(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Any mummy has tips on how to help baby fall asleep quickly esp at night? My bb slps at 11pm plus..sometimes even midnight. And usually we try put her to bed at abt 9pm. The next 2 to 3 hrs are spent rocking, patting and coaxing her to sleep. It's getting too tiring..she hates being swaddled so I've stopped swaddling btw. I tried again lately but she kicked up such a big fuss. So ill just cover her with the muslin cloth and tuck the sides underneath her, leaving her hands outside. My pd told us to let her cry and not carry her and thst she will learn..I tried reluctantly but I can't bear to see her wail her lungs out and not do a thing! So this method is out..

found this online, it is way too funny not to share:


OK, here's my situation. My mummy has had me for almost 5 months. The first few months were great - I cried, she picked me up and fed me, anytime, day or night. Then something happened.

Over the last few weeks, she has been trying to STTN (sleep through the night). At first, I thought it was just a phase, but it is only getting worse. I've talked to other babies, and it seems like it's pretty common after mummies have had us for around 6 months.

Here's the thing: these mummies don't really need to sleep. It's just a habit. Many of them have had some 30 years to sleep - they just don't need it anymore. So I am implementing a plan. I call it the Crybaby Shuffle.

It goes like this:

Night 1 - cry every 3 hours until you get fed. I know, it's hard. It's hard to see your mummy upset over your crying. Just keep reminding yourself, it's for her own good.

Night 2 - cry every 2 hours until you get fed.

Night 3 - every hour.

Most mummies will start to respond more quickly after about 3 nights. Some mummies are more alert, and may resist the change longer. These mummies may stand in your doorway for hours, shhhh-ing. Don't give in. I cannot stress this enough:

If you let her STTN (sleep through the night), just once, she will expect it every night. I KNOW IT'S HARD! But she really does not need the sleep, she is just resisting the change.

If you have an especially alert mummy, you can stop crying for about 10 minutes, just long enough for her to go back to bed and start to fall asleep. Then cry again. It WILL eventually work. My mummy once stayed awake for 10 hours straight, so I know she can do it.

Last night, I cried every hour. You just have to decide to stick to it and just go for it.

I cried for any reason I could come up with. My sleep sack tickled my foot. I felt a wrinkle under the sheet. My mobile made a shadow on the wall. I burped, and it tasted like pears. I hadn't eaten pears since lunch, what's up with that? The cat said "meow". I should know. My mummy reminds me of this about 20 times a day. LOL. Once I cried just because I liked how it sounded when it echoed on the monitor in the other room. Too hot, too cold, just right - doesn't matter! Keep crying!!

It took a while, but it worked. She fed me at 4am. Tomorrow night, my goal is 3:30am. You need to slowly shorten the interval between feedings in order to reset your mummies' internal clocks.

P.S. Don't let those rubber things fool you, no matter how long you suck on them, no milk will come out. Trust me!

I like this post! So funny.. I think my bb is trying to implement THE PLAN. Last time he wake up 3 hourly at night, drink both of my breasts, happy, sleep another 3 hrs. Now he wake uo drink one side, fall asleep won't wake n drink the other side no matter what I do , sleep one hr then wake crying for milk again. These 2-3 nights super tiring. Once I fall asleep hv to wake again.
Yesterday is the day before chu xi... Big spring cleaning!!! Mum came n help me look after bb then I power on n clean the filth off. Hubby came back to see 2 exhausted adults on the sofa, but house is so clean now! Hope bb stuffy nose get better too.
Any mummy has tips on how to help baby fall asleep quickly esp at night? My bb slps at 11pm plus..sometimes even midnight. And usually we try put her to bed at abt 9pm. The next 2 to 3 hrs are spent rocking, patting and coaxing her to sleep. It's getting too tiring..she hates being swaddled so I've stopped swaddling btw. I tried again lately but she kicked up such a big fuss. So ill just cover her with the muslin cloth and tuck the sides underneath her, leaving her hands outside. My pd told us to let her cry and not carry her and thst she will learn..I tried reluctantly but I can't bear to see her wail her lungs out and not do a thing! So this method is out..

My bb is very fussy at night too, usually around 8 till his midnight feed. Some of the things me n my hubby try:

- lying him tummy down on my chest while I'm reclined
- DL him
- reading to him
- tummy time

Hey, look on the bright side - better that he is fussy before midnight than after midnight right?

My boy still has not pooped... maybe he's saving it for the reunion dinner. i called my PD, they told me to use a cotton bud to tickle his butthole. Gotta try that after his next feed, hopefully it works. Haiz.
Any mummy has tips on how to help baby fall asleep quickly esp at night? My bb slps at 11pm plus..sometimes even midnight. And usually we try put her to bed at abt 9pm. The next 2 to 3 hrs are spent rocking, patting and coaxing her to sleep. It's getting too tiring..she hates being swaddled so I've stopped swaddling btw. I tried again lately but she kicked up such a big fuss. So ill just cover her with the muslin cloth and tuck the sides underneath her, leaving her hands outside. My pd told us to let her cry and not carry her and thst she will learn..I tried reluctantly but I can't bear to see her wail her lungs out and not do a thing! So this method is out..
Mine too! Tried to put my bb to bed at 10pm every night, but he will only slp ard midnight. Everynight will spend at least 2 hrs coaxing him to slp. Moreover i will always keep him awake from 8pm onwards so tt he can slp early bt seems lyk my method doesnt work. :(
Mine too! Tried to put my bb to bed at 10pm every night, but he will only slp ard midnight. Everynight will spend at least 2 hrs coaxing him to slp. Moreover i will always keep him awake from 8pm onwards so tt he can slp early bt seems lyk my method doesnt work. :(
By the tym he slp, it will be tym for his next feed again. Quite frustrating. Sigh.
When my bb full month it was his actual edd day. Nvm the nurse lah, sometimes they do their job till numb then is a bit insensitive. As long as bb healthy next time pre or full term won't matter so much.
Ya lor but hearing that still don't like kena label lor...tsk tsk
My bb is very fussy at night too, usually around 8 till his midnight feed. Some of the things me n my hubby try:

- lying him tummy down on my chest while I'm reclined
- DL him
- reading to him
- tummy time

Hey, look on the bright side - better that he is fussy before midnight than after midnight right?

My boy still has not pooped... maybe he's saving it for the reunion dinner. i called my PD, they told me to use a cotton bud to tickle his butthole. Gotta try that after his next feed, hopefully it works. Haiz.
You're breastfeeding right? How many days ur bb nv poop? I think for bf fed babies it's ok if they don't poop for a few days? Btw jus to share..my colleague recommended me an essential oil to help with bb's tummy/colic. It's called digestzen. I tried on bb n it seems to work for her. She has much lesser wind in her tummy and pd said v gd on our 2nd visit compared to previously when I first saw him. She also feeds better and poos daily. If mummies are interested to try do pm me I can let u know where to get. It's safe for bb cos it's all natural ingredients and applied externally on the soles and tummy. You can Google it too.. :)
Any mummy has tips on how to help baby fall asleep quickly esp at night? My bb slps at 11pm plus..sometimes even midnight. And usually we try put her to bed at abt 9pm. The next 2 to 3 hrs are spent rocking, patting and coaxing her to sleep. It's getting too tiring..she hates being swaddled so I've stopped swaddling btw. I tried again lately but she kicked up such a big fuss. So ill just cover her with the muslin cloth and tuck the sides underneath her, leaving her hands outside. My pd told us to let her cry and not carry her and thst she will learn..I tried reluctantly but I can't bear to see her wail her lungs out and not do a thing! So this method is out..

By the tym he slp, it will be tym for his next feed again. Quite frustrating. Sigh.
Same here! Start putting him to sleep at around 9pm. He wldnt sleep until around 12 midnite. We try every method oso. From comfort latch to pacifier. Some times its work, sometime don't. His eyes just open big big, dun wan to sleep although we can see that he is v tired already.
My hubby say is bcos last time when I'm pregnant I oso dun sleep until ard 11 or 12 midnite. So he follow mummy timing liao...
Any mummy has tips on how to help baby fall asleep quickly esp at night? My bb slps at 11pm plus..sometimes even midnight. And usually we try put her to bed at abt 9pm. The next 2 to 3 hrs are spent rocking, patting and coaxing her to sleep. It's getting too tiring..she hates being swaddled so I've stopped swaddling btw. I tried again lately but she kicked up such a big fuss. So ill just cover her with the muslin cloth and tuck the sides underneath her, leaving her hands outside. My pd told us to let her cry and not carry her and thst she will learn..I tried reluctantly but I can't bear to see her wail her lungs out and not do a thing! So this method is out..
So like my gal
Same here! Start putting him to sleep at around 9pm. He wldnt sleep until around 12 midnite. We try every method oso. From comfort latch to pacifier. Some times its work, sometime don't. His eyes just open big big, dun wan to sleep although we can see that he is v tired already.
My hubby say is bcos last time when I'm pregnant I oso dun sleep until ard 11 or 12 midnite. So he follow mummy timing liao...
Nope when pregnant I slept at 10+ leh but my gal a night owl sleep after 11pm- 1 or 2 am

Guess all our pony are late animal lolz sleep late wake up late
You're breastfeeding right? How many days ur bb nv poop? I think for bf fed babies it's ok if they don't poop for a few days? Btw jus to share..my colleague recommended me an essential oil to help with bb's tummy/colic. It's called digestzen. I tried on bb n it seems to work for her. She has much lesser wind in her tummy and pd said v gd on our 2nd visit compared to previously when I first saw him. She also feeds better and poos daily. If mummies are interested to try do pm me I can let u know where to get. It's safe for bb cos it's all natural ingredients and applied externally on the soles and tummy. You can Google it too.. :)

Ya my PD clinic said if total breastfeeding, can go up to 1 wk without poop. However, because I'm supplementing with FM, by right should not be so long between poops. I'm currently giving him avg 1 feed FM out of 8 feeds a day. His last poop was on Sun, that was after 1 day of no poop, man that last poop was massive. He passes out a lot of stinky gas, tummy feels quite soft to me.
Any mummy has tips on how to help baby fall asleep quickly esp at night? My bb slps at 11pm plus..sometimes even midnight. And usually we try put her to bed at abt 9pm. The next 2 to 3 hrs are spent rocking, patting and coaxing her to sleep. It's getting too tiring..she hates being swaddled so I've stopped swaddling btw. I tried again lately but she kicked up such a big fuss. So ill just cover her with the muslin cloth and tuck the sides underneath her, leaving her hands outside. My pd told us to let her cry and not carry her and thst she will learn..I tried reluctantly but I can't bear to see her wail her lungs out and not do a thing! So this method is out..

My bb sleeps 1am, 2am kind... I will like to know how to hypnotize him to sleep too...
Same here! Start putting him to sleep at around 9pm. He wldnt sleep until around 12 midnite. We try every method oso. From comfort latch to pacifier. Some times its work, sometime don't. His eyes just open big big, dun wan to sleep although we can see that he is v tired already.
My hubby say is bcos last time when I'm pregnant I oso dun sleep until ard 11 or 12 midnite. So he follow mummy timing liao...

Last time I preggy bb will hv v active movements at night, 11pm onwards. I told my hubby , shit will he be night owl.. Now turn our his sleeping pattern like in womb lor, at night super active eyes big big.
Does ur bb slp after milk. If he or she doesn't, will he or she want to drink again shortly to slp?

Depends, sometimes she knocked out after milk then 1.5hrs later Wanna drink... Sometimes she is wide awake, I put her down and let her play herself bf sometimes she gets cranky wanna cradle. It's difficult to guess what she wants ... We just go with the flow
Depends, sometimes she knocked out after milk then 1.5hrs later Wanna drink... Sometimes she is wide awake, I put her down and let her play herself bf sometimes she gets cranky wanna cradle. It's difficult to guess what she wants ... We just go with the flow
Do you latch or bottlefeed? Hmmm mine if nv fall asleep. After half an hr to less than an hr, she wanna drink again.. Hope i am not over feeding. She is 5.2kg at 5 weeks. =p
Do you latch or bottlefeed? Hmmm mine if nv fall asleep. After half an hr to less than an hr, she wanna drink again.. Hope i am not over feeding. She is 5.2kg at 5 weeks. =p

Bottle feed... Mine is also around that weight not at 5w , she was 3.255kg when born
Same here! Start putting him to sleep at around 9pm. He wldnt sleep until around 12 midnite. We try every method oso. From comfort latch to pacifier. Some times its work, sometime don't. His eyes just open big big, dun wan to sleep although we can see that he is v tired already.
My hubby say is bcos last time when I'm pregnant I oso dun sleep until ard 11 or 12 midnite. So he follow mummy timing liao...

Yes I also feel that baby follow mummy timing.

My #1 I sure knock out by 10pm every night.
N after born.. my #1 sleep at 8-9pm n wakes up at morning 6am.. which totally fits my usual timing

My #2 I sleep at midnight .. n she also same..

Now die liao lah... #3 I can sleep at 2or 3 am. Coz always can't sleep. N he also now keep disturb me after midnight dun wan sleep...

I read somewhere we have to let baby know when it's nap time n when it's sleep time.

For eg nap time is dim but not totally dark. N sleep time is totally dark / dimmer than nap time.

I find this works when I train my kids. .. once I off light. They will knock out.

Now I am trying to train my baby. Hope I am successful
Sure can finish within 2 wks. Cos i bought 900g, less than 2 wks finish. Lol
How do we know whether fm suitable for lo? Cos ebm n fm mixed liao...Ytd my lo body abit hot checked temp it was 37'c...lucky it slowly went down...35.9'c is ok right? Their temp have to be in which range?
How do we know whether fm suitable for lo? Cos ebm n fm mixed liao...Ytd my lo body abit hot checked temp it was 37'c...lucky it slowly went down...35.9'c is ok right? Their temp have to be in which range?

Hmmm prev when i bf and fm, bb poo abit watery n soft. (But heard if bm, the poo will be soft as well). But if u full fm, the poo shld be abit solid and nt watery (LS). if remain watery, meaning not suitable. For my case initally i feed similac, bb poo watery but i went chg to enfa, poo become abit solid. So nw i stick to enfa. To my understanding, temp above 37.5 consider fever. So ur lo 37 shld be alrite. :)
Does ur bb slp after milk. If he or she doesn't, will he or she want to drink again shortly to slp?

My bb usually slp after feeding but sometimes he would want to play. I wont feed milk unless is 3 hrs (+/-) interval. Cos sometimes they just wan us to carry them so dont feed too closely ya.
Hmmm prev when i bf and fm, bb poo abit watery n soft. (But heard if bm, the poo will be soft as well). But if u full fm, the poo shld be abit solid and nt watery (LS). if remain watery, meaning not suitable. For my case initally i feed similac, bb poo watery but i went chg to enfa, poo become abit solid. So nw i stick to enfa. To my understanding, temp above 37.5 consider fever. So ur lo 37 shld be alrite. :)
But now daytime ebm midnight fm...so far all her poo is watery...alamak meaning mbe not suit her? Mine cos in hospital they feed her dumex mamil gold so I thought since she had it b4 shld be alright for her didn't know need to c from poo...
But now daytime ebm midnight fm...so far all her poo is watery...alamak meaning mbe not suit her? Mine cos in hospital they feed her dumex mamil gold so I thought since she had it b4 shld be alright for her didn't know need to c from poo...
Nono it's ok..my baby poo also watery... on full fm...

As long as no constipation n stomach upset or no allergy can liao

Why some not suitable is coz too heaty n have constipation. .. or some babies has allergy problem n have to drink HA milk. .. or some cannot drink cows milk etc etc
Hmmm prev when i bf and fm, bb poo abit watery n soft. (But heard if bm, the poo will be soft as well). But if u full fm, the poo shld be abit solid and nt watery (LS). if remain watery, meaning not suitable. For my case initally i feed similac, bb poo watery but i went chg to enfa, poo become abit solid. So nw i stick to enfa. To my understanding, temp above 37.5 consider fever. So ur lo 37 shld be alrite. :)
But now daytime ebm midnight fm...so far all her poo is watery...alamak meaning mbe not suit her? Mine cos in hospital they feed her dumex mamil gold so I thought since she had it b4 shld be alright for her didn't know need to c from poo...

Here is the poo chart

It shows how healthy fm fed babies poo should b... its watery n soft too...
But now daytime ebm midnight fm...so far all her poo is watery...alamak meaning mbe not suit her? Mine cos in hospital they feed her dumex mamil gold so I thought since she had it b4 shld be alright for her didn't know need to c from poo...

U can buy small tin to try. Cos when i chg the milk, her poo really chg too. Hahaha
But sometimes the milk powder really make a diff on their poo. Cos once i chg , their poo really chg too. My dad told me bb poo cannt be so watery. :)
Anyway thanks for the link, cant believe got so many types of poo . Lol
Ya yes
. Cannot be too watery like Lao sai.
But also cannot be too solid.

Last 2 weeks I mention my bb has constipation n I wanted to change my fm from nan pro to others.

His poo is solid shape like squeezing too paste. When press it's soft. But to bb it's already consider constipation. He cries until very ke lian when ever he wanted to poo
Thus I wanted to change milk powder to try. But was advise by another fellow mummy here that nan pro is already consider the less heaty fm liao.

So I hang on to it.

N this week. His poo change to exactly as the link I shared. N he stop crying when he poo....

Haha this shows that bb poo can really tell us alot abt what happening to their body... we muz really observed their poo everyday.
N sometimes we have to smell it too.. not easy being a mummy ... lots of things to learn
Ya yes
. Cannot be too watery like Lao sai.
But also cannot be too solid.

Last 2 weeks I mention my bb has constipation n I wanted to change my fm from nan pro to others.

His poo is solid shape like squeezing too paste. When press it's soft. But to bb it's already consider constipation. He cries until very ke lian when ever he wanted to poo
Thus I wanted to change milk powder to try. But was advise by another fellow mummy here that nan pro is already consider the less heaty fm liao.

So I hang on to it.

N this week. His poo change to exactly as the link I shared. N he stop crying when he poo....

Haha this shows that bb poo can really tell us alot abt what happening to their body... we muz really observed their poo everyday.
N sometimes we have to smell it too.. not easy being a mummy ... lots of things to learn

Hahahaha ya nt easy to be a mummy. Nw my boi poo 1 time per day. Prev 6-8 times. Stress
Nono it's ok..my baby poo also watery... on full fm...

As long as no constipation n stomach upset or no allergy can liao

Why some not suitable is coz too heaty n have constipation. .. or some babies has allergy problem n have to drink HA milk. .. or some cannot drink cows milk etc etc
Oh thought u say if fm e poo have to be solic...when checked w my friend she said nope if solic means need to worry cos mbe having hard time to pass motion...oh okie that means can poo n pee can continue existing fm right? Thanks
Oh thought u say if fm e poo have to be solic...when checked w my friend she said nope if solic means need to worry cos mbe having hard time to pass motion...oh okie that means can poo n pee can continue existing fm right? Thanks

Can pop can pee ... n normal type of poo then it's fine...
Polyclinic doc told me. 37.5


She say babies this age cannot use ear thermometer not accurate. Muz use the armpit thermometer

Yes I also measure armpit temperture, use the cheap clinical thermometer and hold for three minutes.... the usual will beep at 30sec for putting under tongue...
Yes I also measure armpit temperture, use the cheap clinical thermometer and hold for three minutes.... the usual will beep at 30sec for putting under tongue...
Paeditrician say more accurate to measure under armpit. Forehead n eat thermometer only for 3 months and above.
Yes I also measure armpit temperture, use the cheap clinical thermometer and hold for three minutes.... the usual will beep at 30sec for putting under tongue...
36.9 or 37 my sis said it is mild fever? Thought fever is 37.2? Shall I bring to c pd?
