(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Ya, adelle wanted to hold on to raph's shoulder but he din like so pushed her hand off, but adelle put back again, then he pushed off again....haha...quite funny scene. my girl cannot take hint wan.... maybe she likes the handsome boy! i chope for future son in law! hehe

the evidence is quite blur leh...but will go back and post the pic! hehe

many thanks for sharing the pics!

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred &amp; Adora,</font>
Adelle &amp; Raph's pic is really cute, and now that Ixorarred mentioned, same as Joelle &amp; JJ lor. But this time, JJ puts his hand on Joelle's shoulder and she pushed his hand away.

Think Adelle &amp; JJ were trying to hold on to the shoulder for support for cruising? JJ does that at home, but he doest not get pushed again. hehe...
The pictures <font color="ff6000">jasmine</font> posted can see Raph was getting irritated with Adelle's action.

jasmine want to chope Raph. Only 2 boys and so many girls going after. how? the next gathering we will have faith_77 boy coming. We need more boys.

<font color="ff6000">tangling</font> i like that picture. my gal is looking at your boy. But i also saw the whole pushing incident.

<font color="ff6000">Playgroup</font>
I hope the western side babies can come and join us this time. come on westerners!
<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
You are most welcome. Would be posting more later - need to resize them first.

<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font>
I also like the picture of Joelle &amp; JJ - very cute.

<font color="ff6000">Faith_77,</font>
Welcome to join in the next PG! Well, knowing that you are the silent reader, somehow you would see this message to you. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
Yap, we had a lot of fun! BBs were bz with toys and crawling around, but mums still managed to make converstations.
Not joining in at the next PG? Come lah!

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred,</font>
The pics are cute! Yap, most of our pic are blurry coz bbs are moving too fast. Hehe... Adelle looks upset in the last pic.
Is she used to such noise pollution? Hehe...
Date : 13th May 2006
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family.

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake)
2) Shane (bringing agar agar - this time i try harder to get it okie )
3) Jennise
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123

I also have picts of KY pulling adelle and Raph's hair. Quite funny. but sorry ladies no time to upload them yet.

Ashley has been super cranky these couple of days and nights. Its driving me nuts. For eg, wake up in the middle of the night and refuse to go back to sleep &amp; when we put near next to us, she started pulling my mouth and poking hubby's eyes! sigh.. this morning she cried for milk, after drinking vomited on the bed! argh!!!

twinklets, dunno..
aiya.. we are belong to the same catorgory of "FAT MAMA" so don't worry.

Must Get More Male Bbies to Join else the mummies will fight over the few hunks we have now,
frustrating rite?! Esher does that to us as well. Last nite she woke up at 2am and refused to go bk to sleep. so gave milk. after milk she seems sleepy but make alot of noise! sigh. finally she went to sleep. there are occasions she just refuse to sleep, and will climb over me, climb over daddy, pull our hair, poke our eyes and now her newest thing is she'll lie down there clapping away ... i don't know to smile or cry ha ha ....

come...come .... will be fun !!!
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
PG is not equal slim group mummies. Hehe... Me not slim either.
Just come lah - we are not having the slimest mummy contest, I promise.
It is really fun and not as stressful as bringing them out coz the other bbs are all creating a din too. Hehe...
Come come come!
wow...all the bbs seem to enjoy themselves alot and so are the mummies....
seems so fun!!

btw,yest,i cut Ryan's hair...both my hb n my mil said not nice..think i cut too straight n too short liao..now he looks so nerdy n "gong"..keke..
<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
You are so brave, can cut hair liao.
We dare not progress very far with JJ's hair yet. Me &amp; hb were trying to cut JJ's hair before the PG, but only trimmed a little only. Scared cut too much not nice on photo. Hehe...

Are you joining us for the next PG? Come leh. We want to see more bbs (especially boys) and mummies.

<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font>
You did? You saw the pushing incident? Hehe... Too bad it was not captured on video.
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - <font color="0077aa">hbs are welcome</font>!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake)
2) Shane (bringing agar agar - this time i try harder to get it okie )
3) Jennise
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
Tang Ling,
this is the 2nd time i cut his hair..actually is trim lah...cos his fringe n the side of his hair abit long..
my hb said the 1st time i cut nicer..so sad...
dun think they will let mi cut next time liao...

sat,he has BJG class till 2pm plus leh..then i no transport abit difficult to go..i see how 1st..i oso wan to go..can see so many bbs n mummies..

i also saw the whole incident of KY pulling adelle hair. so sorry. think she is jealous of her hair lah cos KY still botak..

post your pictures leh.. i did not capture it.

Olivie Oil
anyone using olivie oil on bb hair? does it help and how long will it takes? i use it on KY but not much effect as hair still growing very slow

me also dun belong to the slim group.
so many nice nice pictures! i want to go too!! but can i ask when would all of you be going, cos i noticed the duration is the entire afternoon? If I make it, I need to leave by 3pm! sigh how?

And I'm assured now that it's not a slim mama meeting! hehe... it's a Fat Momma outing! haha1
<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
oic. fringe not easy to cut. so next time to barber? Hehe...

Class finish 2+ is ok - just come later lor. That 1st PG starts at 12.30pm, but I only arrived at 1.30pm and several others after me. JJ overslept. We know it is difficult to be puntual ESPECIALLY with bb.
No transport? Where is the class?
<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Yah, come come to the next PG.
You can leave at 3pm if you have something on. At the 1st PG, some left earlier also. No problem, coz it is just a casual Fat Momma outing. Hehe...
Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake)
2) Shane (bringing agar agar - this time i try harder to get it okie )
3) Jennise (TBC)
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
You not slim mummy ???!!!! then I wat ??!!

U just come. I should be early cos I'm quite nearby, hopefully

Tang Ling,
Forgetmenot class is at Bukit Batok ... hee hee....

U physco Twinklets to come ? Then u both can come together ! hee hee!
cutting hair
my girl finally has a hair cut.......now she looks like a boy!!

her curls all kena chopped off!

greedy girl
wow, my greedy girl actually knows how to ask for food! my mom told me that she kept pointing to the bread and went *urh urh urh*

baby signs
any mommies teaches baby signs to your little ones? was quite on after i read the book when she was 3 months old. but realised i dun really have the chance to sign to her.
I don't think Adelle will look like a boy as much as my gal. Anyway, I'm sure Adelle's hair will grow out very soon. My gal doesn't even have the chance to cut hair.

My gal also very greedy these days.
Everything she also want to try. I hope she will show as much interest in her porridge.

I started teaching my gal signs few months ago. She knows a few signs now but strangely, she only signs to my mom and at the request of my mom. Sigh.
<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred,</font>
Ahhh.... you had Adelle's cute curls chopped off??? Really like her curls and long hair. Nvm, will grow back very quickly. Hehe...

<font color="0000ff">Asking for food</font>
Talking about that, JJ surprised me - I was mashing his fruits for him today and he pulled my arm towards him. Then, he put his face in front of mine and opened his mouth big big. Hahaha... ok, ok, I get it, I have to feed him faster.

<font color="0000ff">Baby Signs</font>
I also did some reading up months ago to find out that best time to start is about 11 mths. So I started reading up again. Ready to start signing, but no hands - either holding something or carrying him. Mummy has to be very disciplined.

Anyway, I started with "water" at the beginning of this week, and have completely forgotten about it till you mentioned now.
Bad mummy. Hehe... But I do not intend to use the standard signs - would add in my own.

You can have a look at:
(1) Getting Started
(2) On-line baby signs dictionary
hi mummies,

Some time back I order some board books for K. It's here! Looks like the mummy more excited than the baby. Can't wait to share my excitement with you all. hehe. Here's a pic of K in the world of books. For the time being, it's biting toys for her

<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
Kayla is a big gal already! Really engrossed in her books - so cute.
Yah, same same here with JJ, books (&amp; everything) = biting toys. And all that teeth marks on the books. Hehe...
Coming for the next PG? It's not far from your home, come lah. We want to meet all the mummies at this thread.
Tang Ling,
i managed to cut his fringe leh...but is abit too straight n short liao..i distract him by letting him watch bb signing times,give him toys to play n give him food to eat...keke...
hehe...Shane already ans ur qns liao..my class is in bt batok...

Re:bb talking
seems like most of the bbs are talking liao..my Ryan still not talking leh..but he can call "da-da" but hor,dun think he noes tt is means daddy cos he say it vv often..

initially i'm quite upset y he calls "da-da" 1st cos he is very sticky to mi..but now ok liao lah...it does not matter who he calls 1st..as long as it is "da-da" or "ma-ma"
if his 1st word is "gu-gu" think i will faint ah...cos my sil always teach him to say "gu-gu" as she said,"gu-gu" is easier to call...

Joelle is having fever?how is she?

hehe..psycho twinklets ah??u help mi to psycho her lah...
tat's a good name .. Fat Mama Club!! haha !!
I wanted to go too, but hor Ash BJG Class is at 4.30pm. So guess all saturday gatherings i gotta give it a miss liao..

Goodness.. u like tat not slim.. then me is Fatso Aunty liao ..
the books look so colourful and interesting ... i must bring Esher over one day again ha ha .....
hey u joining us for the coming PG ?

ya how's joelle ? hope her fever have gone away.

forgetmenot, twinklets,
both ur class not same timing already ah.

<font color="0000ff">Baby signs</font>
When Esher was very young, i signed to her milk. But i wasn't very consistent. sometimes forgot even. Recently, she showed the milk sign sometimes. But i doubt she's asking for it. So i started signing to her milk again. hopefully she'll gradually understand it.

Must ask you to demo some signs to me. I go to websites and get a rough idea. We can share share knowledge together hee hee...
ya lor..now diff timing liao..cos the trainer wans to put bb born on the same mth in the same group..
so now oni left Ryan n Sherilyn in the same class...
Hi gals,
Wah, a lot has been happening since I last logged in last week.

Playgroup on 13th May,
This time, I can join you gals! Yahoo!! Only thing is that i can't be there at 1:30pm. I'll try my best to make it before 3pm coz I just came back from work.

Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake)
2) Shane (bringing agar agar - this time i try harder to get it okie )
3) Jennise (TBC)
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
my what happen to Joelle? in any case, hope that she gets well soon.

why is dunnoleh??
pls come to the PG. We Want to See MEL!!
Tang Ling,
My gal knows how to sign milk, please and lights. I let her watch Baby Signing Times DVD but she doesn't show much interest. I already gave up but who knows she started signing with my mom. When my mom asked her to do it, she will demo but she does not sign to me when she needs milk. Very strange lor. Anyway, I'm happy that she is signing finally.

I am now trying to get her to sign water, cracker and eat. I want to teach her one sign at a time so that she doesn't get too confused. Yesterday, my mom said my gal can wave goodbye and do goodbye kiss quite some time ago but this stubborn gal never does it in front of me!
It seems that my mom is able to teach her better than I do. But then again, she spends more time with my mom than with me, maybe that's why she listens to my mom more.

Hey, thanks for the links! The online dictionary looks great but I cannot play the video, maybe I don't have the software, will download it later.

Yah, we can share tips on baby signing.
Tang Ling,
I tried downloading the software but it prompted that I have a higher version of the video player. I tried playing the video again but nothing appears leh. Did I do anything wrong again? I can be really blur with IT stuff.
wow, Cay can sign quite alot of stuff. so motivating.

there seems to be so many things to teach baby but i feel i have so little time ... sometimes i feel i'm not doing enuf ....
Joelle had a high fever last Sunday. Doctor said it's viral infection n should come down by Wed which is yesterday. Today, rashes appear on her whole body and PD said false measles should subside within a week.
tang ling,
those pages books I've kept cos she bites them and eats the paper! Will wait until she outgrown this 'biting' stage then bring those books out again. So now it's board books which can withstand those bites and saliva.

sure u can bring E over and play like the last time. Rem when she woke up, she quickly jumped into action in playing with K. But my place too small, cannot open as PG venue. hehe

Everyday K is in playgroup at infantcare. haha.. so want to give her more private time to learn and play alone. She's referred to as the most active baby in infantcare now. The teachers said she'll climb table and chairs and everywhere. So I'm trying to tame down her 'over activeness'.
But will maybe confirm with u all when date is nearer as sometimes the housekeeping lady comes on diff time and also see if my hubby can drive us there or not.

K has taken 2 steps today. hmm, actually i didn't try to train her to walk cos some old beliefs. A bit silly though but maybe just let nature take its course on that.
tang ling
ya lor, hope that her hair grows back quickly. but neater now and i think she feels cooler too.

juz watched supernanny. omg, the 9 yr old girl is terrible. now i'm afraid that sweet little darling now will one day morph into a little monster...eeks!

caymom, when did you start signing to cay? she can already do so many signs!

hmm..like shane, me also motivated liao, just went to read the baby sign dictionary that i photocopied. it'll be a good time to do more signs now as adelle is starting to point to stuff and like ask 'wat's that?' but problem is finding the time to sign to her. she can do bye bye and no more

hope that joelle will recover very soon!
Tell you something silly. I always thought bbs will automatic progress or develop on their own so I never bother to train Cay or let her exercise. In the end, she only learnt how to flip at 6mths. Then I heard from people that must give tummy exercises.
You can't be doing as little as me right?

In order to make her flip, I became super kan cheong but the more I force her the more she protest. I even got scolding from my mom for being too fierce to Cay.
She insisted that Cay knows how to flip, she is just too lazy to do it. Sigh, never mind.
<font color="ff0000">bbrooster,</font>
Hope Joelle will recover soon.

<font color="aa00aa">ixorarred,</font>
I started signing to cay when she's around 8mths old. I read that as long as you incorporate the signs in the daily routine, bb will pick it up soon or later.
dun worry, you are not the only one! i always thot that they will learn their skills when the time comes too. i guess some of the skills need time for the babies to learn on their own, some of the skills may develop faster if some form of 'training' is given
ok now i don't feel so bad. but these few days i really slack. i just spend time by playing with her. not much educational stuff. feel abit stressed when other babies seems to know more
kiasu symdrome setting in. ha ha ...

but hor, cay is so different from wat u say... she's one of the fastest to walk her ley. so u must have did a lot of catch up homework with her

i have same thinking as you. they'll learn when the time comes. but i normally lend a helping hand when it's 'due' and they're not performing yet.

tt time Esher was not crawling yet and lucky i went to tumble thots trial then they showed how to encourage her. so i did the same then slowly she learnt to crawl.
<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
Wah, you managed to distract him to cut hair. Wont be able to do that for JJ. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
BJG class at 4.30pm but you can pop by at 1.30pm for a while?
Come leh.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Wah, Cay so smart, can do so many signs.

About the video at the on-line dictionary, when I went to the website, there was initially nothing also. Have to wait for a while for them to load the video. Try again and wait can do something else at the same time.

<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
K has teeth already? JJ has 4 and 2 more coming through, and the board books poor thing, looks like it has been visited by rats with all that bite marks. Hehe I think only plastic books would be able to withstand JJs bites at this stage.

<font color="0000ff">Walking:</font> Wah, 2 steps liao!
What old beliefs about not training bb to walk? Only heard one saying that we are not supposed to let bbs wear shoes before they can walk.

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred,</font>
But I think Adelle would still look very pretty and girlish even with short hair. She is so sweet.

<font color="0000ff">Supernanny:</font> Yah, last nites episodes 9 yr old gal is a nightmare. But the main point the series keep pushing through is to stay calm, firm &amp; consistent when disciplining. Can understand the poor mums frustration and it is not easy to keep cool with the screaming kid.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom, Ixorarred,</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nature vs Nurture:</font> Same here also feel that bbs have to develop some skills themselves and have to guide them in some. I think PG is good in the sense that the bbs see others doing it, and they pick it up faster than for us to teach them.
And we also help each other. I unknowingly trained Cay to self-feed (hehe) and the last time during my private gathering with bbrooster, she taught me how to teach JJ to reverse down the sofa/bed. JJ surprised me with the reverse crawl 2 days ago after 1 mth of teaching. Hehe
Morning, wow so fast 11am already hurray Long Weekend approaching......

Cherry, I m bz applying oil and combing hair for Mel keke. U same as my hubby he tell me dun put so oil so oily, but I think it works. Mel now is M shape hair hor

Sorry cant join the PG on 13th May. Need 2 celebrate Mother's Day for my mum and mum in law...

Quite busy at work this week everyday worked until 11pm so no time to log on.

Hope every baby is OK.

Glad Joelle is well!

Wow!!! Caydence knows how to walk already! I agree baby learn faster from another babies in PG. Too bad Ian doesn't have PG, everything he learns is from me/hubby. He seems really happy when we can play with him rather he play by himself.

Reverse crawling
Will your BB always come down from legs first from sofa/bed everytime after they knows how to reverse crawling? Ian sometimes still crawl from head down!?.

BB Signs
I do teach a few simple ones but the most easy one "byebye", Ian doesn't seem to understand leh.

Crawl out of highchair
Does your BB tends to crawl out of highchair? I really having hard time to keep him on his highchair even with the seat belt. BTW, how does mummies here teach BB self-spoon their food?

Finally starts fish for Ian today. I don't cook porridge like most of the mummies here. I always steam it with rice-cooker then add in some cooked rice and blend it to smooth texture. He seems to like it.
