(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hi zaczac, i also have the pimple thing leh, but i just ignore it. so far no prob.. is it a must to remove it? sigh, nowadays keep facing some medical prob here n there..

wendy, ben went to watch it alone one night after baby slept. he was so happy at this "permission" that i also feel happy lah.. cannot entertain him in warcraft n games so compensate in other ways lor.. haha..

can skip 1 night of warcraft lah.. let the 2 hbs play against each other n we go jalan jalan.. hehe..

re: discipline
zephan now v smart.. if scold him too many times he'll give a pitiful look and start to scrunge his face n begin to whine. he knows he's not supposed to do certain things, but he doesn't choose to obey leh.. haiz...

re: discipline,
I also wonder how to discipline my gal leh...
I try to avoid hitting her cos I found her beating the floor or toys when she knocks into them! Not sure am I too kanCheong.. concern that she'll end up beating pple whoever upset her..

Her cries for things nowadays is very irritating cos she'll suddenly burst into tears and cry with pauses in between like in sudden pain. But in actually fact it's because she want to touch/play something but was not given the thing. No longer those pityful teary cries or scream but rather is 'painful' cries.. Maybe she knows now that's the most irritable kind of cries.

She's clapping too when watching TV program with pple clapping and whenever she did something we cheer her on
Also notice that she's using her index finger to point at things she wants. She starts to sign simple things like bye-bye, fan etc.. Have a feeling that this is their peak period of learning..
such a coincidence to see u at Motherhood. Was clearing my off day, so went with mum.

Nothing much to buy at the fair for bb our age. Best buy, like cakey said, is a NUK stacker toy at $3.80. All nuk stuff at 30% off. For diapers, only EQ, Drypers and Mamy poko sold on site. Nepia only NB and S, I think. Wanted to buy L but dun have. The photo Studio Loft is offering a 20% discount, so $70 for 1 8R and 2 5R.

My son also has similar problem... poopoo until blood... but mine is because of constipation... brought him to see pd but still not much improvement, cos he is still having hard stools and poo only on alternate days... he eats 3 servings of fruits everyday, very vege porridge, take medicine everyday still like that.... pd say some babies's digestive systems are very stubborn...

re: BM output
Me thought of giving up too... very tired to express... I dont latch him on but I express twice a day... initially, i tot of giving him till 6 months only but glad that I persisted and it's really a great satisfaction to see him grow so healthy each day... (not sure how much is attributed to my BM ;o>)

re: hubbies...
After reading your posts, glad that mine have been very helpful in attending to baby's needs... in the past, he does all the midnight feeds, bathe him before he goes to work, pack all baby's bag before going out, feed him porride at times during weekends etc etc except for doing housework cos it's all done by my maid However, find that sometimes, baby still prefer me to carry or pat him to sleep... afterall, he's been in me for 9-10 months... we have a certain kind of special bonding that hb can never replace... ;OP

Those babies who poo until blood. Actually my boy also has this problem. He poos everyday but the stool half hard and half soft. Sometimes poos till whole face turn to red and cried. Once in a while will only poo alternate day. We gave him lots of fruits and water but no improvement. Is it FM problem? My boy drink enfapro A+. Any mummies give Enfa have this kind of problem? Can share?
according to the lactation consultant, the 'pimple' is actually a clot from the inside so must get rid of it so that the milk can flow out better. but i still see the tiny pimple after she prick with needle leh!

haiz...but then now my supply gg downhill...just now latched on zac, he keeps making noise...not enough liao, this is the first time he latched on and there's not enough milk for him. went to make FM 140ml for him and he puke after the feed
tingting, zaczac
i have this white pimple thing (they call it a white belb or something) twice already. And 1st time, went to see Mrs Wong @ TMC, she squeeze until so hard and hten it came out. Painful. 2nd time, Elizabeth was latching on and then suddenly, she just turned her head suddenly while latching on and out came the white stuff. So it was cleared. No pain and no needles! Last resort, ask yr hb to suck for u.. hee hee. My friend told me it works for her every time!!

thanks. think i will go check out the photo shoot thing. Been wanting to get some professional shots of my girl..
cakey / ixwong, hw much is d drypers selling 4 at d exhibition? if it's cheap, mayb i'll make a trip down. tks in advance.
ineedmilk, zaczac,

hmm, but zephan has been latching on twice a day, but still there leh.. my pumping output has been low whether the pimple's there or not, so i also bo chap... haha.. if i have the time then try to get it out :p

re: photos
i'm also thinking of doing a studio session for zephan when he's around 12m.. thinking of going to my wedding photographer cos was quite happy with her services last time, but me greedy n want the album type instead of a few photos only, so will be v expensive. i wonder if i shld use the $$ to engage her to take photos at the birthday party instead?
Hi Cmy, my girl is taking enfapro.. so far no prob leh.. but nowadays we juz increase her intake from 180ml to 210ml.. find she will have indigestion sign.. so now we try to cut back.. tink her tummy space is too small.. eat oso very little, drink oso very little.

re: discipline.
guess among the mummies, i'm the bad mummy. since kylie is ard 3mths, i start to scold/smack her when she is notti. esp during the time wen is dressing time, aiyoh really piss me off.. i smack her thigh dunno how many times.. and oso find her abit "stubborn" these days, wan means wan.. but still lucky she is easily distracted kind, if u wan her to give u back something, give her something else to distract her

All these while, i dun encourage my mum/family members to hit the floor whenever she fell down. and we dun quickly react if she fall, depends on situation oso, if is juz a minor fall we will tell her is ok, and encourage her to stand up on her own again..
Actually I have only hit Anton once because he was trying to play with the lamp and it almost fell to the ground and instinctively, I slapped him lightly on his thigh and he gave me like the saddest face,literally looked like this

but he did not cry. I tell myself never to hit him again. However, he did managed to push the lamp down and broke it on a separate occasion with the maid...oh well...I contribute it to his massive urge for exploration haha
hi tingting,
Me too doesn't encourage her hitting the floor when fell. But it's difficult for me to explain to MIL.. she'll think that I'm 'xiao ti da zhuo' or even worst that I'm picking such small thing on her..

Maybe will ask hubby to do when there's chance.
Re: hubby
Guess I shd feel lucky that my hubby helps out with looking after my gal. He can bath, feed and play with her. The only thing he cant do is to latch her on. However, he is super busy with work and hardly comes home before my gal's sleeping time, if not he will be away on business. Haiz

My gal is still not sleeping through. She sleeps at 9-10 pm. Tried to make her sleep earlier at 7pm but she will wake up after awhile (30 minutes). Since its my dinner time, my helper will normally feed her fruits while I have my dinner. Tried to feed her FM before she goes to sleep but she refuses to drink after 2 oz. She will wake up throughout the night at 3 hour interval crying, searching for breast. Like that how??? Read so many books but none of the method really works for her. I tried the Gina Ford method, she is ok with the schedule in the day. I also make sure she drinks enough BM in the day but she still dun sleep thru. Will she really grow out of this phase. I worry by then, I will have eye bags the sz of an elephant. Really makes me scared to have another kid. Sorry, juz need to vent abit
Yesterday, kylie's little finger was snapped by my mum's tv console.. she was crying till very badly.. but after comforting & all, she still con't on wif her adventure.. haiz.. sometimes duno to feel heartpain or laugh @ her..

now that my mum is taking care of her during the day, means my dog is oso wif her.. aiyoh u see these 2 darlings, dunno to make u angry or make u laugh.. During the nap time, kylie will pat my dog to ask her sleep, when she herself is being pat by my mum.. ytd kylie oso went to disturb my dog when she is happily chewing her bone.. my dog got so pissed.. but she can't do anytin to kylie.. haha..
Hi cupcake,

mine boi also just cannot sleep through the night..
...keep telling myself that he will soon grow out of this phase...but dun know when..*haiz*..his case is he like to search for his pacifier when sleeping...so we got to keep picking up and putting into his mouth for him...can be 4-5 times a night...*faint*...

Hi all mummies,

any babies here taking Similac follow-on fm..i have a $3 discount voucher valid til Aug 2006 for purchase of a 900g tin, can be used at various supermarkets..can pm me if interested and will mail it to u...

Me also looking for studio photo shoots for my boi...if any mummies have any good recommendations...kindly let me know...but not too ex pls...haha...
Ting Shao Yen,
i have tried one called the cutie photo a home studio in hougang, find it not too bad.. that time i paid S$38 for 1 5R & 2 2R.. if u wan soft copy is S$15. u may wan to call Jasmine @ 9112078.
I tink the drypers L is selling at $0.29/pc, not sure how much per pack.

Mamy Poko same booth as EQ.

Mine is a Aug 05 bb girl. Anissa and Ix had introduced me to this thread.

Your postings have all been really funny and interesting. I could very much relate to these.

Anyone staying at Katong? Hope to have more bb interactions.
hi sarah's mom, welcome!

re: discipline
i'm not that good at disciplining also, but maybe bcos zephan's a boy, so i'm more concerned that he grows up to be a disciplined person. certain things i'm stern with him, where no means no. when he cries after a fall i also encourage him to pick himself up and not hurry to sooth him. in fact, they now know to manja already. sometimes after a hit on the head he's actually alright n didn't cry, but when my mother started to fuss around him he "decided" to cry..

so triniti, how do u discipline Anton, say for not touching certain stuff, or putting things into his mouth? the instinct is always to smack either the bottom or hand...

re: hitting floor
yah, this seems like a harmless gesture but my hb is quite against it, cos he says it teaches them to push the blame on something else whenever bad things happen. quite true, but so hard to teach my parents not to do it, cos it's the easiest way to pacify the kids.

lib, kylie is so funny! at least ur mum is ok with her being so close to the dog, mine will freak out if she knows what happens at my house! haha.. good thing about having dog at home is that he's not scared of them outside. my MIL related that once she brought him around an al fresco rest when we were there, and a Labrador (grown size) was super-friendly n licking his face. he wasn't scared but just showed a disgusted face (cos he doesn't like that fr my dog either).. haha.. and my dog is only a tiny little shih tzu...
Sleep thru the night
only starting from last week, my gal can sleep thru the night hehe.. now she 8.5 old. but she can't sleep by her own liao still need to carri and rock haizz

Baby high chair
Can any recommand ?
Hi cupcake, shaoyen

Guess we are all in the same boat...Zac also keeps waking up at night. For 9+ months, I haven't had a good night of sleep. He sleeps at 930pm, wakes up at 12am, 2am, 5 am and then 7am. latched on 5-10min fall asleep but sometimes we have to carry him and pat him to sleep. very siong ah...my eyebags very jialat oso!

Sometimes i oso wonder when will he grow out of this waking up in the middle of the night phase.
Re: sleeping through

My 8.5 mths son did not sleep through the night since the day he was born. And my friend's gal started to sleep through since 2nd month so I tot mine was a super greedy boy....Surprisingly since last week, he just slept through after his last feed at about 9+...Me and hb woke up in the morning and tot that one of us woke up to feed... Nothing special that I did... guess he has just outgrow that phase... so Cupcake, Shaoyen and Zaczac, your time will come pretty soon... Mine can't sleep by himself too... needs to be pat to sleep...

Re: crawling
Anyone's baby still has not learnt to crawl actively? Mine still like creeping around and pulling himself forward using his hands and not crawling on all fours...And everytime I put him down to practise crawling, he will whine and groan, like want to cry as he crawl forward to me to ask to be carried... anyone with similar experience...

Re: blood in poo
Not sure whether it is the FM, cos he only drinks FM once a day and I gave him Similac recommended by my pd who said that this milk will result in stools like when he's BF.... Sometimes, he eat so much fruits and vege that I wonder where did all these go to since it has not resulted in soft stools...
Re: Sleeping Through
Haiz, have been walking around like zombie in the morning since I gave birth. Pray hard for the day to come.

Re: Crawling
My gal (8.5 mth)has also not learnt to crawl actively. She will crawl a few steps then starts to wriggle. I think maybe its because I carried her too much, so recently I reduce the carrying time. I try to encourage crawling by putting toys juz outside her reach.

your gal not bad, can still pat the dog. My golden retreiver avoids my gal coz she luvs to pull out her fur. hahahaha
re: crawling
my girl is already 9.5 mths old n still dunno how to crawl on all fours.. she still crawls backwards. Only yesterday i noticed she starts to push herself forward..

have u tried the Cry-it-out method when getting her to sleep @ 9pm? It works for me. Cos when they learn how to soothe themselves to sleep at night, when they wake up, they won't bother u to soothe them to sleep cos they already know how to do it themselves.
re: Crawling
Something i just read on babycenter.com


Question: My 9-month-old doesn't crawl yet. What should I do?

Answer: To entice your child to crawl, put toys just out of her reach and see if she attempts to reach them. Her crawling style may be rough around the edges, but it doesn't matter as long as she gets around. And, although the average age for crawling is 8 months, many babies wait until later to crawl, or may skip this stage entirely. If your child has had no developmental problems up to this point (she sits without support, grabs objects with both hands, uses her arms and legs equally, rolls over both ways, stands on her legs if supported), you don't need to worry. Some infants forgo crawling and proceed directly into pulling themselves up to standing, cruising on furniture, walking with some help, and finally, walking on their own. Others get around just fine by rolling on the floor, bottom shuffling, or creeping.
Hi i need milk,

Do the cry-it-out method really work?? but my hubby and mum is not very supportive of it lei..and we worry that will disturb the neighbours cos my boi is a super loud stereo..haha..and he will continue to cry even when he lose his voice....

Hi Lib,

Thanks for the contact..will check it out...

Hi zaczac,

ya we r in the same boat...thot u tried the cry-it-out method?? no use?? hopefully we will be able to enjoy our beauty sleep soon....

Hi sharon & hosanna,

Thanks for the comfort...hopefully our babies r able to sleep through very soon like urs....my boi abt 8 plus mths also cannot really crawl yet...only action action...and when he kena stuck in the position...he will scream for help...haha...he luv to stand with support until sometimes refuse to sit down *faint*...
hmm, i think zephan doesn't really know how to sit down from standing position... he'll keep repeating the squatting motion (stand squat stand..) until i think he's so tired that he just let go of his hands and plonk down... :p
re: to encourage bb to crawl..
mummies i used to use toys to encourage her to move 4ward,.. many pple dont really the idea looks like priest use bell on zombies.. but tats the best way tho..

tingting: yes i agree.. dun let the worried parents/ils noe abt it.. wat my dog & kylie do @ my mum's place, we only share among us.. then laugh till we drop loh..

urgent ! i need some advise..

My ger down with fever on last wed 24/5,25/5, the fever has reach 38.7 and then recovered on 26/5 , she got cough ,she got diarrhoea on 28/5 , ok on 29/5 but that today , i received a called from mine maid, says Sabrina's vomit a lot of plergn,
at first i suspect is teething,, but now look like not liao. can anyone tell me wat do to ..
I tried the CIO method, but she can go on forever!!! 30 minutes later, I have a knock on my door, my MIL came in to pick her up.
She can hear her even from her room on 3rd level though we close the door (we are on the 2nd level). Thats how loud she wails.
Re: dog
My ILs super against my gal touching the dog. Juz pretend to do as their bidding in front of them but when their back is turned, we dun really care. However must keep a lookout juz in case. Lucky my dog v gentle, the poor gal will juz sit there while my gal happily pull out clumps of fur!!
hi sharon,
Hope you gal recover soon. My gal when teething is prone to running nose and cranky. Different fr what yr bb experienced.
bring your baby to the doc...

CIO at night = dun pick baby up.
While baby is crying, go & do smthg else, dun sit there & listen to baby cry. U'll feel tempted to pick up & soothe baby.
When my boy is crying, i go kitchen & prepare his vege, 15mins later he'll stop.
But then hor, with elderly around, i dunno how u gonna do it. Unless u can convince them that it works & it's for the better. Coz when i told my dad about letting Isaac CIO, my dad said to Isaac "See, no one loves u already". *sianz*
I will just move him away from wherever/whatever place or things which is forbidden. At this age, it is not easy to reason with them so I just remove them for the temptation or sometimes I will just let him fiddle with it then he will get bored and proceed to the next enticing item. I mean even when I take the things from him ( like my phone) he will just take it like a man haha so no crying whatsoever.

Anton started to dance when he was 8 mths ( moving his head side to side hehe) sometimes he shoulders too....so funny
triniti, zephan will cry if object is removed, but until something else catches his attention :p i find it v difficult to cut his nails. he doesnt want to sit still for longer than 1 min..

re: dancing
zephan likes to bounce up n down..
Hmm so young alrady know how to manja hehe so cute. But I think different babies have different temperaments. When I was doing my studies, I have done some research on this in regards of the temperamental between mother and children and how it affects their relationship. Very interesting and it says that the temperaments of both parents and child has a very important impact on the character building of both the parents and child...

my bb Kai also had fever the past couple of days. It had since recovered. But today, he is coughing quite abit.
I think he is having diarrhoea as well. Cause he pooed more than 4 times yesterday and it's always the watery yellowish kind. Today also quite a number of times. Wonder what's wrong.
my ds got serious constipation on similac. Change to Friso and luckily he's alright since, esp with help from oatmeal cereal...
ixwong, tks a lot. bt i can get it @ $0.22 per pc. so tink i'll nt b gg down liao.

hi sarah's mom,
. i stay at bedok res, quite near 2 katong.

sharon, m using d ikea 1. cheap n gd. mmm... hv u brought sabrina 2 c d pd?

i need milk, congrats. eliz is crawling 4wards liao.

ting, me aso find it veri dif 2 cut my boy's nails. m doing it when he's sleeping.
Shao Yen:
CIO works for me.. but u gotta be really committed ie. no carrying of baby. Only go in every 5, 10, 20 mins to check on baby and go out. in the beginning my girl cried for abt 40mins. Then after that, she slept. To help get my mind off the crying, i watched TV.
re: sleeping thru

I tried CIO but was not successful leh....he revert back to waking up very often. My hubby not cooperative, everytime zac cries, he'll go carry him, pat him and feed him water if I refuse to latched on. Moreover, this past few days, my MIL staying at my place so I cannot let zac CIO, she'll run into our room for sure to carry her grandson.

I realise that when i let zac cries himself to sleep, he wakes up more often in the middle of the night and he also become more cranky. Haiz....very sianz!

To all the mummies who are still waking up in the middle of the night, may God bless us all with good nights of sleep really soon.

re: crawling

My son is 9 months 1 week old and cannot crawl yet. I put him tummy down, he'll just flip here and there, push his butt high high and leg very straight wanting to stand rather than crawl. Tomorrow he's gg for his 9 months assessment.But when he sits on the flooor, he can move himself backwards using his bottom.

re: cutting nails
haha!! this zac oso cannot keep still, move here n there so very difficult to cut his nails. i must get my hubby to carry him go look down at the park, then i can cut his nails.
re: CIO
I only tried it once, in a moderated version where 1 parent was by the cot the whole time patting him, but not carrying him. That time i think it lasted about 30min. The subsequent few days it didn't last longer than that, and after a while, he was able to sleep by himself, except on some rare days. I think a routine helped, e.g. i'll change his diaper for the night, change him into nightwear, latch him, and kiss him goodnight before putting him down. i also make him say goodnight to his soft toys.. haha.. with a routine, he knows he's expected to sleep at the end of it.

vone, wouldn't that wake him up from his sleep? i try my best not to go to his room after i put him down in his cot.
calling sengkang/punggol (n others) mummies..

I'm opening my house for a gathering tomorrow afternoon! If you're free to pop by, do put your name down and I'll PM you my address:

Date: Tomorrow!
Time: 2pm onwards till about 5pm
Venue: Punggol

Who'll be there:
1. Wendy & Isaac

I have a very friendly shih tzu, but if u're not comfortable having a dog around i can bring her to a "play session" with her friends at my neighbour's house. let me know k?

I wish to go your house gathering liao, But need to bring Sabrina's to go JBG makeup class @ 1pm @ CCK...
somemore sabrina she is sick.i may miss the class also..Hupe to join you next time..
Dear Mummies,

Shared with your what my monkey son did. Nowaday he likes to climb every where. This is the latest place he likes to climb!

