(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1


All Mummies
Happy Mother's Day!!!

Wow...so fast 4th birthday. Happy 4th Birthday to Akinesh.
Seeing the cake, i felt like learning to bake and you know how to bake. Want to organise baking classes or not???...Hahaha..LOL
I felt so free and aimless from 11.30pm to 2pm whenever Jacia is in school.

That time my 2nd gal also like your boy. Don't like to sleep and kept my CL awake in the wee hours. End up my CL carried her in her arm then she could sleep well. I think my CL suffered PANDA EYES during the 2nd month. *phew*...luckily i made the right decision to hire her for 2nd mth. I was willing to forgo my maternity leave pay in exchange for my time to pump milk and beauty sleep.
Thanks mommies for the bday wishes! More pics on the actual day in FB. :)

Yup cake is from ecreative, not bad lah. Soft n nice the sponge. I passed the 5 Ben 10 figurines to their branch in sun plaza which they have an outlet there. :)

I have to tell u my dream on sunday morning, cos got both of u inside the dream. hee I dreamt that Shane n I went to have mother's day dinner at a fine dining restaurant. Our hbs let us go n unwind ourselves on mother's day. As we are yakking about how the two of us left behind from the thread cos we still mother of one, so can afford to have din, as hbs can handle one kid themselves. hee We spotted bbrooster n her hb few tables away. N ended we joined together n yak the whole nite long. kekekekeke Dun ask me why I have such dream. ;-)
haha..y u hve such a cute dream..
i thought that u dreamt that u n Shane saw bbrooster with bb no.3 leh..keke

btw..i having headache yesterday..cos i saw R ecreative cakes..
all the cakes, he say not nice..
faint...then end up, he like a photo cake with a T-Rex pic..so ugly...n he keeps telling mi is nice..

now i oso dunno what cake he wans liao..this moment, power rangers, next moment tasmania,..the very next, wan dinosaur..urgghh..so mafan
ur dream got 4 numbers or not? ha ha ... I think ur dream telling you need a break lah... or you miss me and bbrooster is it ?? haha.....
<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>
My boy is driving me &amp; CL v tired liao.. Wee hrs also doesnt want to sleep. Fed finish the milk at wee hours also wont KO 1, can play for another 2 more hrs.. May I now when your gal start to sleep normally???
U can ask them to email u some pics that are not in web. :)

Wish I can see 4D or toto nos lei. Think dream is telling me I need MNO. hahahahaha Or hinting we both will be the two lau kor kor left with just onli a kid, so veri eng. hee

Didi so notti. Last time those BF moms tot me to train them from first mth. Feed in the day at the interval of 2 1/2 or 3 hrs, if bb wan milk every hour, dun give, try to drag. N if feeding time up in the day n bb still asleep, wake bb up to feed cos needs to let bb noe when is day n nite, then by 3rd mth, bb will automatic sleep thru the nite. I tried on A. It works. First mth, 2 times at nite, then second mth, one time at nite, n 3rd mth, slept thru. :) But I still got to wake up at nite to pump out my milk cos need to maintain the supply. hee Maybe u wan to try.
ask you ah... what did you serve for makan for A's bday in school? N1 actually made request not to have Mac's bday "cos every one also have macdonalds!" !?!?!?
Serve? No need food lei in school. Onli cake for the celebration during their snack time. :) U meant N1's school must prepare food??? Wow pocket big hole like that. hee Celebration during their lunch time?
SN, saw the lovely goodie bags u prepared for A on facebook, really like them. Happy belated bday to A!

Twinklets/Audrey, congrats!! How are you managing with 2 kids?

Reading the discussions on newborns is making me panic... Its going to be my turn to do this in August. But its just be one more time, this #3 will be the last one already, anymore sure go nuts.

bbrooster, don't know what craziness overcame me that I decided to have a third one. Just worried I'll regret if I didn't :p
just curious, u always wanted 3 kids ?

poor you. think didi needs time to adjust. hang in there. can try to let him sleep less in the day ?

i rem bbrooster Jer also like that. Rem bbrooster say, he doesn't want to sleep after feed as well. bbrooster, any tips ?

ha ha ... 1 kid definitely can fine dinning. but like mich, also worry will regret. sien man whenever i think of this topic. =<
hahaha finally come here n announced yr news to all. hee Soon u will be same rank as Mckee....... Mother of THREE. Yippee.

Dun think so much lah.
shane, no lah, I am the kind who didn't want any kids. But my hb loves kids. He has promised that after #3 I can finally give away my maternity clothes.

SN, whenever i think of it, i feel like panicking especially when 2 is already like a circus!
<font color="0000ff">SN</font>
That is what we doing now.. we always catch him before he wakes up for feed.. Even Ashley time also like that.. but but.. Ashley also didnt zz thr' since young.. Now I worry I may sleep at Aunty's bed once she leaves..
This boy really not easy to 'gao'. think he's 1 of the difficult to handle bbs in the Aunty's list....

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
yeah.. i can feel my stress coming out liao ler whenever knowing him not sleeping in wee hrs.. cant helping thinking of the night time when Aunty leaves.. He actually sleeps not much in day time liao.. so duno how to not to make him sleep lesser. If he sleeps lesser, meaning we both also cant rest... Anw.. will see how things goes.. he is currently sleeping in the infant carseat since 3pm ...

jer also liked tat? aiyo.. then bbrooster better come out now to give me some tips. Really hope my boy is notti in first mth, but after he will kai qiao &amp; be good liao. haiz..

<font color="ff0000">Mich</font>
Congrats! May I know how many mths are u now? When EDD? Know gender yet? You are so brave, can think for your hb. Ashley wants a Mei Mei, but i told her no way Mummy going to give birth again, I told her ask her Daddy to give birth. hahaha.
Ash too guai during bb times? My mom always said first one notti, second one will be guai or vice versa. So u same case as bbrooster, first one guai, second one notti. ;-) Hang on there, u see Jer already one! In no time, didi will be one too.
Mich's edd is in aug, n her hb has got his wish..... going to be a prince this time. :)
wow....you are hving no.3..yes yes..u will join mckee's club liao..

thanks..i will ask them to email mi the pics..when my fickled-minded boy make up his mind on what he wants..

btw..how many kids are there in A's class? u order 1.7kg, enough?

my bil's son oso like that one leh...he sleeps quite little..n oso wake up wee hrs at night one..
but now he is 6mths old liao..so is slightly better..

most important..u must try to set a routine/schedule for him to sleep..

but i think 1st mth is abit tough cos bb is still trying to adjust..u can try from 2nd mth onwards..
he will definitely slowly get adjusted one..
<font color="0000ff">SN</font>
yes Ashley is consider guai during bb times already. Her only problems tat time were merlion &amp; take long time to drink bottle fed milk. Wee hours I will carry her to my bed to BF her. she really so easy to manage. Sleep &amp; Sleep 1. This 1 really vice versa. Ya I conclude #1 guai, #2 notti. 真得不信也不可以!

Good good, a Prince for Daddy!!
So happy for Mich.
<font color="ff6000">FMN</font>
wow ur nephew also like tat.. have to wait 6 mths than better ah..

Ya i wanna set a routine for him to sleep.. my 1st 1 already doesn't sleep thr' well liao.. cant imagine another 1 joining the club..
twinklets, thanks, now its 6 months already... whether boy or girl this time also close shop already ha ha. yah, if my hb wants anymore, he will be giving birth himself kekeke

My #2 also hates to sleep leh... her naps used to be 30 mins only! Can faint lor. But now older it is jus 1 nap for 1.5 hrs. And she always tells me I don't want sleep. Usually by abt 3-4 months they will settle down... hang in there! Someone told me Gina Ford's routine worked very well for them, maybe can read up about it.
i think if really cannot..then u may hve to bring him to bed n sleep with u.n u can latch him on while u sleep

actually hor..i think the mother oso never set a routine for him..
as in..he happy happy sleep..not happy dun sleep..i oso dunno leh

but when bb comes to my mil..he seems to be able to sleep in the morning, then afternoon everyday almost the same time..

so i think could be schedule..hve to really train him one..

u know hor..last time when R or C dun wan to nap hor..i will still put them in the sarong..no matter how they wail..they oso cant get up..i make sure that they sleep...cos if i give in..n carry them up hor..they sure will be very cranky one.

n hor..at times can yao them for more than 1/2 hrs before they sleep one lor..
let me email u some of wat they have, n u can show R. hee I ordered 1.7kg this time, smallest for that design. More than enough for 24 kids in his class plus his two teachers. Also can give to teachers, principal, admin, cleaning aunty, cooks, gardener, n nuns. :) Small pc onli mah, though some asking for second servings. hee Yi Shi Yi Shi onli lah.
For my case, can't really tell #1 or #2 more guai cos each has their own habits. But both are direct opp...

#1- During 1st &amp; 2nd mth, drinks at 1hr interval, made me really tired in the day but stop night feedings after 2nd mth.

#2 - drinks at 4hrs interval , sleep alot during the day but wakes at Wee hrs for milk...

I didn't really train them when to sleep or drink...just let it be..but of cos if wake up at night cannot play with them.

I emailed ecreative but they are not v fast in responding my emails.
Dun worry too much la
Sky also in his first month... din sleep at night...will wake up and expect pple to play with him...
so my mum kept him company from 11+pm to 3am....
Then I take over from 3am- whatever time my mum wake up... think around 7am
errr... I just switch on table lamp so he can see light while i koon lor...
Then 2nd month onwards...he NORMAL lor
My mum say some kid before man yue is like this one...
Wow! You have to handle 2 kids when 3rd pop, I think is the same how you handle #1 when you give birth to #2. At least 2 of your kids have accompany to play with, so will not bother you much while taking care #3.
the trick is to send with high priority n attention yr mail to Florence. :) I usu get the reply veri fast. But invoice slower. hee
For Cericia, her sleeping pattern started to stablize when i put her beside me on my bed. We had slept together on the same bed for two yrs.
But as a heavy drinker, she continued to have her night feed until she was about 9-10 months unlike Jacia who skipped her night feed since she was 2 months old.

Wow...congrats....u are so brave. I don't dare have the courage to go for another one.
Congrats! It's gonna to be fun! really!

in N1's school, usually not just cake. Got to have makan too. The kitchen aunty would be instructed not to cook lunch for them when there's a party.
But this is just for her class, not whole school. So I'm stuck with what makan to do now. The last year, we had tarts and sandwiches. N1 asked why hers is not mac's. Now I wanna go mac's and she tells me, she doesn't want!
stress lah...
wow so cheem N1's school. hee So how long wil be the party duration?
How about KFC?
Or those caterer that does mini kids buffet?
Or u can get fried rice or noodles, then with some deep fried wings, sausages, fish balls to go with? Can tabao from those market stall. Get them to prepare n u provide the stall holders with the silver tray n cover to put. Simple n fuss free. :) Will be cheaper than fast food, n more healthy range. Yeah. hee
thanks..got ur mail liao...
i like the spiderman one.haha...

ok.. will try to email her n ask abt power rangers cake.

they deliver to ur plc or A's school?

R's class..only 15 students leh..i think 1.5kg or 1.7kg cake shd be enough bah...
Thanks for the well wishes!

McKee, I'm gonna take consolation in what you said and look forward to the times it'll be really fun having the 3 kids

How about ordering pizza and donuts for N1's school party?

Audrey, not exactly true the elder 2 dun bother me... they will start fighting and then I have to be the referee... tiring!

jamci, I also don't have the courage, but someone with 3 kids told me it'll jus be tough for 1 yr, then it'll be better from there... so I will jus hang in there and wait it out.
Oh ya, I forget the Power Rangers ones. Just emailed u. Not veri nice design. Aiyo onli 15 kids, 1kg enough lah. Save u the trouble, u can order from Polar since they have power rangers theme. Akinesh has 1 classmate celebrated his bday in April, his parents ordered 1kg, more than enough to share in his class n still got leftovers. :) Hence yrs 1 kg more than enough. I get ecreative to deliver to me the day before in their last delivery schedule 5pm-8pm, cos too earli for them to deliver to school next day as snack time is 9am. If u celebrating later, u can arrange with them to deliver later to school direct.

U can celebrate earli. A has some classmates celebrating last week before school closes for midterm break or year end break if their bdays fall in june or dec. I m sure u can make arrangement with the school. :)

Yeah Pizza n donuts cool. Now there are mini donuts. :)
SN, the mini donuts, I have seen them on the hotel buffet line but not in the donut shops... will go hunt around, maybe can order for S's school party. The CC says I can celebrate for her at school if i give advance notice
I am bursting to tell you this. Just happened... I accidently pulled out my IU!!!!!!!!!! how?!?!? $500 down the drain.

Me an my bright idea to try tampons...
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

really money down the drain... but on a +ve note, u save $ removing it next time...
Cld it be a sign to have #4 ?! kekeke... *runs away*
I am bursting to tell you this. Just happened... I accidently pulled out my IU!!!!!!!!!! how?!?!? $500 down the drain.

Me an my bright idea to try tampons...
aiyo this post repeated it self?!?!
anyway... I just pulled it out!! can't believe it! I nearly wanted to stuff it back in!

no lah! You better run faster... #4? no way. i've booked appt already to see Gynae again on Mon. sigh.. very sianz.
You mean must pay $$ to remove? like very easy leh... just pull. haha..

I replied you!
<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>
oic.. anw now I dun dare to think too much liao.. just shun qi zhi ran. Must try to think it positively as in cherish my 3 mths with Julien. Whether he'll able to sleep alone or I sleep with him will be another question to deal with..

<font color="ff0000">Mckee</font>
Omg.. I'm in shock too. I dunno got a string there for u to pull 1. Alamak.
I will surely "kowtow" to you if you go for No.4!

Can u bring packets of mini sausages and chicken nuggets and get the aunty to boil &amp; toast them in the oven for you? That will certainly help u save some $$ and trouble. Maybe give the aunty a small token for her help

Congrats! So brave...i admire! U noe the sex of the BB yet?

Now u noe hor..boys seems to be more marfan than girls. Just kidding, u just have to understand your son's pattern and fine-tune it, i suppose.

I'm also tempted to celebrate for Jay in school but meaning bringing forward celebration for almost 3 weeks, seems a bit strange.Still thinking...
SN, thanks, I go check out JCo. Think very hard to order from Amosco cos have to order in bulk... though their stuff is so nice.

jaymom, thanks, its a boy this round. Oh no, boys really more mafan than girls?

Mckee, oh no... my friend also dislodged her IU and she told me it cost $400 to put back... for her case, it was dislodged cos she went for a body massage and they massaged the tummy area so hard it came off...
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
This year I also celebrated Ashley's birthday like 2 to 3 wks in advance. I celebrated on her Lunar birthday. Maybe U wanna check Jay's lunar birthday then is like more 'meaningful' for u to celebrate earlier? For them to celeb with friends are really v happy 1, u dun really go care abt the exact date anymore, u simply feel it is worthwhile cos u get to see the great smile n his face..

Ya me &amp; CL roughly catch his pattern already somehow. I think I'll be more confident when I'm more hands on with him. Last 2 wks not much hands on, so get pretty stressed by his awakeness...
thanks for the mail..1kg enough? hehe.then better..i can save $$ too.haha..

ya.power rangers one..not so nice..
but hor..polar cake not nice leh..WAHAHAHA

u pulled out your IU? how? ya..same qns as twinklets.got string for u to pull out meh?
yes got string but inside so u can't see it but u can feel it if u put ur finger in.

My also dislodged tt y had to remove. I put 2x but both times, over time it will 'self dislodged'. didn't come out lah. but not in optimum position. so gynae say i'm not suitable. womb seems to dispell it. sienz lor. if not i really like it.
Good thought! Let me go and check my calendar when i get home. It a good idea to do it this year cos they are more AWARE. i want all his friends to be inclusive as well ( just a harmless pun..keke)
He has been telling people,even strangers that his birthday is coming! It will make his day if he gets to celebrate with so many friends

I heard from Cherry too that for some kids, no celebration in school meant no birthday?!?

That's wonderful news! I'm sure your girls will dote on their little brother.
Marfan boys?...err, at least it applies to my boy :p
yes i paid some money for it to be removed.
u hv to pay money to put it back i think. maybe u wanna consider other contraceptives liow....

will be nice if u can just 'stuff it back in!' hee hee....

I think kids are alot of work so watever gender also mafun. But maybe boys are more active than girls, so tt's the difference. But of cos in all scenarios, there are always exceptional cases.
