2WW - for those TTC-ing

Thanks @Piggling & @doodoo123 for e advices on raspberry tea.. Ya, I'll nt take it at e moment.. Feel more assured to hear frm TTC folks! :)

Days seem to pass v slowly when TTC but super fast when preg.. till u may nt b even ready n bb is coming out anytime soon.. Enjoy havin ur bb in ur tummy, it's such a special feeling & memorable.. I'm missing it so much.. :rolleyes:

Gonna press on TTC & jiayou!!

lol hard to say... i was surprised to see many friends doing tt... like rushing for train liddat... but i think very harsh on the body.. heard will have higher chance of premature too...
yup. will not be so gd to the body. at least rest for 1/2yr then try.
give me i will rest my body first. although i not tat young liao. if wan 2nd one need to be fast lor. but still need to take a break n also need time to adjust wif a little one ard.

givemefries is long cycle.

I booked my appt with gynae! think better check what is wrong inside my tummy.
gd tat u make appt wif gynae. not so gd to have only brown staining. still need full force AF to flush out watever inside.
better to check first....
I saw it at watsons and unity $36.80/$38.60. Ive gotten it frm 'burberry' smone that brought it in on this forum @$31.000. Qoo10 selling at $37.90.

Can try. Cos smtimes BD too much and will feel dry and sore.

Anyone facing problem inserting the Preseed applicator? I find it a bit uncomfortable. :p
Hi all, I am very "nervous".. Been thinking which days to BD as I haven't been using opk for a month. Today is CD7 and I completed my course of clomid for this cycle. Cycle length around 29-30 days but I am really not sure if I do ovulate on CD14-15. Those who have taken clomid before, do u feel it makes ur cm thicker? Wonder if I should get any lubricant.. Any recommendation? Thanks!!
@darbi @yoshi_trying, you ladies are SuPER WOMEN!! **hugs hugs** since your hbs are out of town most of the time.
@yoshi_trying, mayb you should try consult TCM & tell her about your short menses & see what they recommend.
@oceandeep78 you may try temping 1st thing in ever morn. I missed my O last month somehow. I didnt realise until early this year when Prof Wong was scanning me on alternate days, he told me & I monitored thru BBT & OPK.
@adriana24 jiayou! Have plenty of rest. Do you mind if I ask you some questions on IVF? I will be 1st novice soon and hope to find advise from sistas like yourself here. PM you later....
Bubbleblue1 not at all, have u pm me? Will wait for ya pm.
Yah, so I just take it as tiao first.. By the time year end, I should have TSB for a few times liao, should be able to decide if wan continue with her or not.

Lol! Cannot, your LO need to bake longer! Jubilee baby is nice too! :D
What is LO?? in case that someone already replied to this, hee hee need not reply me... i am catching up on e post.

lol.. today i have 2 colleagues wife give birth lor.
super qiao. same day but juz 1 is natural the other is c sec.
so mayb certain timing alot ppl strike.
within 3 weeks, i saw 4 people ard me gave birth liao... tat day saw one more friend posted.
Yah, so I just take it as tiao first.. By the time year end, I should have TSB for a few times liao, should be able to decide if wan continue with her or not.

Lol! Cannot, your LO need to bake longer! Jubilee baby is nice too! :D
What is LO?? in case that someone already replied to this, hee hee need not reply me... i am catching up on e post.

lol.. today i have 2 colleagues wife give birth lor.
super qiao. same day but juz 1 is natural the other is c sec.
so mayb certain timing alot ppl strike.
within 3 weeks, i saw 4 people ard me gave birth liao... tat day saw one more friend posted.
ya... this morning after i saw that one of my ex colls popped last night, i told hb tt someone i know popped, but our bun hasn't risen enough, and has not started to brown (not even 50% done) yet.
wow end aug till sept many ppl ard us pop bb hor.
ty ty, i hope the next 5 mths will be uneventful and bb grows properly. i'd be going for my "A" levels next fri (20 wk FA scan) and i hope to ace it :D
jiayou gamma! i oso wanted to take private O level but seems so hard to score. no confident and no one could guide me. :( and i think if i go to class, i will be e oldest!!! gamma, can pm me or tell me here, where do u go for classes? is it expensive? or do u self study? but for me if i wanna take will be O level. dont think i can ever do A level o_O
Hi all, I am very "nervous".. Been thinking which days to BD as I haven't been using opk for a month. Today is CD7 and I completed my course of clomid for this cycle. Cycle length around 29-30 days but I am really not sure if I do ovulate on CD14-15. Those who have taken clomid before, do u feel it makes ur cm thicker? Wonder if I should get any lubricant.. Any recommendation? Thanks!!

Use preseed. It helps to give the sperms a good environment to survive longer. Other lubricants are like spermicides. don't want that.
can O so late 1 ah?
How weird too right. Cos i read online some ppl's cycle was 35 days. Their O is day 23, think tt was alsk why i decided to test early sept.

Happy that AF came and O. For me AF is a gamble, alwys thkful tt I get it... But my sinseh dnt wanna do acupuncture for me now, cos ttc thn scared he poke e needle at certain point might m/c if dint knw alr concieve.
yup can de... if u have long cycle, u probably didnt O or O very late.
So it's meant for the Mrs not the Mr?

@PatChan Haha yes yes for the Mrs, at least for applicator. Mr can use it like norm lubricant also.

This is the applicator.


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So it's meant for the Mrs not the Mr?
hmm not really... it is to use it if vaginal is dry.. if using e applicator (the tube to insert to ur V and eject to apply) is difficult, jus apply on hubby's bird then when he pushes in, ur V will not be too dry
when i used preseed, also applied on hubby's birdy. Find it quite 'awkward' to insert in myself.
but i find it very messy leh...
I scared cos everyone so shock my O so late. So googled and thr are ladies tt O late or even later like CD50...and chances of successful PG is thr.

Can only pray, hope and cross fingers and toes. Hahaha
ya me me!!! i O any time as n when it likes to... sometimes can O even later! :eek:
hmm not really... it is to use it if vaginal is dry.. if using e applicator (the tube to insert to ur V and eject to apply) is difficult, jus apply on hubby's bird then when he pushes in, ur V will not be too dry
ah yoh, i am opposite have too much natural lube... maybe that's why sperms cannot stay?
I attributed it to stress cos around those couple of months I was pretty down and affected by work. After I changed my portfolio, things got better.

ah ok.... I like my work currently even though it is a hand full.... did you see the gynae about it or just pushed it to stress? wah lau what if next week i pay to get the gynae to say the same thing to me?
@Emily_Emily haha..very funny leh you like this talk...O as and when you like :p

@yoshi_trying more lubricant is good mah.....except you must see whether the mucus is sperm friendly a not.

weekend coming...BD like rabbits for those in new cycle!
I have been hearing friends popping around end Sept/ in Oct. Seems like Dec/Jan are best relax period to successful conceived??? haha....
ah ok.... I like my work currently even though it is a hand full.... did you see the gynae about it or just pushed it to stress? wah lau what if next week i pay to get the gynae to say the same thing to me?

I didn't see the gynae for it leh, 1st time I saw it, I told myself, ok I wait 1 cycle.. then consecutive cycle I saw it again I say ok 1 more cycle then I will go see gynae. Then thankfully, it went back to normal AF.

ah yoh, i am opposite have too much natural lube... maybe that's why sperms cannot stay?

Haa.. u so funny. I personally think the lube helps make the path "slippery slippery" faster reach the eggs. Put yr legs and butt up next time at least 20-30mins after BD. Then slippery all the way in... *opps a bit over*
I didn't see the gynae for it leh, 1st time I saw it, I told myself, ok I wait 1 cycle.. then consecutive cycle I saw it again I say ok 1 more cycle then I will go see gynae. Then thankfully, it went back to normal AF.

Haa.. u so funny. I personally think the lube helps make the path "slippery slippery" faster reach the eggs. Put yr legs and butt up next time at least 20-30mins after BD. Then slippery all the way in... *opps a bit over*

ah ok, so mine is the first round technically. actually i dont know if i am doing it right. when I put my legs up, there was spillage!!! so i just tilt upwards.

dunno sianz wor... try so hard and no results lol
I didn't see the gynae for it leh, 1st time I saw it, I told myself, ok I wait 1 cycle.. then consecutive cycle I saw it again I say ok 1 more cycle then I will go see gynae. Then thankfully, it went back to normal AF.

Haa.. u so funny. I personally think the lube helps make the path "slippery slippery" faster reach the eggs. Put yr legs and butt up next time at least 20-30mins after BD. Then slippery all the way in... *opps a bit over*
Lolxx dunno y these days I dozed off so easily after bd. Dun even think I can hold for 10mins lolxxx

Jus few days back, I saw this posting in fb which I find it very meaningful. I didn't have the chance to save it but the message somehow printed and store in my mind...

You don't pray to have your parents...
But your parents prayed to have you...

Sobsss makes me wanna cry. Emo much.

A prayer i came across from a blog. I'm not super religious... To me I jus believe thrs God up thr, guan yin, God, Allah, indian God. But this really touched me and I got all teary.

"You know my deep desire for a child
A little one to love and to hold, to care for,
to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive
and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in
Your holy image.
Guide me in all my choices so that this
conception, my pregnancy and my baby's birth
are in line with Your will.
Heavenly Father and Holy Mother,
hear this prayer of my heart, mind & spirit. AMEN"

Baby dust to all you ladies! HUGGGGS!
