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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    srumpee, my cousin-in-law's little boy didn't start talking until a few days ago. he's 26 months old and has german dad and a portuguese mum, and he goes to an american (international) kindergarten/nursery. fully trilingual the moment he opened his mouth to speak words/phrases. there is...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    Just to add, I haven't used naughty corner/step/chair/etc on him as he hadn't thrown any major rages/tantrums, but I for sure plan to utilise that method to its fullest potential if he decides to go down that route. hehe
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    Hi all, looooooooooong time no post here as life had been busy >_< About discipline at this age, I have only one person to recommend : SUPERNANNY!!! the site has video clips so u can see the demonstrations directly, instead of reading pages and pages of...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    Long time no log in. Hope everyone is well queenie, fruit. lots and lots. chop up into small pieces and make sure he gets at least the equivalent of a medium size peach/apple daily. fibrous veg? chop it up really finely and make sure there is plenty of liquid in the food too. quite a lot...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    papaya/missy, i agree with u on the independent bit but if a kid is bullying another kid, whether or not it is mine, i would intervene if their parent/s don't. this is not abt overprotection, but about appropriate behaviour - kids who bully others need to be taken into hand asap. i don't...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    mummy bean, well done on getting the police involved. people who abuse others deserve to get thrown in jail. poor woman. i hope they have no kids
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    vivian, What you describe abt stomach enlargement really only applies if one takes a huge volume at one time - two hours after some food already passed onwards. All tots at this age are like that - curious about everything, and wanna imitate people in doing things. Guess she (and all others...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    big congrats on your new little girl scrumpee
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    Mummy Bean, Don't worry - the more languages they need to assimilate of course the longer they take to grasp it The best is if they associate certain langauges with certain ppl eg Dad speaks english only, Mum speaks Chinese only, this grandfather speaks Chinese only etcetc Sooner or later...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    congrats to all mummies expecting no. 2/3!!! :D
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    mummybean, ya gotta be firm and not lose your temper/become impatient. now is the time they are seriously testing our limits, and they want any kind of reaction out of us, whether it's good or bad. the main thing is: if they do things to annoy you, don't raise your voice, don't show them you...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    missycandy, yep, in reality teething CAN have such high fever in some kiddos, as some of us have experienced but the point is that if he does suspect something else, he needs to state WHAT - did he see something in her ears/throat? did he do a urine dip and thinks she got a urine...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    cindy, nurofen is only dangerous in that it can induce asthma in those who have it, but even so it does not induce asthma in all asthmatics. asthma cannot be diagnosed before 3 years old btw...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    pinkdemoness, diapers won't make much of a diff - only covers his bum and groin. u can cover him with a thin blanket or a sheet but that is the maximum lah. any pharmacy shd sell ibuprofen, so shd be easily obtainable if your dr didn't give u any. i know it's hard, but don't stress...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    *15 mg/kg body weight for paracetamol - typo in prev post.
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    no lah they don't dip anyone in icy water. if they do, they are not fit to practice medicine/nursing.
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    pinkdemoness, 1) check the dose of the meds for fever. for paracetamol it is 15mg/kg per kg body weight every 6 hours is the correct dose. a lot of people follow the package instructions and underdose so it doesn't work. 2) if he is on the appropriate dose at the appropriate timings and...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    ivy, the only remotely useful thing about a neb is that it helps to loosen and thin out phlegm so that it can be more easily coughed up, and this is just the function of the water vapour - the meds in it and in inhalers only serve to widen the airways for those where they have been...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    reverie: phlegm into lung = pneumonia, which if the case will make bb pretty seriously unwell and usually needs hospitalisation. therefore, either the dr doesn't know what he is talking about, or doesn't know what he is doing. make sure bb gets lots of fluid and make sure he coughs it all...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    re: ear digging DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE ANY COTTON BUDS INSIDE EARS. The no. of people whom I have seen in my experience with babies/todds/kids and WORST of all - ADULTS - with cotton buds stuck, bleeding ear canals, YEARS worth of impacted earwax because a cotton bud just pushes...
