it, i've also never fed zephan with FM myself too.. may have the same problem as you next time when i want to wean zephan. Can you try being out of the house while your hb gives the night feed? If she knows that you're in the house she may resist the bottle.

wendy, zephan definitely understands "no", cos he cries/pouts/looks defiant after that! :p
Hi all, sorry to interrupt again. I've been reading all ur postings on baby's feeding & realise my boy 13mths has been drinking & eating very little. He takes about 3x180ml & 2x porridge. Sometimes does not finish milk.

I will be looking around for an infant care centre to place him soon cos mum not able to take care liao. But worried that will he eat & drink enough at the centre. Anyone have experience in infant care? & he's so small still, dunno how to talk, if ppl bully him he also cannot tell us.

I will be visiting 1 or 2 centres in my serangoon area coming sat. Anyone can give me advise on wat to ask & lookout for at the centre?

how many babies?
teacher to bb ratio?
feeding timing & food
sleeping arrangements
wat else should i lookout for....

thanks in advance for all your input!
hey cat tail
the music jingle for 6.30pm Chinese news weather forecast changed liaoz... isaac look at the TV blur blur.. wondering where's his fav music.
Hi mummies,

I have 2 free pass for Hot Yoga Classes at Planet Fitness City Vivo. The timing is available for 23 Oct 2.30pm & 3.30pm, 24 Oct 4.30pm & 5.30pm, 25 Oct 3pm and 4pm. It is limited to 50 per class. Need to pre-register. Do let me know if anyone want it. If not I will post it at Free Item thread. Thanks
raisintan, have u ever try spoon feeding her? some bb prefer it dat way but it will be very troublesome for the caregiver loh..
she might be latching for comfort at night.. another alternative is to give her pacifier

i got the gina book.. have yet to try the recipe there.. those ingredients sometimes are really hard to find
hi ojx,

how many babies?
depends on the floor area of the centre.

teacher to bb ratio?
2 or 4 bb (max) to 1 teacher. the smaller the number of baby to the teacher, the dearer is the fees.

feeding timing & food
Lunch - 12noon
Dinner - 5.30pm

sleeping arrangements
below 18months, baby sleep in cot. 18mths onwards, bb sleep on the floor matress.
I'm a mummy
yeah with pasta, vemicelli and also potato.

hehe yeah anton is almost a 100% Gina Ford baby as he still sleeps from 7pm to 7am throughout. I dun follow the exact recipes but the ingredients I dun follow the ones she stated. So far anton is a very strong boy. He can lift up my heavy weighing machine and turn it upside down! hehe
hi nicky's mum,

thanks for ur input. r u speaking from experience? ur bb in infant care too? how's bb so far there?
they like to see whether "If i drop this, will it make a sound?"
So isaac will throw his toys/ flashcards/ blanket out of our 17th storey window & see if there's any sound. But the only sound he hears is when we slap his hands & scold him. kekekeke
ojx, no.. i did consider putting nick in 1 but then changed our mind. Now the maid takes care of him. Main reason we did not put him in infant care is because have to pick him before 7pm which is difficult for us. Besides that of cos is the charges are so so high..

triniti, nick also likes to overturn everything and repair thems as if they are spoil. he takes pens and pretend they are screw drivers. I think he learns for daddy cos daddy sure repairs something every weekend. haha

The other thing nick loves to do is take the pen and draw. Been giving him majong paper and my flip chart paper to draw, but then, the cost is not cheap per piece. anyone got any suggestions what i should give him to draw on? Tried newspaper, but he prefers flipping it instead.
wendyg, no use leh.. it seems like he prefers holding the real pen.. i realise he likes to throw the magna-doodle (got a dunno what brand one from pasar malam) on the floor and step on it.

Think he needs a big piece of paper.. cos i used the drawing block and he draws on the floor instead.
anybody know which area(town or sengkang) got organic shop ha? need to buy organic full cow milk ? thinking of give Sabrina liao
cat_tail, ya lor. tt's y we bought a few 4 my boy as he likes it.

phoebe, tink it depends. coz when i was thr d other day, they were quite fresh as d new stocks had jus arrived.

ting, wah, u r gd man. can do rock climbing.
hw come u n sam need 2 go 2 obs 1?

coffeedrinker, u can try fish (normal fish or ikan bilis) or chicken soup base.

ixwong, i didn't noe tt u r cantonese aso. me 2. hehe... nxt time can xchange soup recipes liao.

niuniu, i chopped up d jin zheng gu into bite sized pcs, then boil in d soup.

applejuz, keyon is so smart, can crawl out of his cot. then u mus b v busy keeping an 'eye' on him liao.

i'm a mummy, i jus boil d mushrooms in soup. if i cooked veggies wif mushrooms, then i give him some aso.

HI adelyee,

Will reserved for u then. Can pm me your addresss? Thanks.

Vone & ixwong,
hehe... although I am not cantonese but I like soup too. Add me in your exchange list.

Vone, You sooooo early ah!
