1 or 4 bedder at KKH

Hi babyenmen...

Yep, that's right, you only need to sign up for the delivery package... they even more kan cheong than you to make sure the paper work is done and payment is made before you go into labour...

They will also explain to you the costs of the different package and wat's inside the package..

Don't worry, not everyone take up the anenatal package anyway...

Hello Dino,

Thank you very much! Was still worrying about how to go about it. Since the nurses will contact me, then let them contact me ba....
no prob....

just take care of yourself... the nurses will remind you again during the appropriate time...
misaryeo (misaryeo) & babybenmen (babybenmen),

How are both of u getting on?Tummy is getting bigger and heavier ah...
Now me in my 23wks.Juz had my baby full body scan and guess what IT'S A BOY! hehhehe...

I am still wondering what package shld I take since I am with Dr Han.Any idea how much I can save if I were to take the 4-bedded ward for normal delivery? My only concern is that I want Dr.Han to receive my baby when I deliver.Which pkg shld I take, Private Suite, Classic or Premier?
Hi Eryannie, u sounded happy to hav a boy.. congrats.

For me i wanted Dr Han to recieve my bb, and naturally if u see him at the private suite.. u only hav 2 options... A1 or B1. For A1, kkh has a package where they tie up a few necessary items to make the cost lower.. B1 is ala carte.. meaning they charge u on all items used seperately. However, to me B1 is still cheaper..so i am going for B1. i think the difference on average bill between the 2 classes of wards is abt $700 to $800...

Dun refer to the packages on the website.. cos i think its not for private suite patients.
Hi misaryeo, indeed I was very happy...so does hubby...thanks for ur info.

I did get a phamplet from the nurse by I just cant decide,pretty confuse lor.

So I guess u must be going for B1 Premier Pkg,right?Btw when r u due?Mine is on Oct 06.
Hi Eryannie,

Dun worry abt the package.. as long as you want Dr Han to deliver for you, u have already narrow down to A1 and B1 ward.. when u reach abt 7 to 8 mths preg.. the nurses will come talk to you abt the 2 classes of wards.. just ask them if you are not sure.. Wheni first took the brochure, i also blur blur.. dunno wat the brochure talkign abt, after they explain then i understand.

Yah, B1 ward.. not comfortable wif sleeping alone, and i feel the price to pay abit steep if gonna stay longer due to some unforesee circumstances.. I'm due in end July 06, another abt 1 and half months more to go..
Wah Wah Misaryeo its coming out soon!! Do take care hor...

One more question, now that u r abt to deliver, do u do pelvic exercise or do any exercises? I was told that it helps for easy n fast delivery.
Hi Eryannie, i dun do much exercise leh..Pelvic exercise when i remember to do then i do..:p, i did bought some DVD on yoga and pilates for pregnant women, did a few times only.. then i went swimming a few times wif my hubby.. that's abt all i do. I heard pple say walk more often so can hav easier delivery.. so maybe u wanna walk more too..
Hello Eryannie!

Congrats on your bb boy!
Me too also having a bb boy and my EDD is 04/10/06.
Our EDD is quite near to each other hor...
Me now in 24th weeks liao...Haha...not only tummy getting bigger but also weight is getting heavier...
When is your next appointment with Dr Han?

Hello misaryeo,

Wow! U b able to carry your bb soon! So envy!!
Keke...so which package did u choose?
hi babybenmen,now getting aches here and there.. really wish time pass faster.. btw i choosing B1 ward.. only hav a1 and b1 to choose if u want dr han to deliver..
Hello Eryannie,

Opps! Sorry, i thought i read that your EDD is 06/10/06. My eyes playing tricks on me...keke...
My EDD is on the first week of Oct, so might deliver early like end of sept...
My next appointment with Dr Han is 21/06/06 at ang mo kio clinic. Wat about u?
Which clinic are u seeing Dr Han?
Nope, i dun exercise...too lazy...haha...
But will try to meet up and wif friends and go window shopping...Hope that counts as exercise...haha...

Hello misaryeo,

B1 ward is only two bedded right? Do u know how much it cost per day?
Have u decided on natural delivery or c-section?
I thought can choose 4-bedded and still request Dr Han to deliver for us? hmmm....
Hi Babybenmen,

My visit with Dr.Han is normally in KKH.Hahahha...window shopping is exercise ah...more of wallet exercise to me..

Hai yah, u also still deciding which pkg to take is it?
Hi babybenmen,

no lah.. B1 ward is 4 bedder.. forget how much it cost already.. :p I haven;t decide on going natural or c-section.. will see how bb cooperate..
Hello Eryannie,

yah lor...i also dunno wat package they have...
Wait until the nurse call me....

Hi misaryeo,

Oh, thanks for your infor. i thought B1 is 2-bedded.
You r having bb boy or bb girl?
hi babybenmen, yahlor.. waiting for the day to arrive.. abit sian lor.. nothign to play.. ahahhaa.. i know when bb arrive i'll think otherwise.. :p

i did engaged a massage lady recommended by my gf.. must massage lah... heard good for us and easier to slim down.. so die die also must do it..!
hello misaryeo,hahaha...yah agree...i also engaged one recommend from the forum.

btw, how often is your appointment nowadays? once every week or every 2 weeks?
Hi, mine has just been scheduled to every 2 weeks already...

btw i've just booked my b1 bed, here's wat i pay for those who are interested;

Average bill (for natural) is abt: $2880
Claimable from Medisave: $1700
Initial payment to pay:$1180
4 bedder cost for per ward charge is $171.70
Hi Misaryeo,

Thanks for your information!
Btw, wat is meant by 4 bedder cost for per ward at $171.70?
And does these charges include gynae delivery fee?
Is there anyone can comment about deliver at SGH? Me dun want to choose KKH coz my coll said the delivery bed is kinda hard for her unlike TMC delivery bed.
ur colleague's comment is the weirdest i have heard..
anyway i like very hard mattress like seahorse brand or any good brand mattress without latex padding so your colleague has made me decided to go KKH..
Hi babybenmen,
$171.70 is the charge for per day in the B1 ward. i think its inclusive of the gynae fee.. cos i was told the average bill is $2880 for natural.. so shld be included i think...
hello misaryeo,

went for my appointment last night and gyane ask me whether i know about the packages for delivery. I told him not yet and he showed me the packages list and explain to me the difference for each package. He also say to let him know which package i will be choosing at next appointment.

I saw that there are only A1 and B1 packages but is there a 2-bedded package as well?
I just booked the B1 ward last week but how come our average bill is different?? For mine
Average bill (for natural) is abt: $2520
Claimable from Medisave: $1700
Initial cash payment:$820

4 bedder cost for per day ward charge is $225.30

The average bill is inclusive of the gynae fee. My gynae is Dr John Tee.

B1 is 4 Bedded. A2 is 2 bedded.
Hello NOIF,

I check with the staff there and they say no more 2-bedded packages liao. Only A1 and B1 packages available. Should i check with my gynae instead?

Actually,from wat i understand is that claimable amount from Medisave for natural delivery is around S$1250. If our Medisave account has got over 6k, then we will be applicable for another S$ 450, which amounts to S$ 1700.
No, me go clinic A. Did not take the package.

Maybe the $1700 is included the $450/- ba.
hi gals...
believe u all are KKH patients.
ask u all ar... ur gynae got ask u all to go for at least 3 screening?
1) Check for risk of DS (btwn wk 11-14) ,
2) Serum Screening (wk 15-20)
3) Detail scan (wk 20)

I would like to know what is serum screening for? isit very necessary? how much does it costs? Isit done by own gynae or another attending doc?
Hi Jen,

Have done both (1) and (2). Doing (3) next week. Think the Serum Screening is for a more accurate assessment of the baby's risk of DS (more accurate than the first test). If i didn't remember wrongly, the Serum Screening cost 80+ and was done by the nurse in the treatment room.
Hi babybenmen, misaryeo, Eryannie!

I am a patient of Dr. Han too at AMK clinic! Now I am almost 20 weeks. I guess I will be the latest to deliver (in Nov) :) There was a tread on Dr Han but now inactive liao.

Really glad to see you gals on the forum to share tips!

I have so far only done DS scan and will be doing the detail scan in 2nd week July. Really excited to see how my bb is!

BTW, have you taken any blood test samples to test on HIV, Hypertitis AB etc? I miss mine as the doc & nurses overlooked.
Hi smiley,my experience with him wasnt so great thou.Now me in my 32wks, at first i thought it was juz his nature to be ''kan chong'' but looks like even till now he still is.Each time i visited him, i would take only 5mins....and what do you think we pay $53 for?Its juz 5mins of his time and all he does was to rush me to hear heartbeat, check my little booklet and thats it!!!! Worth or not the price?Never advise anything, never talk so much ....Sorry guys not to conderm him but really i am juz waiting for the day he do my delivery and if any problem arises, he's gonna get it from me!
i was really upset lor....i dont come from rich or well-to do family, but i decides to take him coz i am a first time mom and he is a senior consultant but it really sadden me thinking of his service...
Eryannie, just to let you know, my gyne is like that too. Also a senior consultant. I checked with my colleagues and generally, unless there's something wrong, if not they'll not say much. So sometimes I feel a little gon-gon when I leave the place. It's only in the last visit (7 months) that my gyne told me my baby's weight. Every thing is well...
Yah... my visit is also about 5 mins and I'm at the Private Suite.
Hi June,

Ya i am sure that if nothing goes wrong the doctor will let us leave. But the thing is when I ask questions it seems that he just not bother to answer,example:my baby's weight, position of my baby,etc.

Sorry to be off the topic but anyone here signed the antennatal package with KKH? Am seeing Dr. Tham and was wondering should I take up the package since its fully deductible from medisave.

Thanx in advance
Eryannie, I gathered that you're not satisfied with his answers? Like, didn't really answer your question is it? Really must pester him if you do not fully understand.

I asked my gyne about the position of my baby the last time. And she said, "The head is here, the hands and feet here. This is the back." I didn't even see them on the monitor! Aiyoh... and no print outs whatsoever.

My friend's gyne (at a private hospital) even gave her a proper card to keep the monthly scans!

I guess if the service is more humane, it'll be better for us. Like, think from our point of view esp. as a 1st time mother right?
Hi Linda,

May I know how come yours are fully deductible from medisave? I did enquire from KKH Patient Admission Centre and the lady told me we are sure very sure to fork out cash money for the antenatal package and delivery...the difference is only timing whether its during your checkup time(all those appointment your gynae made) OR right before your delivery time.(after those 9mths lor)Do not misunderstood that thru out your entire 9mths n delivery all are FOC then u will only get the bills right after ur baby is born.

Actually to be frank, services in KKH really make us headaches sometimes, its either not clear or its juz miscommunication.So do enquiry n ask n ask until u are satisfied....argue if u must coz its all our rights as patient.
Hi June,

Ya exactly...sometimes its just communication....erghh!! but its soooo difficult to get those clear communication from them.Just yesterday, I went for my 2wks checkup...i complained to him tt I have been having bad stomach pains sort of minor contraction, u know when i explain u know all the time he says was ''AH...ITS NORMAL'' ohhh gosh, he doesnt show any concern or empathise with me at all, you know being 1st timer mum, so worried and thats the answer I get....oh god! I feel like struggling him.Then next he ask me to wide open to see if my cervix had open-up...then he pocked his fingers.....it was so hard pocked , s#$t till the time I went back I can still feel it, man!

One more thing,
I did my bed booking just yesterday and guess what the moment I return to the clinic B to see my gynae he is gone....aiyoh! Luckily the nurse who is assisting him is there to give me my next appointment if not i wonders what happen next.

I bet I will never take him anymore...not in my another life, gal!
Hi Eryannie,

I was tokking abt the antennatal package only. There is one now with 10 appts + 10 urine test. Anything else is chargable. Extra tests, scans and the 1st consultation. But at least it covers the majority of the antennatal. Before the maternity package was implemented, everything have to be in cash.

When I delivered in Aug 2004 juz before the maternity package announcement, I put in a claim for the antennal visits with KKH right after the maternity package was implemented and I got a cheque for S$100++ from them! So it was quite a pleasant thinggy. Given $$ is much needed with another mouth to feed. :p

I believe the amt claimable for the antennatal and delivery is 2 seperate claims. Coz I received 2 different refunds from KKH for the antennatal and delivery.

Actually, the $$ thing with all hospitals are the same. Deposit required when u admit and final bill sent to u 30 days after u discharged. Thus refunds are quite common.

Eryannie, June,

If u feel unhappy with ur doctors, u should voice it out NICELY of coz. Juz tell him ur fears and such. Do bear in mind that they see tens of pregnant women in a day and at times they are numb from all the Q and A.

When I had my 1st kid, I told my doc straight out that I need more comforting answers rather than juz a 'don't worry, its normal' and a smile. :p

Eryannie, you're due for delivery soon right? Pray that you'll have a smooth, safe and short one! Then don't have to be bothered with those gyne visits already.
My gyne is still quite gentle. At least the time when she looked inside me, she was very sensitive and kept saying "sorry ah, just a while, just a while."
