(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

A's Daddy
Yah lor, now they really talk alot and and talk back liao. *sigh*

The tights I meants is for the legs lah, cos I cna't work out with shorts leh, I scared "chao kng" from the bottom! Hahaha... Top I wear tshirt oso mah, to cover up all my fats.

Use those anti Bacteria wipes after you finish the Science centre journey lor. Then how your kids use the public toilet?? Now Nat got toilet bowl phobia, she dare not pee outside, cos she scared of the flush!!!

Is Bintan Lagoon run down? It is one of the oldest resort there right? I v scared old old one. Maybe will consider gg Phuket in Sept lor.
Usually when I work, oso not whole day. But I try to work only 2 or 3 days a week at most. So I can 'stone' at home. This week I confirm slack, only went to work for 2 hours. More like dress nice nice get out of the house.. then come home feeling more refreshed. I can't face kids all day every day like you leh, though I was SAHM for a few yrs.

My hb sure pretty, more gays attracted to him than girls hor. Even got gays follow him home! I guess I have a different set of worries! HAhaha...

skyblue, hehehe..... quite true abt that lah. But I still cant really get used having maid ard leh.

hong, I opp as you leh, I teach Vane to shout for me if she cant find me. LOL

eureka, we really very contradicting hor? Just dun want them to grow up so fast. Hahaha

hazey, it'll be at Raffles Place. How are you at home? You seldom post now as SAHM hor?

viv, so we'll go to Science Centre on 1 Sep morning???

brenda, my bil & sil like to go to that prawn farm for the getai. Hahaha.... You travel all the way to Pasir Ris? So we fix to go Science Centre on 1 Sep? You take care hor? I heard of various cases of depressions recently.
re: germs
Mommies... I know it can be quite difficult with all this knowledge of germs to even bring kids to public places now. ahahaa... let's put it this way, if we are so paranoid all the time, how to enjoy & how to let kids enjoy? A little germs may in fact build up their immunity against viruses in future. So take heart. A little germs won't kill. I also cringe when I hear people cough or sneeze & quickly try to get my kids further away... but germs can travel too leh... how far away can we run? If like that, then stuck in the house liao. Let's try to minimize their contact but not to the extend, yah? hehee... or else others may see us as siao & kids may grow up being paranoid too - or what's that term? The kind of freakness that some people have about cleanliness?

Brendali, woah! Congrats on being brave enough to go for a massage finally! Just go more often & your body will get used to it, then will not be so pain or ticklish. It will do it good too to have some personal pampering time as you are stuck with kids all day long. It's good to be able to just relax & let Mark know how it feels to be stuck with the kids for a couple of hours.
Hey, I also wish to try prawn fishing... but dunno if Ethan has the patience man! btw, how long does it take for a prawn to bite usually? If not too long, then maybe can give it a go once or twice for the experience. How do they charge?

re: Bak Chang
I dunno how to make bak chang... but hearing all this talk... & this morning seeing others eat it for breakfast... think I may have that for breakfast this weekend. But quite oily & feels quite sinful leh especially since I like to induldge in daily dose of ice-cream. :p
hahaha... My hubby also growing fatter cos he is on medication and the doctor just told him he is suppose to put on weight. I asked him to go swimming cos he got knee problem cant run. He will always tell me he need to go exercise the next day but when the next day is here he just sleep thru it. See lah....

Same as u, i also like cake fresh from oven. I wanna dropby phoon huat this evening and get a muffin try, pie tin, some deco and ingredients to bake biscuits.

actually i was always ard somewhere. She is within my sight but she can be quite blur and cant spot me. So i want her to use her eyes 1st, if really cannot spot me then shout for mummy.

May be too many pple so J is a bit blur. It happens to me sometime.
i've never been there leh... only know from hb that it's one of the pricy one. Most things and services r more expensive than nirwana. hahahha, to me a resort is a place to laze around and do nothing so most place is okay for me.

Thot of Phuket/Bali as well but with 2 kids in tow, somehow its just not worth to spend the money to go thru the hassle of getting them there to 'zhor bo'..hahahahah. haiz~ so hor.. u better start to 'fly' more often now before no. 2 comes along.

wahahah... actually i know a few 'bi' in sg. When i first saw ur hb, i tempted to ask him whether he's one too :p

eek!! hahahah... mebbe we can mt up there sometimes too. for getai, chix wings and prawn fishing together with A's dad and QSG's family..wahahha, we really turning into uncles and aunties liao

yah.. planning to go bi-monthly now till it gets better. dun think i can take tuina as that guy suggest..hahaha. but till today, some areas that he said really bad n massage w all his strength still pain yah..*sob*

Ethan? of course no patience!! cos gotta hold rod quietly.. hahhaha. Jem likes to swing here n there. usually the adults fish then they get entertain in other ways like seeing a fish/prawn get caught, mix w other kiddies there etc. He play w the 20cts machine over at pasir ris till i'm stuck w a lot of small small glues/glitters etc. End up the owner gave him a lobster to keep as pet!!

wow!! show us some pics yah!
Food for teachers? If Eureka dun want to sell me cookies, than considering buying a cake for the teachers lor. Sekali all the parents buy cake, jia lat, too many cakes in the class

Joking lar, later your ah lao think too much if you bake cookies for me. I still very Lao Tu one, wife must be younger than hb..hahaha.. I agree life is short, live like there is no tomorrow
, but hor, when I say this to my wife, my wife ask me to give her money to buy this and that....hahahaha....

LOL, you hb is probably right.

Got "ge tai" there arh. Din know leh. Maybe should let Alicia try prawn fishing one day. Pasir Ris is too far.

Not only talk back, also asking "why" in almost everything they hear, they see, and smell. Must send her to science centre to get anatomy badge

RE: Germs,
Just wash with anti-bacteria wash/wipes lor. Some germs are air-borne, so even wear gloves is not secure.

RE: Science Centre
Sept 1? What time?
Eureka, thanks for the info. Will check out the article but will not be able to start on the pu yao jin as still bf. Now having another bout of serious back pain dunno if due to the crunches i started doing or due to carrying Evee on my left side as my right is weak so physio ask me try carrying her on left.

GG, the fondant i tot very soft. Can stand so nicely? is it make it thicker can already?

Brenda, hope you feel better soon.

Giggler, looks like i will be seeing you in Raffles place soon
dun pin high hope on me hor. btw, check with u.
How do u take picture that is clear on subj and blur on the background? If I am using auto-mode can I achieve this effect?
To get that effect, camera gotta put on Aperture mode. The smaller the number, the shorter the focusing depth (read more blur background). Auto-mode difficult tho i now some good digicams does pre-set in their program for portrait mode
Hi everyone, thanks for asking about Teddy. He's doing just great. Unfortunately, we let him watch Cat in A Hat movie, and there's a stupid idiotic character that's the boss who bullies everyone, and Teddy's now going around shouting at the top of his voice "You're Fired!" to every adult he sees, including his CC teachers! OMG! But he's prone to little bouts of mild skin rashes. No need medication, but he keeps scratching at the creases, until his skins peels. Sigh...

Brenda, maybe you can try acupuncture? If I remember correctly, you stay in the west/central area right? I heard that Alexandra hospital has a pretty good chinese physician. Take care!

Sorry I MIA from forum. you know how's it's like to work leh. When I login, read posts, by the time finish reading, got stuff to do that is both important AND immediate. Sigh...especially since I'm not that good at time management.
Just hanging on till end year, then can relax a bit. Heh...

hazey, I'm sure if you argue with MAttel, they'll have to reimburse you at least a small amount, better than nothing, right? In the US, they even recalled toys made before 2006, sure no receipt one what! They're just being a bunch of *beep beep*.

Emily, you want a fast way of catching prawn, ah? USE NET LOR!!! Hahaha....

Bintan, some joker in Wikipedia put Bintan as a 'colony' of Singapore. Check it out here -http://wikitravel.org/en/Bintan

Science centre - Sounds interesting. Have fun! Remember to avoid Science Centre from 3-8 Sep, They're having their major Robotics competition then, and it'll be full of screaming primary school kids.

Ok, I'll be going MIA again! Take care everyone!
GG, viv, eureka, brenda,

you are sooooo hateful!!!!! LOL~ I am very very "du ji" over all the baking n cooking. I am half dead now after merely 2 days w/o a maid. Woke up 6.45am and only get to sleep at 12am. Hands,legs & mouth nv stop till I get to sleep. Being SAHM w/o help is really a sucide. Think I am really hopeless.
you are sooooo hateful!!!! sahm still got maid to help. Hapi hapi can dress nice nice to go work, not hapi hubby bring u go Phuket. I also very "duji". and YES! Being SAHM w/o help is really a sucide. Think I am already dead....

Wahahahah... VAL !!! i am thinking very hard whether to get maid becos u gals keep having problem and changing them leh ! On normal days its really manageable. But on 'abnormal' days, its like u describe, simply pushing us out of the windows (either that or we throw the kids out of it). Hiaz~ dun noe leh... i scared later i get i'll throw the maid out of the window on a normal day even
Brenda, YOU??? With the maid???? Very difficult to imagine u being a "Madame". You will probably end up maid to your maid... I think not advisable. Sigh.. But I also understand it's very tough for you. Especially since you home school them, you have no one to deposit your kids at, you hardly get any breather at all. And still can cook meals, bake stuff, make bak chang! Think can nominate you for super mum already!
exactly.. u know me well yah. i also worry later it becomes like this :

Maid : Marm.. i cannot *sob*
Me : nevermind i help u
Maid : ay.. u miss this spot, not clean yet
Jem : ze bian ze bian (here, here)
Hahaha... you become the maid ah!!!
Ay, not kidding, when i go out, sometimes we walk or take escalator, the opp guy( prob gay), staring at my hb! LIke I totally transparent leh. If the person is open, I guess not so scary, but like trail you home, it's v scary.
There was once at a public swimming pool, when hb changing, a gay ask can be frens with him. Then I told hb, you guys bathe no curtains or door, your ass let pple see finish already lah!!! HAHAHA...

Phuket you can try those hotels with kids club or facilities. They have nice playgrounds and rooms for the kids. If Jem is ok, you can get a babysitter there for him. BUt Nat sure cannot lah.

A's daddy
Nat's excursion next week is Eco garden at Science centre. I think v long, wan to let her go or not. Cos the journey from Pasir ris is almost an hour, I scared she puke ah. And rainy days, a lot of mossies.... Hmmm... dunno isit I worry too much. Anyway, I sign her up, dun go then dun go... Heee...
So many post!
ANd all long long one...read until blur!

hahahhahaha....your fictional conversation i tot it will be

Me but it ended up JEM! ahahhahahah!!!!!

My hb also ever warned me b4 my confinement lady (also helper, as in a 1 mth maid) came. He asked me not to be bullied or too kind to her yet strict. Cheem hor? I am those very strict on my expectation yet I will nag her go to rest, sleep, on the fan if too warm, eat at table with us (not squat at toilet dr outside to eat) etc......cannot imagine having a maid at home leh, pai pia hor? Cant be like hateful mum2nat!

Hey, u have this forum to come n share your woes n talk for distraction. Nothing better to say also gd to see ur nick ard...your foto, ur post are nice, u cheer pple up, u ought to cheer urself up even more! Dun allow urself to sink in neg thots too long, yah???

Re: Kids getting lost............
I dun think asking our kids to LOOK FOR US 1st b4 shouting is a gd idea. The more they look for us meaning they may loiter further rite??? At the mall or anywhere, I always tell my kids 'what must u do if u cant find papa mummy?' They will chant 'SHOUT for EXX YXXX, NG XXX XXX' our names! N not even shouting for papa or mama cos too many papa mama ard! hahahahhaha....I will also occasionally yell 'Where r u' and they will echoe 'HERE, I am here!' So i get to browse one item then went to check on them again.

Haiz, look like I got2 buy the loaf/bun pan hor....can die leh! no place liao! I will try out the reynold aluminium pan 1st, c how! tks!

ALAMAK, kiam par leh u, i know what is tight lah, so hateful of u. I cant wear one cos hor my top very heavy n then my bottom with tight very lopsided lor. U cant imagine hor, apple shaped lah, very sickening figure lah!

OH ORR!!! Then after nat, the toilet always not flushed hor....eeerk....hahahahhaa.....Actually i very scared to go public toilet! esp those very wet one!

Emily, alicia's dad,
Bacteria germs.....yah lah...they are everywhere. But smtime if we really put in down in details, like as in skyblue's sharing, so gross lor.

At mkt, i see uncle sneezing or blowing their nose. Then straight away pull the chair n sit dn. We also just pull chair out n sit dn rite? Imagine the mucus germ......live in vacuum is the cleanest lor. Got cleanest such word? or most clean ah??

Alicia's dad,
My kids' cc principal just sms me that they want cheesecake cheesecake for their tchrs' day gift! So I might bake some mini heart shape cheesecake for them n put into nice n sweet box. C how.....

Ur wife, hahhaha, my idol leh. Will tell hb life is short...give me all your money!!
Me even more hiong!

No lah, my hb wont think too much if i bake 4u. He will say 'DO anything that u r happy lor'

Brenda n i everyday suiciding away lor....
! This morning was at sheng shiong foodcourt (near ur pl) eating their fish noodle, nice leh. The teh c also not bad n tot of u............

Yah, better check out properly if can take the bu yao jing since u still bfg! AY, really take care lah. Coincidentally, the next day, ST urban show 1 big big front tabloid on HEEL KILLS. Immediately i tot of u again but scared to post and offend u. But really leh, if u already experiencing so bad pain, stay away frm heel lah. U swee already, dun nid your feet on high heel to enhance any further, K? U go ask your hb, c if he agrees with me. ai swee mai pia ah?? liang yao ku kou lah..

Giggler, viv, alicia's dad,
Sian leh...my kids cc closed frm 31st aug to 3rd Sept....

Bintang shiok ah?? I will propose to hb c how. If no go, I join u all for the science center trip, ok?
Eureka,actually my heels not that high at most 2 inches. I find it difficult to find nice flat or one inch shoes to go with my clothes leh..my physio also never said dun wear
i usually try to wear flats during weekends..think really have to start searching for nice flats presentable to wear to work liao. If i ask my hubby he sure shake head.Think he give up on me already.

I laughed at your comment about living in vaccum is the cleanest :p Btw, do you trust your hb to keep a close eye on your kids when you go shopping outside (i.e. you go look at things then kids stay with hb)? Last sat, Dana nearly went missing, i asked hb to watch her while i go pay at JL then suddenly can't see her anymore and after a while i saw Dana dashing out of the exit of JL..i quickly chased after her if not would be lost among the crowds already. She did not shout for me and i can't see her bec of the so many clothes rack in JL, when she saw me she burst in tears.The maddest thing is hb is not the least anxious when Dana disappear
hong, I think Jan is panic once she cant see you.

brenda, the chix wings are nice at the prawn farm? How abt getting those part-time help? Only get them when you need major help?

QSG, you in RP hor? Hehehe.... it has been quite stime since we have our lunch liao.

Val, think you're too pampered with maid liao... LOL... so getting another maid soon?

hazey, then what you busy with recently?

Mom2Nat, how much do you have to pay for Nat's excursion? I usu just signed and paid for Vane's excursions.

eureka, gd idea! Hahaha... must teach Vane to shout for my name and not just mummy liao. Huh? The principal will sms parents to say what they want? Just heard from A's dad that Bintan is ok for family with kids leh.

A's dad, is the place Maya Sari in Bintan that you suggested?
Hahaha, dun mean to scare u wif the germs thingy ;p After having my boys, somehow i jus became paranoid abt cleanliness at public places. Like wat mon2nat suggested, use wet wipes or go and wash hands. Pblm with my boys is they're still into rubbing nose or putting fingers near mouth stage, so in doing dat, how to keep germs away?
Wah the cc so demanding? Still specifically indicate wat type of cake?

'Jie2 pi4'?

U nid helper meh? Anyway, her contract ending next June. No wonder u're spying on her. Wanna poach her ah?

Library diff from sci ctr. ;p

A's daddy,
Or chocolates oso gd.

Which cc is Teddy in now?

Nowadays very easy to find nice flats leh.
Skyblue is rite....i tot now the IN things is FLAT leh, easily can be found. U not used to only! I saw u b4 n i really think u will definitely look fine leh in flat!

U dun let me become like ur hb, give up on u hor!
Spine n back is yours, u still so young, next time how??

A....hb n I GROW over time to derive this common understanding. If it is at aisle that I am eyeing at, hb will auto keep an eyes on the 2 n i just bo chap frm there. But if it is his techno stuffs, I auto switch on my alertness level, keep closer watch over the 2.

I fully understand n can relate with your 'anger' when the anxiety is nowhere in sight when Dana was nearly lost. GOt2 really spell out to hb abt such scenerio. DUN ASSUME u keep an eye or he watching closely, very risky. Hb n I also like that b4. Got 2 kids 'domestic policies' must adjust n fine tune. U get what i mean?

Dun get me wrong
. Not that the principal is demanding. They tried my cheesecake b4 n wanted that back for their tchrs' day gift! They are lovely bunch, so I dun mind their 'sweet demand'. It is flattering n encouraging, me very hateful jian hor?

I also like u somehow.....kids' germs most 'du' somemore leh...paranoid ah!

Hey, cleanest or most clean ah?

I think going to an island with whole family shd be rather relaxing hor? but 7th mth leh....Hb keeps proposing Bali/phuket. Then he says go sentosa for the what ah, 3D or 4D show n then go beach? I totally said no. That pool or swimming pool 'not clean' leh...heard that recently another kid drown there? I very aunty hor but my kids lifes leh, I better pantang rite? Wouldnt u?

Cracking head, where to go hor.....Maya Sari still the IN place ah? During hb n me par tor time it was rather hot spot

U are very gd....can create so pro n nice looking cake without proper baking aids!!!! Ok ok, viv, brenda, I am convinced that there is no need for fanciful what ah...apparatus/equipments to have beautiful finishes/product!!!!
Keow Guan = Patronize? Or my dialect meh siew??

Mummies n dad...
Very competitive business get to be! LAWRY giving away free dvd player when dine there!??? Then at airport T2, while i paid up for crystal jade bread, the counter staff took out 1 brand new Mama Lemon and told me it is a gift! I stared at him with delight and wonder how he knows I am a hsewife?? hahhah, joking....weird rite the gift??
HAHA~ Finally my maid is here!!! So far still ok. Better dont say so early. But at least I know I am able to have DECENT meals with her. My hb super duper "hiam" type when come to food also say "at least eh jiak lah". Now I juz hv to look see look see on house chores. But Randall still gotta "bao gao liao". Cannot c/o anything to her yet :p

Pampered ah? Meaning I not used to do work? Tell you what need to be done.

6.45am wake up and wash up

7am wash clothes

7.30-8.15am wake Randall up and get him ready to school cum his "driver"

8.45-9.30am breakfast + marketing

9.45-10.30am packing of marketing stuff + cooking his lunch to put inside slow cooker

10.30 to 11.15am sweeping floor + tidy up the house + hanging up laundry cum driver again

12-1.30pm steam food + feed + washing dishes + putting him to bed for his nap

1.30-3.30pm my lunch + washing of bottles + shower + going to buy household items (replacement of so many household items kanna spoiled by previous maid)

3.30 to 5.30pm Entertain him

5.30 to 7.30pm cooking Randall's dinner + feeding + bathing him

7.30 to 9pm out for dinner + jalan a bit
By 10pm Randall Zzzzz

10 to 11pm washing bottles AGAIN + folding clothes + few ironing.
So by the time finished everyting and wash up for bed time, its almost 12am.

This kinda life, "bu shi ren guo de" :p Sit down to rest, seat havent warmed up, gotta "work" again. Wanna "pang sai" peacefully also cannot. The little boy kept banging on the door asking "Mummy, finish pooing or not? Quick!! Dont poo. Randall wanna do drawing. Open the door, I wanna see you. Cannot see you"
WOW Val,
WElcome to the 'Ah Xin' clan but only temp lah. 'GOOD' experience of sahm rite? Now u back to tai tai life liao.......so hateful!

Your 'hateful' very nice to use.....
i'm hopeless too. i've been maidless for a week and i almost died. being part time SAHM without maid + holding full time job is double suicide! i've been taking half day leave everyday this week cos my dad is sick too, really chores/work from the moment i wake up till the moment i lie down in bed. the amount of washing is horrible! my girls eat non-stop and i also wash non-stop. Jana's appetite is very good this week, she can take abt 8 bottles of milk a day! now i still hv to login n finish up my reports and i dunno hv how many outstanding task passed deadline liao, next week sure kena shoot everywhere, must standby armour liao.

this kinda life also not for me leh, very siong and think i was very short tempered too. think jana is really terrified of me now leh cos today for the first time, she suddenly says "mummy i pa pa already" "mummy i dun want to be naughty already"

oh no...the way u describe ur hubby...sounds alot like me!!! vry slack one

sorry, today no time to chk with my mum on the bak zhang.

actually when i go for massage, i also very tensed one. i really wonder how some pple can fall asleep during massage, cos for me I'm super duper ticklish and during the masaage i control very very hard not to giggle or move around too much.
Wow so many posting

Have a good laugh reading all the HATEFUL

Dont hate me, I bake or cook for you to eat ha ha ha .

As dad & Giggler,
This 1 look much better than that ugly cake rite?


Not bad , SAHM still have personal time for gym and forum. You wake up at 7.30am by then I already on the way to work lioa, you hor mia lah.
Can use the aluminum trays for baking. In long run more ex, better to get a proper 1.
Check with you after 40 difficult to get license huh?
Wow you saw the fireworks, tonite is Spain, Giggler watching it. Tomorrow I will watch with Brenda.
So you compare & tell us huh, which 1 is better.

We got the tickets too, will be seated at the 1st row of the yellow seats.
That was what the serviceman tell us to do when my old oven KO and it works leh, my niece still using that oven till now. Me also boil the chang over the stove and never put the powder but ok leh. For the next round just take 1 out to try, if still stick to the leaves then boil it longer. Maybe the chang is big.
That cze char guy (Ah Chai) is hbs classmates in primary school, taste wise so so only leh. Western food new stall havent try. Actually there is another cze char behind that Sing Tel building is much better.

You are at home most of the time thats make the difference cos on & off you still can monitor and teach. For my case think she also knows we really need someone to look after my kids when we are at work. I wasted too much leave teaching my previous 1, cant really afford to take any more long leave to train a new 1. Hopefully my current 1 will quickly wake up rather than keep telling me forget this & that.

Me stay opp Changkat CC, so walking distance to market and that PD. Is your kid seeing PD there?
Is true more tiring if you do it manually, with the help of the mixer is much easier and faster especially if using the super powerful ones.

So now Tyra into Nemo too. Initially Grace will get upset when watching Nemo got captured .
Now she is not really into the DVD liao but when ever see picture of Nemo sure to get very excited.

The softness just like playdoh. So far only try on Wiltons fondant, still need to dusk with some icing sugar. I still not good with fondant cos at times it turns real soft or have sweaty look. Yah thicker will stand better but best to have some icing behind it, well some do put toothpick to make the letter stand.

Brenda, Eureka, Mom2Nat,
Talking about Phuket, were there last Nov think with kids cant really do much but most of the time we end up with elephants. Check around for the fly/cruise trip to Phuket, can fly there and come back by cruise.
Me will be going over to Bintan Lagoon for Cos retreat in early Oct. First time there also dont know nice or not.

Viv, Brenda
I went for massage at True Spa last week. I also wonder how to relax, so painful when she do the massage. I did ask her why so painful, she tell me to go for few more times then I wont feel the pain liao. Haha I wont part my money for pain leh.
any1 has any recommendation for speech therapist? Jana's teacher has suggested that we bring her to one cos she cant pronounce properly leh.

toilet bowl phobia! hahaha... think Jana might be having the same thing leh and i think i the one who conditioned her into such a state. everything we go toilet i keep saying "dun touch this!" "dun touch that!" "dun touch anything!" "dirty!" if she see wet floor, she'll refuse to go in. last Sat she keep saying tummy painful but yet when i bring her to the toilet, she refuse to poo, when we reach raffles city, she finally pooed i brought her to the toilet at the hotel side and keep conditioning her "mummy bringing you to special toilet, very clean n dry one!"

hubby say its all my fault leh, b4 the children came along, i always insist on going hotel toilets but nowadays i'm much better cos got time/chance to pee very good liao!

Cream cheese frosting, I did tried once but for that recipe I find it too sweet leh. Must reduce the sugar & try again leh.

Found any maid yet? Can understand how stressful it is. Imagine I nearly burned all my leave, really sianz if not can go for long long holiday liao.

For speech therapist, maybe you can check with Sanrio, Ash seen 1 before.

You take care and goodnight.
REally think u r cupcake specialist! Very impressive n NICE!

HUH??difficult to get licence after 40yo? hahahah, no lah, just indicating that hard to come by pple that gets a driving licence later than me! BUt my driving instructor told me as u grow older, more kiasi n hand/leg co-ordination all not as fast (less ling huo) as youngsters. But more 'matured' students tend to be less reckless??!!

I am one that doze off during massages!!!!! Maybe I have buffalo skin
but it is true it takes few sessions to relax n finally reach the heavenly state of resting n sleeping away!

Have u checked Jana's tongue? Some doc said once the connection (esp if too short) beneath the tongue is removed, speech improves.

I do think our kids are what we conditioned! I think men are all alike! My hb is EXACTLY like urs, putting blame on me when my kids phobia or freak out over certain things.

Once, in the lift, my son high tone said 'DUN LEAN AGAINST THE WALL, GOT MUCUS ah!' Immediately my hb frowned at me and said LOOK AT WHAT U HAVE DONE!!

N hor, sometime when I shout across the kitchen to the 'playroom' where my kids are playing, hb will frown n say 'U want to talk to them, walk to the room, dun shout!' Alamak, they fighting n expecting to be so eng, drop my preparation of dinner etc, just to walk across to mediate? Then must walk how many trips??? Or at times when very naturally I raise my voice over some endangering issues, my hb also said 'Dear, dun scream!' I got fedup n told him 'Yah, if got fire, I also must dun shout. Wait for fireman to come i go over to his ears calmly n whisper my hse this corner have fire, pls help to extinguish?'

Mummies, are your hbs like that? ALicia's dad?? Ooops, only male ard! hahahhahh
I laughed over your 'ended up with elephant' sharing!

Dun know leh, tot beach is a place with 2 kids at this stage of their age. WE went HK earlier this yr and it was like TOTAL DRAINED OUT! Maybe I added too much into the iternary then...

I agree that going to beach resort is 'zhor bo' too. Told hb if want to go beach resort, choose a cheap but nice one will do! Hahaaha......where ah? Turi beach still exist? Bintang n Tg pintang or Tg bintang are they same?
me very useless rite... i mop the floor with cloth , but i noe i'll get a mop for the maid. that's y till now i still hesitating in getting one.

poor u.. hahaha, havta fight off guys not for urself but ur hb.

yah.. i also think we might just get more prob. if really get maid cos we too 'qing cai'

haiz~ i kenna accident big time on our way to marina on Friday.. car gone liao, so din get to watch.

wahahaha.. i LOL at ur fireman scenario.

Turi beach not nice!! nice meh.. i used to work there finds it yucky.

There cze char at the getai.. so we'll order har jiong gai to munch while fishing. its hot and crispy, so yummy yummy.

i need a caregiver to be excused from the kids, more than being excused from hsework. No use one, cos if she do my hsework already.. i eng eng will just start baking.. no rest one..hahahah

oh no! ur maid has been stalked all this while!

Now that the maid's here... please rest rest liao

aiyoh... remember eureka's golden advice,"This too shall pass!"

huh? but jem also can't pronounce properly yet. Really matters at this age?

did u enjoyed the firework last nite? we utilised all public transports to get us there and back. But worth it leh.. tho i find presentation not up to expectation.

*sob* now gotta settle car problem liao.. there goes my phuket trip.

ay.. but i find the foot reflexology quite effective leh. I've been having cramps in the middle of the nites.. the guy found the vein quite immediately n ask me whether i'm having problem w it. So far now last 2 nites no more recurrence.
Eureka, so cheesecake is your signature desert? Ya, you reminded me abt 7th mth and kids cant go near pool. I also more pantang now with kids. Even listen to my mom to do silly things just to make them feel more assured during this mth. I not sure if the place that As dad mentioned to me is Maya Sari lah. I guessed so My family got the tic to watch the fireworks last fri.
Free dvd player with steak? Sound gd deal leh. Free mama lemon with bread??? Weird My hb will put the blame on my mom when Vane shouts. LOL.. Turi beach shd be at Bintan.

Val, hahaha. Sound like SAHM really more tough than FTWM hor? You got Filipino maid?

Viv, quite difficult to get maid nowadays rite? No one can help you? Hows your dad? I thot Jana is ok with her speech? What makes the teacher feel that Jana got to see speech therapist? How abt gg to KKH?

GG, wow. The cupcakes look so sweet!!!

benda, the accident so bad till cant use the car anymore? All of you are ok? So you need bb sitter and not domestic helper?
Giggler, Eureka,
Thanks, not pro yet lah.
Supposed to bake but after taking that flu jab my arm sng sng so dont feel like baking today.

Ha ha me lor, likely will get license after 40s

I did doze off during my facial and din know that must go for few sessions before can feel the heavenly stage for message.
Yah is true we see elephants during the 3 days period at Phuket, 1st day feed some elephants over at a temple, day 2 see elephants again at Phuket Fantasea (nice but ex) and day 3 went to take elephant ride. Din know that elephant got hair till I see it there ha ha ha. Yah beach holiday supposed to be relaxed for adults but kids need activities to keep them going leh.
Eeehhh, my hb is much gentle to my kids compare to me. Is true, kids do copy our movements and the way we talk. We supposed to be the mould

Opps, accident everyone ok?
Last Friday tell hb to drive us across the ECP at abt 9pm so that we can see the fireworks but he says too dangerous, so din see also.
For last night, we quite like it cos is our 1st time watching fireworks so closely without blockage just right in front of our eyes. Took some video clips but dont know how to load into youtube to share leh.
I din walk around the stalls cos have to handle 2 kids by myself, so just walk in straight to our seats.
Yr legs cramp, try putting up yr legs more often when you relax or watching TV and place extra pillows to lift up yr legs when sleeping. Can also try wearing bedroom sleepers if yr flooring is cold or wear socks to sleep to keep them warm. Well some say dont eat kangkong very hong and may caused leg cramp but dont know how true it is lah. You take care.
U r so funny! I LOL at your post to mum2nat abt fighting off guys for her hb n not herself!! Very ticklish! Maybe mum2nat also has female stalker leh??

To be exact, I think I am NOT qing cai but very soft hearted?
Save the trouble lah, slog ourselves is tiring but easier, rather than dealing with 2 complex human beings, rite?

What is this getai pasir ris tze char that u all talking abt all? cant link leh....fishing then eat tzi cha then go watch getai ah?

Oh dear your car....i recalled Lyn's car sometime back, issit as bad? All of u safe n ok, that is more important!
ur postings are funny. I wanna teach Janelle to observe 1st before she shout for us. It started to work, now she will check if we were ard before she SHOUT for MUMMY.

U know lot of couple call each other "dear". I called my hubby too but he just abt to recognise my voice even thought we were in the crowded area. hohoho...

Gosh.. those cup cakes are so beautiful.

u can do exercise with hubby lor. hahhaa..
Giggler, when you starting work? Maybe we can have a RP lunch again after you settle down in your new job.

Skyblue & Eureka, didn't mention clearly, actually i meant difficult to find open toes flats that can wear to work. You gals referring to covered ones right? I can't wear covered shoes tried many times in the past its either front painful got blisters if not its the back. Tried waxing the shoes also same
My back was really back over the weekend, sneeze very painful, get in and out of car also painful, stand up from sitting position also painful. Now i am worried if its disc degeneration.

GG, your cupcakes looks very sweet
what frosting did you use?

Mummies making cupcakes for the teachers, how many would you give to each teacher?

Brenda, you involve in a chain collision? Vaguely remember saw something on the news few days back.
GG, your family preparing for Mark's trip? You didnt miss out from those stalls lah. They're mainly pasar malam type of food. Oh ya, got Ramly burger. Hahaha

eureka, the prawn fishing at Jurong got a tze char style tat come with getai. Hahaha...

JesLyn, how do you find the firework on Fri? How did you manage to get the tic?

QSG, I'll start work on 3 Sep at RP. Ya, we can arrange lunch after I settle down. Are u seeing doc for your back?
Giggler, am seeing a physio now. Numbness in hands and legs have improved but back pain not leh. Dunno if its bec i started doing crunches that's why back pain worsened or its disc degeneration...jia lat...actually i am looking for a place to learn pilates to strengthen my back now i worried if my back can take these exercises. Going off now for the physio appointment, chat again later.
Can use insect repellent mah. I think Eco garden is good for "learning" through visual if their theme is on plants
. I realised the themes use in Singapore CC/Nursery/playgrp almost the same.

Was near your hb office today for some meeting
Dun worry, I dun stare at your hb...hahaha...

The cc sms you what they want har? I think I will call Alicia's sch to check what they plan to do for teacher's day, and what I can contribute.

I guess man gets a little irritated with high pitch sound lor
. Blaming each other seems to be the easier way out for unaccepatable behaviour. It does happen in every family I guess, but importantly, the last thing we want is to hurt each other with the words we put across. I try to use the word "we" instead of just "you". PS: I am still learning

Turi beach is in Batam rite? not bintan. I heard from my regular taxi driver in Batam that Turi Beach just renovated.

I checked my old photos (in 2005), we went to Nirwana Resort in Bintan. It was a double storey bangalow with 2 bedrooms, and full cooking facilities. BTW, we bought Hou Ning ($58 after discount) for Adrian, and can hear that his phlegm has reduced.

Thanks for the suggestion

The cupcakes is sooo...professionally done. Yesterday's ST has an article of a HR practitoner stepping out to open his bakery, specialising in cheescake. If I ever do that, I will employ you as chief baker

RE: Bintan
Bintan resort is a nice place for relaxing, but it can be expensive as it deals in Sin currency. Cheap food and things are nly available outside the resort area, which can be a distance away from the resort.

Hope everyone is alright.

Why not try Crocs shoes? They are using a patented resin that can mold into your feet at human body temp, and should provide comfort when walking. Not sure if it can alleviate the backpain though.
QSG, heard that pilates is gd exercise for back.

A's dad, I went to Nirvana too but it's hotel type not bungalow. If not for the 7th month, most likely my family will be there next week. Hou ning works for Adrian too? Then let him take a few more times till he fully recovered.
U flu until nids jab?? Must be very jialat! Take care!

Hope brenda's car accident is not so jialat till in the news leh.........

U really got to ditch heels lah n replace with whatever u think is beautiful for your feet! Such an ordeal the stage that u r in now! Take care!

Janelle is so composed as a toddler! I ever saw my kids 'drifting further' while looking high n low for us. We spotted them n hid and checked on them. So we figure that play safe, ask them to shout our names better.

My hb either called me MUMMY or dear when outside I THINK! Oh mine, got to recall how he addresses me in the public?

oic...tks. But if not 7th mth, they replace getai with??

The firework viewing needs tix ah? How n thru where? We have a full view of them from my house but minus the sound effect.

Alicia's dad,
No lah, school did not sms to state what they want. Normally the school will issue memo stating what they will do right for most occasions, rite? But for teachers'day, it is closure on the actual day. A day b4, it is where the gifts n tots frm parents/kids start to go in. No celebration if i am not wrong. Off day is their celebration liao??

I am irritatd by women with high pitch or giggling/laughing endelssly too
...hahahaha. The pt I want to share is hb does not seem to understand Men from Venus, Women from Mars. He expects me to stay calm n composed, dun get 'over reacted', dun show emotions like him (men). But i can see how he can get agitated n stirred up in his men's way too when we threatened to eat in the car. So, double standard rite?

No finger pointing game lah, we are fine...till death do we apart.......hahahhhahah...next life we will still haunt n cling to each other i think!

Crocs....very ugly shoes to wear to work leh.....

Yayaya, rite...turi beach is in batam! REnovated ah? DUn know issit still a tourist spot or deserted spot?
U flu until nids jab?? Must be very jialat! Take care!

Hope brenda's car accident is not so jialat till in the news leh.........

U really got to ditch heels lah n replace with whatever u think is beautiful for your feet! Such an ordeal the stage that u r in now! Take care!

Janelle is so composed as a toddler! I ever saw my kids 'drifting further' while looking high n low for us. We spotted them n hid and checked on them. So we figure that play safe, ask them to shout our names better.

My hb either called me MUMMY or dear when outside I THINK! Oh mine, got to recall how he addresses me in the public?

oic...tks. But if not 7th mth, they replace getai with??

The firework viewing needs tix ah? How n thru where? We have a full view of them from my house but minus the sound effect.

Alicia's dad,
No lah, school did not sms to state what they want. Normally the school will issue memo stating what they will do right for most occasions, rite? But for teachers'day, it is closure on the actual day. A day b4, it is where the gifts n tots frm parents/kids start to go in. No celebration if i am not wrong. Off day is their celebration liao??

I am irritatd by women with high pitch or giggling/laughing endelssly too
...hahahaha. The pt I want to share is hb does not seem to understand Men from Venus, Women from Mars. He expects me to stay calm n composed, dun get 'over reacted', dun show emotions like him (men). But i can see how he can get agitated n stirred up in his men's way too when we threatened to eat in the car. So, double standard rite?

No finger pointing game lah, we are fine...till death do we apart.......hahahhhahah...next life we will still haunt n cling to each other i think!

Crocs....very ugly shoes to wear to work leh.....

Yayaya, rite...turi beach is in batam! REnovated ah? DUn know issit still a tourist spot or deserted spot?
A's dad,

hou ning is good. i also buy this.

giggler, u confirm going to trf vane to jurong calvary next yr? i contemplating but i think Ms Shiw is quite good leh...I scared change then end up jo-van dun like? nowadays the outings getting more and more ex hor? how come u can get tickets to the fireworks? how to get? btw, ur photo-u is which photographer?

what r u working as? how come can work part time and can work as and when u please? so good har...tai tai life....

btw, mummies and daddy here, do ur think is good to let our 3YOs learn phonics? i thinkg of zookids at ZP leh...
Usu they'll learn phonics in pre-schs. No? I thot phonics is incorporated into the curriculum?

Hahaha... I can stand high pitch giggling/laughing provided it's not those from big sized women who's trying to act cute.
Hahaha... when our kids r not with us, n my hubby addresses me as 'mummy', pple give us weird looks ;p
I went to Turi Beach long long time ago with my hubby, who's my BF then. So deserted leh.
Wat? U wake up at 7.30 am? By then, i've oredi started work ;p

The connection bet the tongue condition is it called tongue tie? Tis condition does affect speech. Kayden has tis pblm & we have to monitor when he starts talking. if it affects his speech, he'll nid to go for surgery.

Ur post reminds me of Randall calling u 'Meeee...meee...' Does he still call u dat non-stop? Hehehe...

Ur cakes so sweet!!! No lah, my kids not seeing the PD there. No 'yuan' with her. Wanted to try her out but closed. So stuck to the same PD till now.
U went to phuket in nov? How's the weather? Thot 'clash' with monsoon season so will be always raining? I'm tinking of some place nearby dat I can bring Kieran for the yr end sch hols.

Oh dear, sounds like a very serious accident. Hope that everyone is fine. We oso met with a minor accident on sat. Luckily the boys were strapped to their car seats.

Have have, got open toe flats, nice ones. I oso dun like covered shoes. Pain man!

Usu they'll learn phonics in pre-schs. No? I thot phonics is incorporated into the curriculum?

Hahaha... I can stand high pitch giggling/laughing provided it's not those from big sized women who's trying to act cute.
Hahaha... when our kids r not with us, n my hubby addresses me as 'mummy', pple give us weird looks ;p
I went to Turi Beach long long time ago with my hubby, who's my BF then. So deserted leh.
Wat? U wake up at 7.30 am? By then, i've oredi started work ;p

The connection bet the tongue condition is it called tongue tie? Tis condition does affect speech. Kayden has tis pblm & we have to monitor when he starts talking. if it affects his speech, he'll nid to go for surgery.

Ur post reminds me of Randall calling u 'Meeee...meee...' Does he still call u dat non-stop? Hehehe...

Ur cakes so sweet!!! No lah, my kids not seeing the PD there. No 'yuan' with her. Wanted to try her out but closed. So stuck to the same PD till now.
U went to phuket in nov? How's the weather? Thot 'clash' with monsoon season so will be always raining? I'm tinking of some place nearby dat I can bring Kieran for the yr end sch hols.

Oh dear, sounds like a very serious accident. Hope that everyone is fine. We oso met with a minor accident on sat. Luckily the boys were strapped to their car seats.

Have have, got open toe flats, nice ones. I oso dun like covered shoes. Pain man!
