(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi <font color="ff6000">sahm</font>

ur hubby skill is very pro and his is very creative. mine is quite standard &amp; boring, either bb situp style or lying style. hope that i have the chance to see all your kids photos, to copy mah.... heehee...

hi <font color="ff6000">sahm</font>
very good liao... i always have problem with digi camera, i don like flash, so i always got blurred photos due to low shutter speed in order to obtain more light (donno the technical terms).

haha, so u don approve him to buy traditional camera?

hi <font color="ff6000">giggler</font>
hahaha, issit? i will check sanrio's kid.
as for the arrangement, i copy and paste his photos to bitmap.
Post vane's bikini leh.....if not bring it to the xmas gathering or let vane wear it there.........chill her! hahahhaha.........v pretty!

If ever my hb will attend the session, think this is the only motivation liao. But he sold off all his lens n camera liao...now left with a plain simple camera...

My hb weird weird lah...he take foto frm some angles tat we always complain...''tahe here, take frm here....' but he always ask us to shut up.. He tot he belly arty farty..........

I think your hubby's skills aren't bad at alL! I have an interest in photography too... but after we bought the digital camera, my hubby nags me every time I use the SLR. He says printing out the photos takes up space at home... might as well just store in the computer. And your boy is very cute!!

jo, I think your boy looks more like pringles' alicia! Ashrel is very different!

Vane looks beautifuL! U brought her to the beach? So hot leh...
Yap, jo's son more resemblence to alicia than ashrel.

We do not have even 1 foto album for our children, u believe it? But we have thousands shot of them.......not exaggerating at all. Whenever my sis nag me to develop for her, I freak out....dun know where to start with! Dun know leh, hb says using traditional camera, lighting, flash, contrast, sharpness, dun know wat...all is better???? I reaaly dun know........i find v intimidated by those pro traditional lens leh..... U also one ah?

All the shape of ur bbs head v round n nice hor....botak looks so cool..........both my kids' face shape is 'xi pan been' squarish, cant reaaly take botak look at all.
I sleep whenever I m in the car. Go home quite difficult leh. Reach home bath, eat n surf net @ the same time, feed chen chen, play wif Chen Chen a while, clean him, feed him 9 time liao

Your bumbo is worth the px since both Elyse n kor kor love to sit in it
I wanna bring Chen Chen for bb contest but where?
The shichida class, I heard dat it is v x. R u going for next demo?
STock up diaper, how u agar agar har? Last time I bot 2 pac S Dryper, who knows Chen Chen outgrow fast, I dare not stock up diaper now, juz buy enuff to last 1 mth the most

I applied bm on Chen Chen's scalp n leave for abt 5 min then wash his hair wif shampoo. V sticky indeed
hi <font color="ff6000">sahm</font>
wow... me very impressed by his skills!!!! the photos are very very well taken!!!! i must really practise my photography skill and inspire to reach your hubby's standard.

lotus arm? hahaha, ur descriptives always very cute. r u cantonese?

hi <font color="ff6000">jul</font>, huh? my boy looks like Alicia? no lah... Alicia looks very girl and my bb is very boy. moreover my bb is fatter! where can i find ashrel's photo?

hi <font color="ff6000">giggler</font>, i wanted to bring my bb for a swim this friday, did vane got tanned after swim? me worry. bb girl so fun hor... u can dress her in bikini... so cute.
hi <font color="ff6000">shook</font>
same here, i dare not stock up diaper... last time over purchase small size pampers, did not expect my boy grow so fast... so got to quickly use it, say every 2 hours.
Hi mon, her daddy bought the bikini for her. At first, Vane was quite scared of the sand but after a while, she ok liao.

Hi jo, my bb's photos are very boring too. Most of the time, I only capture her face, that's all.

Hi sahm, I wear her in the pink bikini for our gathering at Nat's place if I still remember.

Hi jul, you find that Jo's boi looks like Alicia not Ashrel meh? Brought Vane to Sentosa for my co's family day last Sat. The weather too hot for picnic so we only stayed for a while.

Hi shook, you submit Chen Chen's foto to mag liao?
hi all,
abt the brown rice, my mum told me that my auntie after drying the brown rice, bring to those chinese medical shop to grind leh.
Hi Kis, your auntie really 'hardworking' leh. I only give Vane those ready-made brown rice. Only need to add water, that's all.

Hi Jo, Vane didn't get really tan but I turned 'black'.
hi giggler, she pass some grinded brown rice to my mum. I go home ask her if she cooked for elyse already.

hi jo, sahm, ur bb fotos very nice leh, look professional. me and hubby used to "learn" SLR camera foto-taking, but after bb arrives, no time liao. I will show hubby all ur fotos in the net and motivate him to take nice fotos for elyse, hee.
I was turned down n laughed at by the old uncle at medical hall. He said nowadays where got pple still do grinding? Then he promote to me the ready made one, saying all his 4 grandchildren also took the ready made ones. hahahahahah........maybe my estate medical hall's uncle laid back type

How elyse?
How's r u? everything picking up? There u r....come n go.........take care har!

S diapers cannot stock up at all. I gave away 1 whole new pkt away...targetting at mum 2b, my son's school teacher

now at home, i have 5pcks of M diapers......gauging frm my girl's size....shd be quite awhile to reach 11kg........so i pray hard with the stock up........

BB contest, check out community centers, esp near National day.....oops, too late, over 1yrs old liao by then
........Check PA sites online.
hi <font color="ff6000">giggler</font>
haha, u turned "black"? thanks, i must remember to apply sunblock this friday. cannot apply sunblock on bb hor...

hi <font color="ff6000">kis</font>
yes, after bb arrived, no time for anything!

<font color="ff6000">sahm</font>, 5 pcks??? currently my bb using L size mamypoko, i did not stock up any of L size and not sure should i cos mamypoko promotion @ ntuc is really a good buy. anyway, i have already stock up 2 pcks of XL size mamypoko.
YEah used the blender to grind the rice coz it has two blades.. one for wet stuff and the other for dry stuff..so can blend most dry stuff into powder form.

How do u find Similac Excellence for your bb so far? I just tried a sample for Alicia but somehow i think she doesnt like it very much....I dunno about the taste but i find Friso and Nan smells nicer than Similac. Haven't tried other brands yet. Waiting for a sample of Mamil to arrive.

Your boy is very cute and photogenic....were they candid shots?


Vane looks like she's enjoying the sun, sand and sea!Its nice that u can wear a bikini for Vane. Sometimes i thot of getting halter neck for Alicia but I'm always worried that Alicia might catch cold wearing too little....


you are right....Alicia is a tough cookie...dunno how but experienced mothers usually can tell by one look. The lactation consultant told me that too 2nd day after delivery. How come u seem to post more pics of your boy and not your girl? Show us some of her leh....thot she's also very cute in the gathering at B2B3M4's house.


It's not any special mat...just some comforters that I laid on the floor....
sahm, wow seems like eylse really enjoyed her new dumbo!! Hubby n I finally got our Garco swing over the wkend!! not over $100 not even $50!!! We bought it at the yahoo auction only for $35!!!! still in working condition!!! i kept jerald on the swing while we take our meals and do housechores.

btw, the pixs ur hubby took really v.nice - ur boi look so handsome!! he really recovered frm tat nasty bite!!! must complain more to town council.

jus came back frm the hawker ctr. hubby drove me there for maken. really missed those days - when no updrading..etc....now the plc look so different compare to 6-7yrs ago.

viv, very sim tia to see our kids crying/screaming out in shock rite!!! so now we forbid ourselves to swing jerald on our arms!! even if we do - we only do it on our bed.

mon_mon, went i stop direct latching with jerald - i oso felt a bit guilty n disapointed!!! i always tot i wan to bfg as long as possible - but now hving stop for almost 1 mth - i realise that those time spent on expressing, cleaning equipment...etc is so much that now i really hv extra time to spare for jerald, hb and even for myself (to take quick nap) :p i think u will get used to it sooner or later....btw, how's ur sil?? CL - after my own experience - once is enough - nex time DIY :p

giggler, can apply zambuk on bb??? anyway - jerald ok - back to his active bubbly self. tks

pringles, saw ur gal sitting on the floor the other time at shook's plc - now can sit steadily by herself!!! dun think jerald can do that anytime soon - altot he can flip back to tummy but he still yet to master the skill of flipping tummy to back?!?!? only 1/10 flips he can be successful....long way to go.

giggler - vane really deserve all the attention - and that missed 1st prize!!!

kris, not old fashion lah - my mum oso bought brown rice frm ntuc, washed,sun-dried then bring to medical hall and ask the stuff there to grind it 2gether with a few herbs.... (duno wat r they)
Hi Pringles,
Not that I practise favourism (wrong spelling?) but all started with Sanrio asking abt my boi. Went to dig up those CD of my ah boi n things started from there. For so long, we have not taken out to see ah boy's old foto...

Here are some of my girl's foto.....ugly duckling n chilli padi but my darling


Sanrio, here's Elyse's throne........
Hi Lyn,
wow...gd deal.........the swing! Finally got it for Jerald! Swing swing swing.....happily away! Tell u hor, I dun know the auction stuffs leh though always go there n browse. Nvr bid anything b4. handy har?

Yar....look v different now. U so slim...come for the fishball mee supper........rather delicious n romantic to eat with hb when he was back on Sat midnite!

Hey, is the medical hall at Potong Pasir that still does the grinding. Care to check out for me where n what's the ingredient? Si sen?

Thks aunty.....lyn's mama..........Jerald's ah ma!!

America Next model starting liao........tata
HELLO all mummies!

I have been swallowed in the corporate world n just can't find time to log on to the forum since now have to find time to pump and wash in the office! Then still try to leave on time to go home to see baby! How's everybody????

SAHM....beautiful pictures.....i like the first one...was he in tears? I have been trying to capture Tyra's eyelashes with the digi cam..but to no avail....my SLR has been sitting in the cupboard for ages....

Sanrio..see how successful u have been? Ashrel even smiles in his sleep! so sweet!

So what's the latest topic these days? Bikini, Shichida, Pampers?
Sahm, my bb is 4 months + currently doing some "research" to prepare myself before she starts solids in about 1 month's time. For formula milk, do we like BM keep it warm if bb cab't finish or must throw away immediately?

Working mums, do you tell your caregiver what to cook for bb or just leave it to them to cook whatever they like on that day?
those pictures are nice! Dun call Elyse ugly lah... she's so sweet! And your place looks so warm and cosy with those browns!

Hi Hazey! Is your girl finally forced to take the bottle now that u are not at home?

lyn, I wanted to buy a swing too but Ian cried when we tested him in one in Robinson's so we thought better save the money.... not that he will stay in it long enough also.

jo, why cannot apply sunblock for baby? It's available on the shelves mah... and also advised by experts.

pringles, did Alicia just decide to sit by herself that day or u always carry her to practise and u found that she could be let unsupported suddenly?

Shook, how long are u on leave? Miss your long postings. How did Chen Chen take cereal?

can someone enlighten me on cup training? I'm worried of choking if the flow is too fast.
hi <font color="ff6000">pringles</font>
u mean u tried similac excellence follow on to alicia and she does not like it? hmm... maybe she has been drinking breastmilk so she is not used to the taste of FM? i feed my bb similac ecellence infant FM since 1 mth ++, so far so good. yes, they are candid shots.

hi <font color="ff6000">OSG</font>
I will prepare the ingredients and ask my mum to cook for my bb. my mum generation will feed bb any food, so i got to tell her what to cook. so far, i only give her Heinz rice cereal to feed my bb for lunch.

thanks <font color="ff6000">jul</font> but my bb always like to lick and suck his hands then rub his face and eyes... so i have to conscious... :)
It is okay for bb to apply sunblock/Mosquito repilant if they are 6mth and above.. younger.. just afraid their skin will be too sensitive to it.
I have started Ryan on straw cup.. he can sip from it..have tried sipper cups but he doesn't really like it.. he can also drink from normal cup with support from me.. later on will teach him to hold the normal plastic cup with handle.. dont like sipper cups..coz have to suck until so hard for the water to come out..also not very natural way of drinking. ..my boy also doesn't like it..so use the cup as playtoy- fountain when bathing him.
sahm, elyse got beautiful big round eyes!! so sweet!! no prob, i chk with her dan i give u details...correct one of the herbs she added is si sen, another is yeo sim (in teochew - but off hand i cant remember wat it call in hanyu pinyin/english)...DIE BRAIN STARTING TO GET RUSTY!!

yahoo auction got lots of good deal - jus heng or sway u meet gd/bad seller.

now speaking of traning cup - me very tempted to buy the avents one - but jus too expensive - even those on auction (brand new)

QSG, u can tell ur caregive what to give - but honestly - what they do behind you - u oso duno?!?! Even tot i tell my mum not to start jerald so early on solid - but she being the main caretaker - i jus close one eye lor - not that she'll harm her own grandson rite?
Oops...not sure if u have time to see tis posting. He is not crying, observe closer, he was in fact eating his porridge (dirty mouth) n engrossed in some activities then.........

Yah....our SLR also lying v 'dry' in the dry cabinet
.....guess all of ours also!

FM.....u can still warm it up within 1hr for feeding. Some young mums told me 2hrs but I am rather uncomfortable with this long stretch. I used to throw away every feed my boy couldnt finish until this time rd - my girl drank too slowly initially. So we warm it up for her n she drank along the way (strictly within 1hr or shorter).

Think it is always good to talk to ur caregiver as on wat n how they r going to prepare n cook ur bb solid foods. Do not assume they r experienced n sure know. After awhile u may 'drop jaw' that they actually do this or that n wonder oh mine, that was for generation ago. So always check things out.........yes, their experience is precious n handy too but still good to know wat n how ur bb gonna to served for meals........
...my 2cents worth

U r observant! How r u able to see that my hse is having brown wall? Tot the foto r kind of too dark...

Cosy n warm har.........used to be lah, when newly wed
. Friends luv our simple cosy home but I/they really cannot speak the same as for now. Hahahahah.........with 2 kids, more n more things. No time to consciously mix n match stuffs, just go for practical, n then ended up certain things r really eye-sore..........bo bien n bo chap liao lah.....hehehhheheh...

My girl...I always console myself ugly duckling will grow up to be a beautiful swan one day. She has great smile n v cute though.........all bbs r lovingly adorable.............
sahm, don't say Elyse is 'ugly' leh. She is NOT!!! She's quite pretty and adorable.

Yup, my SLR is also lying high and dry in the cupboard. I think I must get it out and use it again before mould takes over.
I SECONDED wat Lyn said here abt 'but honestly - what they do behind you - u oso duno'.....it is so apt! I have my fair share of alarming experiences. I mean no one would bring themselves to do anything adverse to bbs but it is just a matter of r u able to accept their style n methods. Tat's y I think it is good to sound them (caregiver) out as to how n wat they intend to gif ur bbs. Give support but also give ur input too........

DUN BUY the AVENT training cup...........my son is just inert with it. He went direct to straw drinking instead or drinking frm aided cups frm us. Avent is no doubt expensive. Ex but if fully utilised, money well spent. But now dumped aside in my kitchen cabinet. Just used once or twice. DUN BUY.........

Yeo sim I know.....ok.....awaiting for ur details. Tks so much in advance!
How r u? U also come n go....hb using the PC again har?

Ayoh, with our adorable bbs, every mums just want to see the foto INSTANTLY. Who would prefer SLR camera.....so sayang hor.

Just in case u disappear again, U take care har.

Whenever I see magiclean wet wipes, I think of U!!!!
Maybe this wkends I can bump onto u or emily at the opening ceremony of Punggol Plaza! C yah!
hi <font color="ff6000">sahm</font>
maybe my bb has undergone ICU for stomach infection for a week when he was 1st week old. so i have learned that the most important is health and not look. ;-) afterall, as u said all bbs are cute and lovely and they will always be the cutest to parents eyes right? heehee...

hi <font color="ff6000">lyn</font>, yes agreed with u. i also kept telling my mum to feed only bb on his 6th month. she gave me the unbelievable look... sigh... i also donno whether she fed him or not but never mind lah... got to close one eyes.
lyn,sahm &amp; joey,

Both my mum and MIL are helping to care for bb. Think if i tell them this and that they sure not happy since parents always think they are more experienced than us. Quite headache also bec very soon bb will be with mum for 1 day and MIL for the next day ,etc...no consistency bec of my hb shift work and my back injury (details in breastfeeding thread) like very luan3 especially with regard to introducing solids...
Look at ur boy now.........so healthy n lovely! Yes, health is v important to all. It must be rather agonizing for u then........v heartache n yet nothing u could do!

As mums ourselves now, nothing must happen to our kids, too heartaching........
I tried the cup on Aelwen last weekend and she just start at the cup, then lick the part where the flow is, then stare at me with the ???? lokk on her face...so funny. So i keep the cup into storage again

I will buy the cereals for my MIL to feed baby. She also inform me what she would like to feed baby e.g. what type of veg or fish, etc.

Wow your girl really adorable...feel like give her a GREAT hug!

Yeah, went to visit my SIL again yesterday evening. She looks better and is not so depressed. *phew*

Thanks. Yeah was hoping to reduce the amt of work I have to do while bfg and spend more time with Aelwen.
To be correct, 'AS mums ourselves, nothings must happen to ANY kids, too heartaching....'

Ayoh, no other arrangement? 1 day wz mum, 1 day with MIL.......so 'unsettled' for bb like tat........can it be at least 2~3 days in a stretch? 2 grandma may have differnt styles....bbs prefer to follow routine......or ur bb has already moulded n toughen up....anything will do? In tat case, gd also....not fussy, easy bb.
Hi Mon Mon,
Aelwen so funny abt ur introduction to her the cup! heehheheh.......well,see, she is interacting with u liao! Though U hardly or nvr post her foto, i register her face v vividly...in fact for all the babies here!

U put away the cup....watch out...u may forget abt it later...hahahhhaha.......

SIL, I really feel sori for her. Go over more often lor but maybe just stay a short while (she may need rest).....even help to carry her bb, play with bb also relieving her......send short sms to cheer her up also work wonder!

I didnt have a v smooth confinement for my first birth too. Worst, I had facial palsy.....frightening term is mini stroke to the face. I was terribly affected n down.......teary. y gaf birth to a lovely bb n I myself ended up crooked face/mouth etc. Friends n sibling really there for me, v heartwarming n I appreciate so much....those short uplifting sms were so theraputic when I was all alone in the hse wz just CL n bb, HB busy with work.

Do watever u can help to ur SIL, k?
Hahahahhh....soyabean jie jie..........u not
har? hahaha

Ayoh...my elyse........me siow liao! She awakes at 5~6am n stays awake for 1 whole day (30min sleep now n then, n<2hrs daytime nap)! Want to go gai gai.....have to walk ard the hse......then knock out completely at ard 7pm.....N do u know she is still on the drowsy medication n yet still like that? SUPER DIE HARD stay awake bb!

We suspect MIL always bring her go here n there loitering. We also highly suspicious that recent retired FIL always carry n swaddle her. Haiz......if not, y the sudden drastic change?
.......hb agrees........
Hi everyone,
GUess wat?! I bought the bumbo seat over the weekend for my darling.It's said to be gd for bb with reflux pblm so i was thinking it'll be gd for my boi since he has tis pblm.... Haiz... think for very long then decided, heck lah, jus buy. Jus spend less on other areas like dun buy clothes for myself or dine at ex places.
jo, if it's ur mum/mil who is taking of ur bb - u REALLY CAN PUT UR HEART DOWN!! we oso grew up taking porridge at 3/4mths - sitting in bamboo chair (not dumbo) ...etc try bargaining lor - like mine - we agree give jerald cereal 1st - dan later give brown rice...etc

qsg, read abt ur back problem dan bo bian lor - got to explain n talk to them - it's always easier talking to our own mother.

sahm, actually i oready got a traning cup (japlo) received as a gift (part of hamper) but still very tempted to buy avent cos me using avent bottles - thier parts/caps all fit!! saw other mummies attaching the sprout of the cup to the bottle?!?! so i guess better save $$
hi <font color="ff6000">qsg</font>, i agreed with sahm, cos i heard routines is important for bb. u know my bb now weekdays with my mum and weekends with me, i think i already disturb his routine cos we always bring him out and disturb his sleep and feeding time while my mum always stay at home and routinely feed him and let him sleep.

hi <font color="ff6000">sahm</font>, yes it was very heartache, i have to forego whatever confinement "rules and regulation"
hahaha, tired to worry about what our caregiver has done to our bbs hor... that's why sending bb to infant care come across my mind sometime...

bumbo expensive leh... no wonder they said mummy's money very easy to earn.
elyse where got ugly, so sweet girl girl
okie wen ashrel 'ju lao pao', will engage ur hubby's svc, hahaha..
tks for the info on brown rice.

vane still so chubby n cute leh.. havnt brought ashrel for swim cos evytx wkend rain in the evening..

harlo, how ar u n tyra?

ashrel's pic
hi sanrio,
Ashrel can overturn oredi??? My boy is still struggling,He knows how to turn towards one side..

Ashrel really a happy baby.

How do I downsize &amp; download my baby photo?
i like those fotos of ur boi. so clean n white. v nice loh esp for bb shots. how did u get such natural (rou2) lighting? i took pic of ashrel in white romper on white bedsheet b4 but the effect is jus not like tat..
Can understand your feeling when u said it is your last pumping session. My nose even feel suan suan when I read dat
I m xpressing lesser n lesser in the office. Tandem pump oso lesser coz Chen Chen feeds faster n shorter
My glass bottles r getting more. I feel so worried
I reached 6 mth target of tbf tho but may not reach tbf till Chen Chen wanna wean off my boobs
Thx for sharing the CL info. She is v unethical. Your poor SIL muz b v v pressurized.

Alicia is so fast n strong. Chen Chen can't sit w/o support yet

Happy belated 6mth birthday to Vane! U made it to her 6th month congrats!! How u celebrate her 6th month?
Vane so sweet n lovely in her pink bikini. Vane a sunshine gal. Chen Chen n mummy both melt under the sun.
U flashed 5 cards for 5 sec n each card 15 times, ie 15 cards in 1 sec , dat's v fast!!
I hv not submit Chen Chen's photo to mag. How har? Did u submit Vane's?

Chen Chen n Elyse buddy buddy, EVERYTHING on hand into mouth
Wanna bring Chen Chen to Orchard Rd on Sun but it wz raining
Yes'dy brot him to Changi airport, he wz sleeping till his dinner time.
Oh yes, heeded your advice, my hubby took photos n video cam Chen Chen's madien solid feed. Chen Chen wanna feed himself. He grabbed the spoon fm me n put into his mouth. He wz so dirty wif the veg n milk all over his bib, mouth, neck n face
BTW my hubby video cam Chen Chen's bathing movement after seeing your boi boi's photos on bathing moment. He said all photos u shared r v meaningful n professionally done. Oh your hubby v into photography no wonder. Your boi v handsome
How to enroll for shichida demo?
aiyo, dun say elyse ugly duckling lar, she is so adorable

I find dat Chen Chen doesn't er ni if I feed him gripe water b4 feeding him milk
Chen Chen used to wake up once ard 3+am after last feed at 11+pm. Since last Mon, he wakes up 2 or 3 hr interval @ 9. I guess he is thru growth spurt
Your boi add another dish for daddy n mummy

Congrats 4 getting a new job! Sad on the pay cut but no choice in such economy.
Oh Chen Chen breaks wind anytime anywhere. It is v v smelly n loud. Terrible!!
Where to get aqueous cream?

Your boi looks so cute. I oso find dat he looks like Prinlge's Alicia. The montage u did for your boi is xcellent. Your photography skill gd

Both formula n breast milk need to b discarded if bb can't finish
I let my mum decide wat she wanna cook for Chen Chen but she told me b4 hand n ask if alrite

I introduced veg (yes'dy brocoli 2day potato) to Chen Chen. Cereal may b next wk
ashrel can flip both ways at abt 3mths. he's a v active bb, full of energy, mummy 'drained'. got disavtg too cos he flip n flip midnite n wake himself up, now beta as he used to it liao.
i use hp software (in my pc) to downsize but u can use photo editor. just go to edit and choose resize then saved under a new filename. if u my help, jus let me noe.
oh, our boi can celebrate b'day together, 1 day diff right, even our edd is 1 day diff, remb..
gd tat u found a job. i m on long no pay, still keeping my job 1st.

hehe... ashrel so cute... such a cheery bb.

so when u going back to work?

edi can be chenchen and elyse's buddy... he oso anythg on hand put in mouth...

me v thickskin one.... haha... edi oso superactive awake nowadays... sleep abt 3hrs during daytime in total... catnaps as well... so now evenings super cranky...
