(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi Natalie,

U mean u can hear the sound "thump" when ur bb kicks???

Ur hubby really dotes u
my hubby sleeps like a pig at nite. No matter how many times I wake up,eat,go toliet,puke...he'll still sleep like nobody biz.hee..

I oso think of sleeping the whole bed myself,more place to toss & turn. But I'm not used to waking up not seeing my hubby next to me.Mayb get another mattress,so he can sleep on the floor...

my bb likes to b massage
I always ask my hubby to massage my tummy,but he's very lazy.

Hi Tay, but I too lazy to attend leh. Also, I'll be going for c-section so I thot it won't be useful for me to attend those breathing exercise class.

Hi avocado, I can hear "thump" sound when bb kicks leh. That's why I feel that my bb very active.
The playpen I saw is indeed cheaper in baby kingdom as compared to Kiddy Palace.
Baby Kingdom is opened even on sat n sun
If your baby can't take Avent teat, u can always buy other brand of milk bottle, not necessary to use the milk bottles dat come wif the pump
My hubby same as your hubby sleeps like a pig, sometimes he kinda 1/2 wake up to hug me. When he snored v loudy, I will go over to the guest rm n sleep

Your company so nice. My company dun even buy us CNY lunch.

Wat u said is correct. Baby catches low pitch voice better, so baby hears daddy's voice clearer than mummy's

I m having a boy boy.
Gd dat NUH is so near to your hse. Dat's v impt.
Your boy is v active
Suggest u take a look @ the 6 bedded ward 1st b4 u confirm taking the 6 bedded ward

Which JL sell Tolly Joy diaper? Have not seen Tolly Joy diaper b4. Initially I thot u were referring to the cloth nappy
U r so kind to share the info on the kids club @ JL. Thx

BTW is breast bump classified under kids dept?

not hear la.. just the feeling of tap tap from inside and then the tummy can move a little sideways also..do you get a tightening of the tummy?? I seem to get it a few times in a day.
It's like something push and tahan from inside.

Abot hubby.. yes he does really dote sometimes too much but I'm very grateful also..he's quite excited about the BB.

This is your first preggie?? when are you due??? boy or gal?

Maybe for time being it's just good to have him away a while.

In fact from the beginning hubby is very good.. very faithful about the rubbing cream on tummy.. but now... he's very laid back.. just go through motion..I was saying I can't see my feet anymore how to see if the cream reach the right place.

Well at least he tries.

I suppose if ur hubby is heavy sleeper is also good and bad.. LOL. Soon not so when the BB starts crying I wonder if he can sleep..heh heh


AV for lunch?? You workin or staying around AV?
hi shook,
At least he'll wake up & hug u leh.My hubby sleeps all the way. Once a while,he'll turn & hug me if I hug him 1st...

Luckily,my hubby dun snore..

Hi Natalie,
Yup, i can feel the tightening of my tummy,esp,after meal.

i'm in wk19,i can feel tap tap,not sure if bb kicking leh.

I'll b due in jul20,my EDD is a day after sanrio.Mine is boi boi. what abt u?

icic... I live around there..hehe.. maybe one day we could compare tummies over avacado juice...lol

btw.. will the charges be changed once you decide on the gynae??

I've gone for a heart scan as a subsidised patient.. and I ended paying $25 instead of $240..that was an eye-opener..heh heh.

The nurses did say that all charges would be revised if i chose my own gynae..and everything like tests etc etc consulation would be charged as private patient.. is that true on ur end for KK?
Hi shook, but my co doesn't have any D&D for 2 years liao leh.

Hi natalie, if you take 6-bedded you got to share toilet and the toilet is quite far from the bed leh.

I just told my hubby that he may need to help me to cut my toe nails as my tummy too big for me to touch my toes.
Hi Giggler,

It's not only the breathing methods....i did not use it too cos i put epideral. It's the bathing, cleaning, wrapping n taking care of the bb, breastfeeding.... some tips from the nurses .... how to wash, sterilise n feed the bb wif bottle my mum is quite outdated so i had to let her know new ways to handle my bb.

Hi Shook,

It's e diaper...i tink it's a new pdt...nvr seen it too. Jus happen to see it and buy it @robinsons. I called up JL @ specialist centre orchard and they said they have it.

Breast Pump is under children's section. Dun buy e battery or manual ones. Better buy e plug-in madela ones. It's more ex but it's worth it.

I wish i could help all mothers to save $$$.

Mine is a boi boi too.. pointy stomach but not sure about the waist thing... can't even see my feet or down there.. need to use mirror to check on stretch marks...

aiyah at least your hubby hugs.. mine already used to using me as body pillow/bolster and also blanket thief! sometimes his hand lands acroos my chest or tummy... but since he's a light sleeper i dare not move too much for fear of waking him.

Sad to say.. I can't even hug now.. tummy in way..so much for all those books that encourage passionate bed activities with suggested karma sutra positions..

Frankly.. really no mood..the BB is moving so much..and the tummy in the way I find it strange to get into "action" might "break" something even
since hubby clipping toe nails.. might as well ask him to paint toe nails and to massage the calves..I always get cramps there.. any explaination why?? Is it never drink enough water or what..??
I feel tightness on my tummy more lately. I hate dat feeling. I will tell my baby mummy feels v uncomfortable. Dun b hard on mummy

My hubby wakes up sometimes, not all the time. If he doesn't wake up I hug my soft toys lor
Hi All,

SOmeone had corrected @ another post. U had to spend at least $50 @ the children and toy section to join e club. N the $30voucher, u had to spend it @ e C&T section too. Cheers.
Hi Tay, I very lazy to go after work for the ante-natal class leh.

Hi Natalie, I also got leg cramps quite often. Sometimes it's so painful that I'll wake hubby up to massage for me.
Hi Giggler,
Yeap..should standby a pump unless you are very confident you will succeed in bfg. I gave Similac to my gal, so happen the hospital was providing Similac at that time too. Just for info, I was told that the hospital doesn't stick to one particular brand, they rotate the different brands. My gal is tall for her age, almost catching up with my niece 3.5 yo. Both daddy and mummy are tall
. You are right, I aim for a boy this round and my wish came true

Shook was mentioning something about the glass bottles that can be collected from the hospital. Yes, they can be collected from the hospital but most use them to store EBM rather than feeding the baby. I believe the teats are meant for one time use only. My colleague ever told me before you can buy the sealing covers somewhere but I have yet to check them out. By using these bottles, you can save $$ no need to buy disposable bags to store the milk. If you are using disposable bags, not necessary to buy the Avent sealing clips coz it is pretty ex. Ikea carry similar ones but comes in a big packet of various sizes and much cheaper.

Hi Sanrio,
Personally I have not tried electric pump and still hestiating in investing one. If I were to get, I think I will go for Ameda Lactaline rather than Medela. Different pumps work for different people so it is dificult to conclude which is the best. But, I have heard many complaining abt Medela pump that the let down is not very good especially when your milk is not established yet. A few also complained that their nipple get stuck inside coz it comes with an extra funnel to be inserted to the pump but that's for women with small nipples. If your nipples are big enough then you dun need that. Since you have a Avent loan unit on standby, maybe you can loan the electric pump from the hospital or MIM for trail before deciding whether to invest in one?

Hi Avocado,
My friends' comment is that she look like neither of us! However, comparing my childhood fotos with hers, I think she look more like me

Hi Kis,
Haha! My gal is not the si-wen type so the word guai cannot apply on her. Ideally age gap of 2 yrs is good. My no. 2 wasn't really an accident, just that I too lucky to kena the first time. I tried 10 mths for my no. 1. Being KS, I started early thinking maybe I would only strike much later! Things just don't work as planned! My gal was on Similac for the 1st yr, have just switched her to Enfa series when she turned 1.

And yes, Taka is having baby fair from 5 March to 20 March. I bot my baby cot from Taka previously and I was so lucky to win 3rd prize in their lucky draw - a S$1000 worth hamper of baby products! As good as my cot came free

Hi Shook,
Theoretically if you TBF, you dun need formula at all. However, said is easier than done. Sometimes things are beyond yr control e.g flat or inverted nipples will have problems latching on. Bfg is also very tiring and stressful. A lot depends on your family support as well. I know of someone who is very persistent to TBF that she refuse to standby any formula at all so no excuse to feed baby with formula. An example is my SIL's milk only came in 1 week later, the baby die of hunger if you dun feed formula. Also, baby's wailing can be a distressing factor too. Books and antenatal class tell u bb can go without milk for 3 days, but the actual fact is baby can wipe out the whole bot of milk if u feed her/him. Some babies down with jaundice, you need liquid to flush out the jaundice in the body. (Side track: the pump comes in handy too in case yr bb needs to be warded but u can be discharged)

Much said, I am still in a dilemma whether to go TBF for no. 2. Why? I realised that breast feed babies doesn't sleep through the nite, usually have to wake up for feeds once or twice per nite. Whereas some formula fed ones
slept thru from 2 mths tho there are exceptions too - my 17.5 mth gal still need at least 1 feed at nite now! Imagine this continue on for my no. 2 I won't have any beauty sleep for another 2 years? *Faint*

Good thing abt TBF is you just need to latch bb on instead of crawling out the bed to make milk. No need to wash/steralise bottles. Save $$ on formula too!

The pump can be steralise using the traditional method. No problem! Yes, you are right. Avent breast pump are to go hand-in-hand with Avent bottles, not any other brand.

Gals, I think I am lucky in a way - I discovered my pregnancy in 13 weeks and virtually skipped Tri 1. I never suffer from any MS. Maybe I can consider no. 3! Hahaha!

Hey, some of u work near AV? Me too
My company dun have D&D. D&D is not found in employee's handbook
Your hubby so nice cut toe nail for u

I plan to buy Avent breast pump

U get leg cramp coz u dun have enuff calcium

I c the glass milk bottle is for storing breast milk, not feeding. My cousin din tell me dat. I presume it is for feeding.
Aiyo, I thot bf dun need to buy formula milk @ all. Din know bf baby wakes up for more feed compared to baby on formula milk. Oh boy
How lucky u dun have ms
U know gender of your no 2?
Hi Bubble, so happy for you! You got a "hao" zi hor? Did you do anything to make sure you get boy this time round? I'll check with gynae if he got any sample to pass to me or not. Do we need to request for the glass bottles from the hospital itself? Wow, you so lucky to win prize by shopping!

Hi shook, no choice mah cos I can't reach my toes leh. I thot of going pedicure but one of my toenails chirped off so no choice lor. You going to buy the manual Avent breast pump?
Hi bubble, congrats on having ur wish come true...thou not well planned, but the timing is also good...
dear MTBs,
i jus wen to taka bb fair. it's at basement atrium. quite a lot of bb items on sale. pigeon has gd deals too. do go n c c wen u free. yes, got lucky draw, quite gd prizes. if u spend $300, taka giving a nice tricycle free.

hi foreverfriend,
yes, i attend antenatal class at kkh. u oso?

hi bubble,
tks agn for the info n congrats u having a boy. so nice, 1 girl n 1 boy.
I did pedicure myself last wk. Still manageable
. I cut my hubby's toe n finger nails. He anyhow cut his nails.
Yep yep, I gonna buy Avent pump but waiting for both voucher fm JL n $59 promotion occuring @ the same time. Have u decided which breast pump to get?

I attend antenatal class @ TMC. Went for a hospital tour during the previous class. Does KK covers hospital tour in their antenantal class?

Oh u having a boy. Sorry I muz have missed dat out. Congrats!! Dat is a v ideal pair.

Not enough calcium?? Hmm I'd better have a bit more cheese toast then. I'm not very fond of milk again now since nausea is back..


Speaking of hubby massaging.. last nite had very bad cramps..and some more got scolded by hubby..when he came to visit me from "HIS" room in the morning. I'm usually still in ZZ land.. but this morning I was already awake.
He say why never call for him to massage when cramp?? (I was lost for words)
hi sanrio...
thanks for the info on the taka fair... do u know when it will end? hmm... think better to go tis weekend and tk a look.

me been hvg cramps rather often too... and usu on my left leg... always drag my hubby from dreamland to massage for me.
HI all..

need a bit of advice..I'll be staying at my PIL's place for confinement and the BB will be with them in the afternoons when I go to work..(like about five hours). My hubby will bring BB back after he has dinner there.

Does that mean I have to get two sets of everything?? I already have a cot which I would leave at my IL's place and the bouncing sling thing..BB clothes I have yet to buy. Then when the BB is at home with me how??

Since taka is having sale.. I thought of getting the playpen @$99.
Hi shook, I'll borrow breast pump from my cousin at the time being.

Hi Natalie, you can tahan with the cramp yourself? I usually cried out for my hubby to bring my feet up to point the toes toward the ceiling and massage. If not, I'll die from pain leh. I think you shd get 2 sets leh. If not, where does bb sleep in your house?
hi gals...
need to ask ur opinions on something...
wld u let ur bb use pacifier?
i hv heard some pple who dun let their bb use and as the bb grows up, they develop a habit of sucking the thumb and difficult to kick the habit.
U can oso get calcium fm silver fish, ikan bilis, yogurt, tofu, soyabean drink.
Your hubby heartache to find out dat u suffered fm v bad cramp. Dun think he meant to scold u saiyang
Wat is the brand of the playpen @ $99 @ Taka?
For big items which u can't move ard easily (eg playpen) u have to buy 2 sets. For small items (eg clothing, milk bottle, diaper,etc) u can tar bau home everyday if u dun wanna buy 2 sets. Toiletries can buy 2 sets or put 1 set @ your mum's place n pour into smaller bottle for your home use. Of coz buying 2 sets is more convenient but baby outgrown fast so quite a waste to buy 2 sets.

I wldn't let my baby use pacifier. My mum doesn't like dat too
Hi Natalie, most likely u hav to get 2 sets of everything. Mayb u can buy 1 cot n 1 playpen, instead of 2 cots. Actually if u wan to save $, just buy mattress loh. That's wat i thinking of doing. Cot at my home, then mattress at my mum plc. And my mum's hse may not hav place to put the cot/playpen too.

Hi Soyabean, taken from Bubble eariler posting: "Taka is having baby fair from 5 March to 20 March". I will buy 1 pacifier just in case she needs it, ie. i rather she suck pacifier than her thumb (thumb more germs rite?? tat's wat i think lah). Or if she crys n crys, will give her pacifier. That's wat my col is doing. But make sure they dun develop a habit lah.
Regarding the pacifier issue, please see following from baby centre that I received:

Q: When can my baby use pacifier?
A: Age 3 weeks or from birth if formula is fed

If you're breastfeeding, I always advise holding off on pacifiers and bottles until breastfeeding is going smoothly," says Howard Reinstein, a pediatrician in Encino, California, and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. For some babies that could be as early as two weeks for others it will be six weeks or more. Pediatricians and lactation consultants recommend holding off on giving a pacifier until breastfeeding is well established because some babies can develop nipple confusion. Nipple confusion is a term for the experience some babies have when they become used to artificial nipples and begin having trouble latching on to the breast. Some babies find artificial nipples easier to use. Also, if you offer your baby a pacifier when he's actually hungry, he might become angry, which can interfere with feeding.

"Don't feel like you have to give your baby a pacifier at all" says Reinstein. Some babies are able to satisfy their sucking urges with the breast or bottle. If yours doesn't, try other techniques to help soothe your baby, such as carrying him in a front pack, rocking him, playing soothing music, and singing. Pacifiers are convenient and there's no evidence that they harm young babies who are nursing well, but you will eventually need to get the binky away from your baby. Once established, using a pacifier can be a very hard habit to break.
If you opt for a pacifier, try to avoid letting your baby fall asleep with it. He could become dependent on it and then when he wakes in the middle of the night, you'll have to go to him and place the pacifier back in his mouth. And never attach a pacifier to your baby's crib with a ribbon, necklace, or piece of string hoping that this will keep it within his reach. He could easily become entangled in it and strangle.

For me, I will not give my baby the pacifier unless absolutely necessary.
hi giggler, kis n soyabean,
i oso likely buy 1 pacifier. 2 frds recommended the avent one (for newborn to 3mth).

soyabean, i saw straits times today. taka bb fair having some items on special price for their wkend special sales ie. 5-7 mar.

hi foreverfriend,
i dun know whether they hav kkh 'tour'. i forgot to ask agn. will go check it out.

hi natalie, avocado n soyabean,
i experience leg pain n ache too. i din consume much diary. gynae prescribed me vitcal calcium tablets. i ate for 1 wk +, feeling better. so our body need for calcium has indeed gone up quite a lot.
thanks emily for the info...

hi sanrio...
thanks.. i will try to go taka tis weekend.
yah... i oso increasing my calcium intake... sigh... milk in the morning... multi-vit, then eat cheese oso...
Hi Emily, thanks for the info. I don't encourage pacifier also cos I've cousin who is still sucking it and she's 10yrs old now.

Hi Sanrio, is the fair at the atrium? Seems like there's a lot of bb sales around. I drink milk everyday but I still get leg cramp leh.
hi giggler,
yes fair is at atrium. in tat case, try to do some leg exercises evy evening (af work n shower, during relax time, straighten legs, point n flex toes quite gd). sometx we sit down 1 whole day at work or walk too much n coupled the extra wt on tummy, probably too streneous on our legs.

oh yes, i buy pacifier jus in case. wld try not to use if can. some bb simply dislike pacifier, u give them, they spit it out. i did read - no pacifier b4 bf is well-established.

hi soyabean,
i oso trying to increase my calcium intake fr food. dun like oso eat like cheese n yoghurt. my frd said usually 1st bb, we vy guai n follow all gd advices, she now having 2nd one, less "diligent" liao..
Hi sanrio, I'll try to do the leg exercises starting tonite.
I think if we have 2nd one, we're more experienced liao so a bit more bo-chap. Also we may not have the time to do too much cos we still need to take care of the 1st one.
Hi gals,

Talking abt pacifier, when I was pregnant, I told myself, mum n hubby tat I will nvr let my bb hook on to it...it will cause deformation to the teeth...

But when my bb was full mth, he was diagnosed by my paediatrician tat he was suffering from v bad colic. He cried no-stop in the mid-nights, loud, face white and whole body sweating.

My paediatrician said she knew I might not like e idea of having a pacifier but she advise me to use it. It will prevent sucking air into his stomach and make the current situation even worse. So i took her advice. Can see tat he had some improvement....

I tink it's not wht u like it or not....u jus have to try all ways and means to minimise the pain and crying from my bb. My family, myself n hubby had been tortured for his colic for abt 2 mths....

So dun say a straight "NO" to a pacifier....Buy one jus in case. LAst time when we r young, we r having pacifier too....nothing happened to our teeth.

My son is 1yrs old now...he still using e NUK pacifier...NUK is good....it will not deform his teeth as it's orthodontically designed to feed a bb's mouth. There goes for his bottle teats too.
hey sanrio giggler...
i did the feet exercise yest nite... and *touch wood* yest was a peaceful nite sleep.
i did the exercise almost whenever i can when i m lying on the bed.
hi sanrio n giggler,
i do tat too whenever i sit down n rest at nite. quite helpful. hopefully help to give our legs more relief n improve blood circulation

was it u who mentioned alexandra v got nice avocado juice? which store ah? i once a while go there for dinner. wat is avocado juice gd for? does it come w or w'out milk?
hehe sanrio....
how come u call urself in ur own post? hehe... u referring to me issit?
yah... now dat u mention the exercise... i will try to do it whenever i can.
there are many stalls in AV dat sells avocado juice... most of them are the same... but the one i like best is at stall 01-38 i think, if i dun rembr the number wrongly... the name of the stall is called Hong-somthing...
me oso not sure wat avocado is good for actuali... but i know its quite nutritious... but its actuali the most fattening fruits ard... usu some honey or syrup will be added to the juice to give it a sweeter taste.
Hi Shook, u attended TMC antenatal class? Is the trainer Mrs Wong? I'm starting mine on 3 April.

Hi Avocado, I feel my bb's movement this week but it's very slight. Just tab tab then no more.
Not necessary to get calcium fm dairy products. Can eat tofu, silver fish, ikan bilis, spinage. But dun eat spinage n tofu together. The combination of the 2 produces something bad for the body.
Seems like many of us in the forum going to taka.

Perhaps your daily milk intake is insufficient. My director said her gyne (in US) advised her to drink 4 glasses of milk everyday.
The exercise Sanrio mentioned is gd.

U learned the toe exercise fm KK antenantal class?

Soyabean, Giggler, Sanrio
I do dat toe exercise too

My SIL used the $5 voucher. I searched thru Lian He Zhao Pao but dun have. Hoping Straits Times have the voucher today. Will go to my mum's hse tml to search today's Straits Times

Thx for sharing your experience on pacifier. I hope my boy doesn't need it.

Yap I attended Mrs Wong's antenantal class @ TMC. She is v gd. Wear pants when u go for the class as u r required to do exercises. Bring your hubby along. U need a partner to do the exercise n your hubby will b thot how to massage u for leg cramp n when u r in delivery suite
Hi Shook, is the exercise for every lesson? Yep, my hubby will be going with me for the class. I'm looking fwd to the class.

I attended 3 lessons so far. We did exercise in all the 3 lessons. According to the course outline, there is no antenantal exercise for the last 3 lessons. Yet to find out
hi soyabean,
oops me blur..yup refering to u
okie wen i go A.V. will try the avocado juice fr the store u mentioned. i m a fruits lover except honey dew n longan. since young, if i eat them, will cough non-stop!!!

hi foreverfriend,
yes i learn the feet exercise fr kkh antenatal class. they tot me 2 more exercises which shd b quite gd.. cant remb exactly leh..i tink it's:
1) if got pelvic bone area pain at right side, stand w support, lift right leg to 90 degrees angle n hold for a while
2) if got rib bone area pain at right side, lift ur right hand up n bend towards left side

(both vice versa for left side pain/discomfort)
hi sanrio...
hope u will find the juice nice... but jus to warn u hor... the color of the juice isnt exactly a v pleasant color.
its rather greenish in color and looks like some ICI paint. hehe....

btw, i went to the taka bb fair yest... had a good time looking thru the stuff and items...
and quite hapi to say dat i bgt a few stuff, cos at least i got some shopping started. i bgt 2 small pillows, a rubber mat, a milk bottle cleaner, a nipple puller (for my inverted nipples), a hooded blanket for carrying bb, some mittens, and a pull-string music toy...

was given a goodie bag wif all these purchases. it comes in a cute piyo piyo bag. inside, there are a couple of diaper samples, a few toys, a Japlo milk bottle, a maternity pad sample.

then when while we were shopping ard at a CD shop, we bgt a mozart cd for bb.

sarsi... so did u go to the fair? did u manage to get anything?
Hi soyabean &amp; sanrio, I tried the leg exercise during the weekends and I don't have leg cramps also. I think the exercise helps hor? Heard my friend that avocado helps to let bb have nice &amp; smooth hair.

Hi shook, 4 glasses a day is a lot leh. My gynae told me that I don't lack calcium or iron leh.

Hi soyabean, wow you bought quite a no. of things hor? Which Mozart CD did you get for your bb?
Soyabean, yap I was there yest too. Bought quite a no. of things too. I bought the pull string music toy which I think is the same as yours, mickey mouse one rite $13? I oso got one romper, shoes, milk poweder container, training bowl, bottle warmer, receiving blanket (mickey mouse oso $13, you got the same one?).

Wanted to buy the rubber mat but I smell got one very strong insecticite smell then in the end didnt buy. Wanted to get the latex pillow $18.90 which they say is cooling n bb will not suffocate but was very hesitant. Did u see tat? Oso wanted to get the pooh classic blanket $49.90 in the end ren, didnt buy.
Hey Soyabean, how come u got goodie bag huh? How much u spent? I dun have leh....

After walking so much yest, last nite my legs was very tired. This morning wake up like swollen like tat. Dunno if its water retention liao. My back oso starts to ache.

U gals koe when the bb fair end?

hi sanrio,soyabean,

I went to Taka bb fair as well on last sat. I think some of items r cheaper at JL. I bot few bb clothes,from JL &amp; Taka.

I spotted a bb cot at JL last fri.Me &amp; my hubby were hesitating whether we shld buy or not.The price is $249 &amp; the offer only on fri. At the end,we didn't buy.

The next day,I saw another bb cot at Taka fair.Very tempted to buy...but the bed looks small after converted to bed.

U mean the taka fair ends at Mar20??

Hi Natalie,
I saw the playpen as well,quite good. But my hubby &amp; MIL prefer bb cot becoz it is higher,don't need to bent down a lot,to carry the bb.

I think the playpen oso comes wf a net,whereby,it lift up the mattress higher a bit.Quite solid,worth buy. I oredi hv one,given by my sis,so I just need to get another bb cot.

Hi Giggler,
R u taking any calcium sup? Any legs swollen? So far,i hv nt experienced any leg cramp(touchwood),but I think what Sanrio said is right,exercise will help.

I walk a lot &amp; do quite a bit of hsework. My hubby helps out in mopping,while I do laundry &amp; cleaning up the dust ard. I oso shop a lot.

Both my sis in laws experienced very bad backache &amp; leg cramps. I noticed tat they don't exercise a lot.

I attended two yrs of aerobics,gym prior to my pregnancy. I oso swam a lot. I think that's really help...

However,I easily get tired,mentally,due to my thyroid...Nowadays,when I reach hme,after work &amp; dinner at my MIL home,i find it hard to drag myself to bath..really very tiring...
