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  1. R

    How long can DOM be kept?

    aiyoh, my FIL also gave me a couple of DOM that he kept for ages... I seriously dont feel like drinking it as I'm very against drinking stuffs that has been kept for long - but dun wan to offend him [IMG=]
  2. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    novi > dokter cuma bilang suruh makan teratur sih... mujmuj > ada minimum age nggak? Takutnya anakku kekecilan hehehehehehe...
  3. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    Minggu lalu ke dokter, beratku turun [IMG=] tapi untungnya anakku naik [IMG=] masalahnya aku nggak bisa minum susu karena jadi diare... Aku nggak ngambil CL soalnya di...
  4. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    Aku besok ke dokter, diliat babynya gimana. Terakhir itu babyku di 8th percentile [IMG=] Udah gitu 2 hari ini masuk angin n muntah2, gak bisa makan [IMG=] duuuhhhhh...
  5. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    Congrats yang bayinya udah keluar [IMG=] Aku udah 34 minggu, tapi kata gynae bayinya termasuk kecil, waterbagnya juga. Tapi yang penting active mestinya gpp. Aku masih santai-santai nih, belum nyiapin hospital bag &amp...
  6. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    WN > biasanya ikut bapaknya. Anakku ikut papanya yang Singaporean, sepupuku ikut omku (Malaysian) Sebenernya aku lahir di taon naga, tapi jujur aja kurang suka. Soalnya kalau pas pendaftaran sekolah, persaingannya lebih banyak...
  7. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    dokterku belum bilang apa-apa sih tapi aku masih 33 weeks. yizhen > baguslah kalau gynae kamu nggak ngecharge, jadi nggak usah bingung kayak aku [IMG=] Lupa nih aku udah nanya belum, ada mummies yang mau milk sample buat...
  8. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    novi > Rencananya beli Dwinguler. Hubby suka designnya Dwinguler sih hehehehehe.... Aku sebenernya lebih suka designnya LG yang ada world map tapi ukurannya besar banget gak tau bisa masuk rumahku kagak lol
  9. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    Gw ke expo kemarin liat mat. Tapi karena warranty-nya cuma 6 bulan (dan gw perlunya masih 5-6 bulan lagi) akhirnya kita pikir beli on the next fair aja deh. Ada booth pureen, tapi yang ini beliin buat anjing gw wet tissue :p Booth lainnya gitu-gitu aja sih.
  10. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    Wah, aku belum apa-apa udah minta epidural sama dokterku hahahaha... Soalnya aku juga paling anti sakit. Disuntik untuk ngambil darah aja heboh lol
  11. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    @ donate tapi bayar dokter fee > iya, tergantung dokternya sih... Public banking kalau mau dipake sendiri boleh diambil, tapi kemungkinan besar penyakit yang perlu cord blood itu nggak bisa pake cord blood sendiri so chances of using your own cord blood sebenernya kecil banget The problem...
  12. R

    (2011/06) June 2011

    wah lao now this thread become an advertisements thread =.="
  13. R

    (2011/06) June 2011

    my gynae actually told me that it's better to come out 1-2 weeks earlier cuz lesser complications and lesser trauma to the vagina lol very opposite opinion...
  14. R

    (2011/06) June 2011

    Eh mine also around that size during 29 weeks and my gynae said is good (it's bellow average but he said actually better - lesser complication)
  15. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    Dokterku charge fee 300 plus nih buat donate cord blood. Duh, padahal kita kan mau donate. Aku jadi bingung nih enaknya donate apa enggak cuz 300 plus is quite a lot of money [IMG=] Kalau free kan nggak usah mikir panjang. BTW ada...
  16. R

    (2011/06) June 2011

    matahari > im using johnson & johnson cuz that's what the instructor at mount alvernia uses (im going for mt a for my delivery & prenatal classes)
  17. R

    (2011/06) June 2011

    mobsie > nope. Cuz actually to be honest lah, i don't really buy the idea of confinement practice lol cuz like the red date tea... no way I can spend a month drinking that lol Cuz my mother and auntie also don't practice confinement herbal bath and the tea thingy and they are fine. Anyway I...
  18. R

    Any MTBs from Indonesia

    Aku kayaknya nggak join nih untuk yang kali ini, soalnya belakangan ini cape terus n ga enak badan [IMG=]
  19. R

    (2011/06) June 2011

    Most likely I'm going to use a normal bra, I dont intend to breastfeed for too long. Only during my maternity leave when most of the time I'm at home, can just remove my bra [IMG=] So far I tried a few brands but somehow they does...
  20. R

    (2011/06) June 2011

    Nowadays my neck pain getting worst, and now also upper arm pain [IMG=] very sad... I feel sian also to go to work. Anyone already plan when to start taking leave?
