2WW - for those TTC-ing

I feel like telling her 管你屁事!duhhhh... I rather keep dogs. (Cannot say that coz I will offend a lot of pple...lol)
Hahah.. You know what, this morning I feel like telling her "要不然你去生咯!” heheh.. But can't say that cos sure will offend her .. Must still show respect ;)

Hahah.. Ya, cny more relax, no need to work, so can work harder but too bad me not TTC yet leh.. But of course still can , to keep the momentum going and keep the love burning .. Heheh.. So Stoney, u decided to visit TCM TSB? Wanna jus go and see what she say?:)
haven decide. still got 1 more wk for me to tink.
My boy knows I desire to have a baby.. So he will draw pictures of me carrying a baby and he and daddy standing beside me.. Like a beautiful family of 4 :) then he will tell me he prays for me to have a baby soon.. So touched .. But so sad too, cos keep trying but jus don't have .. :(
Hi my 5yo knows we do all we can do to give him a brother or sister
We also told him it was not that better to have a brother or sister
For instance my brother And sister dont get along at all
We talk about it and he reached a point where he just wait with i Hope not so much Hope anymore

The other day he asked me till how old i could make a Baby he s concerned i might get too old - i said i have to hurry i Know my darling you are my miracle you Know that

This is more heartbreaking for me to see him asking than for myself - honestly
Happy Chinese New Year to all my gorgeous friends here!!!!

shoo shoo away all the nasty comments>>>nasty ppl

bring in lotsa babies dust, babies LUCK!!!

Happy 马 年 to all the TTC buddies here !

Wishing everyone a smooth sailing year, with alot of good health and wealth, and most imptly, like what Chocopiggie said ............ "马"上怀孕"

Huat huat huat !!!
Buy a horse n put a doll on it. Ha ha. Just like this pic.

For those who don't understand mandarin, it translate to having a baby immediately.
Woo so cute the pic. And got 2 babies. Hahaha I want twins! Yeah happy lunar new year everyone! Time to prepare stuff and head out for reunion dinner!
Woo so cute the pic. And got 2 babies. Hahaha I want twins! Yeah happy lunar new year everyone! Time to prepare stuff and head out for reunion dinner!

I also like twins! Heheh.. Finally back home to prepare reunion dinner with my mil. And so zhun, my AF report today liao.. Nevertheless, in going to jus enjoy my long weekends and eat whatever I want!:)
马上怀孕! 马上有娃!:)
Hi angel mommy, same as you. My AF came today. Yeah quite sian cos tot delayed liao..
Dun like it to be this festive period with this haha
Hi angel mommy, same as you. My AF came today. Yeah quite sian cos tot delayed liao..
Dun like it to be this festive period with this haha

Hi sunbelle, ya, my AF came on 31/1.. Today is my CD3. I have been taking my bbt since CD1. For me, I bought cheap OPK and also clearblue easy digital ovulation test kit. Used clearblue ADVANCED ovulation test kit but don't like it. Cos gives me funny and confusing result. Some ladies used fertility monitor too. Are you TTC your #1 or #2 ? How long have you been trying?:) welcome to join us here:)
How's everyone. Busy yesterday. I was lucky yesterday only one person wish me on getting pregnant soon. Okay lah so quite happy nvr have to keep replying or saying same thing.

Hmm I'm Oing soon but probably got to try next mth. Cox we are so tired when we get home we nvr get to go much. Haha.

Enjoy this new year!!
Yesterday was a hectic day for me. Was out from morning till night. But glad mil can help me and hubby take care of our boy for a while so we can catch a movie jus the two of us:) yesterday had a good time of chit chatting with my cousin's wife. She has jus given birth to her second child. She shared with me how it was so hard for her to conceive at the beginning when she was trying for #1. Tried actively for 1 year plus too. Saw TCM and gyne but both say they have no prob With their body, can conceive. She told me even the TCM say they don't need any medicine to tiao their body , jus need to keep trying. She said at that time both of them are doing their masters ,so could be stress. Cos after they finished their studies , she told me they also kinda gave up the idea of conceiving. 3 months after that , she conceived! After that , when the #1 is about 18 months, without thinking that she will conceive again , she conceived her #2 unexpectedly. She is very encouraging , told me to keep trying and don't give up. It will happen when we least expect it:) finally cny visitation is not too bad.. For the first time:) other than that, only a few aunties jus casually ask me to Jia you. One even asked me to carry her granddaughter so I can have a one of my own.. But other than that , still okie :)
How's everyone. Busy yesterday. I was lucky yesterday only one person wish me on getting pregnant soon. Okay lah so quite happy nvr have to keep replying or saying same thing.

Hmm I'm Oing soon but probably got to try next mth. Cox we are so tired when we get home we nvr get to go much. Haha.

Enjoy this new year!!

Hopeful_mum, still have chance.. Try to make use of opp to BD:) use your power to make your hubby awake.. Heheh..
Dear all

I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to join in this thread as I'm a guy I'm this case.
My wife is Korean so I'm trying to gather as much information as I can since we started ttc last month.
My wife had a positive opk on cd 13, cd14 and a faint positive on cd15.we bd on cd 11(I drunk may I add) and cd 15. Am wondering if we missed the boat on this cycle as we really want kids now

Do let me know if it's inappropriate to join this discussion but similarly this ttw for me has been keeping me awake at nights too, hoping and hoping

Happy new yeAr to all of you lastly
So far only 2 asked me. Haha. One of them was his cousin, I just say keep dogs better. She stunned and diam diam liao. The other asked and continue to rantle on to say one not enough la. Blah blah.. Need to have another one to keep her company. You think I am like hen lay eggs meh... :p

I am also Oing soon. Suppose to test this cycle but was so busy with visiting! Haha... But did BD twice though. Like buy toto see got chance or not lor.

Happy horse year everyone! :)
Dear all

I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to join in this thread as I'm a guy I'm this case.
My wife is Korean so I'm trying to gather as much information as I can since we started ttc last month.
My wife had a positive opk on cd 13, cd14 and a faint positive on cd15.we bd on cd 11(I drunk may I add) and cd 15. Am wondering if we missed the boat on this cycle as we really want kids now

Do let me know if it's inappropriate to join this discussion but similarly this ttw for me has been keeping me awake at nights too, hoping and hoping

Happy new yeAr to all of you lastly

Hi is a public forum so Ofcourse u can join but sometimes we complain about our DH so hope u dont mind too. Ha ha.

From what I know is best to bd before positive on opk, the day opk show positive as well as the day after so u get your bases covered. Once u ovulate it will be too late. Opk indicate LH surge meaning u going to ovulate soon but don't know when. Can be 12 to 36hrs. So if u chart bbt u will roughly know your trend. Hope this helps.
So far only 2 asked me. Haha. One of them was his cousin, I just say keep dogs better. She stunned and diam diam liao. The other asked and continue to rantle on to say one not enough la. Blah blah.. Need to have another one to keep her company. You think I am like hen lay eggs meh... :p

I am also Oing soon. Suppose to test this cycle but was so busy with visiting! Haha... But did BD twice though. Like buy toto see got chance or not lor.

Happy horse year everyone! :)

Sure have chance :)
Haha I confirm miss Liao. We play mj overnight and I'm just so tired no one is going to touch me. Haha. But yest I was do bloated I think I looked like my sis in law whose pregnant for 3-4 mths!! So today I woke up no longer bloated meaning shd have O and no bd. Tonight see how. We may have another round. Lol. I can safely say to the next cycle! Lol
Thanks jumbo girl

I'm used to my wife complaining in front of me anyway.
Thing is last month when we started ttc, her menses came late three days (note that she never missed a single day in her entire life) and she was saying she had all the symptoms. End up three days later she af and she was really disappointed. We feel she might have chemical preg. Hopefully she don't have to go through it again. But this ttw is........ painful to wait
Thanks jumbo girl

I'm used to my wife complaining in front of me anyway.
Thing is last month when we started ttc, her menses came late three days (note that she never missed a single day in her entire life) and she was saying she had all the symptoms. End up three days later she af and she was really disappointed. We feel she might have chemical preg. Hopefully she don't have to go through it again. But this ttw is........ painful to wait

Next time when u miss period can take HPT to test. It may not be chemical. Sometimes stress can cause delay too. I have fake preggy symptom every mth. Ha ha.

U are so sweet n caring to your wife.
Next time when u miss period can take HPT to test. It may not be chemical. Sometimes stress can cause delay too. I have fake preggy symptom every mth. Ha ha.

U are so sweet n caring to your wife.

She did take the test and all bfn. Only thing is she mentioned she was never late and never had symptoms before. Anyway that is over

This month she did temping and before cd14, she was range of 35.7, after cd 17 till date she is around 36 5, does this mean she did o? Will temp change during implantation?
She did take the test and all bfn. Only thing is she mentioned she was never late and never had symptoms before. Anyway that is over

This month she did temping and before cd14, she was range of 35.7, after cd 17 till date she is around 36 5, does this mean she did o? Will temp change during implantation?

Yes once temp spike it shows u ovulate. So I think she has a good chance. Don't stress ok. Normal couples with no issue takes half a yr to one yr before conception happen. If after trying one yr n no result best to seek help from fertility dr n get checkup
morning everyone!!!!!
Happy CNY...
Me tis yr still ok. survive thru. hahaha...
not much ppl ask. so quite safe.

Back to work today..... so boring..... feel like slping. but i been slping the whole of ytd...:D
anyway now waiting for O. hahaha. but then shld b will BD on off soon. Engine have to start liao....
Morning ladies!:) Monday again .. Cny holidays fly pass so quickly!
I started taking royal jelly start of January and I must say I didn't experience any menses cramp this cycle .. Usually I'll experience some menses cramps the day b4 AF and on 1st two days. Last time when I have cysts in my ovary, the pain is more . But this time it is only through taking bbt and counting the number of days that I know my AF is coming (since I'm not TTC until April, I kinda expect AF to come). I'm not sure if it is becos of royal jelly but this is the only new thing I take this month .. I'll continue to take royal jelly again and see if it does help with relieving menses cramp. But after my AF, I'll be taking TCM medicine too.. So will see how it turns out. But royal jelly is good for my body anyway, so I'll still continue to take :) hope it also help to produce good quality eggs too!:) heheh...
morning everyone!!!!!
Happy CNY...
Me tis yr still ok. survive thru. hahaha...
not much ppl ask. so quite safe.

Back to work today..... so boring..... feel like slping. but i been slping the whole of ytd...:D
anyway now waiting for O. hahaha. but then shld b will BD on off soon. Engine have to start liao....

Stoney, did u manage to take your bbt?:)
Jia you once you engine starts!:)
Haha I confirm miss Liao. We play mj overnight and I'm just so tired no one is going to touch me. Haha. But yest I was do bloated I think I looked like my sis in law whose pregnant for 3-4 mths!! So today I woke up no longer bloated meaning shd have O and no bd. Tonight see how. We may have another round. Lol. I can safely say to the next cycle! Lol

Hahah.. If u really miss, then take this month to continue to tiao your body well until next cycle then try again!:) maybe after one month of relaxing, it will increase your chance of TTC !:) Jia you!:)
Hi morning gals. I will head back to work tomorrow. Today still going visiting. Haha. Anyway yesterday my cousin came to visit with his 3 months old. I could not sot carrying him even volunteer to take care of him so that the couple can rest. Haha. Missed that carry baby feeling. Does you gals have encounters with babies this CNY? :)
Hi morning gals. I will head back to work tomorrow. Today still going visiting. Haha. Anyway yesterday my cousin came to visit with his 3 months old. I could not sot carrying him even volunteer to take care of him so that the couple can rest. Haha. Missed that carry baby feeling. Does you gals have encounters with babies this CNY? :)
Yes, me too:) carried my cousin's baby too.. And my fren's 4 months old baby as well as my own sister's 6 month old baby:) so cute! :)
