2016/07 July babies

I wonder how does doc check if the weight the mtb gains goes to herself or the baby? Scanning machine can tell?

I lost 3kg in first trime but I did gain back 1kg now. If I suck in my tummy, the bump is like gone. I think the uterus hasn't quite move up yet.

Now my craving is very subtle but I can understand the sudden change of craving (happened in my first trime). I could be yearning for one food now but an hour later I lost interest in it and drooled for something else. Don't worry about it @EugeniaL. You're the queen now you can do anything heh.

@EugeniaL : decrease by 1kg is alright..my weight drops by about 3kg (compared to pre-pregnancy) and my gynae said no problem as long as i am eating healthy. And yup, sometimes my mind thinks that it is craving for something but when i have the food in front of me, the craving goes away. I am also in my 14 weeks, and I find eating more fruits help me curb my nausea a little and they taste refreshing if served chilled. I eat watermelons, apples and pears mostly as they taste yummy. Harmony result (mine I went for Panorama), should be able to tell you the bb gender. I want a boy n my hubby wants a girl. This time round I win as it turns out we are having a boy..hehe..
@Jehvy me on the other hand my hubby reminds me not to stuff my face at each meal. Because once I eat too much (and it's not even more than my pre preg portion) I will have bad reflux and it feels horrid. At each meal my heart wants to eat more but my body can't take it. Therefore I try to snack a little in between to get more intake.

Wanna ask you all : Do you experience more dull cramps and pulls in your bump at this 13-14week stage?
I wasn't showing till around 17weeks closer to 20weeks for all first 3kids.
But yes I am quite worried although people will envy that we have gain so little weight because coming from experience my gestation period are shorter not beyond 38wks.
All my baby are below 2.9kgs and the third child was 2.4kg . Sometimes for smaller babies we really need to up our calcium from
Milk, yogurt, proteins base white meat and a bit of red meat for iron supply( that's where I cut down on my iron tablet as it gives me constipation).

Hopefully I can get this fella to hit more than 2.6kg.
And congrats to all who have known their gender .
@Jehvy me on the other hand my hubby reminds me not to stuff my face at each meal. Because once I eat too much (and it's not even more than my pre preg portion) I will have bad reflux and it feels horrid. At each meal my heart wants to eat more but my body can't take it. Therefore I try to snack a little in between to get more intake.

Wanna ask you all : Do you experience more dull cramps and pulls in your bump at this 13-14week stage?

I have aches ,cramps, muscle stretching pain ,ligaments pain, my right foot is completely sore with all the swelling of my veins and all the expanding of the many areas around the hips .
@EugeniaL : decrease by 1kg is alright..my weight drops by about 3kg (compared to pre-pregnancy) and my gynae said no problem as long as i am eating healthy. And yup, sometimes my mind thinks that it is craving for something but when i have the food in front of me, the craving goes away. I am also in my 14 weeks, and I find eating more fruits help me curb my nausea a little and they taste refreshing if served chilled. I eat watermelons, apples and pears mostly as they taste yummy. Harmony result (mine I went for Panorama), should be able to tell you the bb gender. I want a boy n my hubby wants a girl. This time round I win as it turns out we are having a boy..hehe..
Thanks @changy. Yup, I am having my orange peel skin at ready again. I thought I wouldn't need it anymore after wk 12. Haha, I am hoping for a girl. My hubby is neutral and he says we cant control or change anything anymore. Haha. So I am waiting for my results to be back. Everyone around me keeps telling me that I am gonna have a boy. So we shall see :)
I wonder how does doc check if the weight the mtb gains goes to herself or the baby? Scanning machine can tell?

I lost 3kg in first trime but I did gain back 1kg now. If I suck in my tummy, the bump is like gone. I think the uterus hasn't quite move up yet.

Now my craving is very subtle but I can understand the sudden change of craving (happened in my first trime). I could be yearning for one food now but an hour later I lost interest in it and drooled for something else. Don't worry about it @EugeniaL. You're the queen now you can do anything heh.

Scan will show estimated weight as we progress
@redvel : at my current 14 weeks, I feel very very bloated (especially at night), some soreness on my back (not sure if it's due to prolonged sitting down during the day as well) and lately I have minor headaches as well. And yup, same as your case, I feel I want to eat much more in my 2nd trimester but the reflux is horrendous if I over-eat.
I should be in blue team. My complexion is getting worse (didn't have thus problem with my first pregnancy with girl). My gynae also saw "something" during the scan today but don't want to commit. Going for NIPT scan and will confirm gender by next week.

In week 12 now and seems to be taking less sour plum but often vomit after dinner depending on how much I ate.
I'm also super craving for fruits now which is good I guess as last trime I skipped veg n fruits (gag). Even now I still don't really like cooked veg but salad I love.

Looks like the team is balancing out with more boys joining the force.
Redvel - can share what dressing u go for? I crave for salad, but I just can't decide on the dressing. Creamy kind will make me puke, the sour kind will also make me puke with the sour aftertaste.
Rem to avoid caesar dressing as it usually comprises raw egg.
I feel the pulls too, like the abdomen area is very tight. My favourite position is to lie slouched on the bed.

Misty cloud - I threw up till almost wk 25 then, hence the low wt gain. It was horrible, but at least I lost the wt fast. My baby was small also, 2.6 kg, and she was 2 days overdue somemore. This time round, I throw up, have horrible nausea, but still gain. So unfair! Lol! I can't decide which is the lesser of the two evils - have MS and gain less wt, or breeze through the 9 mths with a normal appetite and worry more abt the pounds to lose after birth.

Jehvy - the overly full feeling is horrible, only we ourselves can understand. Maybe tell ur hb there's no need to eat for two. Whats impt is we eat healthily (as far as possible la). No point stuffing the last few mouthfuls in only to gag, have reflux, or have it all come out thereafter *shudder*. Don't force yourself to eat ok?

Any mummies with the old Medela pump-in-style? Any idea if the tubing and valves can still be bought now that the model is already obsolete?
redvel, we can tell from our U/S scan from doctor's visit roughly how big the baby is. Anyway, for 1st trimester, it is not surprising to lose weight or not even gain due to M/S. I think it's better to eat healthy and eat small portions and what you can stomach.

The weight gain is usually faster from 2nd trimester onwards. Nearing the due date, my friend recommended me to boil chicken essence and drink it. I didn't like it so I used it to make my beehoon soup etc. I think all these healthy food can help in weight gain too. For some people, durian helps but to me, as long as the baby is healthy. I am not so concerned about low weight gain. Afterall, your body will signal to you if you're hungry also. And baby will draw nutrients from you when needed so it's more important to eat protein and quality food.
tuna, can try to eat more during 3d trimester? My baby was on the smaller side and I cooked home boiled chicken essence during my 3rd trimester, she came out 3.05kg. Not sure whether it was the chicken that helped. Anyway, she is always on the smaller side now and even after eating solids, she is only 50% and she can eat a lot for her size. I think it's partly genetic too as I was a skinny baby also.

I felt pulls at around week 10-11 and it's the uterus stretching and growing. Gynae said it's normal and it has stopped now. But if I cough to hard, can feel the pull, macham like loose muscles. :(

Anyway, I have been feeling so lousy about this pregnancy coz I am pukey and tired that I went for full body massage today. Woohoo!!! They didn't wanna do massage for me for fear of anything happening but 1 masseur said ok in the end. So am a happy girl right now. :p
Tuna, all my life I only stick to 1000island and balsamic. Do these dressings appeal to you? Oh never liked Caesar dressing so I'm safe. Thanks for the reminder.

Actually I don't mind my missy to be on the small side. If I'm carrying boy, maybe I hope he'll be bigger. That being said, me and my hubby are not big to begin with so I'm pretty sure she won't get too big.

My sis asks me to join her at the baby fair this weekend. But I feel it's too early and I'm really clueless what to look out for at this stage.
Gynae scare me that I am small size and if baby is too big, I may have a hard time pushing her out also. Hehehe....

Can go fair to take a look and get a rough idea of what you want to buy and research from there. Really lotsa things to buy for a new baby.
I just came back from the Mothercare VIP member fair. They have a lot a lot of VIPs. The q is crazily long and lots of kids but pregnant ladies get priority entrance. Haha. But I am also very lost as to what to buy as well as this will be my #1 and a lot of things I can inherit from my bil and sis as their bb are respectively 9mo and 3mo now. So I ended up q-ing for the cashier q for my sis....
Hi, anyone with scan ard week -12 which shows the fetus weight? , how heavy is it?

Anyway recently I felt a pull at the lower left part, not near the navel, I sat on the sofa n didn't dare move an inch , lasted about 15 mins before it subsided bt I think the whole uncomfy feeling is gone only 1 hr, quite scary
I am also gonna drop by Expo baby fair this weekend. I have info overload online as to what to buy, so probably just go there see see first to get inspirations.
@3p1m: i will be going for my next gynae visit on 23 Jan (that will be ~16 weeks). I will ask for my baby boy's weight and let you know. I know the last visit on 26 Dec, the length of the fetus mentioned by gynae is 6.4cm (~12 weeks) but I didnt ask for the weight. I am first time mommy, sometimes see the ultrasound scan so happy till didnt realize good to ask for weight too..=p How big (in cm) is your baby boy according to last scan?
Hi, anyone with scan ard week -12 which shows the fetus weight? , how heavy is it?

Anyway recently I felt a pull at the lower left part, not near the navel, I sat on the sofa n didn't dare move an inch , lasted about 15 mins before it subsided bt I think the whole uncomfy feeling is gone only 1 hr, quite scary
I had that at week 11 - 12 too. V uncomfortable feeling. But it was fine after that. So even now I feel that uncomfortable feeling at the side at times. So I think is our womb expanding?
Oh I've never got a weight from my scan. Just a CRL. Will ask this Sat.

I'm getting pass down apparels from my niece who is 21mo and bff's baby who is 5mo. But still need to buy those essentials in due time.

My many friends warn me if pink then parents will be more broke.

And ya abit paranoid by the cramps and pulls which I get it more last 3days. I guess it's normal.
My last scan at 11 weeks 5 days shows 5.05cm, next visit on the 20th would be ard 16 weeks too.. Would be giving the fair a miss since still on bedrest n probably too early to buy but it looks tempting
I had that at week 11 - 12 too. V uncomfortable feeling. But it was fine after that. So even now I feel that uncomfortable feeling at the side at times. So I think is our womb expanding?

I hope so cos I can't help getting paranoid for this pregnancy as my 1st was a breeze
@3p1m: sorry to hear you are on bedrest. I hope you can bounce back soon..Do you still have very bad vomitting or HG? I am having a boy too. First trimester quite terrible for me: I got hungry every 1-2hrs, vomitting 4 times a day, terrible fatigue n lack of motivation to work. Gynae didnt prescribe bedrest cos my gynae said my 4 times@day vomitting is still normal (I silently wished I could tell gynae to let me stay at home n zzz all day when I was on first trimester..haha). I just entered my 2nd trimester, at times it feels that I am riding a dragon with unpredictable pattern: sometimes super down with nausea, other times are more manageable. I try to avoid sour food as it made me feel worst. Hope it gets better for you.
Oh I've never got a weight from my scan. Just a CRL. Will ask this Sat.

I'm getting pass down apparels from my niece who is 21mo and bff's baby who is 5mo. But still need to buy those essentials in due time.

My many friends warn me if pink then parents will be more broke.

And ya abit paranoid by the cramps and pulls which I get it more last 3days. I guess it's normal.
Yes ! Girls have too many nice things to buy.....I bought so many for my number 1 ...but it is a 6 years gap between her n number 2, so I wld need to buy new stuff this time round. Luckily the big ticket items like cot, car seat n stroller, we have not given away
Hi all, i am new comer, EDD 30 Jul!

@gan1972 my first boy also 6 years gap with the 2nd, hmm should be 7 years when the 2nd born. Your 1st daughter should be very exciting on her little sister? My boy keep saying he want a bro tho I wish to have to little princess.
Changy - vomitting 4 x a day is still not considered serious?? It sounds really bad! Glad u r much better. I can't stand the taste or even thought of sour food too. it definitely adds to the nausea for me.
Mummies- do u feel ur preference towards food changing? I used to crave salty food, anything with lots of sauce and no smell would be quite safe, eat chicken rice also must eat with very spicy chilli padi. But recently, I find myself gravitating towards sweet foods. Been buying green/red bean soup the past days. And I've nvr liked them my entire life.
@3p1m Do you need progesterone jabs? I've stopped since transiting to 2nd trime but I still need the duphaston pills. My gynae says I need it till 15weeks (or is it 20 I can't remember). Initial instruction was to rest till end Jan then be back to work. However my hubby asks me if I need more rest. I think I'm ready to return work then but I'll ask my doc in next visit if he thinks all's good to go as planned.

@changy I also think throwing up 4x a day is no small matter. How to work like that? Are you feeling better by now?

@tuna My first trime food adversion was strong. I craved for meat which I never really liked. But now I find I'm returning back to my old self except for dessert. Last time when I go for buffet, I always plan my stomach for desserts. Now I just don't like cakes or puff or creams (but ice cream is fine heh). Your bean soups are healthy. So savour them! But go for lighter sugar option ya.

@pandaq congrats. Me and my youngest sis is 6years apart. And I've been like a second mummy to her since she was very little. Big age gap has its perks.
Redvel - cold stuff always goes down better! How are u with ur milk intake? Getting used to the taste?
By the way, i think both 1000 island and balsamic are in the sour side. No go for me :(
I assume u r a working mum ? Hope ur ms will subside soon, try to ask for mc if really bad. I'm on bedrest due to previous bleeding n blood clot.

I only had one jab on the day I bleed, given 2 weeks utrogestan pills followed by another month's dosage , e assistant still asked if I need that much as e total is costly . I'll be 16 weeks at nxt check up will check with dr too if all is well, think will be good if dr gives u the green light to return to work bt still Gota minimize the walking etc.

I heard red bean is good bt greenbean is cooling food maybe don't take too much? I craved for green bean in 1st birth bt now I avoided. I prefer it to red bean though. Tom yam soup was appetizing to me bt I stop since knowing can't take lemongrass. 1st pregnancy no limit myself on the food now I do not have any cravings at all which makes me sian cos duno what to eat.

My girl wishes for a girl too can play with her all the girlish games bt I have yet to tell her I know it's a boy. But u know she will be happy with a boy too . Been wishing for a sibling for so long till she no longer talks abt it like gave up ha.Mine is a 8 year gap bt she's been great help esp during this period when I bedrest. If she's v young now I will have an headache too Delong with a new born n her at the same time
I have been ordering red and green bean mixed, hopefully the red cancels the coolness of the green. Haha!
Lemongrass cannot uh? Cooling also?
I have been ordering red and green bean mixed, hopefully the red cancels the coolness of the green. Haha!
Lemongrass cannot uh? Cooling also?

I read that lemongrass in those Thai recipes r generally ok bt not lemongrass oil n herbal tea where dosage is higher as it contains compounds which caused birth defects. I'm just being more paranoid this birth so after taking 3x Tom yum soup , I've stopped.didnt know can mix green bean n red bean , I always order green bean soup before preggie n the auntie will ask who's drinking old me not good for woman to keep drinking blah blah blah. I think moderate should be fine ba
Hi all, i am new comer, EDD 30 Jul!

@gan1972 my first boy also 6 years gap with the 2nd, hmm should be 7 years when the 2nd born. Your 1st daughter should be very exciting on her little sister? My boy keep saying he want a bro tho I wish to have to little princess.
My daughter is happy she has a sibling, guess it is lonely to be an only child. She has been calling the baby mei mei ever since I told her I am expecting. So super happy to know number 2 is a gal

3p1m I had tom yam soup last weekend....didn't know can't take lemon grass
Tuna, I need to take the formula milk warm/hot (although cannot be too hot as I think will kill the cultures inside or something). I don't say I enjoy it. Just drink for the nutrients and the taste is acceptable. Recommendation is two cups a day but I can only stomach a cup in morning.
I read about lemongrass to be avoided but I really craved for it during 1st trime and I personally think one needs 100 sticks of lemongrass at one serving to be overdosed. I only craved for hot and spicy stuff back then (think tomyam, nasilemak chilli, meesiam, etc). So I had tom yam soup a couple of times. Now in 2nd trime I prefer salad and light tasting food. I have Thai mummy friend and back home she also drinks tomyam almost everyday during her pregnancy.

I really don't restrict what I eat but just eat abit abit here and there is ok.
My vomiting is severe.. I vomit more than 5x daily. Yesterday had to check in a&e for dehydration. Vomited 7x yesterday. Can't wait for this trimester to be over! Hopefully it gets better
My vomiting is severe.. I vomit more than 5x daily. Yesterday had to check in a&e for dehydration. Vomited 7x yesterday. Can't wait for this trimester to be over! Hopefully it gets better

Ouch. Poor thing. Did you have to be hospitalized? I take my words back as now14wks ish and my nausea comes back. So 2nd trime is not a guarantee :( But I feel paiseh ranting about the returned queasiness... Vomit 7x must be such terrible feeling.
My vomiting is severe.. I vomit more than 5x daily. Yesterday had to check in a&e for dehydration. Vomited 7x yesterday. Can't wait for this trimester to be over! Hopefully it gets better

Hope you get better soon! I can't imagine how bad you must have felt. I puked twice today n I already felt so miserable. You take care!
My vomiting is severe.. I vomit more than 5x daily. Yesterday had to check in a&e for dehydration. Vomited 7x yesterday. Can't wait for this trimester to be over! Hopefully it gets better

Adel, are you on HL to rest? Drinks plenty of water. Take care!
I read about lemongrass to be avoided but I really craved for it during 1st trime and I personally think one needs 100 sticks of lemongrass at one serving to be overdosed. I only craved for hot and spicy stuff back then (think tomyam, nasilemak chilli, meesiam, etc). So I had tom yam soup a couple of times. Now in 2nd trime I prefer salad and light tasting food. I have Thai mummy friend and back home she also drinks tomyam almost everyday during her pregnancy.

I really don't restrict what I eat but just eat abit abit here and there is ok.

I had tom yam too. Was quite okay for me, coz the sourness at least make me drink some liquid during the early1st trimester.
But for those who loves me soto, don't add too much of the chilli.
I had a bad LS for 2 days coz it's too spicy.
Was so bad that I don't even think of peeing. Coz every toilet visit is LS.
Adeqi - Oh no! That really feels awful: ( is that considered Hyperemesis Gravidarum? Read that Duchess Kate went thru that in her first 3 mths.

EiLeEnyoYO - I add a lot of chilli into my mee soto, some how the burning eases the nausea. But now I realise after ur post why I keep having loose stools. Must hv been all the chilli I've been eating!
I have been eating tom yam and yum woon seng for more than a week. Sometimes a week at a go. I know lemongrass is not good but I can only stomach that when my nausea was at its height. :p
Adeqi - Oh no! That really feels awful: ( is that considered Hyperemesis Gravidarum? Read that Duchess Kate went thru that in her first 3 mths.

EiLeEnyoYO - I add a lot of chilli into my mee soto, some how the burning eases the nausea. But now I realise after ur post why I keep having loose stools. Must hv been all the chilli I've been eating!

Maybe can reduce abit. I also like the feeling but after the episode of LS, now I will try my best not to take chilli.
Adeqi - Oh no! That really feels awful: ( is that considered Hyperemesis Gravidarum? Read that Duchess Kate went thru that in her first 3 mths.

EiLeEnyoYO - I add a lot of chilli into my mee soto, some how the burning eases the nausea. But now I realise after ur post why I keep having loose stools. Must hv been all the chilli I've been eating!
Me too...been eating spicy food everyday. Extra chilli.
I'm packing my wardrobe now and sifting out those I can wear to office when I return work end Jan. I'm kinda excited getting back to work. But at the same time I hope I'll have the energy to last through the work hours. Zzzz.

How do you ladies combat the mid day Z-monster?
Hello Mummies,
I'm having my #2 July 2016...
Seems like this thread has been running some times, i will just pick up where i started.
Nice to know you all mummies.
I'm packing my wardrobe now and sifting out those I can wear to office when I return work end Jan. I'm kinda excited getting back to work. But at the same time I hope I'll have the energy to last through the work hours. Zzzz.

How do you ladies combat the mid day Z-monster?

Redvel - I don't feel the z monster at all. Think when u r busy in office, ur body will adjust to cope. But I can't last beyond 10.15 pm at night, all the fatigue of the day will come crashing down when I'm on the way home.
@redvel I will also go home and nap for 30-45mins.
But coz I have a older boy, if he find me sleep, he will come to the bed and dig me up.
So nowadays, I must hide to sleep.
My wife went to do the oscar scan today and diagnosed that she has two wombs...but they din say its normal or abnormal... just saying will put a remark in report... anyone encounter this before?

@redvel - the nap may make it difficult for u to fall aslp at bedtime. U may need to adjust here and there before u settle into ur work routine ie shorten nap. On occasions I nap during the wkends, I find that if my nap is beyond an hr, I wake with a headache and I can't fall aslp at night.

@sweetnov 16 - do you have cravings? Morning sickness? Join us in our gripes here, it feels better to know that there's a group of mummies here going thru the symptoms together, albeit some more severely than others.
