(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

@Sugarlove87, I ask Pump Love how come the price difference between your price and my price. Pump Love said there is definitely a mistake, and the $210 price doesn't include the Freemie. You might want to contact her to clarify?? She wants to get in touch with you too, and asked me for details, but I said for privacy reasons, I'll let you know so that you can contact her.

Okay, I'll ask her.

yah that is why the saying can bully mountain cannot bully sea... their force is very strong even for competent swimmers let alone those who cant or hardly swim ...but that gal quite bo liao... see water fall also no need to be RIGHT under the waterfall wat some waterfall water is fast and furious one ... see from far can liao wat
Ya lor ya lor c c enjoy the view can liao. But she want to go till water fall there and stand on the stones there to let the water pour on her body she said want to experience. My life almost gone there. I told my hub if not he won able to have me as his wife liao.
Omg that's so irresponsible of your colleague! Lucky u have 贵人to help u. When I was a child, I almost drowned in the pool before also, that's why up till now I don't know how to swim, cos I got phobia of putting my face underwater. I remember in sec school we HAVE to pass a swimming test, I tried my best to bluff the GP that I'm allergic to chlorine so I can be excused, but the GP was too clever, so I bo bian, LL, has to take the lessons, but I always hide in the back n only participated half the time. Then when it came time for the test, we had to swim abt 1/2 the width of the pool, I remember taking a super super deep breath, n just jumping as far as my skinny chicken legs would take me into the pool, n that literally covered 1/2 the distance required already, then I literally floated down the other half. I didn't move my face, my hands or my legs, I floated, like a crocodile... or a dead log. I could even hear my classmates asking each other eh what stroke is she using har?? Haha, who cares, I floated my way to the finishing line, n I passed! Hehehe.
Yup the phobia is there cannot forget also like happen not long ago.
@Sugarlove87, I ask Pump Love how come the price difference between your price and my price. Pump Love said there is definitely a mistake, and the $210 price doesn't include the Freemie. You might want to contact her to clarify?? She wants to get in touch with you too, and asked me for details, but I said for privacy reasons, I'll let you know so that you can contact her.

Wa that's very misleading!! Cos I remember seeing freemie alone cost $100plus not possible that they are selling spectra so cheap .. And whole package cost $210.. Abit too gd to be true unless it's promotion

U muz spray window cleaner on the glass before u use this so it can slide smoothly...

N also if ur glass is 5mm thick (our standard size in sg ) then u get the one suitable for 3-6mm..

Coz if u get those 6-12 mm then suction too strong cant slide well.

N if ur glass is thick like 8mm (normally for those big sets sliding doors) n u get 3-6mm the suction dun work . The cleaner dun magnet together...

Its takes some trial n error n u will get the hang of using it smoothly. .. its a good device but need to master the skill :)
@Sugarlove87, I ask Pump Love how come the price difference between your price and my price. Pump Love said there is definitely a mistake, and the $210 price doesn't include the Freemie. You might want to contact her to clarify?? She wants to get in touch with you too, and asked me for details, but I said for privacy reasons, I'll let you know so that you can contact her.
Wah, really misleading. I got ask her for info on m1 and s1 too. She told me is $200 and $300 respectively. But I din ask further if the price is the package price anot. Cos I think I not getting so soon yet. And I ask her for a email on the package on what is include. She just msg me a picture....-_-||
Wah, really misleading. I got ask her for info on m1 and s1 too. She told me is $200 and $300 respectively. But I din ask further if the price is the package price anot. Cos I think I not getting so soon yet. And I ask her for a email on the package on what is include. She just msg me a picture....-_-||
Then that is deceiving cos picture macam like give everything
@Sugarlove87, I ask Pump Love how come the price difference between your price and my price. Pump Love said there is definitely a mistake, and the $210 price doesn't include the Freemie. You might want to contact her to clarify?? She wants to get in touch with you too, and asked me for details, but I said for privacy reasons, I'll let you know so that you can contact her.

Huh! Then what she told me was also a mistake? Maybe @Sugarlove87 can check her parcel on Saturday and confirm with you again. If too dubious, better not buy from her. Her replies to me were very short too. Hmm......
Since i have no helper.. i dun bother to clean the windows do.. juz ensure track are clean will do.. glass panels i dun care...

Same here. Before i had a part time helper(which is like recently only), i don't clean windows. Just wipe with the grills and tracks with magic clean duster will do. Can extend till quite long. Lol
Huh! Then what she told me was also a mistake? Maybe @Sugarlove87 can check her parcel on Saturday and confirm with you again. If too dubious, better not buy from her. Her replies to me were very short too. Hmm......

Funny thing is when I tell her that @Sugarlove87 is collecting her pkg on Saturday then Pump Love tell me that she doesn't do deliveries on Sauturday.... I juz let it slide since I thought I remember wrongly... Now u also cfm the same thing...

Unless @Sugarlove87 bought from someone else and not Pump Love?
Funny thing is when I tell her that @Sugarlove87 is collecting her pkg on Saturday then Pump Love tell me that she doesn't do deliveries on Sauturday.... I juz let it slide since I thought I remember wrongly... Now u also cfm the same thing...

Unless @Sugarlove87 bought from someone else and not Pump Love?

Really strange.. But I remember @Sugarlove87 confirmed before that the seller is Pump Love. Anyway if you do buy from the seller, test out the pumps once you have received it. Just to be sure it's working well.
Hahaha! :D :D I also refused to learn swimming when the school sent me when I was 9. I saw the instructors throwing my classmates into the 2m pool and I chickened out. Every lesson I bluff that I had diarrhea and hid in toilet till it was time to go home. Lol. But I eventually took up private swimming lessons with my mum and aunts when I was 15. :p
Hahaha. Everyone will sure think of reason to avoid it. Lol
Constipated for more than 5 hrs. Now feeling tummy v hard. Worried if it will affect beanie. Anyone know?
5 days ? Try make it come out today ?? Yesterday i also record 4 days.. yesterday finally out... else very uncomfortable

Dun think will affect juz that u will feel very pek cek.n un comfortable
so frustrating, just as I thought the MS is over... last two mornings have puked out my morning drink and fish oil....oh yucks! after puking, no mood to exercise liao :(
so frustrating, just as I thought the MS is over... last two mornings have puked out my morning drink and fish oil....oh yucks! after puking, no mood to exercise liao :(
Ms will come visit us once in a while...

I always standby my strong med for nausea n coz if my ms come visit me i will feel nausea the whole day...
eh, I also having the MS feeling sometimes, especially in the morning recently... today a lady pack her breakfast on the bus, the food smell.. wah.. I nearly cannot take it. Not that its not nice, but its just trigger my nausea.
Yesterday night I also felt MS... had dinner, went home, end up feeling very nauseous but never puke... stomach also v bloated. Not sure if it's the tomyum seafood i ate, because during first tri, I hated seafood, second tri thought okay liao...
eh, I also having the MS feeling sometimes, especially in the morning recently... today a lady pack her breakfast on the bus, the food smell.. wah.. I nearly cannot take it. Not that its not nice, but its just trigger my nausea.

same here too.
always bring my nausea med - Pulin (metoclopramide) wherever I go
finger cross ... for me it is just lost of appetite ... i no longer got craving for fast food or oily stuff
Examined my belly for stretch marks this morning. Fingers crossed so far. Been religiously using my bio oil. Any idea when did start to make their appearance? Belly also feels so hard. Not like rock hard but just hard. Is this normal?
Ms will come visit us once in a while...

I always standby my strong med for nausea n coz if my ms come visit me i will feel nausea the whole day...

i was hoping that i fall in the category of "morning sickness gone after 1st trim" and "2nd trim is a honeymoon".

but not entirely loh..i had fever on mon and threw up everything i ate and drink.vomit till my tears auto come out that kind.

i was so super worried about baby,cus mummy vomit everything and no appetite at all.

see 18 weeks already still no honeymoon.

maybe my 2nd trim honeymoon starts today :)
5 days ? Try make it come out today ?? Yesterday i also record 4 days.. yesterday finally out... else very uncomfortable

Dun think will affect juz that u will feel very pek cek.n un comfortable
No, it is 5 hours cannot sit, cannot stand, cannot sleep.
I forced very hard for it to be out middle of the night yesterday. Very afraid the uterus position come down
Examined my belly for stretch marks this morning. Fingers crossed so far. Been religiously using my bio oil. Any idea when did start to make their appearance? Belly also feels so hard. Not like rock hard but just hard. Is this normal?

erm...a bit hard or shld i describe as firm? because not the flabby tummy i used to knw...kekeke...

my breast got a few lines of stretch mark
No, it is 5 hours cannot sit, cannot stand, cannot sleep.
I forced very hard for it to be out middle of the night yesterday. Very afraid the uterus position come down
Do some squating exercise? ? Put some soap at ur butt hole..

Dun force too hard.... u can try push awhile if dun have later 30mins or 1 hr later u try again..
No, it is 5 hours cannot sit, cannot stand, cannot sleep.
I forced very hard for it to be out middle of the night yesterday. Very afraid the uterus position come down
go take something to soften the stool ...or take yakult or yogurt ..dun try to pull it ...

i dunno how true ..my hubby said his distant relative got constipation and she push so hard until fetus also come out .. but i find it ridiculas lah
I just had lontong. Feeling greedy, bought curry puff too. End up too full. Make hub bring it to work instead.

MS been away for abt a week only. Don't let it come back so fast pls...
go take something to soften the stool ...or take yakult or yogurt ..dun try to pull it ...

i dunno how true ..my hubby said his distant relative got constipation and she push so hard until fetus also come out .. but i find it ridiculas lah

I think it is b/s that the fetus also came out.

Btw, DEARBabe if all fails, go to guardian and get lactulose. And gorge yourself on papayas tonight :D
No, it is 5 hours cannot sit, cannot stand, cannot sleep.
I forced very hard for it to be out middle of the night yesterday. Very afraid the uterus position come down
go take something to soften the stool ...or take yakult or yogurt ..dun try to pull it ...

i dunno how true ..my hubby said his distant relative got constipation and she push so hard until fetus also come out .. but i find it ridiculas lah
Examined my belly for stretch marks this morning. Fingers crossed so far. Been religiously using my bio oil. Any idea when did start to make their appearance? Belly also feels so hard. Not like rock hard but just hard. Is this normal?
usually 3rd trim the stretch mark will become obvious for some
Recently all the food woes come back again... don't feel like eating too much, cannot eat too much in 1 seating, eat a little feel bloated already... SIAN. Last week, my life still revolved around food, this week like not really interested at all....
Good morning mummies! TGIF, woo hoo!!

@dearbabe u can try taking Senokot. My Gynae prescribed that to me to soften the stools, it's a plant based pill, so safe for pregnancy, u can find it in Watsons or Guardian too. Take before u go to bed n u should be able to clear the next morning. Don't strain too hard, cos u might get piles or cramps.

I'm having Chee Cheong fun n soon kueh now, yummy! I'm in my Chee Cheong fun phrase now, first trimester I was in a curry puff phrase, everyday must eat, now every morning I got craving for Chee Cheong fun. :p

Oh I hope MS don't visit me again! These few nights after dinner I get heartburn, or just a weird feeling in my chest, eat abit very full already, abit xin ku, but definitely I will choose that over nausea.
Examined my belly for stretch marks this morning. Fingers crossed so far. Been religiously using my bio oil. Any idea when did start to make their appearance? Belly also feels so hard. Not like rock hard but just hard. Is this normal?

i know a friend had her first SM at wk 30 or sth.

My belly is also hard ! Very nice to poke :p :p
Recently all the food woes come back again... don't feel like eating too much, cannot eat too much in 1 seating, eat a little feel bloated already... SIAN. Last week, my life still revolved around food, this week like not really interested at all....

Good and bad days! Take it as (last week + this week)/2 = even out, just nice , then won't put on too much wt and get nagged at by Dr Tham. His "lecturing" is intimidating so I heard!
I think it is b/s that the fetus also came out.

Btw, DEARBabe if all fails, go to guardian and get lactulose. And gorge yourself on papayas tonight :D

If you are the traditional kind, then don't take too much papaya, cuz it has the same effect as pineapple...

Can try taking kiwi instead...
