麦考林/M18 Spree- premium quality clothes with super low price

Hi ekhoo (ekhoo)
Yes, still take order, pls confirm your order size is S, M or L?
1st payment for your item is $34, thanks!
Hi minny teo (miinnny2)
1st payment for your three items is $70, kindly advise size for your item#3, thanks!
Hi minny teo (miinnny2)
Noted with thanks. I will place order when order amt>2500rmb or M/Mar which is earlier, thank you!
Hi Hyacinth (hyacinth)
1st payment for your 5 items is $81, thanks!
Btw, the colour for your 3rd item is dark gray, right?
Hi Hyacinth (hyacinth)

1st payment for your 5 items is $81, thanks!
Btw, the color for your 3rd item is dark grey, right?
my order:

Item #1
Name:[欧梦达EUROMODA]麦考林 热卖超流行百搭裤
URL: http://list.m18.com/item/%e6%ac%a7%e6%a2%a6%e8%be%beEUROMODA-%e9%ba%a6%e8%80%83%e6%9e%97-%e7%83%ad%e5%8d%96%e8%b6%85%e6%b5%81%e8%a1%8c%e7%99%be%e6%90%ad%e8%a3%a4/408579644
Col: 普蓝
Size: S
Qty: 1
If OOS: 驼色
Price in RMB:67

Item 2:
Name: 欧梦达EUROMODA]麦考林 摩登都会W6蕾丝肩垫饰T恤
URL: http://list.m18.com/item/%e6%ac%a7%e6%a2%a6%e8%be%beEUROMODA-%e9%ba%a6%e8%80%83%e6%9e%97-%e6%91%a9%e7%99%bb%e9%83%bd%e4%bc%9aW6%e8%95%be%e4%b8%9d%e8%82%a9%e5%9e%ab%e9%a5%b0T%e6%81%a4/407033917
Col: Red
Size: M
Qty: 1
Price in RMB: 35

Total = (67+35) * 0.245 = S$25
Trans ref:10653976189

will email you my details. thanks!

My orders

1) [欧梦达EUROMODA]麦考林 热卖绚丽拼色针织连衣裙
URL: http://list.m18.com/item/欧梦达EUROMODA-麦考林-热卖绚丽拼色针织连衣裙/407033842
Col: 黑色
Size: L
Qty: 1
If OOS, drop.
Price: $39

2) [欧梦达EUROMODA]麦考林 热卖绚丽拼色针织连衣裙
URL: http://list.m18.com/item/欧梦达EUROMODA-麦考林-热卖绚丽拼色针织连衣裙/407033842
Col: 红条纹
Size: L
Qty: 1
If OOS, drop.
Price: $39

Total: $78 x 0.245 = $19.11
Normal mail
Email: [email protected]

Trans ref: 10656571063

Thank u!
Hi minny teo (miinnny2)
Noted, will order item#3 for you if the price less than 114.
For your additional order(item7), yes you can top up the diff $15.9, thanks!
Dear Qbabe,

Please take my order. Thanks.

Mecoxlane Loving Spring Veronika casual windbreaker
Colour : Emerald
Price :129
Size : L

Mecoxlane M creative elephant appliqué couple sweater (female)
Colour : Light Camel
Price : 99
Size : XL

Total : 129 + 99 = 228 x 0.245 = $55.86

To Account DBS Savings Plus
029-3-078841 Qbabe
Transfer Currency and Amount S$55.86
Transaction Reference 10677585312
Hi befanis (befanis)
For your item#2, blue S is oos,if you want to change to blue M or white S or drop?
For item#3, blue is oos, if you want to change to orange?
kindly let me know asap, thanks!

Hi KrnKrn (krn)
Your 1st payment is $30.1, thanks!

Hi blueberries (blueberries)
Your 1st payment is $77.6, thanks!
