IVF/ICSI Support Group

@Teddy75, just rest for the time being. Should be ok.

@wondersss, I'm also super bored. But most of the time very tired. I still have mild cramps. This afternoon, my daughter sat on my tummy and I literally bounced up cos tummy was so sore (probably cos of the jabs). I gave my daughter a scare and almost caused her to fall off.

Today I feel hungrier. Do you feel so?

Im so energetic.. nvr take nap at all... i remember the 1st cycle i keep sleeping . not sure issit bcos of the inserts as this round my gel only morning n nite so nt drowsy.
I only feel 酸酸的feeling but more or less already subsides..
Yr daughter must be bored n wan to play with u... so cute..
I feel bloated easily but i keep eating le... i so worry i gain wt :D :D
Oh ya.. n i hve this pulling feeling on the right ovary...

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Is FET also considered 2nd IVF cycle?
Subsides are for 3 fresh and 3 thaw.. so depends on how many FET u hv gone thru? ( correct me if im wrong)
Gng for lining scan for my FET..so scare not thick enuff again. Had my 1st scan on mon and its only 6mm. How to grow till 8mm in 1 day's time worr....haiz..
Sigh..such a bummer. Lining didnt increase at all. Anyone on FET before? Can share your experience? I presumed im on medicated FET coz im taking progynova to increase lining.

I went for tcm, take red bean soup, occasionally drink raspberry leaf tea. Under what circumstances will they cancel this cycle? So depressing..i thot this will be easier than fresh.

Now im wondering if my failed fresh cycle was bcause of my thin lining..which maybe was not check in e 1st place...
Actually, what matters more is the quality. I just found my first fresh cycle embryo report. I had 30 eggs! BUT. Only 2 could be used for transfer. In the end, I wasn't pregnant.

The 2nd fresh cycle I can't rmb how many eggs (can't find the report), only 3 could be used for transfer. Transferred 2 and froze 1. I was pregnant and gave birth to a healthy child. My doc says traditionally, they treat fertility by treating the women. They may recommend you to take certain supplements. Before my 2nd fresh cycle, I took Coemzymes Q10 (i hope I remember the name correctly) and something else which I totally forgot what it is.

This 3rd fresh, I forgot to ask abt the supplement, but my daily diet had a slight change a few months ago. Ended up, I had 4-5 eggs that could be used for transfer. I guess a lot has to do with our diets.

But my quality just so so even after doc up my medication. When I ask her what to eat to boost the egg quality, She say quality is genetic , can't change much.

Anyway, I eat as per normal, no special diet. Think I'm too lazy.

I'm in my 2ww now. Try to r n r as much as possible.
Sigh..such a bummer. Lining didnt increase at all. Anyone on FET before? Can share your experience? I presumed im on medicated FET coz im taking progynova to increase lining.

I went for tcm, take red bean soup, occasionally drink raspberry leaf tea. Under what circumstances will they cancel this cycle? So depressing..i thot this will be easier than fresh.

Now im wondering if my failed fresh cycle was bcause of my thin lining..which maybe was not check in e 1st place...

I had been through the same with you during my 2nd medicated FET.
Took maximum med lining is still at 5mm and continue the med for a week go back scan still 5mm. I went tcm, took red bean soup everyday till I'm sick of it but still no incense of lining.

I even suspect the machine or sonogram her has problem. Eventually my doc still go ahead with the Trf but of cos not successful.

I also had the thought that the problem lies with my lining that causes infertility.

I understand how depressing it is and the sonographer doesn't help much.
Sigh..such a bummer. Lining didnt increase at all. Anyone on FET before? Can share your experience? I presumed im on medicated FET coz im taking progynova to increase lining.

I went for tcm, take red bean soup, occasionally drink raspberry leaf tea. Under what circumstances will they cancel this cycle? So depressing..i thot this will be easier than fresh.

Now im wondering if my failed fresh cycle was bcause of my thin lining..which maybe was not check in e 1st place...

Im on FET. they will increase dosage of progynova and if needed patches.
Best of luck :)
I had been through the same with you during my 2nd medicated FET.
Took maximum med lining is still at 5mm and continue the med for a week go back scan still 5mm. I went tcm, took red bean soup everyday till I'm sick of it but still no incense of lining.

I even suspect the machine or sonogram her has problem. Eventually my doc still go ahead with the Trf but of cos not successful.

I also had the thought that the problem lies with my lining that causes infertility.

I understand how depressing it is and the sonographer doesn't help much.

I spoke to the doc, they say 7 and above they will go ahead and they give me patches to stick after that. SHe said if with the patches it is still 7or below 8mm she will let me choose if i want to proceed with ET.
My decision was anything less than 8mm i will forgo and try another time cos I have limited eggs to try. If this FET is unsuccessful , means I will have to go for second fresh :(
so i want to make sure all conditions are right before i go for ET. but I have read success stories of BFP with less den ideal lining
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Went for my 21days scan this morning. Dr say I does not have many eggs and will be starting my lucrin from 30/6 onwards, Dr put me on long cycle.

Am abit worried after Dr say I do not have many eggs. =(
Day 9 after the D3 ET. This morning saw threads of blood stain with white mucus. Still monitoring. On/off when use tissue wipe, got some blood stain. So far, panty liner cannot see blood. Do not know if good/bad news.
Day 10 today and tomorrow supposed be my AF. Am seeing more blood and now able to stain planty liner like start of day 1 AF. I think I am out of the game. Has did a test with clearblue, shows negative. A bit disappointment.
I wish the rest best of luck.
Day 10 today and tomorrow supposed be my AF. Am seeing more blood and now able to stain planty liner like start of day 1 AF. I think I am out of the game. Has did a test with clearblue, shows negative. A bit disappointment.
I wish the rest best of luck.
Hugs...so ivf is realli a game of chance. Understand that you have 5 kids via natural n not ivf.
Maybi u try natural n will hit.
Hi all. Am on day 4 of my menstrual cycle and upon instructions from my Dr, started injections for my 1st IVF today. I had 10 follicles in today's scan. Does anyone know if this is a good number for IVF?

Also, is it a must to take egg whites? If I eat a lot of protein, it should be ok if I don't take any egg whites right?
Hi all. Am on day 4 of my menstrual cycle and upon instructions from my Dr, started injections for my 1st IVF today. I had 10 follicles in today's scan. Does anyone know if this is a good number for IVF?

Also, is it a must to take egg whites? If I eat a lot of protein, it should be ok if I don't take any egg whites right?
Hmm... I'm not sure. I didn't really eat egg white consistently during second fresh cycle but I still got pregnant. This round, I totally didn't take at all...
Went for my 21days scan this morning. Dr say I does not have many eggs and will be starting my lucrin from 30/6 onwards, Dr put me on long cycle.

Am abit worried after Dr say I do not have many eggs. =(
Don't think too much abt it. Quantity really isn't the most impt. My cousin had low ovarian reserves. During ER she only had 3 eggs I thk. Only 1 usable after 2 days and she transferred that 1 grade 3 embryo. Now she is already 18 wks pregnant. Doc says her baby is growing very well and should be a tall baby. So you only need ONE quality embryo to be pregnant with a healthy babe.

Try to think positive and be positive as much as you can. All the best!
I spoke to the doc, they say 7 and above they will go ahead and they give me patches to stick after that. SHe said if with the patches it is still 7or below 8mm she will let me choose if i want to proceed with ET.
My decision was anything less than 8mm i will forgo and try another time cos I have limited eggs to try. If this FET is unsuccessful , means I will have to go for second fresh :(
so i want to make sure all conditions are right before i go for ET. but I have read success stories of BFP with less den ideal lining

I went ahead when my lining was 6.1 and didn't succeed. Heard bout success story too but I know for me I won't be the lucky few so I was kinda mentally prepared.

My doc at KKH told me that in US if lining above 5 they will proceed.
@eggcatcher, is normal..maybe not painful but crampy.. like 酸酸feeling right.
@belpzz, as lovestohavekids says.. quality is more impt than qty..
@lovestohavekids, u r sooo cool.. im taking 4 egg whites still everyday... i guess is really relax mode is the impt part.. do u have sore boobs n sore nipples still?
Hi all. Am on day 4 of my menstrual cycle and upon instructions from my Dr, started injections for my 1st IVF today. I had 10 follicles in today's scan. Does anyone know if this is a good number for IVF?

Also, is it a must to take egg whites? If I eat a lot of protein, it should be ok if I don't take any egg whites right?


I didn't take eggs during my stimulation period and I only took a few during the 2WW cos I was having a bad cough. I think it should be all right as long as you are having a balanced diet and sufficient rest. =)

The number of follicles might increase later on with more jabs. Don't worry. And yes, it's the quality that counts, not quantity. All the best!
@eggcatcher, is normal..maybe not painful but crampy.. like 酸酸feeling right.
@belpzz, as lovestohavekids says.. quality is more impt than qty..
@lovestohavekids, u r sooo cool.. im taking 4 egg whites still everyday... i guess is really relax mode is the impt part.. do u have sore boobs n sore nipples still?
Not cool la... I am a little emo today. Now having cramps... But... Nothing else I can do liao. Once the embryos are inside, none of us know what goes on inside anymore... I am going to start eating some red bean soup tomorrow. At least it's something I like. Haha.

Yes. I got SORE boobs and nipples. :(
I think so. Cos the muscle around the abdomen area is sore so I guess affects the peeling part too. Is it still painful at the peeing part or the abdomen?[/QUOTE

Peeing & buttock pain, doc said I might hv mild OHSS, as I can hardly stand and walk :(
Feel bloated & sore at stomach. Jus have to drink plenty of water...
Read that the general anesthesia during ER might cause urinary retention and that's y u feel the pain when peeing. It should go away. Don't worry. All the best for ur coming ET!
Hi, I found a medicine stuck in my butt, tink is the anesthesia, the nurse did told me is pandadol as I was still in pain after the painkiller jab. :( I only went home ard 4 plus
I went ahead when my lining was 6.1 and didn't succeed. Heard bout success story too but I know for me I won't be the lucky few so I was kinda mentally prepared.

My doc at KKH told me that in US if lining above 5 they will proceed.
I was pregnant in previous cycle with lining of 6++mm. But eventually I lost it but as to why I lost it I had no clue. Neither the doc can give me a reason.
Not cool la... I am a little emo today. Now having cramps... But... Nothing else I can do liao. Once the embryos are inside, none of us know what goes on inside anymore... I am going to start eating some red bean soup tomorrow. At least it's something I like. Haha.

Yes. I got SORE boobs and nipples. :(
Is there a diff btw cramps n pulling twitchings??
This morning wake up sore nipples gone... :(
Is there a diff btw cramps n pulling twitchings??
This morning wake up sore nipples gone... :(
I think there is a diff. Mine is cramps. Twitchings are probably just irritating. Cramps are painful and worrying...

The soreness we feel now is probably cos of all the jabs. Actually, for me, my pre-menstrual signs and pregnant signs are too similar. Very hard to tell whether pregnant or not from them...
Don't think too much abt it. Quantity really isn't the most impt. My cousin had low ovarian reserves. During ER she only had 3 eggs I thk. Only 1 usable after 2 days and she transferred that 1 grade 3 embryo. Now she is already 18 wks pregnant. Doc says her baby is growing very well and should be a tall baby. So you only need ONE quality embryo to be pregnant with a healthy babe.

Try to think positive and be positive as much as you can. All the best!

Thanks for the comforting words! Will stay positive throughout the whole journey. =)
Gosh... Understand... After my first cycle's ER, I was in great pain especially in the night. So much pain till I vomitted 5 times cos of the pain. Can't stand up straight too. I went to A&E and the doc there said mine wasn't OHSS. Didn't do blood test but did urine test which it was horrible cos it was painful and I pee only a bit. Just told me to eat painkiller and sent me home. She probably tot my threshold for pain is v low but I actually could stand pain quite well. If this is not OHSS, I wonder what is.

Did doc ask u to do blood test for OHSS? Cos if it's OHSS best is don't do the ET. This 3rd cycle, doc asks me to do blood test before ET to ensure I didn't have OHSS. Cos I had 16 eggs retrieved. I suspect my first cycle failed partly cos of this. I had 30 eggs during the first! I was in pain even after my ET for a few days. Quite horrible. Having said that, OHSS is not just caused by eggs retrieved. I feel sometimes, it's just how sensitive or reactive the ovaries are toward the op.

Try drinking a lot of water and keep going to toilet. Very torturing in the beginning but it certainly helps.

I didn't take eggs during my stimulation period and I only took a few during the 2WW cos I was having a bad cough. I think it should be all right as long as you are having a balanced diet and sufficient rest. =)

The number of follicles might increase later on with more jabs. Don't worry. And yes, it's the quality that counts, not quantity. All the best!

@belpzz[/USER], as lovestohavekids says.. quality is more impt than qty..

Hmm... I'm not sure. I didn't really eat egg white consistently during second fresh cycle but I still got pregnant. This round, I totally didn't take at all...

Thanks ladies. I guess I will try to eat egg whites whenever I can stomach it down. Don't think I can do it every day though! :p

Hopefully I will have much more than just 10 follicles by next monday's scan! Am on 250iu of Gonal F. That's a pretty high dose right?
Gosh... Understand... After my first cycle's ER, I was in great pain especially in the night. So much pain till I vomitted 5 times cos of the pain. Can't stand up straight too. I went to A&E and the doc there said mine wasn't OHSS. Didn't do blood test but did urine test which it was horrible cos it was painful and I pee only a bit. Just told me to eat painkiller and sent me home. She probably tot my threshold for pain is v low but I actually could stand pain quite well. If this is not OHSS, I wonder what is.

Did doc ask u to do blood test for OHSS? Cos if it's OHSS best is don't do the ET. This 3rd cycle, doc asks me to do blood test before ET to ensure I didn't have OHSS. Cos I had 16 eggs retrieved. I suspect my first cycle failed partly cos of this. I had 30 eggs during the first! I was in pain even after my ET for a few days. Quite horrible. Having said that, OHSS is not just caused by eggs retrieved. I feel sometimes, it's just how sensitive or reactive the ovaries are toward the op.

Try drinking a lot of water and keep going to toilet. Very torturing in the beginning but it certainly helps.

Sounds really scary! :eek: Hope you are ok now
Went for scan today and out of the 6 follicles I have, only 5 are growing. Haii so few eggs.. Hope these eggs are quality eggs and continue to grow well. And my lining didn't thicken as well.. Still at 5.7mm. :( Guess it's still up to God to decide for me. Just hope for the best.
Gosh... Understand... After my first cycle's ER, I was in great pain especially in the night. So much pain till I vomitted 5 times cos of the pain. Can't stand up straight too. I went to A&E and the doc there said mine wasn't OHSS. Didn't do blood test but did urine test which it was horrible cos it was painful and I pee only a bit. Just told me to eat painkiller and sent me home. She probably tot my threshold for pain is v low but I actually could stand pain quite well. If this is not OHSS, I wonder what is.

Did doc ask u to do blood test for OHSS? Cos if it's OHSS best is don't do the ET. This 3rd cycle, doc asks me to do blood test before ET to ensure I didn't have OHSS. Cos I had 16 eggs retrieved. I suspect my first cycle failed partly cos of this. I had 30 eggs during the first! I was in pain even after my ET for a few days. Quite horrible. Having said that, OHSS is not just caused by eggs retrieved. I feel sometimes, it's just how sensitive or reactive the ovaries are toward the op.

Try drinking a lot of water and keep going to toilet. Very torturing in the beginning but it certainly helps.
Hi lovetohavekids, the doc did a ultrasound for me and say jus tat I v dehydrated n suspect I lack of water as I didn ate n drink or suspect mild OHSS, but he ruled out the most dangerous part of OHSS is fluid leak to bladder and lungs/other organs, he said is clear from the US monitor, if not will hv to stay back to drain the water out, he jus ask me to go back rest and I collected some med, after ate the med, felt so much better, however tis morning, felt giddy, broke out cold sweat but after went to urine, felt better again. Now I can walk, jus felt soreness and hard to pass motion... Keep drinking h20 I believe it helps a lot.
Hi lovetohavekids, the doc did a ultrasound for me and say jus tat I v dehydrated n suspect I lack of water as I didn ate n drink or suspect mild OHSS, but he ruled out the most dangerous part of OHSS is fluid leak to bladder and lungs/other organs, he said is clear from the US monitor, if not will hv to stay back to drain the water out, he jus ask me to go back rest and I collected some med, after ate the med, felt so much better, however tis morning, felt giddy, broke out cold sweat but after went to urine, felt better again. Now I can walk, jus felt soreness and hard to pass motion... Keep drinking h20 I believe it helps a lot.
That's good. Keep drinking and peeing. It will get better soon. All the best!!!
Went for scan today and out of the 6 follicles I have, only 5 are growing. Haii so few eggs.. Hope these eggs are quality eggs and continue to grow well. And my lining didn't thicken as well.. Still at 5.7mm. :( Guess it's still up to God to decide for me. Just hope for the best.
Hey hopeful, dun worry. Try to drink some red bean soup n hope it helps...
I think there is a diff. Mine is cramps. Twitchings are probably just irritating. Cramps are painful and worrying...

The soreness we feel now is probably cos of all the jabs. Actually, for me, my pre-menstrual signs and pregnant signs are too similar. Very hard to tell whether pregnant or not from them...
I starting having cramps now too... haix . Dun feel good...emo now.. did u go for evening walks??
We did our transfer on sat so today is consider day 6??
Don't think too much abt it. Quantity really isn't the most impt. My cousin had low ovarian reserves. During ER she only had 3 eggs I thk. Only 1 usable after 2 days and she transferred that 1 grade 3 embryo. Now she is already 18 wks pregnant. Doc says her baby is growing very well and should be a tall baby. So you only need ONE quality embryo to be pregnant with a healthy babe.

Try to think positive and be positive as much as you can. All the best!
How old is ur cousin? I also have low ovarian reserve.
Went for scan today and out of the 6 follicles I have, only 5 are growing. Haii so few eggs.. Hope these eggs are quality eggs and continue to grow well. And my lining didn't thicken as well.. Still at 5.7mm. :( Guess it's still up to God to decide for me. Just hope for the best.
Hi hopeful13, i went for my scan today too...my lining has increased fm 5mm on mon to 11.7mm triple...

I had red bean soup everyday since mon to wed...n went to dr zou for accunpcture on tue n she told me to take some beef to increase lining so i had beef yest for dinner n after that i had durian oso...so u can try to take both red bean soup n beef if u r ok to take beef...but im not sure if durian does has any help or not...
I drink Liao still never increase. Sad.. I ask the review doc she say if my lining still never increase, doc will prescribe progynova to me after ER.
U on siazen this cycle?who knows it may improve e egg quality. Qty is not important,its e quality that counts. Stay positive n continue praying. :) I got triple lining my previous cycle also didnt make it. Presevere on,u never noe wat e end results will be until e end :)
Hi hopeful13, i went for my scan today too...my lining has increased fm 5mm on mon to 11.7mm triple...

I had red bean soup everyday since mon to wed...n went to dr zou for accunpcture on tue n she told me to take some beef to increase lining so i had beef yest for dinner n after that i had durian oso...so u can try to take both red bean soup n beef if u r ok to take beef...but im not sure if durian does has any help or not...
I had red bean soup today. Had a bit of durian also. Hmm maybe I try eat beef tomorrow. But am going for scan again tomorrow. Your lining increase so much! I don't how my lining and eggs will be.. Just gotta relax Liao & hope for the best!
U on siazen this cycle?who knows it may improve e egg quality. Qty is not important,its e quality that counts. Stay positive n continue praying. :) I got triple lining my previous cycle also didnt make it. Presevere on,u never noe wat e end results will be until e end :)
Thanks for the encouragement Connie! I will try to think positive. :)
Hi hopeful13, i went for my scan today too...my lining has increased fm 5mm on mon to 11.7mm triple...

I had red bean soup everyday since mon to wed...n went to dr zou for accunpcture on tue n she told me to take some beef to increase lining so i had beef yest for dinner n after that i had durian oso...so u can try to take both red bean soup n beef if u r ok to take beef...but im not sure if durian does has any help or not...

Good news for the cycle.. Jiayou!!
Hi ladies thanks for the response. The bloatedness miraculously subsided after day 5/6. Just out of curiosity, anyone here above 40 of age n trying to get pregnant for the first time. What's your experience? Any success? Been quite disheartening to hear docs saying how low the chance of getting pregnant is above 40. But we are trying anyway n hoping for the best. We had 4 frozen embryos now n testing for PGD (chromosome testing). Fingers crossed we'd hv some good ones for egg transfer.
Went for my scan again, still no increase in lining and stuck at 5.7mm. Was wondering if is it becos my body did not have enough rest. The time gap between first and second cycle was 6 mths previously. Now is 3 months maybe not as ideal?
I have been reading here about eating egg whites, red bean soup n red meat to improve uterine lining. But don't seem to find it about eating egg white on the Internet. Does it really work? My doc hasn't mention anything of the lining thickness yet. But will get tt checked on my next visit. Have had egg picked up but not done the transfer yet.
Hi celeste...could you share more on pgd?i had 3 recurrent mcs relating to chromosomes...pm me if you feel more comfortable sharing offline...thanks much..

Hi celeste...could you share more on pgd?i had 3 recurrent mcs relating to chromosomes...pm me if you feel more comfortable sharing offline...thanks much..
hi Crayoncin,
It's ok, I can share here about PGD in case there are others who are keen to know more. I'm doing my IVF in KL, Malaysia. And being over 40 yrs old, it wasn't really an option not to do PGD. Basically PGD test the chromosomes of the embryos to eliminate down syndromes and other type of test. If you google for PGD there are alot of material online. This is a test done after day 5 or 6 of egg retrieval for the fertilized eggs. From here, you can even test for gender of the baby and other things. But due to low good eggs associated with age, choosing gender might not be an option for us. We are still waiting for the results which will be due next week. Anyone here who's doing your IVF in KL or in similar situation? Love to hear your experience. I'm not sure if this is available in Singapore but heard from a friend who did IVF here 8 yrs ago that you need to put up an appeal to do this test as they are very strict about this in Singapore due to gender selection of the baby etc. although I feel that this is almost crucial for woman above 40. Check with your doc where the quality of eggs is a factor of your MCs. If it is, maybe this could be an option as they will eliminate the bad embryos from the start. Hope this helps.
