2 mths old baby never poop


New Member
My baby is on mixed BM and FM feed and never poop for 1 week. Brought to peds before... doc say poo is normal not hard.. so gave stimulant.. then she poop.!! Now start again never poop. Doc gave us 3 stimulant to bring home just in case..we used twice liao.. but i scared my baby become dependant on it.. does anyone also face such dilemma.. pls advise..:(

Hi lovebaby
My baby has the same like yours too. We went to see padaetrician but he say is normal. My baby was given a stimulant too, only then she poop. Been using it for 3x. I heard is no good in the long run. But she brings out a lot of gas, drink milk very good, sleep ok too.
Appreciate your advice. Pls pls, we are having dilemma.
Hi lovebaby
My baby has the same like yours too. We went to see padaetrician but he say is normal. My baby was given a stimulant too, only then she poop. Been using it for 3x. I heard is no good in the long run. But she brings out a lot of gas, drink milk very good, sleep ok too.
Appreciate your advice. Pls pls, we are having dilemma.
Worrying right... :( hope someone could adv us what should we do..
Hi lovebaby
My baby finally poop yesterday. It came out so much (maybe is stored for 5 dys). But is very soft and colour look good. Last Sunday, i went to ped, doctor mention tt she may have colic. So we give her drops of colic in her milk for the 5 days and we massage her stomach and do the leg cycling too. She poo yesterday afternoon. We will need to see the ped this Sunday.
Hi lovebaby
My baby finally poop yesterday. It came out so much (maybe is stored for 5 dys). But is very soft and colour look good. Last Sunday, i went to ped, doctor mention tt she may have colic. So we give her drops of colic in her milk for the 5 days and we massage her stomach and do the leg cycling too. She poo yesterday afternoon. We will need to see the ped this Sunday.
Omg!!! Mine poop yesterday too!!!! Now on goodcol drops!!!!!!! But i not sure if still.need to bring to doc since poo liao..
