IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi michelle_baby,your story is encouraging. Besides less stress to yourself, Can share if you or hubby did any changes to your diet or go tcm for this bfp?

My hubby did nothing for all ivf cycles (cos he doesnt hv any issue) as for me i did acupuncture for all my previous cycles, drink chinese medicine.. but still bfn. So for my success cycle i decided to do nothing... but started to consume royal jelly 3 mths before i started my 4th cycle. Somehow i feel royal jelly does help me in 1 way or another. Hope this info help u... Gd luck...

My hubby did nothing for all ivf cycles (cos he doesnt hv any issue) as for me i did acupuncture for all my previous cycles, drink chinese medicine.. but still bfn. So for my success cycle i decided to do nothing... but started to consume royal jelly 3 mths before i started my 4th cycle. Somehow i feel royal jelly does help me in 1 way or another. Hope this info help u... Gd luck...
Thank you so much for sharing n yr good wishes. Did u do endo scratch for this bfp? Enjoy yr pregnancy n motherhood. :)
Need to ask the experienced sisters here...
Did anyone experienced having earlier menses due to the endo-scratch? Instead of having ~27days cycle, mine came earlier by two days! When I ask the doctor, he said its normal as it could be due to the scratch.
Ya, kind of normal. Just stay chill.
How many sisters were on a few short protocol cycles and changed to long protocol and succeeded? I'm on short protocol 4 cycles. Longest is on a month birth control pill then start stims.
Hi Muff, i was on short cycle and it only yielded 1 egg despite many follicles during scans...and that 1 egg was poor quality canot do et :( so dr tan changed to long protocol and the results was very good with 34 eggs and ohss caught me.. So fet 2 mths later in april and BFP.
Hi Muff, i was on short cycle and it only yielded 1 egg despite many follicles during scans...and that 1 egg was poor quality canot do et :( so dr tan changed to long protocol and the results was very good with 34 eggs and ohss caught me.. So fet 2 mths later in april and BFP.
What's your AFC during your baseline scan?

I am new here. I've been under the care of Dr Ann Tan since last year March. She has been very caring. Initially, she may look cold and stern but actually she is just very serious about her work. Outside of work, she is actually a very warm person.

I just did my Egg Retrieval on 31st May. So far, I've got 5 embryos frozen. I had mild OHSS, felt super bloated. I was asked to take lots of egg white ( at least 6 a day). It definitely was a great reliever My friend says egg white in Milo works super awesome.

Currently, having my embryos frozen. I went for a transcervical op to clear some left over fibroids and to clear any scar abrasions from previous mymoetomy done last year. It's a waiting game. Hopefully, if all is well and Dr Ann feels my womb is ready, we will do the FET in August.

Some background, I had multiple operations to remove persistent fibroid growth that were in the cavity which resulted in a miscarriage 3 years ago. It also casued my lining to be really thin so it was challenging to have a baby. I am 30yrs old this year and have been trying for a little one for 3 years now.

Fingers crossed for the FET!

I am new here. I've been under the care of Dr Ann Tan since last year March. She has been very caring. Initially, she may look cold and stern but actually she is just very serious about her work. Outside of work, she is actually a very warm person.

I just did my Egg Retrieval on 31st May. So far, I've got 5 embryos frozen. I had mild OHSS, felt super bloated. I was asked to take lots of egg white ( at least 6 a day). It definitely was a great reliever My friend says egg white in Milo works super awesome.

Currently, having my embryos frozen. I went for a transcervical op to clear some left over fibroids and to clear any scar abrasions from previous mymoetomy done last year. It's a waiting game. Hopefully, if all is well and Dr Ann feels my womb is ready, we will do the FET in August.

Some background, I had multiple operations to remove persistent fibroid growth that were in the cavity which resulted in a miscarriage 3 years ago. It also casued my lining to be really thin so it was challenging to have a baby. I am 30yrs old this year and have been trying for a little one for 3 years now.

Fingers crossed for the FET!
Good luck!
I just finished my review with thh after hsg test. He also told me the same that though tube is normal doesn't mean function is working. But he's not going to remove my tube strangely, he started to ask me if I want to try long protocol though it was on my discussion list liao haha. I told him I'm ok. nothing to lose and he said no harm trying since I'm on short protocol for 4 cycles. 2 weeks jab then menses arrives and jabs till ER.
I just finished my review with thh after hsg test. He also told me the same that though tube is normal doesn't mean function is working. But he's not going to remove my tube strangely, he started to ask me if I want to try long protocol though it was on my discussion list liao haha. I told him I'm ok. nothing to lose and he said no harm trying since I'm on short protocol for 4 cycles. 2 weeks jab then menses arrives and jabs till ER.
Wah u very brave.. After menses jab for how long before OR?
Dear ladies,

I'm new to this forum(my first post in fact). But I've reading the forum since late May and read backdated messages starting from those posted last year. It feels like I've know so many of you personally(like @DawnBB, @muff, @mesara, @towkayneo etc etc)..

Sharing a little of my background. I'm in my mid thirties. I reckoned that something is not right after trying for quite a while and decided to push hubby n I to go for a check. I'm not ovulating and have been on 4-5 rounds of clomid. But no BFP, not even a chance to do HPT. Menses come punctually with spotting prior to it.

I was then introduced to Prof PC Wong. He suggested IVF after looking at hubby's SA report. The same few issues like some of ur hubbys. I did mine in Apr-May, extracted 12 eggs, fertilized 10, 5 survived and transferred two "good"(only good, not excellent or very good), n froze one early blastocyst. One of the embryo is a compacting embryo(cells all mixed together), embryologist told me it's good. I only ended up in a chemical pregnancy.
I'm devastated and till now, I'm still crying every other day, wondering when and why no kid.

Reading this forum gives me courage. Seriously, courage. I'm happy for those who strike and left the chat group. I'm grateful to those that stayed behind to answer questions. It pains my heart to also know that there are more n more women in the same predicament as me.

At your advices, I added rainbow prenatal(1 tablet), 200 grams of CoQ10(for hubby and me, wonder if it's right dosage) and fish oil.

Next cycle likely in Nov-Dec. I decided to give KKH THH a try and made an appointment to see him in mid July.

Reason? I needed to extract more eggs.. At 50% elimination rate after ER, I'm so sad to know that I have 5 surviving embryos and only 3 made it at just good quality. Now I need to redo a fresh cycle. How I envy some ladies with 20-30 eggs(read one lady had 56 eggs), n having plenty of blastocysts n just keep doing FET. Time is running out for us, I need the eggs out... Prof is well known to be conservative n keep OHSS as low as possible(nurse told me, only 1% of his patients had OHSS).

I did ET with Dr Lim Ming Yu( or Yu Ming, can't remember cos I'm never too impressed by him.

Sorry for the long post. Keep going ladies! I hope all of us BFP in 2016..
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Dear ladies,

I'm new to this forum(my first post in fact). But I've reading the forum since late May and read backdated messages starting from those posted last year. It feels like I've know so many of you personally(like @DawnBB, @muff, @mesara, @towkayneo etc etc)..

Sharing a little of my background. I'm in my mid thirties. I reckoned that something is not right after trying for quite a while and decided to push hubby n I to go for a check. I'm not ovulating and have been on 4-5 rounds of clomid. But no BFP, not even a chance to do HPT. Menses come punctually with spotting prior to it.

I was then introduced to Prof PC Wong. He suggested IVF after looking at hubby's SA report. The same few issues like some of ur hubbys. I did mine in Apr-May, extracted 12 eggs, fertilized 10, 5 survived and transferred two "good"(only good, not excellent or very good), n froze one early blastocyst. One of the embryo is a compacting embryo(cells all mixed together), embryologist told me it's good. I only ended up in a chemical pregnancy.
I'm devastated and till now, I'm still crying every other day, wondering when and why no kid.

Reading this forum gives me courage. Seriously, courage. I'm happy for those who strike and left the chat group. I'm grateful to those that stayed behind to answer questions. It pains my heart to also know that there are more n more women in the same predicament as me.

At your advices, I added rainbow prenatal(1 tablet), 200 grams of CoQ10(for hubby and me, wonder if it's right dosage) and fish oil.

Next cycle likely in Nov-Dec. I decided to give KKH THH a try and made an appointment to see him in mid July.

Reason? I needed to extract more eggs.. At 50% elimination rate after ER, I'm so sad to know that I have 5 surviving embryos and only 3 made it at just good quality. Now I need to redo a fresh cycle. How I envy some ladies with 20-30 eggs(read one lady had 56 eggs), n having plenty of blastocysts n just keep doing FET. Time is running out for us, I need the eggs out... Prof is well known to be conservative n keep OHSS as low as possible(nurse told me, only 1% of his patients had OHSS).

I did ER with Dr Lim Ming Yu( or Yu Ming, can't remember cos I'm never too impressed by him.

Sorry for the long post. Keep going ladies! I hope all of us BFP in 2016..
Hi fellow Nuh-er... I'm also with Nuh prof Wong! In fact did 2 fresh and 1 FET under him..

Actually my Friend did ask me whether I wanna change hosp and change doc for a change of luck.. I did ask myself too but I Guess there's so many things to consider. Like u need to repeat all the blood tests, go through Counselling in kkh etc etc..

I'm not sure whether I'm right to say that the the quality and quantity will more or less be the same even if we change doc as its all in our body to begin with.. Probably more adventurous doc will try different / higher dose after each failure.

Looking at your yield, u managed to extract 10 eggs which means the stimulation works for u! For both my fresh I only had 5-6 eggs retrieved.

However the number fertilised depends on the sperm and egg quality, which probably can be improved by supplement and diet change.. Maybe u can relook into how to improve the quality.

I have a coll who did under sf Loh.. She extracted 17 eggs! But end up none got fertilised! what can we say about that??

It's never easy.. I'm still grieving after my mc, but at the same time looking forward to my next fresh cycle.

Nonetheless, no matter where u choose to go for second cycle, stay positive! Only then you'll have positive results! :)
Dear ladies,

I'm new to this forum(my first post in fact). But I've reading the forum since late May and read backdated messages starting from those posted last year. It feels like I've know so many of you personally(like @DawnBB, @muff, @mesara, @towkayneo etc etc)..

Sharing a little of my background. I'm in my mid thirties. I reckoned that something is not right after trying for quite a while and decided to push hubby n I to go for a check. I'm not ovulating and have been on 4-5 rounds of clomid. But no BFP, not even a chance to do HPT. Menses come punctually with spotting prior to it.

I was then introduced to Prof PC Wong. He suggested IVF after looking at hubby's SA report. The same few issues like some of ur hubbys. I did mine in Apr-May, extracted 12 eggs, fertilized 10, 5 survived and transferred two "good"(only good, not excellent or very good), n froze one early blastocyst. One of the embryo is a compacting embryo(cells all mixed together), embryologist told me it's good. I only ended up in a chemical pregnancy.
I'm devastated and till now, I'm still crying every other day, wondering when and why no kid.

Reading this forum gives me courage. Seriously, courage. I'm happy for those who strike and left the chat group. I'm grateful to those that stayed behind to answer questions. It pains my heart to also know that there are more n more women in the same predicament as me.

At your advices, I added rainbow prenatal(1 tablet), 200 grams of CoQ10(for hubby and me, wonder if it's right dosage) and fish oil.

Next cycle likely in Nov-Dec. I decided to give KKH THH a try and made an appointment to see him in mid July.

Reason? I needed to extract more eggs.. At 50% elimination rate after ER, I'm so sad to know that I have 5 surviving embryos and only 3 made it at just good quality. Now I need to redo a fresh cycle. How I envy some ladies with 20-30 eggs(read one lady had 56 eggs), n having plenty of blastocysts n just keep doing FET. Time is running out for us, I need the eggs out... Prof is well known to be conservative n keep OHSS as low as possible(nurse told me, only 1% of his patients had OHSS).

I did ET with Dr Lim Ming Yu( or Yu Ming, can't remember cos I'm never too impressed by him.

Sorry for the long post. Keep going ladies! I hope all of us BFP in 2016..

Hi fellow Nuh-er... I'm also with Nuh prof Wong! In fact did 2 fresh and 1 FET under him..

Actually my Friend did ask me whether I wanna change hosp and change doc for a change of luck.. I did ask myself too but I Guess there's so many things to consider. Like u need to repeat all the blood tests, go through Counselling in kkh etc etc..

I'm not sure whether I'm right to say that the the quality and quantity will more or less be the same even if we change doc as its all in our body to begin with.. Probably more adventurous doc will try different / higher dose after each failure.

Looking at your yield, u managed to extract 10 eggs which means the stimulation works for u! For both my fresh I only had 5-6 eggs retrieved.

However the number fertilised depends on the sperm and egg quality, which probably can be improved by supplement and diet change.. Maybe u can relook into how to improve the quality.

I have a coll who did under sf Loh.. She extracted 17 eggs! But end up none got fertilised! what can we say about that??

It's never easy.. I'm still grieving after my mc, but at the same time looking forward to my next fresh cycle.

Nonetheless, no matter where u choose to go for second cycle, stay positive! Only then you'll have positive results! :)
Keep the spirit on. We will strike jackpot 1 day :)
Hi fellow Nuh-er... I'm also with Nuh prof Wong! In fact did 2 fresh and 1 FET under him..

Actually my Friend did ask me whether I wanna change hosp and change doc for a change of luck.. I did ask myself too but I Guess there's so many things to consider. Like u need to repeat all the blood tests, go through Counselling in kkh etc etc..

I'm not sure whether I'm right to say that the the quality and quantity will more or less be the same even if we change doc as its all in our body to begin with.. Probably more adventurous doc will try different / higher dose after each failure.

Looking at your yield, u managed to extract 10 eggs which means the stimulation works for u! For both my fresh I only had 5-6 eggs retrieved.

However the number fertilised depends on the sperm and egg quality, which probably can be improved by supplement and diet change.. Maybe u can relook into how to improve the quality.

I have a coll who did under sf Loh.. She extracted 17 eggs! But end up none got fertilised! what can we say about that??

It's never easy.. I'm still grieving after my mc, but at the same time looking forward to my next fresh cycle.

Nonetheless, no matter where u choose to go for second cycle, stay positive! Only then you'll have positive results! :)

Hihi, I'm seriously torn over to stick to Prof or not. The wait at NUH and location of NUH is simply optimal for me. The other ladies who are with KKH mentioned that they had to spend half a day at each KKH visit. Really time consuming but if I want a baby, I'll just do it.

I went to Prof with reports from private gynea and prof did not request for me to redo it. Guess we need to do the counseling at KKH cos NUH is not compulsory.

Not sure what other tests to do. Think I'll speak to Dr THH and find out if there's higher chance for me to extract more eggs. At least more than 20.

Btw, I'm also one of those with high right ovary which prof found out when we start stimulation. I was so worried, but the ovary came down at the last min after GA n I managed to extract 8 eggs from it. Can't imagine if Prof can't extract, then maybe not even a chance to do ET.
My 2 cents thought, more eggs isn't necessarily better. You're at higher risk of ohss when hv more than 15 eggs (KKH told me this on Tuesday) and quality is always better than quantity. I had 14 - 16 eggs in my first cycle but only could implant 5 in the end over one fresh n 2 FET cycles. Fresh and one fet resulted in mc at 8 - 10 weeks.
Now waiting for ET tomorrow and this cycle thh has prescribed me saizen to improve quality.
Hihi, I'm seriously torn over to stick to Prof or not. The wait at NUH and location of NUH is simply optimal for me. The other ladies who are with KKH mentioned that they had to spend half a day at each KKH visit. Really time consuming but if I want a baby, I'll just do it.

I went to Prof with reports from private gynea and prof did not request for me to redo it. Guess we need to do the counseling at KKH cos NUH is not compulsory.

Not sure what other tests to do. Think I'll speak to Dr THH and find out if there's higher chance for me to extract more eggs. At least more than 20.

Btw, I'm also one of those with high right ovary which prof found out when we start stimulation. I was so worried, but the ovary came down at the last min after GA n I managed to extract 8 eggs from it. Can't imagine if Prof can't extract, then maybe not even a chance to do ET.
Do u mind sharing what's your Amh or fsh levels? Any idea what was your AFC during baseline scan?
My 2 cents thought, more eggs isn't necessarily better. You're at higher risk of ohss when hv more than 15 eggs (KKH told me this on Tuesday) and quality is always better than quantity. I had 14 - 16 eggs in my first cycle but only could implant 5 in the end over one fresh n 2 FET cycles. Fresh and one fet resulted in mc at 8 - 10 weeks.
Now waiting for ET tomorrow and this cycle thh has prescribed me saizen to improve quality.
Hi, did u find saizen improved your egg quality? What other stim drugs were u on?
My 2 cents thought, more eggs isn't necessarily better. You're at higher risk of ohss when hv more than 15 eggs (KKH told me this on Tuesday) and quality is always better than quantity. I had 14 - 16 eggs in my first cycle but only could implant 5 in the end over one fresh n 2 FET cycles. Fresh and one fet resulted in mc at 8 - 10 weeks.
Now waiting for ET tomorrow and this cycle thh has prescribed me saizen to improve quality.

Thank you for your advice. I really need to find out more before deciding on a change of not. Seriously, I hope I can strike under NUH. Prof n his team of nurses are just so good. The nurses will definitely return your calls n even tried alleviate all your concerns.

I'll keep reading up n hopefully there are more ladies who can give me advices too. Meanwhile, I'll stick to TCM, acupuncture and supplements. Hopefully a miracle strike like in many IVF fairy tales.
Thank you for your advice. I really need to find out more before deciding on a change of not. Seriously, I hope I can strike under NUH. Prof n his team of nurses are just so good. The nurses will definitely return your calls n even tried alleviate all your concerns.

I'll keep reading up n hopefully there are more ladies who can give me advices too. Meanwhile, I'll stick to TCM, acupuncture and supplements. Hopefully a miracle strike like in many IVF fairy tales.
I totally understand. Initially we also thought to switch so went for consultation with sf Loh. But we don't feel comfortable with him. Still prefer thh.
Isit very painful? So overall u only hv two sessions right?
It's similar to being injected with a needle on the back of your hand for intravenous drip (like the injection for the sedation) then they hook up to the bottle. As the liquid flow into your vein, it feels a little cold and tingling sensation. I would say bearable. Depending on the speed of the flow into your vein, it takes about 20-30min for est 100ml.
@Mrs Chan00 sorry to hear that. On 20 June I went to see dr loh and he scanned and dated me 5wk2d and can see sac. On 21 Jun abt 2am I had heavy bleed. Then on 21 Jun I went mount E where they did scan and still saw sac and dr also said sac looks irregular shape. Then I came home abt 4pm pass out clot. When I saw Dr tan on 24 jun he did scan and could not find anything. So I believe expelled liao. Dr tan said Wait for natural mc and take antibiotics. Am going for hcg again at dr choolani thu sat. Think the progesterone has to wear off before af.
Mesara... am sorry to hear about your loss. Like u... this is my 3rd pregnancy loss. Mc before start ivf.. 1st fresh ectopic and now mc again. I will update u more after my review on Fri. Meanwhile u take good care *Hugs*
It is a measure to counter possibly elevated NK cells (autoimmune disorder) in the womb which abnormally attack the embryo.
I did my intralipid infusion treatments at dr Loh's O&G Specialist Clinic at TMC. Per session of about 100ml is about $200+. I would need to have one session a few days before ET or on same day as ET after ET, then when confirmed bfp, one more session at week 6. I read some patients may require more sessions beyond that depending on doc's advice. However I'm not sure as to which conditions are not suitable for this treatment.

A good read - http://haveababy.com/fertility-information/ivf-authority/unexplained-infertility-and-ivf-failure

hello @DawnBB sorry if you already discussed it but i cant find it scrolling backwards, too many msgs!! can you share with me why you decided to go for this intralipid infusion? thank you!
Yes of cos going to continue! Now still waiting for my period to come after the previous mc then can plan from there.. Likely around in sept?

ok this is my first ivf cycle and the thought of it makes me very nervous cos there are so many uncertainties, but knowing that so many of you here are still so positive and willing to continue, i tell myself the ivf process can't be that bad!! thanks for the positivity!
My 2 cents thought, more eggs isn't necessarily better. You're at higher risk of ohss when hv more than 15 eggs (KKH told me this on Tuesday) and quality is always better than quantity. I had 14 - 16 eggs in my first cycle but only could implant 5 in the end over one fresh n 2 FET cycles. Fresh and one fet resulted in mc at 8 - 10 weeks.
Now waiting for ET tomorrow and this cycle thh has prescribed me saizen to improve quality.
@MichNg... I agree. Quality over quantity! All the best for your ET tmr.
ok this is my first ivf cycle and the thought of it makes me very nervous cos there are so many uncertainties, but knowing that so many of you here are still so positive and willing to continue, i tell myself the ivf process can't be that bad!! thanks for the positivity!
I still rem when I was doing my first fresh, I went in thinking sure strike de la! End up bfn.. Super shock.. Don't know why since I transferred 2 blasties..
Second fresh decided to transfer 1 as I went in with the 'don't want to waste my embryo' mentality.. Then bfn
Then 3rd round did FET, went in with the heck la.. Whatever it is mentality.. End up BFP but mc at week 5..
Now 4th round (3rd fresh), don't know what mentality I'll have..
Now just focus on the food I like (oops).. And started more supplements.. I told myself to stop all cold food in July! Haha 1 more day left to indulge
Just this April

oh your period hasn't returned since april?

i don't know what mentality i have! mine is a chromosome issue, so alot of my eggs are not chromosomally normal. but for my 2nd mc, when i did the karyotyping of the fetus after my dnc, we found that the baby actually had NORMAL chromosome!!! until now i'm still very puzzled as to why i still mc... feels like i wasted my precious good egg.
I still rem when I was doing my first fresh, I went in thinking sure strike de la! End up bfn.. Super shock.. Don't know why since I transferred 2 blasties..
Second fresh decided to transfer 1 as I went in with the 'don't want to waste my embryo' mentality.. Then bfn
Then 3rd round did FET, went in with the heck la.. Whatever it is mentality.. End up BFP but mc at week 5..
Now 4th round (3rd fresh), don't know what mentality I'll have..
Now just focus on the food I like (oops).. And started more supplements.. I told myself to stop all cold food in July! Haha 1 more day left to indulge

jia you!! your spirit is really admirable!!! i'm sure you will get the precious baby you so so so deserve soon!
I still rem when I was doing my first fresh, I went in thinking sure strike de la! End up bfn.. Super shock.. Don't know why since I transferred 2 blasties..
Second fresh decided to transfer 1 as I went in with the 'don't want to waste my embryo' mentality.. Then bfn
Then 3rd round did FET, went in with the heck la.. Whatever it is mentality.. End up BFP but mc at week 5..
Now 4th round (3rd fresh), don't know what mentality I'll have..
Now just focus on the food I like (oops).. And started more supplements.. I told myself to stop all cold food in July! Haha 1 more day left to indulge
Same here...to stop all coolin stuff in July...
hello @DawnBB sorry if you already discussed it but i cant find it scrolling backwards, too many msgs!! can you share with me why you decided to go for this intralipid infusion? thank you!
I had repeated implantation failures despite transferring excellent or good grades embryos. While likely the embryos may not be chromosomally normal despite looking good, Dr Loh suggested to try intralipid as a prevention for potential immunology issues causing implantation failure as in any case, the treatment is low risk (non invasive and rare side effects).
