(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Something to share with u all.... i have a video clip too those who want to see let me know cos its really cruel..


Pray and be prepared for a shock when you read it. This story is extremely sad.

My sister's co-worker has a sister in Texas who, with her husband, was planning a weekend trip across the Mexican border for a shopping spree.

At the last minute their baby sitter canceled, so they had to bring along their two-year-old son with them.

They had been across the border for about an hour when the baby got free and ran around the corner. The mother went chasing but the boy had disappeared.

The mother found a police officer that told her to go to the gate and wait. Not really understanding the instructions, she did as she was told.

About 45 minutes later, a man approached the border carrying the boy.
The mother ran to him, grateful that he had been found. When the man realized it was the boy's mother, he dropped the boy and ran. The police were waiting and got him.

The boy was dead. In the (less than) 45 minutes he was missing, he was cut open, ALL of his internal organs removed and his body cavity stuffed with COCAINE.

The man was going to carry him across the border as if he were asleep. A two-year-old boy, dead, discarded as if he were a piece of trash for somebody's cocaine.

If this story can get out and change one person's mind about what drugs mean to them, we are helping. Please send this E-mail to as many people as you can. If you have a home PC, send it out there, too. Let's hope and pray it changes a lot of minds.

The saddest thing about the whole situation is that those persons who suffer are innocent and people we love... God Bless you in this united effort to spread the word. You just might save a life!

May God bless you and keep you in his loving embrace.

Sarah's Mom,
It's ok, u r just too tired.

Haha.. k, will be great to see a sexy vone in no time.

That's quite cruel. Pls send me the clip.
cat tail
oh yes, early/mid 2003 there was a ballot.. our friend got their flat during that time. I forgot how much, but i think it's nearly $400k for a 5rm. Fwah! My far away Punggol flat is less than $300k..
Will collect CCTV from my friend after his JPN trip next week. Will keep u posted in 2 weeks time.

Is this a true story? Dun think I'll watch the clip as it will affect me for a while. Its so heart wrenching.
Sarah's mom, don't be too hard on yourself for not waking up, you are only human and will be tired too. Do continue to monitor Sarah's temperature every 4-6 hours especially in the evening and night. For viral fever, the temperature tends to go up around that time. Hang in there and try to get as much rest as you can, you don't want to fall sick as well.
Hi Mummies and Sarah's mom,

Now's my girl's turn to have fever. Dunno where she contracted the virus from cos none in the family and nanny's family is sick.

Discovered her fever at 6am, and has given her paracetamol and sponged her throughout the day. This morning and afternoon she appeared ok, drinking milk and water, and taking porridge though her temp was rather high at 38~39 degrees. Towards the evening she's showing signs of tiredness and slept at 8pm (usual 10+pm).

Feel so down since patting her to sleep at 8pm. Hai.. Some more we'll be celebrating her bday this Sat! Dunno how now.. Will bring her to the doc tomo. Gotta take another day of leave though I'm still new on the job.

Think bfeeding is really over-rated. Seems that the antibodies from my BM is not enough to fight the virus. Have reduced pumping at work to once a day and now my supply has dipped. Feel so helpless cos what she needs now is antibodies and I dont have enough milk for her. I guess frozen EBM doesnt have much antibodies left with the freezing and storage.

Sorry... it's a long post, feeling down

Your girl's fever may not be due to a virus, could it be that she is teething?? For babies, even a sore throat can cause them to have fever.

Previously, Nicole had fever for 2 days. The PD mentioned that her throat looked a bit red when I brought her to see him. But 2 weeks later, her 1st tooth popped out too. So until now, I still don't know if her fever was due to the sore throat or due to teething.

BFing is not over-rated lah. No matter what, it does help. So don't feel bad that you don't have enough supply for your girl. Whatever amount of BM you can get into her is better than nothing, right?

Hang in there, ok? And hope your girl gets well soon.
niuniu, pls send me the clip. [email protected]

raisintan, i heard before that those bb reaching 1 year old will have fever (some old wife tales)..
dun be sad that you're not able to provide more bm for your girl.. you've been doing a good job for bfeeding her for so long..
Raisintan, i also have to agree that breastfeeding is really over-rated.

My younger son was on 3mths TBF while the elder one was only like 2 week of mixed BM and FM.. Elder's son asthma seems to be on the mild side compared to my younger one. The younger one was so serious that even after 10 puffs of ventolin at one go,you could still hear the wheezing loud and clear. So scary..
Hi ladies,
Thanks for the consolation. Cant help worrying cos her fever didnt really subside the whole day. I really hope she'll be well enough for her bday party this Sat.

I doubt it's teething leh, wont have such high persistent fever right? Her 2 upper teeth are popping out, seen them since 2 weeks back.

Nicky's mom,
Dunno whether my thinking is naive - if i'm not sick, she shouldnt be right? Since obviously i have the antibodies to the virus she's having and by drinking my BM she should have those antibodies as well right? Apparently it doesnt work this way :p
A mother has also told me something similar to what Phoebe said. Some bb would have fever either before or after their b'day. I share the same sentiment as Snoopy too that the most likely cause could be teething or throat infection. Did you brought her out, or swim recently?

If her fever exceeds 39degree, u might want to give her nurofen (I gave Sarah one dose after the hospital trip that night and her fever went down). And that was the only dose I gave so far unless she hit anything abv 39 degrees. Once her fever came down, she will be more receptive to water and solid. Keep feeding her with water. And do what u've been doing.

Hey, you've to give yrself a pat in the shoulder for doing bfeeding for so long. I stopped right after full month. And Sarah's immune system is so weak as compare to my friend's children. She has to visit doc every alternate months for flu. Inbetween, she just took the left over medicine.

You've me as a company now. :) Let's work hard to bring down our gal's temperature tonight. Your gal will be alright before her b'day coz she's a bfed bb!
Your frd must be either getting the super high storey with seaview or stadium view! My one face Geylang so the price not so exaggerating..hyiak hyiak...

Sarah's Mom,
U seems so refreshed after a good nap. If u r tired again, then get someone to take over for a while to let u recharge again.

Did the PD check her ear?
U bet,Cat_tail.

But now back to zombie state coz I slept around 2am yesterday. Woke up at 5am, 6am, and 7am till now. Can't catch a nap coz many errands to run. Sarah has developed some rashes all over her face, neck and back. Got to bring her see doc again.

As if this is not tolling enough, maid din clean my kitchen floor day before. Asked her for reason, she claimed that her stomach hurts after eating "Chilli". Then realize that the chilli that she referred to was the green capsicum. She claimed that the chilli was hot and hence her stomach upset. I was so pissed off and told her off that the capsicum might look like chilli internally, but its definitely not hot. But she still insist her stand. What a liar. I told her tt I'm going to bring her see doc, but she refused. I'm scratching my head as to how to expose her lie and get her admit that she did not eat the capsicum afterall as she din even know the actual taste. Also, really puzzled as to what she has been doing an hr before she slept (bedtime: 9.45pm/10pm). Arghhhhh...
hi sarah's mom, the rashes are called "false measles", nothing to worry. they'll appear after the end of a viral fever. u PD didn't forewarn you of tht? it's a good sign that the fever should be gone.

raisintan, Bfdg is not overly rated lah. think about it, ur baby didn't get sick when he was on TBF right? now that he's on semi-solids, his milk intake (hence antibody intake) is less than before also. Furthermore, we only produce antibodies to fight our own illnesses, but not other members of the family. Adults may not fall sick even if they carry certain viruses, cos our body system is strong. Babies have weaker systems, so they tend to fall sick more easily. H/w, falling sick gives them a chance to build up their immune system. So dun feel sad ok?
oh, and certain illnesses are heriditary, and BM is not a miracle solution for all illnesses. But it strengthens the body so that kids can recover faster when they fall sick.
Sarah's mum
I think ur precious daughter contracted Roseala. The breakout of the rashes is one of the symptoms that she is on her way to recovery!!My son too had high fever for 3 days and on the 4th day, he also had rashes all over. Since I have read it up before, I am actually glad he has the rashes hehe
Sarah's mom, sometimes we have to be firm to 'break' the maid in. My maid used to like to argue with me and talk back and insist on her own stand even when she is wrong. She even went so far as to tell me, during the period that Nicole was having her 2 days fever, my hb was having flu and I am down with cough, that she is not happy that I tell her off for doing her things wrong and she will work 2 more days which will be end of the 3rd month and then she will leave. I was very pissed off too when she said that, as here we are all sick, and there she is threatening to leave. So I told her that if she really wants to leave, then I will send her back to Indonesia! She quickly told me that she only wants to go back to the agent. I told her no! If she wants to leave, she goes back to Indonesia. Then she broke down and cried! Told me that she has no money to pay the agent and she has to earn money to help support her mother. So after that we came to an agreement, she wouldn't keep threatening to leave (did that twice already), and I wouldn't send her back to Indonesia. And ever since then, she doesn't dare to argue with me or insist on her stand when she is wrong. Of course on my part, I will take effort to explain to her where she has gone wrong and why I am correcting her.

So Sarah's mom, don't let your maid get away with such stuff. Tell her in future if she doesn't finish her work and she goes to sleep, you are going to wake her up to finish her work. And don't accept crap reasons too, as once they can get away with what they are doing a few times, there will be no end to it! They are just going to get more and more bold. Can try getting the agent to talk to her and tell her to fulfill her responsibility too. If all else fails, then guess it is time to change the maid.

Looks like Sarah's fever is going to be over soon. yay!
Sarah's Mom,
Is the maid always behave like tat?

I have a bad experience with my 1st maid too (prob u have seen her during our taka gathering). Never complete her houseworks, face black black when I scold her & want to sleep at 8pm! Imagine how frustrating it is to have her.

Wah say, your frd really burnt a big pocket! I stayed at 17th, and I din pay that sky high price!
Hi mummies,

celebrated my girl's birthday almost one week ago, heh this lazy mummy now then downloaded pics from camera..

some pics to share..there were about total 55-60 guests, there was kind of a barnyard theme and caterer was neo garden

decor & Birthday Cake

suzie zoo agar agar

pretty Cupcakes giveaway favours for guests

personalised goodie bags for baby pals

Daddy, Mummy & jasmin

Jasmin & her baby pals

Shacked out daddy & mummy after the party

The birthday loot!
Thank you for the reassurance. I will try to read more abt it. Btw, base on yr experience, how long does it take for the rashes to be cleared?

Thank you for being around with me everyday during this period...
After this experience, I realized that there's so much to learn in the school of bb care. There are new stuff to learn from the mommies here everyday such as roseola (triniti) today. And the assurance that you and the rest of mommies have given. My only sis who has experience is so far away in States. Close friends are mostly single, career women n working overseas. You've really made going through my "ordeals" this week a breeze.
I may be changing to a Myanmar maid after discussing with hb this evening. I am not as patient and receptive to maids who lie.

After the decision of changing her, felt a little sad...She is pretty good a worker, if not for her personality. Lotsa initiative. And a fashion advisor to me. *hiaz*
I'm a Mummy,
Wow.. What a unique birthday theme and cake! Did you DIY Jasmin's name? Nice!

Hi Mummies,
Thanks for all the advice and consolation. Brought girl to see PD today. Found out the cause of her fever - urinary tract infection (UTI)! Prescribed antibiotics and her fever came down. But the antibiotics is causing her to have diarrhoea. Anyone with experience to share with UTI?

She's also having rashes on her body, hands, feet and face cos of the fever. PD said it's normal for babies to have rashes after fever. Am glad that her fever came down so fast. Hopefully she'll be in good condition for her bday party! But the rashes on her face makes her look like a pimpled faced bday girl.. hai..
my boy also had diarrhoea when he had to take it for a week for his viral infection two weeks ago... so cham. will you continue with the antibiotics?

sarah's mom
I heard very good comments about Myanmar maids but they are alot more expensive than Filipinos/Indo right?

I'm a Mummy
happy belated birthday to JAsmin. The birthday cake and the cupcakes look delicious. Where did you get them from? Did you make the cupcakes yourself?
sarah's mom
It can last up to a week but it will not cause itchiness to the child. Initially the doc thought it was UTI and went for a blood and urine test and in the end like I suspected, it is roseala. No worries, sarah will be fine soon

The following are the most common symptoms of UTI. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

In babies:

abdominal pain
abdominal fullness
foul smelling urine
poor growth
weight loss or failure to gain weight
poor feeding

So far I do not know of any babies having UTI but girls are more susceptible to it more than boys because they have a shorter urinary tract. Some articles say that if u have UTI at a young age, then it might occur again...
Dear mummies,

Can i ask if teething will cause a babies to lose their appetite??? Kai FINALLY has a tooth appearing on his lower gum. Hee... But has been drinking very little milk. about 80ml x 3 a day. So, i'm wondering if it's due to teething.

Wow! I'm a mummy,
Nice cake you have there. same as the balloons. Love the font of Jasmine on the wall... Nice...
Just to share, my gal was also down with fever. Brought her to see doctor, and found that she had ear infection causing her to have fever. She had running nose and cough at the same time. Perhaps like someone said earlier about old wives tale, she fell sick soon after her 1st birthday.
Hope your gals are all doing fine..

Yes, heard lotsa of good feedback on Myanmar maids too. Think average is $320.

Thanks. Brought my gal to the doc again as her "rashes" getting worse. Doc said that might be an allergy in her case as the surface is rough. How was Anton's rashes like? Hope the doc is wrong...coz I'm not sure what she's allergy to. I intro two new stuff this week, that is nurofen and jap sweet potatoes.
Sarah's Mom,
Let's learn together.

As for gd maid, it really depend on your luck. And whether Myanmar is better, errr.. my frd is complaining abt her Myanmar maid. Actually I hope u give one more chance with your Indo maid since she's quite competent in taking care of your baby. Anyway u decided to change her, so no harm trying another one.

Yes, Edna loses appetite when she's teething.
Sarah Mum,
saw your decision on the Maid's matter.. that you are going to change another maid..

My personally opinion : if your maid can take good care of your baby.. that is the priority..
If she can do both housework and baby well, good luck.. but if only we can choose one, then I will prefer she take care of my baby well.

Changing another one, don't gurantee you that you will get another one that will take good care of your baby..

My maid don't do housework well, she even don't do some of them. But she take very good care of my baby (ensure she is not cold, sweaty, clean, on time feeding and teach her words, read to her).. she does all things for my baby, but she don't do any extra for housework/or us unless we told her to. so long as she don't mess up my house, I treat her as my babysitter and she does the basic housework (those housework I schedule, but I spot check once a week, those area that are not done well, I just tell her: Riza, here not so clean .. later when baby sleep, can you clean up here?)

This morning, I spot check again, My rice cooker got 3 part to wash.. she wash only the pot, miss out 2 part.. I pluck it out, put in the sink..without telling her.. later I see she wash it , (next week I will check and see if she know what I mean...some of the things I don't say, I action)

Anyway, my point is , which is your priority ? Good maid-babysitter very difficlty to get.
hi mummies, thanks for your kind comments...

Hi raisintan,

Yup, i diy the letters of jasmin's name myself..i drew it out on thick blue paper, then cut out and i printed out the cartoons from the same barnyard theme and pasted them on.. cause i was trying to tie in with the 'theme' of her party hehe

glad to hear your dd is feeling better!

hi emmie,
no lah, i bought the cupcakes..i can't bake for nuts keke i ordered the cupcakes from Carnival & co. her cake was from Room for Dessert

Hi eileen,
Ya i think some babies who are teething will lose their appetite..probably also because painful to suck on the teat? my girl was ok, but my friend's baby stopped drinking milk totally, only want to eat solids..cause i think sucking from the teat hurt her gums/teeth? dunno lei...
my niece-in-law (now 2YO) has UTI v often, very bad infection & she was hospitalised often. Sometimes due to UTI, sometimes pneumonia. Hope her parents bought insurance.
Yeah, getting a good maid is like a draw regardless of nationality. Hopefully, Myanmmar one has a higher success rate. My Indon maid is good with housework and taking care of bb's well-being, but not good in playing with her. She only enjoys spending time with her in the garden, and could be as long as 45mins-1hr. I will then open my office sliding door so that I could monitor what they are doing outside. But many times, she will not speak to my bb, play with her, or sing to my bb. Just let her sit infront of her and stare blankly. Till now, when I have to pass my bb to the maid, bb would wailed for a while before settling down. After few counselling, she started to play with her a little more, but not sure how long it would last.
I do not mind if she couldn't finish the core housework if she could be honest with me. Infact, besides the daily basic chores, I do not insist she complete other tasks by when and so on. She does what she deems right. Infact, I asked her to work slowly, but thoroughly.
She chose to lie to her teeth...I dun feel safe entrusting bb to a dishonest maid.
Hi Emmie,
I'll have to let her finish her course of antibiotics cos I wanna make sure her infection is treated totally. Now quite cham... she doesnt have appetite for solids, only wanna latch and I dont have enough BM for her liao cos I cut down pumping in office to once a day, and she's refusing bottles from hubby and me!

Thanks for the info. Have yet got the time to read up more about UTI cos was busy taking care of her and preparing her bday. Oh dear, the thought of recurring UTI is so scary...

yah, UTI can be very bad and warrant hospitalisation. I really hope it wont happen again..
hello jh

Megan was unplaced in both categories. :eek:) Well, nevermind la, she had fun, I had fun and I am soooooooo incredibly proud of her.
Sarah's Mom,
Just change until u find someone suitable. Just a suggestion, try to get a young, married one like between 20 to 25 as they have better energy to play with baby.

Megan can get into Final is already something.
Hi mummies,

Long time no post...got a question. Have any mummies brought your little ones to growing up gifted, gymboree and kindermusik?

Can I have some feedback?
hi sarah's mom, hope sarah recovers soon! yah, we're all learning everyday, and though i have friends with kids around same age, it's much faster to post queries here and get responses..

yest zephan had a mild fever. he was cranky in the afternoon and refused to take his dinner. i was angry with him and even scolded him for being difficult.. only later did i realise he was running a mild fever.. boy, did i feel guilty for lashing at him...

This is so cute and oh so true

Your Clothes:
1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OB/GYN confirms your pregnancy.

2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible.

3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.
Preparing for the Birth:

1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously.

2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember that last time,breathing didn't do a thing.

3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.

The Layette:

1st baby: You pre-wash newborn's clothes, color-coordinate them, and fold them neatly in the baby's little bureau.

2nd baby: You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and discard only the ones with the darkest stains.

3rd baby: Boys can wear pink, can't they?


1st baby: At the first sign of distress -- a whimper, a frown -- you pick up the baby.

2nd baby: You pick the baby up when her wails threaten to wake your firstborn.

3rd baby: You teach your three-year-old how to rewind the mechanical swing.


1st baby: If the pacifier falls on the floor, you put it away until you can go home and wash and boil it.

2nd baby: When the pacifier falls on the floor, you squirt it off with some juice from the baby's bottle.

3rd baby: You wipe it off on your shirt and pop it back in.


1st baby: You change your baby's diapers every hour, whether they need it or not.

2nd baby: You change their diaper every two to three hours, if needed.

3rd baby: You try to change their diaper before others start to complain about the smell or you see it sagging to their knees.


1st baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics, Baby Swing, and Baby Story Hour.

2nd baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics.

3rd baby: You take your infant to the supermarket and the dry cleaner.

Going Out:

1st baby: The first time you leave your baby with a sitter, you call home five times.

2nd baby: Just before you walk out the door, you remember to leave a number where you can be reached.

3rd baby: You leave instructions for the sitter to call only if she sees blood.

At Home:

1st baby: You spend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby.

2nd baby: You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older child isn't squeezing, poking, or hitting the baby.

3rd baby: You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.

Swallowing Coins (a favorite):

1st child: When first child swallows a coin, you rush the child to the hospital and demand x-rays.

2nd child: When second child swallows a coin, you
carefully watch for the coin to pass.

3rd child: When third child swallows a coin you deduct it from his allowance!

GRANDCHILDREN: God's reward for allowing your children to live!
not moving huh... here's Isaac's latest pic... Zhu1 Zhui3 (pig mouth)


Granny-in-law (beer granny) insisted that we shave him again coz his hair still very fine. Previous time shaved him at 4m & 5m. This time round he freaked out at the buzzing sound of the shaver, and also hairdryer sound in the background. Not as co-operative as last time.

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
2. JT and family ([email protected])
3. Cakey & family ([email protected])
4. ixwong & family ([email protected])
5. vone & hb ([email protected])
6. smallbell & family ([email protected])
7. applejuz & family ([email protected])
8. aidanee & family ([email protected])
9. cookies & family ([email protected])
10. snoopy & family ([email protected])
11. Sarah's mom & hb ([email protected])
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family ([email protected])
14. eileenp & family ([email protected])
15. dressaholic & family ([email protected])
16. Samantha & Family ([email protected])
17. jh & family ([email protected])
18. Eileen (littledar) & bb
19. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
20. cat_tail & bb (coming late due to work) ([email protected]
21. Lynette & Family ([email protected])

Ok mummies you got mail on the party ...

FeatherG & Eileen (littledar) .. I didnt see your email address so cant email you ... you can PM me your email address so that I can fwd the email to you.

If there are more of you who just decided that you can join the party, just PM me too so that I can add you on the list.
