(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies


How was your outing with your boy to botanical gardens....ive always wanted to bring Alicia there too...just waiting for the right time....lately always raining...u tried the cafe there?

Drypers are lousy....i discovered that since 2nd mth onwards...always leaked.


Do u still direct latch Ian? Does he still refuses the bottle? Alicia only takes bottle when she wants.....sometimes when we are out, i prefer to give the bottle and yet she has her preference....sigh

PetPet can last thru the nite....i don't change unless i wake up to feed Alicia then i will change for the sake of changing....never leaked tho. But because it covers up well, i find it warm to wear it for bb in day time....so day time i'm switching to other brands that cover up less except for the vital regions ..heheh....my aunt saw the bb pictures and commented Ian and Alicia looks abit similar....i dunno....never saw much of Ian closely....maybe u should post a few pictures of him....or we see him christmas gathering?


If Chen Chen can stand for awhile with support, he can sit with support. The high chairs usually allow bb to lean against the table so they grip on pretty well and they love to feel like they are independent. Anyway, when they are tired, they can lean backwards against the seat.


Aelwen is big for her age huh? Wow....she's on total bfeedg? I thot she is probably bigger than 6 mths.....I always have to try and coax Alicia to drink more...she has small appetite but enjoys playing more....are u gonna bake another cake for christmas gathering?? ;)

jul, I held Sarah to take her photo at the ICA booth. They are quite patient. We had to take about 4 shots before we got one that was suitable. She was 7 weeks old at the time. It was for her Citizenship Cert. We also used it for her Singapore passport. The hardest time was when we needed a photo for her US passport to come back here. She was 11 days old!!
Hi Emily, I was so surprised to see you at PP, pity we were going in opposite directions on the escalator, didn't get to say hi properly.

Pringles, jul, I use Huggies Dry Comfort, and find it quite good leh. Overnight also can, though it is very full when she gets up, and may leak if she poos first thing in the morning before I can take her to the toilet. My only peeve is that the velcro tape is smooth on the back side, so I can't overlap the tapes for my skinny baby, so I have to make sure that some of the velcro catches onto the diaper properly when overlapped.
shook, I'm a bit confused. I thought rice is the best food to start a baby on. Where did you read that it's not good for babies with allergies? Then how? Yup, I'll be doing the ikan bilis like you mentioned.

viv, I've not heard of frisocreme rice cereal. Where do you get it from? My sis told me about some organic brown rice cereal that is really fragrant too, but must go to some special health food place to buy, so ma-fan. I was thinking of grinding my own brown rice to make porridge.

giggler, yup, I think a slow cooker is great for porridge. My sis will be passing me her tiny little slow cooker which she used for her two girls. My mum bought a little grinder for me recently, a DeLonghi mini chopper. I haven't tried it out yet. I also have a very good mincer, a Braun. Also have a not so good mincer and chopper by Kenwood which was a wedding gift. This one is not so good because you must add water to really puree things. But for dry stuff it works well.

sanrio, I'll probably start Sarah on rice cereal and take it from there. Most likely week after next. We are going to have a night at the Regent next weekend to use our anniversary voucher, so I'll only start after that. Breast feeding is so much easier when you're away from home lah
Hi sahm, mon_mon, shook, avocado,
Thks for the advise on diapers. Actually wat I'm referring to is whether drypers cutting is smaller as compared to other diapers of the same size? Drypers is definitely too small for my boi but not too sure abt other brands. The other packs that I've left over is not Drypers but, Pampers, Pureen n Annaku. All these r gifts from frens. Until now, I've not had to buy any diapers cos frens know it's more practical to give diapers as gifts. So i'm wondering if these 3 other brands' cutting will be bigger then i can still use n not waste them. As for keeping them until my 2nd one, can keep until so long meh? Will the sticky part still work?

Chen Chen still merlion though he's coming 6 mths oredi? My boi sometimes will merlion quite a bit. 'er ni' definitely will after every feed, esp if alot of movements. Yeah, after reading the websites given by u n Jaz, I really feel much better.
Mamy Poko.....$16.40....ready, get set, dash for it mann! hahahaha....

Huh, since when my ah boy bathe on his own? hahahhaha? he is barely 2yr old yet....still v small boy but u mums here may think he is v big liao

Hmmm....sometimes when u have heavier/bigger commitment, u have to be money-wise too mah...regardless of staying in wat kind of accomodation, rite? Just 2 cents.....

hahahahah....u so funny....the cup A n B things...i really LOL! U so funny n i like!! Ur hb n mine sama sama. HB v boring type, no idea type. Say bring kids go shopping, he said ok...then go there, aim chun chun to eat n then say come let's go....also touch n go type!!!!! Somemore got2 drag him off the bed v persistently!

No idea where the nursing rm at airport. Dun like the numerous toilet there.....so old looking.

If my bbs are ok with any diapers, I will be like u....just pick any economical gd enuf diapers...afterall best to change every 3~4hrs during day.

Ur boy seems to be quite a easy boy to handle! Drink fast, ok with pple, v smart too..........blessing liao lor

I find that if dun bring my bb out, all of us v restless n lethagic couping up in the hse leh. Dun u find so? If bb dun sleep, we cant sleep too!! N none of us like watching tv......

Ur MIL changing diaper every 1~2hrs? also shiong leh....to the pocket! But better than not changing regularly.....rashes n redness. Close both eyes liao. EVery wkend, i gonna nurse my girl horrifying red rashes neck back to smooth smooth. Every wk same cycle!
I see...got wat u mean.

Dun know abt other brand but pampers 'S' still can wear.....not too bad. I have few bot much earlier n MIL not using them (she not 'on' on changing) n I was so alarmed that they are S. SO quickly bring home to use....luckily can still wear, not too bad. My girl is coming to 5mth....so think ur son shd be able to fit still, unless he is big too. But really, use them up fast...dun waste.

If not wrong, diapers if not opened, can keep up to 3yrs?
sahm, mon mon, jul and all mummies
Nepia $15.90
M51/L42/L30*/B26* $15.90 (*training pants)

MP $16.40
L14*/L12* $6.95 (small pack)

tk u Food n Beverage Manager......nepia/mamy poko marketing manager

I rather interested in ur food recommendation.....enjou ur trip huh...going for mdm kwan ah?
Hohoho.... what food? So many places, so little time!!!!
Obento @ the Jap Restaurant
Hard Rock Cafe
Mdm Kwan's
Beef noodles @ Jln Imbi
Overseas Restaurant
SFO Steakhouse
Baskin Robbins ice-cream
Breakfast at Corus and Mandarin O
I only have 5 main meals there, how to eat ah???
Chen Chen is wearing M size now. Wat I meant wz when he 1st upgraded to M size Dryper, can't cover his butt. Now M size fits his butt
Not only Aelwen cried when put on sofa, Chen Chen n a few other bb cried too. So in the n all bb were carried away fm the sofa. Initially my hubby wz v excited dat our sofa v long can take in many bb, who knoes

Mom_Mom, b2b3m4
bb juz start solid can eat cake meh? Cake sweet, thot we shldnt add sugar or salt 2 bb's food till 1 yr old?

I din watch tv programme since chen chen popped

Wow, your MIL changes diapers so frequent, u spend a bomb on diapers huh
Chen Chen had prolonged jaundice (>1 mth) my massage lady said give winter melon water, so I gave Chen Chen winter melon water. Dat time wz real demoralised n worried. Watever ppl said, I tried.
Skin at Chen Chen's ankle is v dry n peeling, PD said dat can b v itichy. Guess dat's y he rubs his legs against ea other. Apply bb lotion alone doesn't help Now I apply cream fm PD followed by bb lotion. But Chen Chen loves to suck his toes lately. Aiyo, so can only apply @ 9. Sometimes my mum put socks after applying bb lotion on Chen Chen but his feet sweaty n stink
Ai say man, your boi definitely drinks much much faster than Chen Chen. Does your boi ever get choked when drinking?
Only brot Chen Chen to Orchard Rd once. Other than dat juz restaurant n supermkt. Thot of bringing him to Orchard Rd to c Xmas lightings on eve of his 6th mth n airport on his 6th mth. Ya v troublesome to bring all the barang barang when go outing wif bb. Does your boi get mosquito bite when u brot him to Botanic Garden?
how abt calling your family member n yourself n c if your boi looks in the direction where the person is? Chen Chen will look @ my dad if I say kong kong n other family members
Your boi tam chiak
. Chen Chen too. He cried n said er er when NB, then air air few mths later, now ngan ngan when he is hungry

Y u said going to airport is adventurous?
My mum stays in Pasir Ris, bus to airport is v convenient
Exactly I stay in condo,housing loan interest
n maintenance fee is more than HDB, bsides my hubby needs to pay for his parents' HDB by cash. So we gotta save $

I dun understand too. Chen Chen can sit on the bouncer u saw @ my plc, y not high chair? In fact, my mum said dun let Chen Chen stand since he can't sit w/o assistance yet

How to take photo for a 11 day old bb?
I read fm bbcentre dat rice/oat cause allery but bb cereal ok

I never try Pureen n Annaku, no comment. S size Mommy Poko n Pampers wz ok wif the cutting 4 Chen Chen.
Chen Chen er ni not merlion

ya absolutely rite gotta b money-wise regardless of staying in wat kind of accomodation
thot toilets in airport v clean since it projects the 1st impression of Singapore? Which toilet dirty?
My hubby engineer boring person, how abt your hubby?
mom mom,
The eggless (vegetarian) version comes in mocha, chocolate n durian flavour. U can check out the cakes from their website.

I got the chocolate one the last time. Hubby tried the mocha one b4 n said was not bad. Talking abt durian. When Ashley was less than 2 months old, someone ate durian. She woke up from her sleep, turn to the direction of the durian n started to salivate.

I know what u mean. When i bought the ferris wheel, its stated for babies 0month n above, so blur blur show it to Ashley during confinement. She showed no interest at all. The ferris was then put away in the cold, until recently, my mum took it out again n now she's totally addicted to it.
I dunno leh, can't decide between the hippo n train. The train can move the little cuboids, whereas the hippo, the toddler can actually use it as a walker or sit on it. N when the hippo moves, it will start to "swallow" the cubes. Hubby always scold me for buying so much toys for Ashley. He always thinks that i'm the one who wanted to play instead of Ashley.

I can't bring myself to shave Ashley too. But the amount of hair she has is not increasing. N looking at all the babies with nice beautiful hair, i feel a bit sad. So was contemplating whether to shave Ashley.
Read that u r so similar to me...ur mum too! hahahahah....I hate overnite or leftover food. N i steam fish only chun chun when my hb goes for his bath in the evening
. Did u mention u luv spicy food? Me eat chilli n must be chilli padi type!!

Baskin Robbins Ice cream is not a meal....so can eat along during the day. Hard rock cafe count it out.......u so skinny, can eat eat eat...so ho mia!!!

Mashirro going for Mama Mia. LAst time she went to the concert, I went too. This time mama mia nearly going on sunday at espanade but miss it again. 1st missed it as theatre closed at Broadway! No fate.........

The toilets are clean but old looking leh.......
MY hb is in the so called nerdy line lor....
Shave it. Dun wait liao.....or as she grows older, then botak....not nice....or wait until after CNY?

Ayah...girl more of concern hor....boy...bo chap ah....just shave or GI style. Jerald looks nice in his GI style. Lyn's son.
hi Shook,
My MIL pays for the pampers.My hubby pays her pocket money every month. I am quite lucky tat my MIL is very chin chai...

oic...my boy skin was very dry the 1st few wk when he was borned.I diligently applied lotion for him & kept him in non air con room,slowly,his skin improved...

I took plenty of fruits thruout my preggie.I was quite surprised tat his skin was dry & peeling during the 1st mth...

I applied this lotion,the brand is Klorane.quite good.Available at Guardian pharmacy,u might wanna give it a try...

Ya lor,he always gets choke when drinking milk.His reflux slowly improves liao...Sometx,choke until vomit out all the milk he drank...

No leh,no mosquito bite leh.But he sweat a lot coz he is too used to aircon..

Aiya,my boy can't even recognize me & my hubby.When i reach out my hands,to signal him that I wanna carry him (from my MIL or relatives),he turns his head to other places..aiyoh,soooo embarassing...

chen chen so clever..know to convey his msg..

brought him to restaurant? Don't u afraid he might poo & u nid to clean up in the restaurant??hee..later all the pple run away when u open up his diapers..

didn't know that winter melon water can help to cure jaundice...

my hubby oso engineer..I work wf a bunch of engineers,no doubt,they r boring,but sometx very fun loving...

agree..the type or brand of diaper we buy is no relation to what type of hse we stay.

hi sahm,
beta don't keep the diaper too long, my SIL said it might not stick very well after some tx.

Luckily I almost finish the M size pampers,coz my boy can't fit into M size anymore,his flesh burst out fr his thighs.

hi skyblue,
I've not used Pureen or Anaku diapers b4. I used Pureen shower foam but found it too much bubbles so switch back to Kodomo...
yapp....Klorane moisturing creme, my friends swear by it too.

No chance to keep the diapers for long....I wont stock up for so long too though it was made known to me that 3yrs is ok.

I have used a few types of bathing foam but i find that i like tolly joy best.

Guess my colleagues did enjoy my presence during those days of employment. It depends on individual personality. But dressing sense, yes, engineering pple really needs some image consultants
hi mummies, hv bn mia for a day or so - so much postings!

me really KO (pain/tired)...etc menses came back y'day!! XIAN!!! So pontang work y'day, stayed hme and played with jerald whole day!!! so enjoyable!!!

wat's abt the diaper talk?? bb comign to 6mths must switch FM, intro solid, ALSO MUST SWITCH DIAPERS MEH???

SAHM, ur hubby went off to China liao?? can you manage all alone?? Dun 4get - we are just 2km apart - anything jus popped over ok - my mum's v.friend type - dec gathering if hb not going - i taking mum with me.

u think jerald looks cute in his GI hair style?? tks. Now mummy becoming jus as botak as him

looks like most of us are wife of some engineers, mine oso....do thing v.systematic,everything must be done orderly/logically....duno gd or not?? to me i think is "si nao jin" that's what i oways say to my hb.
Hubby and I decided not to buy a condo because of the worry that we would have to think twice/thrice before buying things for our kids in future. We are the type that likes to hoard money until it depreciates.


This is Ian with his first air ticket
My boi not very fleshy type leh, not exactly skinny also. Still contemplating whether want to open the pkt of pampers. Think will forgo the other 2 brands.

Chen Chen now can still fit into S size pampers n Mamy Poko? Oh, he 'er ni', then not too bad. Mine more like avocado's son.

My boi also like urs. Sometimes will vomit out his feed. That's y sometimes think of bringing him out also scare. Worry that later he vomit at restaurants etc. How did ur son's reflux problem improve? U brought him to PD?
hi sahm,
why do u like tollyjoy shower foam? Did u buy it fr. JL??

ya,agree,engineers don't really bother abt their dressing.Same as my hubby..He always wore the same old shirts in the past,now,at least,i bot some other style & colour for him...He is very conservative when come to exploring new colour or pattern...

hi Skyblue,
We've brought him to see PD,there's nothing we can do except to feed him b4 he gets too hungry.The reflux will slowly go away as he grows older...

Does ur boi vomit a lot after each feed? My boy not really vomit after each feed.So far,he only vomit 4tx for all the milk he drank...

Besides, we oso position him as sitting position during the feed & try not to move him around after the feed.

Hi Mummies,
Just curious..can we put two types of medicines in the milk? My boy refuses to tak Infadrops(to clear his stomach winds)orally.We actually mix it with milk...But i wonder if we could put two type of medicines(for e.g. medicines for running nose & cough) into the milk...
hi hi...
i'm new here...lots to read thou :p

BTW, how old are all your babies?
I'm currently staying in HK. My hubby is now working here...so joined him only a mth ago with my 5mth old boy.
would like to join in this bz thread :p
So wat did the PD say abt ur boi's pblm? My boi's pblm also improving gradually as long as we dun move him too much after feeding. But sometimes, so far also abt 4/5 times, he'll merlion. Usually it's 'er ni'. After feeds we also try to put him in an uprite position.

Alicia also doesnt have much hair although its growing more than b4. But i prefer not to shave personally. Have checked with some other moms whose bbs had little hair when young....but when they grew bigger.....whoala!! They have thick hair just like any other...so i really think the shave hair business is a MYTH asians like to abide by...Ashley looks fine and feminine like that...dun worry....the hair will come.....just be patient.


Ian looks cute in the picture. Wow....u guys must be real excited as the day of departure draws near..Hv fun....will come back in time to join the christmas gathering?


just came back from Tanglin mall with Alicia. They hv many nice kiddy stuff there....toys, clothes....gymboree....The mother and Child centre....i just bought a pretty romper frm Bundle Of Joy..they sell pretty dresses for gals too....go check it out!

Yes I'll be back in time for the gathering. But Ian is taking his injection 2 days after we come back, so we don't know whether he'll be allright then. Can't confirm my attendance.
think Ian looks "cooler" without hair... otherwise he will smell in this hot weather considering the amount he perspires! Hehehe... easier for mummy to wash also...
Avocado, I've decided to get the heinz cereal too, thanks for your reply. My boy is going for his 2nd 5-in-1 jab tomorrow, and i'm tempted to start him on the cereal in 2 weeks time. I'm not breastfeeding, n can still add his FM to the cereal, so i guess it won't make any difference whether i start now or at 6mths. Tot of letting him learn to eat from spoon b4 giving him real food at 6mths. Hope i'm rite.

Same as your boy, mine is also taking 5oz, but at every 4hrs... sometimes he can't finish, sometimes cry for more... headache ah! But good thing is he can sleep for a stretch of 6hrs at nite without waking up for milk.
U always so kua chang abt yourself...fat lah...balding lah....aunty spank u!!!

Tks so much for ur help....was rather insecured last nite. 1st time handling him alone at nite. He was good n well behaved. Wat a relief. Last time during my 2nd pregnancy, whenever hb worked late, i turned moody n down (prenatal blue). Tonite bringing him to my neighbour's hse to play with her son who is attending shichida class. Checking out the flashcard thingy too though I nvr too interested in them.

Thanks so much for extending ur helping hand. Really appreciate Lyn.........

Guess we just have to accept our hb.....decent guys. Avocado, at least ur hubby will wear wat u bot 4 him. Mine, if colour n cutting not right for him, he put aside liao......not adventurous at all.

Tolly joy, i prefer the smell over the rest....n its ph balance n it is cheap!
yes, normally i buy frm JL/KP.

Avocado, do u ve difficult using syringe to feed ur bb the medicine? Dun feel comfortable mixing so many things in the milk. I ve nvr done that b4. Wat abt other mums?

'Happening' ah at Tanglin mall? Will check out the place soon! U lug alicia there all by yourself or with ur mum?

B2B3M4 mentioned ashley hair NOT growing at all...so I tot can contemplate shaving them off. If still growing but not nice, can consider wait n see lor....like mine. Shedding behind, ugly patches but hair growing longer, so I will wait n see. Girl, must really consider properly hor.....vain mama. My boy, I already shaved him at 4th mth or later.

Can park ur money in some share n equities mah. Ian's head v round n nice too. Meaningful shot....with his 1st air flight tix!

Y dun u check out S of pampers at departmental store if it still suits ur boy? Think shd be ok. Gd to double confirm.
sahm, i use something like a pacifier to feed medicine to my boy. It works.

avocado, i think if u mix the medicine into the milk and if your boy cannot finish the milk, u will not know how much medicine he has taken.
hi, for those who r still interested in bumbo but find original price of $89.90 too ex, just to let u know there is a mini baby fair at level 2 OUB centre (Raffles Place) till 30th dec and the bumbo is selling at about $75.

i went with Alicia alone....used carrier lor....and carry backpack.....me outgoing mummy lah.....can't stay at home everyday....u really must check out the shop i mentioned....for gals....very nice frocks! Also, nice bfeeding room
hmmm...something new...wat's the pacifier thing that u use to feed medicine to bb? I use syringe...normally feed medicine just b4feeding time.

Tks for the info.........ayah just went down to china sq this morning but didnt drop by oub center.....

Normally at departmental store or NTUC etc, they will have samples hanging by the shelves. Check out their cutting n compare to existing diaper that u r using. Just rough gauge tho.

Wow, u gutsy young mama! TOt of bringing my girl to a 1hr talk/demo....still considering hard
. K, will check out the boutiques there....I m those that can really hang ard a shop v long type
Blur blur aunty Shook, mix up Elyse wif Ashley. thx 4 correcting me
agree agree agree engineer needs grooming on dressing sense
yap yap I used syringe to feed Chen Chen medicine

I lived on veg n fruits during my pregnancy. Chen Chen still hv dry skin. PD gave hydrocortisone cream clinic dr gave aqueous cream. thx for sharing on the klorane cream. I check it out.
Chen Chen choked a few times while latching n choke most of the time when drinking water
I scared Chen Chen get bitten by mosquito dare not bring him to sea side or garden. Brot him to park once.
Perhaps it is too young 4 your boi to recognize ppl yet. He will recognize ppl in time to come
Oh yes, once Chen Chen poo in restaurant @ country club somemore. Luckily there is a changing table. He pooed n his poo leaked on his romper. We wrapped him in blanket. He wz very happy
Well winter melon din work on Chen Chen but my massage lady said it works on a bb whose mom engaged her for massage svc
Ya rite, my hubby boring but fun loving @ times.
Thx for your support on diaper purchase dat sahm mentioned

U shaved Ian? He looks so contented n happy wif his airticket

Chen Chen outgrown S size diaper. I meant when he wz on S size dryper cutting wz v tight but ok wif S size Mamy Poko n Pampers
Chen Chen er ni almost after every feed. But seems like he doesn't er ni if we give him gripe water b4 feed

Welcome to the club. Majority of the bb here popped in June/July. My boi's edd is June but he arrived a wk earlier so became May bb

Hmm.... so many engineer's wife here
OIC. Will go check out the cutting of diapers tis weekend.

Hmm... S size Mamy Poko also seems okie with my boi unlike Drypers. Will go n see the cutting 1st like wat sahm suggested. Hopefully can use my that brand new pkt of Pampers. If not i 'sim tia', waste that pkt n gotta buy new one.
One more thing. Howmuch gripe water does Chen Chen drink b4 feed? After dat will be too full or not? I scare later feed water oredi, he too full dun wanna drink milk.
I mix 5ml of gripe water wif 60ml of water. Chen Chen still drinks milk (hungrily) after taking gripe water. U may like to try n c on you bb
PP has 68 x 2pks for M size, 60 x 2 pks for L size. S size not on sale. Have you rush to NTUC yet

Ian is so cute....think this would be a very memorable pix for him when he grows up.

yeah, Aelwen is big for her age. She is not 8.3kg and is 2 weeks to 6mths. U see my arm got muscle muscle
That day I brought her to my friend's full month celebration and her friend has a 8mth baby. Aelwen is bigger size than the 8mth baby
She's on partial bfg. ss not enough to meet her demand....she now takes 6oz every 3-4hrs.

Have we confirm the venue and date for the gathering? I can bake one if Aelwen behaves herself and sleeps longer in the morning.

Hi Avocado,
hehehe...I totally agree with you about the conservative and not exploring new patterns or colours. My hb same same. His wardrobe has a selection of very similar colours. Everytime he ask me how's the combination I would think to myself "got any diff meh?"
aunty sahm, i where got kua zhang!!! wait till you c me in person - dun puke hor
aiya, since we live so nearby - must help each other mah...glad you also on good terms with ur next door - if you need anything dun be shy hor....jus call me ah.

btw, how's ur boi??? his left eye better or not?!?

hui32, u so bz till no time to chat regularly!!! i stop bfg jerald since he was 4mth. now he totally on FM and cereal. btw, the next gathering, i think is in the west - v.convenient for you. I saw pixs of renee in another thread - she looks much like you!! so cute.

oh, seems like our thread still attracting new members?! - warm welcome to EOng (ur bb b'day same as my Jerald 24/06) & SweetPooh.
Think S Pampers shd safely be ok for ur 2mths boy still........

I threw away 2 bottles of gripe water though far off frm expiry!!!

Hmmm....most wives in healthcare, hb as engineers!

Think u r v busy...Is Ash behaving himself?

1st time in real life saw the flashcard demo! IMPRESSIVE! Mother read like machine gun n i wonder how come the tongue not kena 'jammed' or y saliva wont drip.....so fast! But the kid just expresssionless sit there quietly..........

I m impressed by the effort of the mum, the v nice flashcard that she made etc.....Dun mind borrowing the whole basket of flashcard back but it will take me awhile to master the speed reading out part..........think my kids will grab them b4 I finish!

BUmbo can be put to gd use....u flash while ash sit there! Still v tempted to buy the bumbo....

Coincidentally, speaking to all mums with nicks starting with 'S'..........
Hi Val, you mean there's timing for shooting?

Hi Jaz, but Vane's hair grow very slow leh.

Hi pringles, Vane very interested in TV leh. That's why I very scared that Vane will stick to TV cos my mil always carry her infront of TV.

Hi B2B3M4, I opp to you leh. I seldom buy toys for Vane one.Most of her toys were gifts from relatives. I got hairdresser to do it when Vane was one mth old. If u want, you better shave early so that she can have nice hair when she celebrates her 1st bday.

Hi shook, you can bf in public already?

Hi pvl, I'll try to get slow cooker by this weekend so that my mom can start giving Vane porridge next week.

Hi avocado, my mil always ask if I change Vane's diapers. Already told her we only need to change 3-4 hrly unless she poos but she just can't listen.

Hi styloBB, you really informative with regards to diapers leh. Thanks for your info.

Hi sweetpooh, most of our bb are 4-6mths, abt the same age as your boy.

Hi Jeslyn, you're welcome to our gathering. It'll be on 18Dec at Nat's place.

Hi mon, PP got sales meh? I just went to NTUC on Tue but didn't see it leh. Vane only takes 5oz every 3hrs leh. Aelwen is a big eater. Heehee.
Hi sahm, Jul n Pringles,
I suppose i will shave Ashley if she's still don grow much hair when she's 6 months old. At the way she growing, she's picking up daddy's features n looking more like a boy.

Were the clothings at Tanglin Mall ex? Went to Great world city to check out Zara. Very pretty n adorable but cost as much as my clothes! N to a certain extent more suitable for cooler weather. Think may pick up on or two pieces when my bonus comes in.

Yah, u have the babies mixed up! Yep, Ashley can sit in the high chair now. Now all gearing her up for solids. Going to Giant today at PP to check out the cereals.

U went down to SIR to apply for Ian's passport? Was thinking of getting Ashley's one done thru post. Initially tot can still let her "hike" on my passport, then realise that customs has scrap such passport already.
Yah.. my hubby oso in the field of engineering. He always call himself the dr for computers.

I think i'm number 1 mummy for toys here. Hee, hee.. i just received Fisher Price's catalog for 2004/2005, any mother interested?
2b exact...next blk. SAHM easy to make friend. Go playgrd....got mums...tok liao. Then gett contact/email n things start frm there. SO handy n gd. HB not ard...went over...her hb also in china!!!!

My son 23mth, hers 20mths. Watever toys or books my son touched, the boy will come n snatch. They at this age no sense of sharing yet. So 2 mums sitting there coaxing n being v helpless. My ah boy even beat him on the face when he persistently snatched n pulled the stuff frm him. Hahahah...my boy no gd to bully or provoke type! I grabbed my boy to me n beat his hand...explained no matter wat, cannot beat pple. He said sori n hug the didi. After that, the 2 still continued to be bu ke qi with each other! hahahahahahaha..................v cute!

His eye recovered liao but legs, hands, face all kena mosquitoes bites........we immune liao.

Dun have to c u....in that case, ur standard of slim n young v high...u better dun meet me then

Yah...I saw ur bb's foto....v big eyes n sweet! The gathering is in the central, a little to the west.......

How r u in HK, coping well with ur bb? Do drop in here more often. Our bbs are ard urs 2....june/july bbs!
Hey B2B3M4,
our bbs same bd, our hb same occupation? Except the 2 of us, nothing similar! oh yah....popped same day! Ashley am or pm or nite bb? Mine pm bb..............
....so interesting
