(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Sarah's mom, you better bring her to the hospital if this carries on. If she refuses liquids and her fever remains high, she can be dehydrated! If so, the hospital will put her on a drip to re-hydrate her. Don't fool around with fever for babies, cos they are very very young. Previously, Chloe & YiCheng was hospitalized for fever due to dehydration too.

Sarah's Mom,
did u sponge her? Last time when Daryll was having fever, i tried the advise given by his PD to stay in air-cond room to bring down his temp. no use at all... den i tried the traditional way of letting him sleep without air-cond and no bath and his temp finally went back to normal..
Appreciate your prompt response. She had seen the doctor yesterday afternoon. Will bring her to the doc again tomorrow morning if her fever remains high. Will try to sponge her when she's into deep sleep. Just woke her up for medicine. She refused to be sponged. The worrying thing is like what Snoopy said, dehydration. SHe hasn't been drinking water since this afternoon...
hello Sarah's mom

think it is quite urgent for you to bring Sarah to see the doc asap since she hasn't been drinking water since afternoon. they'll put her on a drip to get her body hydrated and dehydration can cause a lot of serious problem in babies.

If I were you, I will bring my bb to the hospital now.

Take care.
Sarah's mom,

Please don't wait until morning! That is another 12 hours! And if bb Sarah is not drinking water or milk at all and is still running a high temperature, please bring her to the hospital immediately! You do not want her to be seriously dehydrated before she is helped. The hospital can put her on a drip to solve the dehydration problem. Please don't wait anymore!
for me, i will bring megan to Raffles hospital cos she's born there and her records are all there

some parents like to bring their bb to KK hospital.. so it's really up to you

There's A&E dept in most hospital and they will contact the pd on duty to attend to Sarah.

Take care.... hope Sarah get well soon.
Hi Sarah,

Remember you stay at Katong? The nearest hospital should be East Shore Hospital. The next nearest should be Changi hospital and after that Thomson Medical Centre.

But what angel says is true, you may want to go to the hospital where Sarah is borned, cos they wld have her records there.
Finals is this Sunday. For Megan she got into finals for Chubby Baby as well as Enfapro bb champ so she'll need to reach there at 2.45pm for registration.

enfapro bb champ starts 3.30pm
Chubby bb starts 4.30pm
hi mums,

anyone install camera(CCTV) in their hse cos i wan to install but dont know how to and where to buy them and the cost too.
sarah's mum.. whahah.. i didn't know u are staying so near to me as well.. am staying at marine terrace.. keke..
how's her fever? if got fever.. only.. i dun think u will need to bring her.. to the hospital where she's born ba.. coz the details wun do anything much as well.. most impt thing is tt doctors will be able to bring her temperature down as soon as possible.. tts my 2 cents worth of opinions..

mummies: i need help ... am like clueless... when organizing birthday parties.. can gimme some ideas pls?
Wow, good luck to Megan. Hope she can bring some pride for us..heehee..

My hubby got the wireless camera from Sim Lim, think it's something called LinkSys. U oso need a wireless router to install.
Hi cat_tail

thanks for the good luck. If Megan win then it's good la.. but if she doesn't, it's ok too I am already very proud of her for going this far :eek:)
Brought her to East Shore Hospital yesterday night. They prescribed nurofen to her as there's no symptoms of dehydration yet. We were told to send her to the hospital again this morning should she refused drinks, n fever din come down. Thankfully her fever came down gradually since middle of the night and morning. She has also started eating yogurt and drinking little amount of water and milk. Now, her temperature is around 37 degrees. I'm still monitoring her temp closely and feeding her paracetamol every 4hrs interval until she has no more fever for the next 24hrs. Felt so vulnerable and helpless yesterday night with the surge of her temperature and refusal of solid and water intake. But I've learned thru this experience of how to take care of feverish child.
Thanks for being there...

Thank you for concern and prayers too...

Indeed, We can have a gathering with u, cat_tail and the east coast mummies (met them once and are trying to organize another one after Ethel's confinement).

Re: Party
Depends on the guest size n how elaborate u want. Decide on the venue, then start thinking abt the decor and theme. Need to know if there would be many kids attending too.

Re: Goodies bags
Realize that kids are more excited with taking away the fanciful balloons than the bags. Talk abt instant "gratification"? Could see their satisfied and happy faces when taking away the balloons of their choice.

Thanks for being around yesterday. Yah, I too prefer the traditional way of nursing bb.

Megan is really something!! I would be proud too if my gal could go this far.
hi sarah, that's good to hear! when kids have fever, they tend to fluctuate a lot during the first 3-5 days, and the fever should go off completely within 1 week. the 1st time zephan had fever, i was really shocked to know that the temp goes so high, 40.5 deg! Took 3 days off work to look after him. The 2nd time he had a fever, we were not so panicky cos we know what to expect.

you may want to stop feeding medicine if temp is constant around 37.5-37.8. Bcos the medicine is sweet, it may decrease their appetite for normal food. For myself, if the temp doesn't go beyond 38 deg, i will withhold medicine for the time being. unless at night when temp tends to shoot up. also, this gives the body a chance to build up its defence and promote self healing.
Oh, now I recalled abt Zephan's case. Indeed, it could scare mommies out of their wit...
Yr advice makes sense. Will give her another shot of paracetamol and stop if her fever doesn't return. Thanks!
I got my friend to buy the CCTV for me but have yet to seen how it looks like. Think it cost less than S$200 from Linksys (Sim Lim Square). But not sure if it is exactly what we want as we expected it to cost much more. HB inquired with Harvey Norman and it cost around $1.4k. It also depends on the no. of cameras u need. And ensure that u've internet port in each room.
Sarah's Mom,
Nice to hear tat Sarah is ok.

Ya man, Megan can go that far is considered a winner. Do take some pics of the contest.
here's what i think: Megan will top Chubby category, or finish in top 3 at least.
Can't comment on Baby Champ coz i never get to see that segment for all the babies.. by the time i reach Baby Champ is halfway or over liaoz.

Any prizes if i guess correctly? heh heh

cat tail
Old Airport Rd Blk 10? I got 2 friends there.. my hubby's friends actually. We nearly applied for those flats, but dowan to wait, so went for Punggol instd.
Sarah's mom,

Glad to know that little Sarah is getting better. Do continue to monitor her temperature every 4-6 hours to ensure that it stays down.

In case you thought I was exaggerating and causing you alarm last night, just to explain myself. If baby has fever and still continues to drink milk/water, then I do think it is fine to just feed them the liquid paracetamol and monitor their situation. But like for Sarah's case yday, where she refused liquids and is still running a temperature, then you do want to bring her to the hospital/doctor, for them to check if she is dehydrated or not. In this case, I do believe it is better to be safe than sorry.

btw, where did you get Sarah's no. 1 cake from?? It is very pretty.
The trip to hospital was worth it. Firstly, there's no clinic around that I know operates 24 hrs. Secondly, the nurofen brought now the temperature. Thirdly, least I now know a lil of signs of dehydration and the areas to sponge bb. I'm glad to hv gone with the advice. :))

Got both the cakes from CherylShuen wedding concept. But I think the 2nd cake looks more like a full month cake. hahaha. She just put up both of the cakes into the website. You might want to have a look. I was intrigued by most of her designs.
cat tail
by that time i got married liaoz..
i think my friends at Blk 6 & Blk 10...
hey, so dat's why u can record fireworks la. Stay so near Stadium
Oppss.. u married young? Heehee.. plus living near stadium can go to Kallang KFC or McDonald anytime I want. I think the KFC is the only one that has free flow of drinks.
cat tail
no la i didn't marry young. i married march 2004. that time Old Airport Road new flats still under construction
hi mummies, m back. had a v tiring bdae bash 4 my boy. some pics 2 share:

d bdae cake :-

family pic :-

d bdae loot :-

another family pic :-

c d smirk on my boy's face.
sarah's mom, great to hear that sarah is getting better..

i'm also thinking of installing camera at home.. can let me know after u've tested it out? thanks ya..

Vone, nice cake..

Happy B'day to Daryl... tis weekend will be my turn to celebrate Daryll's b'day and still so many things not done yet.. headache
Sarah's fever is back again. Up down within few hours. *hiaz*

There will be an infant massage demo on this coming Saturday (26 Aug) from 10.30am -11.30am at Academy Kidz (Location: Laguna Park). Will be bringing Sarah there. Have attended the course held in TMC, but not sure if its the same. "Parents can learn to adopt, recognize and apply different types of touch or strokes to infants with DIFFERENT NEEDS. Light refreshments will be served. Call to register for free admission."
sarah's mom, fever tends to rise in the evening and early morning.. just keep her out from the air-cond room with light clothing. hope she'll get well soon.. hang on ya

i went to the one at TMC before but too bad as i cant do it on Daryll as he has enzema..
Sarah's mom,
oh no, Sarah's fever came back? maybe can try putting cold wet towel on her forehead, if not check with the doctor.
u be strong too.... hopefully after every sickness, baby's immune sys grow stronger.

Congrats to Megan getting into Finals! Jia you... shoot all the way to the 1st!

Happy Bithday to Daryl.. hey, that's really a BIG cake.. heehee, almost cover all your 3 faces.
Hi sarah's mom,

Fever usually is higher at night. And they usually will last for 3 days. if after the 3 days fever still don't go off, u will need to consult the doctor again.

Meanwhile, just continue giving her the medication every 4-6 hourly.
sarah's mom, oh no... hope tt her fever will subside soon. u take care aso k.

applejuz, tks.
ya, it was. luckily thr r no left-overs.
Aiya, u missed the 1st balloting in yr 2003. Or else we neighbour liao. Hee..

Sarah's Mom,
Hang on. It's normal for the fever to come & go becos of the medication & it will takes a while to subside fully. So in the meantime make sure Sarah takes more water.

Happy B'day to Daryll! U seems like slim down hor..kekeke..
Phoebe/Applejuz/Vone/Nicky's mom/Cat_tail,
Thank you for the encouragement and tips. I'm still doing fine as I bo zho gang last night.
:-((( Din know that I switch off the alarm clock at 2am+ as I'm supposed to feed BB with medicine and sponge her. BB woke me up at 6am. **Hiaz** Aiyoh, this lazy mom...

Hhaha, din know you were bigger size before. Luckily, you're good looking. :)
hi sarah's mom, dun worry, i didn't even set alarm to remind myself! i slept in the same room as zephan, and when he makes noise i'll wake up to check. else i also snoozed through..
cat_tail, haha... tks a lot. u really make my day. okie, i shall try 2 slim down somemore k.

sarah's mom, hehe... tks. ya, i became a big sized gal after i knew my hb. so m nw trying v hard 2 lose weight. dun feel bad abt nt waking up. u aso dun wan tt. so cheer up k.
mummies, i gt tis fr my colleague, so i wanted 2 share wif u gals.

To those of us who have children in our lives, whether they are our own, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or students...here is something to make you chuckle. Whenever your children are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend to His own children After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve. And the first thing he said was "DON'T!"

"Don't what?" Adam replied.

"Don't eat the forbidden fruit." God said.

"Forbidden fruit? We have forbidden fruit? Hey Eve. we have forbidden fruit!!!!!"

"No Way!"

"Yes way!"

"Do NOT eat the fruit!" said God.


"Because I am your Father and I said so!" God replied, wondering why He hadn't stopped creation after making the elephants. A few minutes later, God saw His children having an apple break and He was ticked! "Didn't I tell you not to eat the fruit?" God asked.

"Uh huh," Adam replied.

"Then why did you?" said the Father.

"I don't know," said Eve.

"She started it!" Adam said

"Did not!"

"Did too!"


Having had it with the two of them, God's punishment was that Adam and Eve should have children of their own. Thus the pattern was set and it has never changed.

BUT THERE IS REASSURANCE IN THE STORY! If you have persistently and lovingly tried to give children wisdom and they haven't taken it, don't be hard on yourself. If God had trouble raising children, what makes you think it would be a piece of cake for you?

1. You spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next sixteen telling them to sit down and shut up.

2. Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your own children.

3. Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young.

4. Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said.

5. The main purpose of holding children's parties is to remind yourself that there are children more awful than your own.

6. We childproofed our homes, but they are still getting in.

ADVICE FOR THE DAY: Be nice to your kids. They will choose your nursing home one day.

At least Zephan would make lil noise. THis gal will sleep thru and tot she would be fine after that. Plus, this mummy is a heavy sleeper. Heehee..I'll have two alarm tonight.
sarah's mom, if sarah's temp didnt go up, u need not feed her med or sponge.. just have to monitor her temp loh.
i was so worried the other time when daryll was having fever.. every 1/2 hour i'll check his temp..

vone, dats a good one.. haha
