IVF/ICSI Support Group

oh your period hasn't returned since april?

i don't know what mentality i have! mine is a chromosome issue, so alot of my eggs are not chromosomally normal. but for my 2nd mc, when i did the karyotyping of the fetus after my dnc, we found that the baby actually had NORMAL chromosome!!! until now i'm still very puzzled as to why i still mc... feels like i wasted my precious good egg.
Yup, no period yet since the last bleed in April.
There's so many reasons to not being able to get BFP and even more reasons to why mc.. Sucks right
But tell yourself, eyes on the prize! Haha.. Today my hormones are crazy.. Talk so much

Wah u very brave.. After menses jab for how long before OR?
1st menses report call nurse... then day 21 start jabs. continue till 2nd menses come scan and if no cyst start stim jabs. no break. jab jab jab and jab till OR. haha all in all jab 1 month i think.
Hi fellow Nuh-er... I'm also with Nuh prof Wong! In fact did 2 fresh and 1 FET under him..

Actually my Friend did ask me whether I wanna change hosp and change doc for a change of luck.. I did ask myself too but I Guess there's so many things to consider. Like u need to repeat all the blood tests, go through Counselling in kkh etc etc..

I'm not sure whether I'm right to say that the the quality and quantity will more or less be the same even if we change doc as its all in our body to begin with.. Probably more adventurous doc will try different / higher dose after each failure.

Looking at your yield, u managed to extract 10 eggs which means the stimulation works for u! For both my fresh I only had 5-6 eggs retrieved.

However the number fertilised depends on the sperm and egg quality, which probably can be improved by supplement and diet change.. Maybe u can relook into how to improve the quality.

I have a coll who did under sf Loh.. She extracted 17 eggs! But end up none got fertilised! what can we say about that??

It's never easy.. I'm still grieving after my mc, but at the same time looking forward to my next fresh cycle.

Nonetheless, no matter where u choose to go for second cycle, stay positive! Only then you'll have positive results! :)
no need to repeat blood test.... if it is within 6 months. anyway Hep test and HIV test is for sure you will need to retest every 6 months as standard protocol de... all your blood tests can bring to other docs they can review. I am from private, changed to KK they took in all my tests also. Except counseling have to retake i think for hospitals.
I had repeated implantation failures despite transferring excellent or good grades embryos. While likely the embryos may not be chromosomally normal despite looking good, Dr Loh suggested to try intralipid as a prevention for potential immunology issues causing implantation failure as in any case, the treatment is low risk (non invasive and rare side effects).

thanks @DawnBB. so you didn't actually get tested for immunology issues? u just do it as a precaution?
Yup, no period yet since the last bleed in April.
There's so many reasons to not being able to get BFP and even more reasons to why mc.. Sucks right
But tell yourself, eyes on the prize! Haha.. Today my hormones are crazy.. Talk so much

haha i'm very happy, as i'm sure the other ladies are too, to learn from your experience though!! i'm on nor e now, 3 days to go! i got insomnia and am always hungry! did you have any side effects?
Hihi, my AMH is 5.41 ng/ml. FSH is 7.0 mIU/ml.

AFC is???

Is AMH and FSH normal? I'm told, it's ok. But is it good enough?

i have also always wonder what is good! but dr never commits to an answer. according to the range on the report, your normals are level!! and certainly better than mine. my amh is only 1.5 and fsh is 8.4. and i'm quite young!! so i think you're in a good position? mind sharing how old you are?
Dear ladies,

I'm new to this forum(my first post in fact). But I've reading the forum since late May and read backdated messages starting from those posted last year. It feels like I've know so many of you personally(like @DawnBB, @muff, @mesara, @towkayneo etc etc)..

Sharing a little of my background. I'm in my mid thirties. I reckoned that something is not right after trying for quite a while and decided to push hubby n I to go for a check. I'm not ovulating and have been on 4-5 rounds of clomid. But no BFP, not even a chance to do HPT. Menses come punctually with spotting prior to it.

I was then introduced to Prof PC Wong. He suggested IVF after looking at hubby's SA report. The same few issues like some of ur hubbys. I did mine in Apr-May, extracted 12 eggs, fertilized 10, 5 survived and transferred two "good"(only good, not excellent or very good), n froze one early blastocyst. One of the embryo is a compacting embryo(cells all mixed together), embryologist told me it's good. I only ended up in a chemical pregnancy.
I'm devastated and till now, I'm still crying every other day, wondering when and why no kid.

Reading this forum gives me courage. Seriously, courage. I'm happy for those who strike and left the chat group. I'm grateful to those that stayed behind to answer questions. It pains my heart to also know that there are more n more women in the same predicament as me.

At your advices, I added rainbow prenatal(1 tablet), 200 grams of CoQ10(for hubby and me, wonder if it's right dosage) and fish oil.

Next cycle likely in Nov-Dec. I decided to give KKH THH a try and made an appointment to see him in mid July.

Reason? I needed to extract more eggs.. At 50% elimination rate after ER, I'm so sad to know that I have 5 surviving embryos and only 3 made it at just good quality. Now I need to redo a fresh cycle. How I envy some ladies with 20-30 eggs(read one lady had 56 eggs), n having plenty of blastocysts n just keep doing FET. Time is running out for us, I need the eggs out... Prof is well known to be conservative n keep OHSS as low as possible(nurse told me, only 1% of his patients had OHSS).

I did ET with Dr Lim Ming Yu( or Yu Ming, can't remember cos I'm never too impressed by him.

Sorry for the long post. Keep going ladies! I hope all of us BFP in 2016..
I used to be like you, full of "why me"? I lead a relatively healthy lifestyle and after finally getting pregnant, it ended up in ectopic. I dived straight to IVF with THH and the 1st fresh failed - was shocked cos isn't IVF supposed to yield success? Realized that my Fallopian tube was the hindrance and got THH to snip it away. Got my 1st kid from FET (from last 2 frozen out of 8 usable embryos). I'm glad I did not "leave the last man behind"

Keep going. You just need to bite the bullet & march on with the "I will definitely bring a healthy baby home" when things just don't go your way at times. If you need to eat 6 egg whites per day, don't rant - you need to know why you are doing this in the first place
i have also always wonder what is good! but dr never commits to an answer. according to the range on the report, your normals are level!! and certainly better than mine. my amh is only 1.5 and fsh is 8.4. and i'm quite young!! so i think you're in a good position? mind sharing how old you are?

I'm 35 this year. I started with 12 follicles before stimulation. Then only increases to 14. Thus, we are wondering why only increase 2. Wonder if the dosage was low. Dunno if Prof purposely chose to give lower dosage to prevent OHSS. I'm given gonal F 225 units. Then certrotide(not sure if this is it, cos I'm reading off NUH bill) on 2nd week, ovdriel after ER and after ET(2 jabs).

Haiz, actually I don't care. We just need one miracle embryo to strike. Cost, waiting time, egg white are no longer a concern.

I only found out about this forum at end of 2ww.. Thus, I dived straight into IVF without drinking red bean soup, no egg white, no isotonic drink, no chicken essence and zero supplements except folic acid from NUH. I'm like, what did I miss out on, after reading this forum. I'm fortunate that lining turned out ok at 12mm, that's why a chance to be pregnant for a few days.

IVF seems to mess up my cycle. I'm usually 28-29 days cycle, this month(2nd menses after 1st IVF menses), it's 35 days. I'm like, this is crazy. One hit after another.
Dear ladies,

I'm new to this forum(my first post in fact). But I've reading the forum since late May and read backdated messages starting from those posted last year. It feels like I've know so many of you personally(like @DawnBB, @muff, @mesara, @towkayneo etc etc)..

Sharing a little of my background. I'm in my mid thirties. I reckoned that something is not right after trying for quite a while and decided to push hubby n I to go for a check. I'm not ovulating and have been on 4-5 rounds of clomid. But no BFP, not even a chance to do HPT. Menses come punctually with spotting prior to it.

I was then introduced to Prof PC Wong. He suggested IVF after looking at hubby's SA report. The same few issues like some of ur hubbys. I did mine in Apr-May, extracted 12 eggs, fertilized 10, 5 survived and transferred two "good"(only good, not excellent or very good), n froze one early blastocyst. One of the embryo is a compacting embryo(cells all mixed together), embryologist told me it's good. I only ended up in a chemical pregnancy.
I'm devastated and till now, I'm still crying every other day, wondering when and why no kid.

Reading this forum gives me courage. Seriously, courage. I'm happy for those who strike and left the chat group. I'm grateful to those that stayed behind to answer questions. It pains my heart to also know that there are more n more women in the same predicament as me.

At your advices, I added rainbow prenatal(1 tablet), 200 grams of CoQ10(for hubby and me, wonder if it's right dosage) and fish oil.

Next cycle likely in Nov-Dec. I decided to give KKH THH a try and made an appointment to see him in mid July.

Reason? I needed to extract more eggs.. At 50% elimination rate after ER, I'm so sad to know that I have 5 surviving embryos and only 3 made it at just good quality. Now I need to redo a fresh cycle. How I envy some ladies with 20-30 eggs(read one lady had 56 eggs), n having plenty of blastocysts n just keep doing FET. Time is running out for us, I need the eggs out... Prof is well known to be conservative n keep OHSS as low as possible(nurse told me, only 1% of his patients had OHSS).

I did ET with Dr Lim Ming Yu( or Yu Ming, can't remember cos I'm never too impressed by him.

Sorry for the long post. Keep going ladies! I hope all of us BFP in 2016..
Hi Amiee,

I did my first fresh with PC Wong and maybe cos I had pcos with high amh, PC wong was very conservative and gave me a low dose (150IU gonal F daily). I got 15 follicles retrieved and 8 of them make it to day 3 embryos. I did a fresh ET but had a chemical pregnancy.

My hubby and I didn't feel very comfortable with prof Wong so we decided to switch to private gyane and transfer the remaining embryos to TFC. We tried two more rounds of FET but all failed.

Then I decided to go for another fresh cycle. This time, my gynae increase my dose (300IU GF in first few days, then added on menopur and tapered off to 75IU towards the end). I got fantastic results with around 50 follicles retrieved and 20 make it to blastocysts. But I went to Bangkok for PGD so the fertility lab in Bangkok could be better than Singapore's. Or I could have loaded up on more supplements for my second fresh.

In any case, out of 20 blastocysts, only 15 are screened to be normal. I'm not sure if my hubby or I have any genetic issues (we never test in detail) but it probably shows that not all embryos are necessarily chromosomes normal even if you don't have existing genetic issues. I transferred two normal embryos and one stuck. I'm currently in my 23 week.

I just want to add that every doc has different views and protocols on what's best for the patient. So I'll say it might be a good choice to switch to Tan HH, perhaps he have a better affinity with you. All the best to you and jiayou!
I'm 35 this year. I started with 12 follicles before stimulation. Then only increases to 14. Thus, we are wondering why only increase 2. Wonder if the dosage was low. Dunno if Prof purposely chose to give lower dosage to prevent OHSS. I'm given gonal F 225 units. Then certrotide(not sure if this is it, cos I'm reading off NUH bill) on 2nd week, ovdriel after ER and after ET(2 jabs).

Haiz, actually I don't care. We just need one miracle embryo to strike. Cost, waiting time, egg white are no longer a concern.

I only found out about this forum at end of 2ww.. Thus, I dived straight into IVF without drinking red bean soup, no egg white, no isotonic drink, no chicken essence and zero supplements except folic acid from NUH. I'm like, what did I miss out on, after reading this forum. I'm fortunate that lining turned out ok at 12mm, that's why a chance to be pregnant for a few days.

IVF seems to mess up my cycle. I'm usually 28-29 days cycle, this month(2nd menses after 1st IVF menses), it's 35 days. I'm like, this is crazy. One hit after another.
Actually if possible, good to get more eggs cos perhaps some ladies may not realize this: some succeed on fresh cycle, but seems like many succeed on frozen cycles. You never know if you are inclined towards fresh or frozen unless you try. So if I were you, I will not go for the conservative method. Time is running out to keep sticking to that "1 good golden embryo" besides, govt grant only gives you 3 chances of fresh cycles.
IVF is more of trial & error & number game.
Hi Amiee,

I did my first fresh with PC Wong and maybe cos I had pcos with high amh, PC wong was very conservative and gave me a low dose (150IU gonal F daily). I got 15 follicles retrieved and 8 of them make it to day 3 embryos. I did a fresh ET but had a chemical pregnancy.

My hubby and I didn't feel very comfortable with prof Wong so we decided to switch to private gyane and transfer the remaining embryos to TFC. We tried two more rounds of FET but all failed.

Then I decided to go for another fresh cycle. This time, my gynae increase my dose (300IU GF in first few days, then added on menopur and tapered off to 75IU towards the end). I got fantastic results with around 50 follicles retrieved and 20 make it to blastocysts. But I went to Bangkok for PGD so the fertility lab in Bangkok could be better than Singapore's. Or I could have loaded up on more supplements for my second fresh.

In any case, out of 20 blastocysts, only 15 are screened to be normal. I'm not sure if my hubby or I have any genetic issues (we never test in detail) but it probably shows that not all embryos are necessarily chromosomes normal even if you don't have existing genetic issues. I transferred two normal embryos and one stuck. I'm currently in my 23 week.

I just want to add that every doc has different views and protocols on what's best for the patient. So I'll say it might be a good choice to switch to Tan HH, perhaps he have a better affinity with you. All the best to you and jiayou!

wow you had 50 follicles?? did you suffer OHSS?

also i am very curious about the pgd in bkk. so they send your blastocysts to bkk for testing and then send the chromosomally normal ones back? is it very expensive??
wow you had 50 follicles?? did you suffer OHSS?

also i am very curious about the pgd in bkk. so they send your blastocysts to bkk for testing and then send the chromosomally normal ones back? is it very expensive??
Hi happynods,

I suffer from mild OHSS, vomit abit and no appetite for 3 days after the ER. Good thing my doc trigger me using Lucrin which is better to prevent OHSS. Also I cannot do a fresh transfer then, due to risk of OHSS if BfP and also I need to wait for results of the PGD.

I actually did my stimm in Singapore and flew to Bangkok for the ER and ET on two separate occasions. I think Singapore is not allowed to import/export embryos but I heard that the embryos can be sent to/fro Malaysia for PGD now. However, I feel that embryos are very fragile and precious so I think it maybe quite risky to transport the embryos over such long distances.

PGD in Bangkok is not v ex leh... It's
$3,200 for the first 4 blastocysts and then $500 for each subsequent blastocyst... I was also quite surprised at my high egg retrieval/blastocysts count and end up paying a lot more than expected. But overall, the fees at Bangkok is perhaps about same price or cheaper as Singapore private gynae after taking into account airfare, accommodations and PGD with average no of blastocysts.
Agree! THH welcomes feedback & he's really genuine in helping his patients. Most of us bfp under him and some of us are his die-hard fans
Ya, I have read a lot in this forum about this Dr Handsome. He is apparently quite buddy with my gynae! I'm worried my pregnancy will have complications so I'll ask my gyane to recommend me to THH if I need to switch to public hospital to save $ for complications. Hehe, but of course hoping all goes well and I can just admire THH's pic on the Internet la.
Agree! THH welcomes feedback & he's really genuine in helping his patients. Most of us bfp under him and some of us are his die-hard fans

Dear ladies, a big thank you for your replies. A friend did tell me that Prof is very conservative in his protocol, so I should not be upset over 12 eggs. Actually, the nurses and doc(not prof) came into my room after ER happily and told me 12 eggs is a good yield and "so many eggs", but I guess, that's by NUH standard. I left hospital happily but realized things are not right after embryologist called the next day.

I'm now hopping that I ovulate on this cycle(which I think I did not) and cycle would go back to normal 28 days.

Btw, my TCM looked at my FSH and said that it's better to be about 5-6, not 7-8. So I should avoid Royal jelly, chicken neck, soy milk and chocolate including milo. I'm so Sianz. Nothing to drink Liao except warm water. No more cold drinks, no soya milk, no milo. Think I should not go for high tea, since can't drink tea, silly to drink milk n I doubt they serve Horlick.
Dear ladies, a big thank you for your replies. A friend did tell me that Prof is very conservative in his protocol, so I should not be upset over 12 eggs. Actually, the nurses and doc(not prof) came into my room after ER happily and told me 12 eggs is a good yield and "so many eggs", but I guess, that's by NUH standard. I left hospital happily but realized things are not right after embryologist called the next day.

I'm now hopping that I ovulate on this cycle(which I think I did not) and cycle would go back to normal 28 days.

Btw, my TCM looked at my FSH and said that it's better to be about 5-6, not 7-8. So I should avoid Royal jelly, chicken neck, soy milk and chocolate including milo. I'm so Sianz. Nothing to drink Liao except warm water. No more cold drinks, no soya milk, no milo. Think I should not go for high tea, since can't drink tea, silly to drink milk n I doubt they serve Horlick.

why avoid royal jelly? i read in many places and heard from many people it helps with ivf (improve egg quality) and even helps to lower the fsh levels.

which TCM do you go to?
Hihi, my AMH is 5.41 ng/ml. FSH is 7.0 mIU/ml.

AFC is???

Is AMH and FSH normal? I'm told, it's ok. But is it good enough?
Ya I think your values look ok..

Usually ladies who yield like 50 or even 20 over follicles are those with pcos, those with high AMH (Correct me if I'm wrong).. So if you're not pcos, unlikely u can yield that number..
Actually if possible, good to get more eggs cos perhaps some ladies may not realize this: some succeed on fresh cycle, but seems like many succeed on frozen cycles. You never know if you are inclined towards fresh or frozen unless you try. So if I were you, I will not go for the conservative method. Time is running out to keep sticking to that "1 good golden embryo" besides, govt grant only gives you 3 chances of fresh cycles.
IVF is more of trial & error & number game.
I agree shouldn't be conservative, that's why I did consider whether or not to switch to kkh. However I'm already on pretty high dose of stim.. Second fresh started with 300 gonal F, then increased to 375, can't rem if it was increased again.. For the next fresh prof Wong say will start with 300 gonal F, then day 6 he will add pergovaris.

Does the plan sound ok?

Ladies who had pergovaris, which day do you start?
Dear ladies, a big thank you for your replies. A friend did tell me that Prof is very conservative in his protocol, so I should not be upset over 12 eggs. Actually, the nurses and doc(not prof) came into my room after ER happily and told me 12 eggs is a good yield and "so many eggs", but I guess, that's by NUH standard. I left hospital happily but realized things are not right after embryologist called the next day.

I'm now hopping that I ovulate on this cycle(which I think I did not) and cycle would go back to normal 28 days.

Btw, my TCM looked at my FSH and said that it's better to be about 5-6, not 7-8. So I should avoid Royal jelly, chicken neck, soy milk and chocolate including milo. I'm so Sianz. Nothing to drink Liao except warm water. No more cold drinks, no soya milk, no milo. Think I should not go for high tea, since can't drink tea, silly to drink milk n I doubt they serve Horlick.
Is your Tcm at Clementi? He told me the same thing!
Ladies.. we are planning to start FET Ard sept... other than Coq10 and folic acid.. what else are you girls doing or taking to prepare for FET?

I am taking tcm meds also
thanks @DawnBB. so you didn't actually get tested for immunology issues? u just do it as a precaution?
Yup at that time I have not tested yet but I agree with doc's view that since this treatment is low risk and relatively low cost against the greater scheme of things (reproductive immunologic tests are very costly in 4-digits). My plan was to proceed with the testing under dr Sheila Vasoo if my last FET (would have been my 5th transfer) in Dec also failed.
Ladies.. we are planning to start FET Ard sept... other than Coq10 and folic acid.. what else are you girls doing or taking to prepare for FET?

I am taking tcm meds also

Hi ocling, Im also preparing for my FET which should be in Jul/Aug, depending on clearance from OHSS from dr. had been taking Coq10 and folate since preparing for the fresh cycle and added on Blackmores Conceive Well Gold recently. had also been drinking red date tea on alternate days, red bean soup and black soya milk...

I am new here. I've been under the care of Dr Ann Tan since last year March. She has been very caring. Initially, she may look cold and stern but actually she is just very serious about her work. Outside of work, she is actually a very warm person.

I just did my Egg Retrieval on 31st May. So far, I've got 5 embryos frozen. I had mild OHSS, felt super bloated. I was asked to take lots of egg white ( at least 6 a day). It definitely was a great reliever My friend says egg white in Milo works super awesome.

Currently, having my embryos frozen. I went for a transcervical op to clear some left over fibroids and to clear any scar abrasions from previous mymoetomy done last year. It's a waiting game. Hopefully, if all is well and Dr Ann feels my womb is ready, we will do the FET in August.

Some background, I had multiple operations to remove persistent fibroid growth that were in the cavity which resulted in a miscarriage 3 years ago. It also casued my lining to be really thin so it was challenging to have a baby. I am 30yrs old this year and have been trying for a little one for 3 years now.

Fingers crossed for the FET!

Hi dkyp007
I'm in quite a similar predicament. Initially thought I was about to embark on FET in mid July. Just saw gynae and he decided to have a heteroscopy to check out the fibroid that is sitting right in the middle of my womb cavity. It seemed to have grown in size the last 2 months due to the stimulation drugs from the IVF injections.. sigh. Like u, I'm now in a waiting game.. must first remove fibroid then can transfer sometime in Aug or even Sep. All the best to both of us!
Hi ocling, Im also preparing for my FET which should be in Jul/Aug, depending on clearance from OHSS from dr. had been taking Coq10 and folate since preparing for the fresh cycle and added on Blackmores Conceive Well Gold recently. had also been drinking red date tea on alternate days, red bean soup and black soya milk...

Seems like we are all doing the same thing while preparing for FET! Lots and lots of luck to all of us here waiting for FET!! Cindy hope u have received the raspberry tea leaves :) all the best to yrs in Jul/Aug!
I agree shouldn't be conservative, that's why I did consider whether or not to switch to kkh. However I'm already on pretty high dose of stim.. Second fresh started with 300 gonal F, then increased to 375, can't rem if it was increased again.. For the next fresh prof Wong say will start with 300 gonal F, then day 6 he will add pergovaris.

Does the plan sound ok?

Ladies who had pergovaris, which day do you start?

Hi, i started pergovaris on day 8 of stims cos gonal-f is not strong enough for me. This is my first fresh and i have 29 follies as of day 15 of stims. Pergovaris injection stings!
@xiaomyang am keen to know more abt er et n pgd in bkk and stim in Singapore. How is that done gal. Are u with tmc dr loh. And do u mind which hospital in bkk you did er. Which means all yr balance embryos are in bkk now?? Also if u don't mind can u pls share the cost of stim at sgd and er et pgd at bkk. Just rough estimate coz sister here mentioned 25k for pgd with ivf treatment at tmc. Would like to draw plan and get prepared for next cycle. Thanks alot.
@xiaomyang am keen to know more abt er et n pgd in bkk and stim in Singapore. How is that done gal. Are u with tmc dr loh. And do u mind which hospital in bkk you did er. Which means all yr balance embryos are in bkk now?? Also if u don't mind can u pls share the cost of stim at sgd and er et pgd at bkk. Just rough estimate coz sister here mentioned 25k for pgd with ivf treatment at tmc. Would like to draw plan and get prepared for next cycle. Thanks alot.

yes i would like to know too! i'm doing pgd at nuh. actually the cos t will vary depending on the number of embryos you need to test. in nuh i paid 5k deposit for the testing of up to 5 embryos. this doesn't include the extra embryologist costs which adds up to 2k plus. so it's at least addition 7k plus! nurse said that most pple pay about 10k plus more in the end.
Hi ocling, Im also preparing for my FET which should be in Jul/Aug, depending on clearance from OHSS from dr. had been taking Coq10 and folate since preparing for the fresh cycle and added on Blackmores Conceive Well Gold recently. had also been drinking red date tea on alternate days, red bean soup and black soya milk...

Wow that sounds like a lot of things! Thanks for the info... Shall slowly start one by one :)

Doing everything we can to have our little bundle of joy.

@cindy_chang all the best for your next FET. Lots of baby dust for you!
Hi, i started pergovaris on day 8 of stims cos gonal-f is not strong enough for me. This is my first fresh and i have 29 follies as of day 15 of stims. Pergovaris injection stings!
Wow 29 follies is a lot lei.. Initially u had how many when on gonal f alone?

In the end u have how many fertilised embryos? You're with which hosp? Sorry if I've asked before
yes i would like to know too! i'm doing pgd at nuh. actually the cos t will vary depending on the number of embryos you need to test. in nuh i paid 5k deposit for the testing of up to 5 embryos. this doesn't include the extra embryologist costs which adds up to 2k plus. so it's at least addition 7k plus! nurse said that most pple pay about 10k plus more in the end.
Gal who is yr gynea at nuh and have you done yr cycle with pgd. I haven't decide where to do my next fresh with pgd. Considering kkh dr tan HH , tmc dr loh, raffles dr thong Pao wen and nuh dr Stephen chew. Btw am seeing dr choolani for high risk pregnancy test and it's abt 4k. So once results out then can decide but meanwhile have to prepare $$$. If like xiaomyang said can stim here and pdg in bkk I also don't mind trying tat. But am not sure how many docs here will be willing for that kindof arrangement.
Gal who is yr gynea at nuh and have you done yr cycle with pgd. I haven't decide where to do my next fresh with pgd. Considering kkh dr tan HH , tmc dr loh, raffles dr thong Pao wen and nuh dr Stephen chew. Btw am seeing dr choolani for high risk pregnancy test and it's abt 4k. So once results out then can decide but meanwhile have to prepare $$$. If like xiaomyang said can stim here and pdg in bkk I also don't mind trying tat. But am not sure how many docs here will be willing for that kindof arrangement.

what will dr choolani test for? is it different from a normal miscarriage profiling? sometimes i feel like i rather just spend the money to get everything tested so i know that im not wasting any round of ivf.

i'm with pc wong. i am on nor e now, starting my stims on 7 july. i will update you on how my pgd goes!!

is there a reason why you need to do pgd?
what will dr choolani test for? is it different from a normal miscarriage profiling? sometimes i feel like i rather just spend the money to get everything tested so i know that im not wasting any round of ivf.

i'm with pc wong. i am on nor e now, starting my stims on 7 july. i will update you on how my pgd goes!!

is there a reason why you need to do pgd?
I believe it's like 40 tubes of blood test. Forall hormone levels immunology nk cells sticky blood vit d defiency and wat other nonsense I also don't knw haha. Haven't seen him yet ad waiting for mc to be complete and cycle to return.

I had 3 mcs with v good looking n growing embryos from kkh. Mine seems to be pointing to womb problem as I have adenomyosis. So the womb is hostile. I must find ways to shrink womb and make it calm for embryo to grow. That's first thing. Buy we also want to rule out any chromosome or embryo defects. So that's why have to do all the test ba. Karyotype will pick out chromosome issue but then pgd will check on each embryo to see if they are normal. U may pass karotype but still let's say retrieve 10 embryos maybe only 2 have normal chromosomes out of 10 even tho all can be grade 4. So that's when pgd helps. This is what I found out from sisters here. Also when I was bleeding at week 5 they scan and told me sac irregular shape so have a bit suspicion on embryo. That's why want to do all the test la. Dr choolani said he will try 80 percent for me to carry baby home. Remaining 20 percent is god's will. Which is true lor...there's only so much man can interfere with mother nature.
I believe it's like 40 tubes of blood test. Forall hormone levels immunology nk cells sticky blood vit d defiency and wat other nonsense I also don't knw haha. Haven't seen him yet ad waiting for mc to be complete and cycle to return.

I had 3 mcs with v good looking n growing embryos from kkh. Mine seems to be pointing to womb problem as I have adenomyosis. So the womb is hostile. I must find ways to shrink womb and make it calm for embryo to grow. That's first thing. Buy we also want to rule out any chromosome or embryo defects. So that's why have to do all the test ba. Karyotype will pick out chromosome issue but then pgd will check on each embryo to see if they are normal. U may pass karotype but still let's say retrieve 10 embryos maybe only 2 have normal chromosomes out of 10 even tho all can be grade 4. So that's when pgd helps. This is what I found out from sisters here. Also when I was bleeding at week 5 they scan and told me sac I regular shape so have a bit suspicion on embryo. That's why want to do all the test la. Dr choolani said he will try 80 percent for me to carry baby home. Remaining 20 percent is god's will. Which is true lor...there's only so much man can interfere with mother nature.

oh so sorry to hear about your losses and struggles.

yep, i did karyotype and found out my problem, so tts why need pgd! i read other forums in other countries, some people with my problem who do pgd end up having no normal embryos at all after pgd testing. oh boy )):

did your husband go for testing too?
oh so sorry to hear about your losses and struggles.

yep, i did karyotype and found out my problem, so tts why need pgd! i read other forums in other countries, some people with my problem who do pgd end up having no normal embryos at all after pgd testing. oh boy )):

did your husband go for testing too?
So far we never do any test. We never managed to get preggy natural but thru ivf got preggy thrice so thought got hope la. Also I did not have any follicles lining or embryo good grade issue. So we thought we are good. Now then end up knowing got so many underlying issues that cud contribute to mc. That's y we going for all test. Praying hard no more bad news.

Ya one sister who did pgd said she spend 25k got seven blast but after pgd only 1 normal and transfer and bfp. Should be prepared lor. It's all god's will. Keep knocking on god's door and mercy and blessing will be shown I believe.
I believe it's like 40 tubes of blood test. Forall hormone levels immunology nk cells sticky blood vit d defiency and wat other nonsense I also don't knw haha. Haven't seen him yet ad waiting for mc to be complete and cycle to return.

I had 3 mcs with v good looking n growing embryos from kkh. Mine seems to be pointing to womb problem as I have adenomyosis. So the womb is hostile. I must find ways to shrink womb and make it calm for embryo to grow. That's first thing. Buy we also want to rule out any chromosome or embryo defects. So that's why have to do all the test ba. Karyotype will pick out chromosome issue but then pgd will check on each embryo to see if they are normal. U may pass karotype but still let's say retrieve 10 embryos maybe only 2 have normal chromosomes out of 10 even tho all can be grade 4. So that's when pgd helps. This is what I found out from sisters here. Also when I was bleeding at week 5 they scan and told me sac irregular shape so have a bit suspicion on embryo. That's why want to do all the test la. Dr choolani said he will try 80 percent for me to carry baby home. Remaining 20 percent is god's will. Which is true lor...there's only so much man can interfere with mother nature.
You must remember every embryo is different so even if one cycle no good the next u may have embryos to transfer. I pray that this will be your bfp cycle. Be positive.
Gal who is yr gynea at nuh and have you done yr cycle with pgd. I haven't decide where to do my next fresh with pgd. Considering kkh dr tan HH , tmc dr loh, raffles dr thong Pao wen and nuh dr Stephen chew. Btw am seeing dr choolani for high risk pregnancy test and it's abt 4k. So once results out then can decide but meanwhile have to prepare $$$. If like xiaomyang said can stim here and pdg in bkk I also don't mind trying tat. But am not sure how many docs here will be willing for that kindof arrangement.
Hi mesera and happynods,

I believe doc Loh is one of the gynaes who does the stimm in Singapore and then ask you fly over to Malaysia/Thailand for the ER/PGD/FET. My gynae is Dr CT Yeong from Tow Yung Clinic. Let me try to go tabulate the estimate costs... I kinda discarded/misplaced all my bills already cos too heart pain to see/keep/remember.... But I got the price list for BkK which I will dig out for you guys later ok.

I'm a strong advocate for PGD cos it worked for me. I had 3 occasions of ET with beautiful embryos and prefect triple linings but all resulted in implantation failure. And with PGD, you can select only normal embryos to put in which highly increase the success rate. You can even choose the gender if there are normal embryos for both male and female. Many other couples go there for PGD purely for gender selection. I did not identify the gender for my normal embryos cos of personal beliefs though.

One note is that you'll need to produce quite a lot of follicles in order to have some blastocysts for PGD testing so also depends on your AMH and the right stimm protocol/dosage. But as long as can have one normal blastocyst at end of the day, it could be the "golden" embryo already!
I agree shouldn't be conservative, that's why I did consider whether or not to switch to kkh. However I'm already on pretty high dose of stim.. Second fresh started with 300 gonal F, then increased to 375, can't rem if it was increased again.. For the next fresh prof Wong say will start with 300 gonal F, then day 6 he will add pergovaris.

Does the plan sound ok?

Ladies who had pergovaris, which day do you start?
Day 6 for me too :)
So far we never do any test. We never managed to get preggy natural but thru ivf got preggy thrice so thought got hope la. Also I did not have any follicles lining or embryo good grade issue. So we thought we are good. Now then end up knowing got so many underlying issues that cud contribute to mc. That's y we going for all test. Praying hard no more bad news.

Ya one sister who did pgd said she spend 25k got seven blast but after pgd only 1 normal and transfer and bfp. Should be prepared lor. It's all god's will. Keep knocking on god's door and mercy and blessing will be shown I believe.

i also got pregnant twice naturally then mc. the second mc, i tested my embryo and it was normal no issues at all! but i still mc! so wondering if i have other issues also.

yup, i agree we read all forums and try everything, but ultimately only God can bless us with a baby!

hope your tests with dr choolani turn out ok!
Hi mesera and happynods,

I believe doc Loh is one of the gynaes who does the stimm in Singapore and then ask you fly over to Malaysia/Thailand for the ER/PGD/FET. My gynae is Dr CT Yeong from Tow Yung Clinic. Let me try to go tabulate the estimate costs... I kinda discarded/misplaced all my bills already cos too heart pain to see/keep/remember.... But I got the price list for BkK which I will dig out for you guys later ok.

I'm a strong advocate for PGD cos it worked for me. I had 3 occasions of ET with beautiful embryos and prefect triple linings but all resulted in implantation failure. And with PGD, you can select only normal embryos to put in which highly increase the success rate. You can even choose the gender if there are normal embryos for both male and female. Many other couples go there for PGD purely for gender selection. I did not identify the gender for my normal embryos cos of personal beliefs though.

One note is that you'll need to produce quite a lot of follicles in order to have some blastocysts for PGD testing so also depends on your AMH and the right stimm protocol/dosage. But as long as can have one normal blastocyst at end of the day, it could be the "golden" embryo already!

do u have normal amh and fsh levels? cos my amh is considered low.
Hi mesera and happynods,

I believe doc Loh is one of the gynaes who does the stimm in Singapore and then ask you fly over to Malaysia/Thailand for the ER/PGD/FET. My gynae is Dr CT Yeong from Tow Yung Clinic. Let me try to go tabulate the estimate costs... I kinda discarded/misplaced all my bills already cos too heart pain to see/keep/remember.... But I got the price list for BkK which I will dig out for you guys later ok.

I'm a strong advocate for PGD cos it worked for me. I had 3 occasions of ET with beautiful embryos and prefect triple linings but all resulted in implantation failure. And with PGD, you can select only normal embryos to put in which highly increase the success rate. You can even choose the gender if there are normal embryos for both male and female. Many other couples go there for PGD purely for gender selection. I did not identify the gender for my normal embryos cos of personal beliefs though.

One note is that you'll need to produce quite a lot of follicles in order to have some blastocysts for PGD testing so also depends on your AMH and the right stimm protocol/dosage. But as long as can have one normal blastocyst at end of the day, it could be the "golden" embryo already!
I totally agree with you as I have experienced 4 repeated implantation failures with excellent grade embryos so was determined to do next Ivf with pgd at Dr Wiwat's clinic in BKk if my last FET in Dec didn't work. I was so devastated that I even made appointments with Dr Wiwat and Dr Sheila Vasoo even before my 2ww ended. Sometimes we just want to try all means, persevere on and all in hope of succeeding in carrying a viable pregnancy within our womb one day. Don't give up ladies, Jia you k!
@xiaomyang is there a queue at bkk clinic. Did dr loh link u up. Coz am not sure if kkh or other private docs will allow this. Pgd here v le che alot of paper work and takes time. Hiw abt in bkk. How they schedule er and do u do fet as it's pgd or fresh et.
Wow 29 follies is a lot lei.. Initially u had how many when on gonal f alone?

In the end u have how many fertilised embryos? You're with which hosp? Sorry if I've asked before

Im with pc wong. I started off with 22 follies. But gonal-f didnt help the follies grow to ideal size and my hormones level still low, so add in pergoveris. Next visit 4 days later, the sizes all catch up le. Lucky it works, else not worth the pain, i hate pergo jabs. My OR is this coming sat :) will keep u update. I am not expecting alot of mature eggs cos my follies size as of ytd range from 14-17.
It's similar to being injected with a needle on the back of your hand for intravenous drip (like the injection for the sedation) then they hook up to the bottle. As the liquid flow into your vein, it feels a little cold and tingling sensation. I would say bearable. Depending on the speed of the flow into your vein, it takes about 20-30min for est 100ml.
For the sake of future baby, no matter how unbearable, I will try it after seeking Dr's advise.
