(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

re: BM Supply

just to share ... cos YC refused to eat anything during his hospital stay ... i just latch him on whenever he is hungry (which was q often)

now that i ret to work ... i realise that my supply actually increased ... could get 125ml after 5hr instead of the miserable 80ml

tingting, for my mum she will use toys to distract her.. for me.. i will juz sit in front of her to play wif her loh.. then kip making that.. umumum.. sound for her.. and she poo & pee in thr.. once she is done she will want to get up..

wendy.. now weekdays morning.. my mum will bring her to playground after she picks her.. kylie will like want to go home (means she wants to poo).. for weekends, b4 she poos.. she will make a kind of umum sound then i noe she wants to poo.. but if we are outside.. then too bad loh.. haha she will hve to poo on her diaper..

cakey: tink tats men.. the more they go out, we wives wanting so much for them to stay home.. but the more they stay @ home.. we want them to go out.. sounds so contradicting.. but tats human.. haiz..

Kathy: tink communications between both u & hb is very impt.. believe me.. i was once very telok tat we became so cold to each other.. tat our marriage became quite shakey.. act now b4 is too late.
Hi Seabreeze,

Good to hear that YC is better..Hope that he will be back to his bouncey self soon. U take care too
ha! So Kylie can tell u when she wants to poo! That's fantastic... Isaac will poo every morning after his first milk feed. At least that's what happens for the past week. Dun need to wait too long, after sitting him on the potty he'll pooooooooo.. then when he stands up he wants to look at the poo he made. haha.
Thanks mummies for your advices. Lib, sometimes I find it so difficult to talk, words are just stuck at the tip of the mouth and before I realise it, anger took over. I dun want to sound like his mother and yet I need him to understand what I'm going thro'. This has been going on for quite a while, and I'm really worried how its going to affect us.

Wendyg: Me too! Nowadays its always supermkt and supermkt. Not much shopping for me too altho orchard rd is just 5 mins walk away. Already feeling super ah soh. Mayb one day we can all throw our bbs and hsework to our hubbies and come out shopping together

Re: Potty training
Its so tough to train my gal gal. Everytm I see her straining, I'll rush to get the potty. But the moment she sat on it, she will refuse to poo and starts playing away. And when I put back the diaper, she will poo in it. Waste mummy's effort.

My also on potty since she is 7 mths old. Yayaa, my gal also do the same, she will stand up then turn back to look at her own poopoo, but so cute! sometimes i also talk to her says ye, she poo smelly and do action let her see it smelly.haha

my ger now crawl super fast, so difficult to control her, she will crawl to kichen, bed room, living and hold the living cabinet and stand . pull all the wise.. now she crawl using lift the tummy one. but i see her like tis very scare..
anyone have same problem...
Re: BM supply

Seabreeze, well done...you must jia you too.

actually, if i had continued to pump 2-3 times aday, i am sure i can tahan till 1 yo. i chose to reduce pumping to once a day and it will naturally dry up lor.....it's ok, fm is also good lah.

can you imagine a 1.63m lady weighing 43.5kg? that's terrible, rite!!!!! how nutritious can my BM be? hahaha.... my only consolation is that he will poo after drinking my frozen stock. left last pack in the fridge for tomorrow's tea....
re: hubby's responsibility

I 'fight' with my hubby almost every day on this topic. It's so unfair that we women are the one who go thru the 9 - 10 mth pregnancy and endure all the pain. After bb is born, we are the ones who have sleepless nights breastfeeding etc.. If bb is sick, hubby sleeps like a log and we are the ones who take care of bbs. And yet, bbs follow hubby's surname! In recent quarrel, I told hubby unless he helps out, I'm going to change bb's surname to mine!

Every night, he rather sits in front of the computer uploading pics then to play with bb! Only help out with the mopping on SOME Sundays. Every time I ask when can't he help with other housework, he will tell me if I see it why can't I do it. I just don't understand why he can't see all the DUST??? His way of housekeeping is to hide everything under the bed. Arrrrgh!

Cos I'm working, I don't take a single cent frm him. These days I'm even habouring the thot of bringing up the bb on my own.

Really give up.

Phew... finally vented my frustration. Hahaha...
re: hubbies
i'm in no position to offer any advice, cos i'm also more or less in the same position. But i guess it's not possible for them to be exactly how we want them to be, unless they're robots that can be programmed. Can only say the best way is to look at the good things with both eyes, and the bad ones with 2 eyes closed. If talking helps, do it regularly; else do what money can solve: hire a helper. Yup, much as i hate to say it, hiring a part time helper to clean house is one of the best ways to avoid housework conflict.
someone was looking for a bed with protection sides? saw a travel bed that looks like it selling at baby sayang, but it says not recommended for kids below 2 yo:

Agree wif tingting, nw tat i have started working.. i have asked a parttime maid to come help out wif my housework.. kathy/anissa, pls have a good tok wif yr hb.. and try to work things out...

wendy, amazing rite.. till nw i still cant convince myself kylie is really grown up.. hehe..

3 cheeros to mummies!! we the best!!.. tats y if u see.. everybody is very particular on mother's day but not father's day.. hehe..
aidanee ...

hahahaha happy to early liao ... just now pump before lunch ... drop back to 60ml worse then before ... think no enough zzz n never drink enough water + yi ma is here *sickening*

anyway me already took out the tin of FM liao ... so he can drink it if there arent enough for him at home ... latch on when he is with me lar

anissa ...

think its the same for all man ... my hubby oso lar .. when i ask him to clean the house ... he will tell me the same and when i take nap with YC while he clean the house ... he will say until like he v poor thing while I zzzz

get v pissed oso cos i am the one who wakes up at night when YC cries while he zzz like a log ... and whenever YC struggles during diaper change ... i actually need to call him to help me ... if not he will just sit there and watch TV *faint*

conclusion: Man must be told EXACTLY what to do, if not they will just turn deaf and blind conviently
yeah, my boy crawls everywhere too. Not scary la, just need to watch that he doesn't crawl to kitchen & eat the broom... get a play yard or some safety fence to keep her out of harm's way?

Kylie @ 10m = really grown up? Wa, then when she is 10yr old she will be old lady liaoz? *hiak*
Hi all,

My son is going to be nine months old in two days time and for about a month or so (perhaps more than that actually) i have noticed that there's some blood stains whenever he shits. Each time he shits, he cries terribly and it breaks all of our hearts to hear him yell and scream so. Today was especially frightening coz i noticed a small lump when cleaning him up after he shit. but after cleaning, the lump disappeared. What was that? and why is he bleeding? he shits everyday. the first part of the shit looks harder than what comes after, which is soft. Am thinking of bringing him to see his paediatrician already. But i do need some advice though. Thanks for anyone who can help.
my advice - pls go see a doc. Blood in poo is quite serious.

you r rite.. men must b told EXACTLY what to do. My hb even asked me to write down instructions for him for packing of baby bag when we go out.. Then he pasted the instructions on the wall n refers to it religiously!

Actually my hb not bad liao.. he does all the housework n helps out with the baby whenever i asked him to.. now we got a part time cleaner so its even better. Less stress on us to keep the house clean.
re: men
tell me about it... i left baby's breakfast on the kitchen counter - fruit, veg & cereal - all nicely grouped together, right in front of his face. Then hubby took some raw oats from dunno where & gave to baby - & he called me and asked me why baby doesn't eat. *duh*
But hor, when i DO write instructions, he doesn't refer... he says he didn't see the note. Sigh.

give baby more water? in the meantime chk with doc... wonder whether the doc needs a stool sample
alabone, hard poo is almost usually bcos of: too much fibre, too much iron or too little water. but shld see doc to get it treated first, else next time he may be scared to shit n develop other problems.

ineedmilk, at least ur hb will pack the bag.. mine thinks going out is just a matter of changing baby's clothes n diapers and that's it! likes to give me 5 min notice only. as if i can cook the porridge to bring out in 5! so must count your blessings (of having a helpful husband) daily..

my pumping output is prob the lowest here..only 40ml. I just take it as a supplement for him lah. anyway he doesnt cry out in hunger so i suppose whenever i latch him on he gets enough.
re hubbies
me oso cannot complain much it's my hb who does most of the housework as well as help out with baby. He's more comfortable with me taking care of baby while he do all the others....:p
mrning.. ladies..

tink after reading all comments on hubbies.. i still tink having a good talk wif him is the best.. for my case, for now.. my hb is more "considerating" towards us.. he will bathe my girl after work, pack her bag, when she cries will pacify her, etc..
hi mummies

1)how do u train your bb to use the potty?

2)and how do you clean bb's butts?by letting bb stand or lie down on bed? do you still use bb wipe?
Yeah I think the BM is also burning up your energy very fast.Nothing wrong with FM
I am also pumping once a day hehe. Less stressful and more time to have some time on my own, rather than the baby whole day long.

I think communication is vital and it also takes time to get the message into their head. Like a few days ago, Anton got cough and I woke up in the middle of the night to feed him medicine, my hubby actually woke up to help me out. He even told Anton," So how do you like our little midnight adventure?" haha..
I think men are not really susceptible to change, they love their routines and finds it hard to break it. So we must slowly and patiently ask them to help us out and not in a very resentful manner. I used to be angry why I am doing all the work but naturally our maternal instinct is stronger and for the most part the man just provides for the family.

I think sometimes I take the chance to let Anton and my hubby to spend time alone so he has to take care of Anton when I am out ( actually only when he is sleeping I can go out with my frens at night cos he usually sleeps through but sometimes he will wake up and my hubby has to handle him all by himself since I am not at home and he will call me for help if he really cannot manage it) I remember there is once I was out with my gfs and when I reached home, my hubby told me that my son woke up and he has to soothe him for 45 minutes and I am really impressed that he actually managed to coax him to sleep. haha so that is a major improvement in my opinion. So ladies, maybe can go for your girl's night out once in a while to make your hubbies appreciate you more?
triniti: not in my case... haha.. he'll probably call out to my maid instead. mmm.. sometimes men are men.. they simply hate to break their usual routine.

to the rest of the mummies: i think we can forget about getting men's help for once coz sometimes.. they need to be called and nagged to help things out in the family. dun get too upset.. not tt they do not appreciate your effort but rather.. they are tired after a day at work.. all they really wanna do when they get back home is to sit in front of the tv, read some newspaper or... the pc. cool down...

take the chance like for example: my hb too is too lazy to play with his son.. till one fine day... i called out to my son.. and he'll immediately crawl towards me and i ask my hb to do the same too... obviously.. my son didn't want to go near him.. so i told my son ..,' pls tell daddy that if he wants to carry you.. then ask him to work for it.' things dun happen overnight! hiak hiak.. so till date.. he tries to play with him for at least half and hour to an hour! hiak hiak!
hi ixwong,
Visited yr house before and can see that yr hubby is most willing to help u out

hi trini,
Ya agree that once in a while can leave bb in hubby's care and make ourselves feel like an 'individual human being' again... So far left bb with hubby alone twice and all were smooth
But of course gotta give them ample training and hands-on first before trying that hehe..

My last outing hubby actually expericing feedg bb porridge, cleang her shit and bathing her alone! He even gotto carry her in one arm and mopped the floor with the other cos bb always crawl to him for 'bao bao'.. After that he told me he had more than enuff 'bonding' with her already for that afternoon haha...

re: packing bag,
My hubby is impatient too when come to preparing for outing... many times I haven't finish packing the bag he'll just close it (din even ask if finish packing or not), sling it on, carry bb and wait for me outside the door. So I got to hurry and in the end only at carpark then I realise still got things haven't put in the bag yet.

I'm on leave today gg to the motherhood fair.. will look at yr bobux shoes other time
re : hubbies

couldn't stop smiling and nodding my head when i read what you ladies have wrote. My hubby is the same. He's a wonderful father but just that as a typical male, he needs to be told exactly what to be done. He can't even make cereal for my son. And always 'complain' with my son that I'm too slow in mixing the cereal. My hubby can just fall asleep while my son is making so much noise in his cot.

re : potty training
do u put a plastic bag in the potty? thinking of starting my son but the thot of cleaning his potty is putting me off. :p
Let me tell you, if I don't get out of the house, I will soon be a "huang lian po" haha-messy hair, loose clothings and wears thick framed glasses hehe
hey, a night out sounds like a good idea! my boy usually goes to sleep at 8pm, so it'll be a good time for supper or late night show! calling punggol/sengkang mummies: still have energy to go out at night? hehe..

i've only left him with my hb twice several months back, when he was still on full milk feeds. now that he's older n more insistent on "routines", not sure if my hb will be able to put him to bed.
my boy's shit v easy to wash off from potty - it doesn't stick. I tilt the potty towards the toilet bowl, use toilet bidet/ hose to wet the potty & the lump of shit slides off cleanly.
wendy, ben already watched x-men.. haha.. him to baby sit? gotta be daytime so that he can put both in play pen to play/crawl/kick together.. :p ok, get u along for supper one of these days
chey, not free la. When isaac's asleep i'm either preparing his porridge ingredients or playing Warcraft with Deric. ha.

i may go to Motherhood Exhibition this evening after dinner.
i wanna watch x-men!! i haven't watched it but louis has... think he figured no point waiting for me.

re: BM output
hmm.. my supply seems to be ok.. can still pump 120-170ml every 6-8 hrs.. been stretching the hrs but its still not reducing.. looking at it, will prob stretch to 1 yr..

let us know if the motherhood exhibition is worth going.
hi,does anyone do a fix menu for porridge from monday to sunday?
Monday - fish + coliflower + sweet corn + carrot
Tues - pork + spanich + sweet potato + brocolli
Wed - Chicken + green peas + pumkim + tomato

Can share ? thank you

Before has maid, my HB will share all the house work with me , i talk to him " so wat you are a man, now a day woman also working. "
now all my house work pass to the maid, he also happily shake leg already.
Got one time he has help up to feed sabrina porridge , he keep conplaining says very difficult to feed , bb can't stay still. says i never discipline it. May i know when we should start to discipline our BB?
Wow! Din realise that my hubby is not the only selfish, inconsiderate creature on this earth. But found it such a wonderful thing to have this forum and you guys to pour my woes. Wouldn't hve tahan until now

Tingting/ wendyg....I want..I want! Count me in for the late nite outings, altho I dun stay near punggol/ SengKang
Actually now there are many late nite sales. Wonder are you all interested? We can go together.

The last tm I went out without the kid gave me a huge scare! I came back and saw tears running dwn my gal's face. Then my maid told me she woke up and cried until vomit like a merlion. Din want to take her milk too. So after tat, I din try to go out alone again. But I miss all the late night kopi sessions and gossiping with my galfrens...
how did Louis manage to watch X-Men without bringing u & Eliz?

If Deric did that, i wouldn't talk to him for a week. So he did the smart thing by declining invite by tingting's hubby.

Maybe we can leave all the freshly changed & fully fed babies in a play yard or smthg, then all the mummies & daddies just take off & go for few hours. Wonder what would happen. hahaha.
re: discipline
sharon - i'm also wondering when we can start to discipline our babies. I tried slapping elizabeth's hand whenever she is naughty like when she keeps spitting out her food at me. But she thinks its a game.. kept smiling when i'm beating her hand. Sigh.. and i beat quite hard wor..
Hi everyone,

I developed a huge lump, 2/3 size of my left breast on sunday afternoon a while after I latched on zac. It was causing lots of pain. I latched on zac, use hot towel and massage but to no avail. finally went to c a lactation consultant at KK on monday. She said I had a case of very bad milk duct clot. There was even a white pimple on my nipple that the lact consultant had to prick out using a sterile needle. She massaged my breast really hard and it is really terribly painful, more painful than contraction. When she finished, she told me that I should always massage my breast b4 pump and I told her I didnt have this problem for 9 months how come it suddenly happened. She told me not to be complacent, shd always massage.

After this episode, my milk supply dropped terribly, left breast only getting 20ml after each pump whereas my right is still the same at 50-70ml. And my areola area is all bruised with blue black. still painful but no more lump.

I hope I can still continue to bfd till zac is 1 yr old. 2.75 months to go. haiz

Just sharing my very terrible experience with u gals.
Something happy to share, zac can clap too and when I clap my hands in front of him like telling him mummy baobao, he'll become very excited and lean forward knowing that I'm gg to carry him.

re: fever n rashes
Zac also had measles-like rashes after taking fever medication...but went off 2-3 days later.

re: potty training
zac doesn't poo on weekend too, he uses the potty for weekdays so when we are out on weekend, he oso refuse to poo on his diapers.

re: hubby
actually my hubby is quite good...he's the one who wake up to entertain zac in the middle of the night. Feed him water and pat him back to sleep. this lazy mummy just lie on the bed and sleep. My hubby also bath zac, play with him, feed him porridge. The only thing he can't do is make zac's cereal and porridge. otherwise he can do almost everything that i do except latching on. hahaha
I really thank God for giving me such a wonderful hubby!!! But sometimes he can make me really mad too!
why dun u use them yourself ley? Sigh, if i din hv baby, i waaaant!

i thought latch on is the best way to unclog. Oh well, what do i know...

late night sales? For brocolli & fish? hahaha.
Everyday so busy how to go? Anyway as we are also a publishing firm, we always get such vouchers from our advertisers

hi ineedmilk,
Just back from the expo.. I think it's not worth gg... I din have much expectation so it's OK lar.. I went partly cos I'm clearing my leave.
FM selling include: dumex (mamil), promil.
Diaper include: Pureen, nepia, dryers, sealer
Free current issue of motherhood mag. Goodies when subsrib (include a free bb photoshoot voucher either to be taken there or at Impact models studio).
Wat a coincident to run into ixwong! Thanks for recommending to buy the NUK $3.80 stacker toy

Saw a few photography stalls and the Studio Loft one looks quite good with their natural shots..
