IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi everyone! it's been awhile since I came to the forum. Hope everyone continue to jia you jia you FIGHTING!! ... and to all the ladies who BFPs.. congrats and thanks for spreading the baby dusts.

I'm going for my 1st scan (Natural FET) this friday. Was on a Natural FET last Sept but the lining CMI.. subsequently, did a medicated FET in oct.. and the lining was worse than my natural cycle.. took a break and now gonna be on natural cycle in Jan. Any ladies has lining problems like me? I drank all the red bean soup, LGRD, conceive well and chx essence etc but still liddat. .

Hi, I had the same situation as you and had a successful pregnancy. Give birth in August 15. And my princess is 5 month old now.

Hi kristineguan,

Went for blood test today and was informed that my hcg level increased and the nurse said "this is not good". My menses flow has reduced as its my 5th day so it should reduced I supposed. I was told to go down and meet my doctor at 4 pm. Could this be a sign of miscarriage?
hi everyone! it's been awhile since I came to the forum. Hope everyone continue to jia you jia you FIGHTING!! ... and to all the ladies who BFPs.. congrats and thanks for spreading the baby dusts.

I'm going for my 1st scan (Natural FET) this friday. Was on a Natural FET last Sept but the lining CMI.. subsequently, did a medicated FET in oct.. and the lining was worse than my natural cycle.. took a break and now gonna be on natural cycle in Jan. Any ladies has lining problems like me? I drank all the red bean soup, LGRD, conceive well and chx essence etc but still liddat. .
Hi hi, how thick / thin is your lining? Maybe you can try soya bean milk? I tried Nutrisoy Soya Bean Milk (reduced sugar) one cup every morning and so far it works for me. You may want to give it a shot. Brisk walking / Light walking encourages better blood circulation too.
Hi ladies... Need some advise...
This is my first round of ivf...
6 day - 125 unit ( Scan show 1 9mm egg, few 5mm)
3 day - 150 unit ( Scan show 1 9mm egg, few 5mm)

Egg size was not ideal and now got ask to jab 200unit for another 3day

Is this normal? Doctor was mentioning the egg size and growth was not ideal...

Any experience to share on this? What can be done to help let the egg grow....


Not to worry. On my first ivf, I was on stim for almost 2 weeks... the doctor will review and increase your dosage if the follicles are not growing well... just mafan cos hv to go down to KKH every 2 to 3 days to scan.. your dosage also quite low.. I think I was on 225units straight away

just keeps eating egg whites :)
Hi hi, how thick / thin is your lining? Maybe you can try soya bean milk? I tried Nutrisoy Soya Bean Milk (reduced sugar) one cup every morning and so far it works for me. You may want to give it a shot. Brisk walking / Light walking encourages better blood circulation too.

Hi towkayneo. . thanks for your reply! your nick looks familiar :) I was in the forum Ard 2013 period.

it's thin lining lor... 6.8mm during natural FET and 6.7mm for the medicated FET. . I was even on patches sia.

I saw someone recommending the Yeo's black soybean drink but I can't find at NTUC.. so I bought regular soymilk.. thanks for the tips :)
Hehehe, your body weakens your immune system upon implantation so that it does not reject the baby. For many people feeling symptoms of a cold or flu are early pregnancy symptoms. So cheer up!

Thanks. Jus went toiLet for the inserts and i have light pink discharge. Hopefully they r jus implantation bleeding n not starting of my menses like e previous cycle.
Hi towkayneo. . thanks for your reply! your nick looks familiar :) I was in the forum Ard 2013 period.

it's thin lining lor... 6.8mm during natural FET and 6.7mm for the medicated FET. . I was even on patches sia.

I saw someone recommending the Yeo's black soybean drink but I can't find at NTUC.. so I bought regular soymilk.. thanks for the tips :)
Yeah, we are back again!

Yup, it should work. I used to have lining issues, struggling to hit 8mm, but after drinking one cup of soya bean milk every morning, the lining can hit 9mm - 12mm.
Hi ladies... Need some advise...
This is my first round of ivf...
6 day - 125 unit ( Scan show 1 9mm egg, few 5mm)
3 day - 150 unit ( Scan show 1 9mm egg, few 5mm)

Egg size was not ideal and now got ask to jab 200unit for another 3day

Is this normal? Doctor was mentioning the egg size and growth was not ideal...

Any experience to share on this? What can be done to help let the egg grow....

This works for me in just 3 days
1. Eat some chicken. Previously i was on a no chicken diet for 3 weeks n eggs grow slowly.

2. Drink lots of water

3. Message yr tummy each day ard 3 to 5 mins

4. Drink lots of water to improve blood circulation

5. Try to remain happy n go shopping(if this is yr method of destressing)

6. Eat at least 2 egg whites a day
Yeah, we are back again!

Yup, it should work. I used to have lining issues, struggling to hit 8mm, but after drinking one cup of soya bean milk every morning, the lining can hit 9mm - 12mm.

Hi towkayneo, so does it mean we can drink soya bean milk before ET so as to increase our lining? Thought I saw somewhere that soy is not good for us or does it mean soya bean is not part of soy ah? what other foods to eat to increase lining?

Hi towkayneo, so does it mean we can drink soya bean milk before ET so as to increase our lining? Thought I saw somewhere that soy is not good for us or does it mean soya bean is not part of soy ah? what other foods to eat to increase lining?

I think the key is moderation instead of having excessive intake of one type of food. As for soy products, soy itself is healthy and very high in phytoestrogens. It's just that these days, most non organic soy foods are made from genetically modified crops such that excessive intake over long periods may not beneficial in the long run. E.g. Having one cup a day has lower risk of excess than 1 litre a day.
Can consider having a variety of other good sources of phytoestrogens - red beans, black beans, kidney beans (I added these to cook porridge or soups). Have more cruciferous veg - broccoli, kailan, kale etc.
Animal proteins promote growth and enhance blood circulation - try chicken/ beef, egg whites (a excellent source of wholefood protein). Regular light exercise to relieve stress and enhance blood flow. Ensure adequate rest and hydration. Try to get to bed by 11pm for optimal regeneration of body cells & growth.
Yeah, we are back again!

Yup, it should work. I used to have lining issues, struggling to hit 8mm, but after drinking one cup of soya bean milk every morning, the lining can hit 9mm - 12mm.

Hi towkayneo

Thought we should avoid soy ? Or it can be consumed before o day ? Thanks. .

Not to worry. On my first ivf, I was on stim for almost 2 weeks... the doctor will review and increase your dosage if the follicles are not growing well... just mafan cos hv to go down to KKH every 2 to 3 days to scan.. your dosage also quite low.. I think I was on 225units straight away

just keeps eating egg whites :)

Yes quite Mafan to like go KK and join the killer Q lo... U are also doing IVF now?
Hey towkayneo,

Thks for welcoming me back. How's ur journey so far?
Yah I'm trying not to think too much though I'm rather prep tat money will go down the drain. But is really hard hard hard plus challenging.
Hi Ladies,

Anyone here bfp with just 2 cells or 3 cells transfer? I've read that the chances of bfp is pretty slim though embryologist said they still advise patients to do so as the 3 cells was fr a 2 cells previously. I did my FET and is a D3 transfer. I've read somewhere that odd number cells are not that good. I'm feeling dejected and feel that money seems to be down the drain this time. I'm quite prepared for a negative result actually.
Hi I actually transfer a 3 and 2 cell embryo last year . Not succeeded :( but anything can be possible . Don't give up. What's the grade of the embryo ?
Hi towkayneo, so does it mean we can drink soya bean milk before ET so as to increase our lining? Thought I saw somewhere that soy is not good for us or does it mean soya bean is not part of soy ah? what other foods to eat to increase lining?

As to your Q, personally I drank one cup of soya bean milk every morning all the way to ET - it gave me the lining that I had wanted. So where is the bad part? I dun catch your Q of "does it mean soya bean is not part of soy" I thought soya bean is also known as soy
Hi all!!

Been awhile since i offline.. how is everyone doing?

Wishing all current IUIs, IVF, FET cyclers all the best!! As we continue to walk on the path to be preggies, i must say this is the best forum so far getting lots of sistas sharing their expriences!!

I just had a bfn from a medicated FET in december..
Still got 4 more golden embbies..
My mind is in a swirl..
Doc has asked me to start another cycle starting from this month menses.. still waiting..
But worried.. cos not sure my body can take the pressure of so much medicine..

It is ok to wait for a few months like 2-4 months before we start?

Does the freezing hav any impact on the embbies if freeze for longer periods?

Doc is planning to cultivate all 4 to a blastocycst.. shall i?

Hubby not going to be in town for 3 months.. not sure if i can do it alone..

Sorry ladies for the long msg..just sharing..

Is any one going for FET in february? Is there any whats app group i can join? It helps me better to be connected..
As to your Q, personally I drank one cup of soya bean milk every morning all the way to ET - it gave me the lining that I had wanted. So where is the bad part? I dun catch your Q of "does it mean soya bean is not part of soy" I thought soya bean is also known as soy

Sorry for making you confused :(

yea, maybe I should just try to drink soya bean milk in the morning, what about those 3-in 1 cereals? do u tink this will also do the trick?

Ladies, most important is relax. I know is very difficult. I did lot of brisk walk before n during ET. Drink warm water. I avoid taking all cooking stuff. Adjusted my lifestyle abit. Like when I go dr zou in amk, I walk to her shop form of excerise.
Hi all!!

Been awhile since i offline.. how is everyone doing?

Wishing all current IUIs, IVF, FET cyclers all the best!! As we continue to walk on the path to be preggies, i must say this is the best forum so far getting lots of sistas sharing their expriences!!

I just had a bfn from a medicated FET in december..
Still got 4 more golden embbies..
My mind is in a swirl..
Doc has asked me to start another cycle starting from this month menses.. still waiting..
But worried.. cos not sure my body can take the pressure of so much medicine..

It is ok to wait for a few months like 2-4 months before we start?

Does the freezing hav any impact on the embbies if freeze for longer periods?

Doc is planning to cultivate all 4 to a blastocycst.. shall i?

Hubby not going to be in town for 3 months.. not sure if i can do it alone..

Sorry ladies for the long msg..just sharing..

Is any one going for FET in february? Is there any whats app group i can join? It helps me better to be connected..
Hi @babyluck , join our whatsapp. just pm your name and number to @cherylng
Hi all!!

Been awhile since i offline.. how is everyone doing?

Wishing all current IUIs, IVF, FET cyclers all the best!! As we continue to walk on the path to be preggies, i must say this is the best forum so far getting lots of sistas sharing their expriences!!

I just had a bfn from a medicated FET in december..
Still got 4 more golden embbies..
My mind is in a swirl..
Doc has asked me to start another cycle starting from this month menses.. still waiting..
But worried.. cos not sure my body can take the pressure of so much medicine..

It is ok to wait for a few months like 2-4 months before we start?

Does the freezing hav any impact on the embbies if freeze for longer periods?

Doc is planning to cultivate all 4 to a blastocycst.. shall i?

Hubby not going to be in town for 3 months.. not sure if i can do it alone..

Sorry ladies for the long msg..just sharing..

Is any one going for FET in february? Is there any whats app group i can join? It helps me better to be connected..
@babyluck - u wanna join our watsapp grp? If yes, pm me your no....
Yeah, we are back again!

Yup, it should work. I used to have lining issues, struggling to hit 8mm, but after drinking one cup of soya bean milk every morning, the lining can hit 9mm - 12mm.

wow! that's a huge difference... I tho its cos I'm old liao.. thus the thin lining. This time round, my doctor gives the okay to transfer even if the lining doesn't hit 7mm. so *fingers crossed*
Yes quite Mafan to like go KK and join the killer Q lo... U are also doing IVF now?

I did my ivf back in 2013.. now back for FET. :)
I remembered stressing over all the follicles sizes back then.. even the doctor mentioned that it was slow growing. . but slow and steady wins the race!! Just be calm and stay positive!
Sorry for making you confused :(

yea, maybe I should just try to drink soya bean milk in the morning, what about those 3-in 1 cereals? do u tink this will also do the trick?


Umm, estrogen increases lining, soya products contain estrogen...3-in-1 cereals may contain minimal soya content, which may not do the trick.
Hi all!!

Been awhile since i offline.. how is everyone doing?

Wishing all current IUIs, IVF, FET cyclers all the best!! As we continue to walk on the path to be preggies, i must say this is the best forum so far getting lots of sistas sharing their expriences!!

I just had a bfn from a medicated FET in december..
Still got 4 more golden embbies..
My mind is in a swirl..
Doc has asked me to start another cycle starting from this month menses.. still waiting..
But worried.. cos not sure my body can take the pressure of so much medicine..

It is ok to wait for a few months like 2-4 months before we start?

Does the freezing hav any impact on the embbies if freeze for longer periods?

Doc is planning to cultivate all 4 to a blastocycst.. shall i?

Hubby not going to be in town for 3 months.. not sure if i can do it alone..

Sorry ladies for the long msg..just sharing..

Is any one going for FET in february? Is there any whats app group i can join? It helps me better to be connected..

Hi baby luck, sorry to hear about your bfn on you medicated FET *big hugs*

I did a medicated FET last Oct which was cancelled cos of thin lining. Doctor also suggested that I can start immediately but my hubby and myself choose to take 2 months off to let the body go back to normal. you and your hubby decides what's best. Is your next cycle gonna be natural or medicated?

I did read somewhere there's some impact on the snow babies... mine are like frozen for almost 3 years sia! But just belive that the strongest will survive and produce healthy babies. :)
I went to see a TCM at malaysia and he asked to avoid all nuts and soya (I forgot the reason :$). I used to make soya milk using the soya marker weekly but I stopped since then.
I guess most importantly is, you must be comfy with what you are eating. If you are not comfy with what you are eating, half of the battle is lost.

For example, if somebody says brazil nuts will enhance implantation, but you eat it in disbelief, ultimately, the brazil nut thingy will not work for you.
Ladies who are planned to start cycle in march at KK, i was just informed that there will be a blackout period before or after good friday. You may want to confirm your schedule.

Just sharing.
Hi kristineguan,

Went for blood test today and was informed that my hcg level increased and the nurse said "this is not good". My menses flow has reduced as its my 5th day so it should reduced I supposed. I was told to go down and meet my doctor at 4 pm. Could this be a sign of miscarriage?

Hi Weilineo,

Hope that everything is ok with you after the doc check..
Hi Weilineo,

Hope that everything is ok with you after the doc check..

Hi jenlam15,

Doctor said it is not menses bleeding but pregnancy bleeding. I am pregnant but she said it is not a good pregnancy. Next week going back for another blood test and if hcg still increasing slowly then will have to do scanning to determine the problem. I'm not sad just that felt loss cos there's no answer and it is just waiting and waiting.
Hi jenlam15,

Doctor said it is not menses bleeding but pregnancy bleeding. I am pregnant but she said it is not a good pregnancy. Next week going back for another blood test and if hcg still increasing slowly then will have to do scanning to determine the problem. I'm not sad just that felt loss cos there's no answer and it is just waiting and waiting.
Praying for the best for you. Or if you cannot wait for so long, consider to go private gynae so u can do the scanning immediately?
Hope that those who had similar experience could advise her.
Hi gals, i jus went for my early pregnancy BT tis morning n jus received a call. The nurse said there is some levels of pregnancy signs n ask me to go back on fri to do a retest n see doc. Also, she asked me to continue with the inserts. Any ladies here experienced e same situation n bfp? I tot the call was to let me know when is my next appt for my next step but never expect to hear tis..
I guess most importantly is, you must be comfy with what you are eating. If you are not comfy with what you are eating, half of the battle is lost.

For example, if somebody says brazil nuts will enhance implantation, but you eat it in disbelief, ultimately, the brazil nut thingy will not work for you.

Agreed. i like to drink soya milk but stopped due to wat the TCM said.
I think moderate is best :)
Hi all,
I need some advice about TCM. As I have been taking TCM before IVF, and stopped during IVF. When is it a good time to restart my TCM again? After AF?
You should check with your doc... see whether they allow.

My sinsei himself refused to let me take any herbs during the stim phase. But once the embryo had been transferred, he asked me to go back to collect med to start taking. Different sinsei may have different practice though...

How is everyone doing? Just checking in to see how is everyone.

Mrs will be going for 1st IVF review tomorrow after the big fat no seems something is not in her favor about the eggs.
Was on the brink of giving up and going childless after the BFN event but i kinda of settle down and say what the heck just go for another round.
Though another bad news was naturally another failed mth but impact was not so big hahahaha

Thinking of sending her to Dr Zou, not sure how it can help though so as to tiao her body and maybe mine though she says embryologist says i am fine duhhhh. old man liao still can be fine.

To those on the journey good luck and keep on fighting it might be emotionally stress but endure ok.
Hi jenlam15,

Doctor said it is not menses bleeding but pregnancy bleeding. I am pregnant but she said it is not a good pregnancy. Next week going back for another blood test and if hcg still increasing slowly then will have to do scanning to determine the problem. I'm not sad just that felt loss cos there's no answer and it is just waiting and waiting.
Hi Weilineo,

I had my 1st blood test on 7/12/14 hcg level was only 42 n 2 days later was 100+, 3rd blood test increase to 1000+.
I was bleeding heavily for 5 days. V scan on 14/12/14 oso cant see anything. But on 24/12/14 my hcg level increase till 8000+ and manage to see the sac n fetal pole. Hope these details can help u. If u need more details u can pm me. All the best to u.:)
Hi jenlam15,

Doctor said it is not menses bleeding but pregnancy bleeding. I am pregnant but she said it is not a good pregnancy. Next week going back for another blood test and if hcg still increasing slowly then will have to do scanning to determine the problem. I'm not sad just that felt loss cos there's no answer and it is just waiting and waiting.
Hi, how they know it's pregnancy bleeding? Cos ur hcg is increased? Hope it's viable! Did they give u more supports? Why not go pte clinic like tmc to get more supports?
Hi, how they know it's pregnancy bleeding? Cos ur hcg is increased? Hope it's viable! Did they give u more supports? Why not go pte clinic like tmc to get more supports?

Hi, the 2nd blood test my hcg was 60 so doctor said I am pregnant but it is not a good one. As of now it is too early to do any scanning because they cannot see anything. So they arrange for me to do another blood test next week and then they will scan. I also have been going to tcm also. But now I am still having light bleeding I am not sure whether can I take the Chinese med so I am waiting for the Chinese doctor to call me back.

How is everyone doing? Just checking in to see how is everyone.

Mrs will be going for 1st IVF review tomorrow after the big fat no seems something is not in her favor about the eggs.
Was on the brink of giving up and going childless after the BFN event but i kinda of settle down and say what the heck just go for another round.
Though another bad news was naturally another failed mth but impact was not so big hahahaha

Thinking of sending her to Dr Zou, not sure how it can help though so as to tiao her body and maybe mine though she says embryologist says i am fine duhhhh. old man liao still can be fine.

To those on the journey good luck and keep on fighting it might be emotionally stress but endure ok.

Hey dont give up, go for another round of IVF. I went for my first IVF review after BFN, and doc said during egg transfer he noticed a polyp which he said cld hve hindered with my implantation. So he suggested doing day surgery to remove and back on 2nd IVF. Am going for day surgery this friday. Next week i shd be starting all my IVF protocols. NUH is closing for reno from Mar till June, so i dont wana wait tat long, already so old 38 this year. 2 more years of IVF support from government.
All the best for you and yr Mrs. Keep trying and be positive.
Hi, the 2nd blood test my hcg was 60 so doctor said I am pregnant but it is not a good one. As of now it is too early to do any scanning because they cannot see anything. So they arrange for me to do another blood test next week and then they will scan. I also have been going to tcm also. But now I am still having light bleeding I am not sure whether can I take the Chinese med so I am waiting for the Chinese doctor to call me back.

Yup, if you are given support meds like Duphaston, you need to check with your TCM to see if it would be compatible.
You should check with your doc... see whether they allow.

My sinsei himself refused to let me take any herbs during the stim phase. But once the embryo had been transferred, he asked me to go back to collect med to start taking. Different sinsei may have different practice though...
Thank you littlemonkies.
Cos I still have almost half of the medication, hence I was thinking to start since no longer in the stim phase..
Hey dont give up, go for another round of IVF. I went for my first IVF review after BFN, and doc said during egg transfer he noticed a polyp which he said cld hve hindered with my implantation. So he suggested doing day surgery to remove and back on 2nd IVF. Am going for day surgery this friday. Next week i shd be starting all my IVF protocols. NUH is closing for reno from Mar till June, so i dont wana wait tat long, already so old 38 this year. 2 more years of IVF support from government.
All the best for you and yr Mrs. Keep trying and be positive.

Thank you Wan, all these while looking for answer but keep getting none from our doc except all is fine all is fine, feel like switching to TMC instead of KK complete waste of time if after 2 iui and 1x ivf still cannot detect any issue when we already highlight mrs got 2 areas of concern which could affect preggy
Thank you Wan, all these while looking for answer but keep getting none from our doc except all is fine all is fine, feel like switching to TMC instead of KK complete waste of time if after 2 iui and 1x ivf still cannot detect any issue when we already highlight mrs got 2 areas of concern which could affect preggy
What are the 2 areas of concern..?
What are the 2 areas of concern..?

Raffles Hospital detected her homones are high due to the "homones generator" in the head, where the body will think is already preggy the other (which kk say no issue and neuro from ttsh say no issue) the other is her family got history of thalassemia but shoudl be mild as i do not see it since day 1 i knew her
Raffles Hospital detected her homones are high due to the "homones generator" in the head, where the body will think is already preggy the other (which kk say no issue and neuro from ttsh say no issue) the other is her family got history of thalassemia but shoudl be mild as i do not see it since day 1 i knew her
Thalassemia doesn't affect the rate of conceiving. I'm a minor carrier too. The most important in this situation is that you cannot have the same condition if you Wife is a carrier. Who is your doc in KKH?
Thalassemia doesn't affect the rate of conceiving. I'm a minor carrier too. The most important in this situation is that you cannot have the same condition if you Wife is a carrier. Who is your doc in KKH?

me do not think i have that issue , our doc thh.
me do not think i have that issue , our doc thh.
My DH went through a blood test to confirm he is negative. Prior to my pregnancy, I didn't even know I'm a carrier. Since you are already on this journey, no harm doing the blood test to confirm. My experience with THH has been good. He will usually answer all your queries and when I didn't succeed on my first round of IVF, he changed the stimm and support medicine. Unfortunately, IVF is a trial and error. Of cos if your wallet permits, private can cut all the waiting time. Don't give up, Keep trying. It's good to see a hubby here so supportive!

My DH went through a blood test to confirm he is negative. Prior to my pregnancy, I didn't even know I'm a carrier. Since you are already on this journey, no harm doing the blood test to confirm. My experience with THH has been good. He will usually answer all your queries and when I didn't succeed on my first round of IVF, he changed the stimm and support medicine. Unfortunately, IVF is a trial and error. Of cos if your wallet permits, private can cut all the waiting time. Don't give up, Keep trying. It's good to see a hubby here so supportive!

Takes to hands to clap, anyway seems a 3rd doc, Dr Chen from Chong Pang saw her today (for outside of circle options) suspect too is the hormones and given her medication. Not to say anything but each doc will have each view and i respect that too, not getting a successful case may make them sad also.

Being a hubby of cos i have to do my part too as this journey is very stressful on the mrs after 3 different cycle, she is sick of being poke and drain of blood always i see liao also dam heart pain. Thus am seeking at least an inicationwhere is wrong so we can mend that area first
