(2014/03) March 2014

Hi. This i my #1 Baby. excited.. Dr. assess that i am 5 weeks last week means now gg to 6 weeks. I could see the egg v. faintly as i did not hold my bladder.
My Gynae also @ TMC - Dr. Beh

So excited!! )
bellering, hellooo. yup, if you stay in the west, might be quite a far to travel to TMC. too bad a lot of gynaes are based in tmc.

zergmei, oh u can create the april thread if you are the first to report :)
Been Burping a lot this morning despite not having any prior breakfast. Any MTBs with the same issue? :)
hi fellow mummies, i just made a few purchases on ASOS recently and say to say, the sizes did not fit me. Hoping to sell here to fellow mummies at a discounted price. Both pieces are in size 8. The price which I have bought the dress at and the selling price are indicated in the thumbnails. do contact me at 98446512 if interested. Tks.


  • Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 43.35 SP 38.jpg
    Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 43.35 SP 38.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 542
  • Maternity T-Shirt Dress with Lace Panel in Acid Wash UP 36.85 SP 32.jpg
    Maternity T-Shirt Dress with Lace Panel in Acid Wash UP 36.85 SP 32.jpg
    29.3 KB · Views: 414
Mochaa, no burping for me but vomit gastric juice on n off if too hungry in the am hehehe
I started to feel a lil nauseous and lack appetite already.. few days back was still eating happily and gaining wt.
I like your baby ticker btw! Cute!
Heee thanks :) Yups first scan 5weeks plus ... Can see sac not hb yet next scan is next sat ... Should be able to see and hb by then hope all is fine :)

How about u?
My 1st scan with Dr Paul Tseng is this Wed. Quite nervous and anxious + excited. Hope everything will be fine too! :)
Hi ladies!!

I just tested a bfp last week and hubby took me to the gynae like immediately the next day.
We went to dr woody where he did an ultrasound.. didnt see anything.. and he said very early stage pregnancy.
haha guess he must be thinking this couple too kiasu.. im gonna see him when im abt 7weeks again..
1st time mtb. So kinda excited and also worrying about alot of things.. if baby is growing alright in there and stuff like tt...

can add me to the fb group pls? [email protected]
Hi Mummies, am expecting #2 due 1st March. #1 was born April 2011. Having a difficult time looking after #1 plus the MS and #2 is experiencing spotting and bleeding. On hormone pills to stabilise.
hi all mummies!!!..nice meeting u all!!..juz found tt I m pregnant last week..this is my #2..n my #1 is 18 month old nw...just went to gynae today..6week + nw..n have heartbeat..hope we can share more n encourage each other along the way!!!
welcome to new members. do join us in FB. pm either Eunice or fishbone to add you.

Hannah, we same edd :)

mochaa, how many weeks will you be when u go for yr 1st appt?
Hi ladies!!

I just tested a bfp last week and hubby took me to the gynae like immediately the next day.
We went to dr woody where he did an ultrasound.. didnt see anything.. and he said very early stage pregnancy.
haha guess he must be thinking this couple too kiasu.. im gonna see him when im abt 7weeks again..
1st time mtb. So kinda excited and also worrying about alot of things.. if baby is growing alright in there and stuff like tt...

can add me to the fb group pls? [email protected]
done. check ur email for the invitation.
hi...how to PM huh???...or eunice or fishbone can kindly add me in the fb grp???.. email is [email protected] or search me under hannah tan jin mei..thanks!
same for u too.
haha i seldom check my email coz i have several accounts in smh :x
just post ur email add here and i will invite u accordingly :p
see u in the fb grp! We are more active there now hahaha
hello all! today I'm into my 7th week and MS has been bad. it lasts the whole day and i feel so nauseous. When i try to vomit, nothing comes out. i'll be seeing my gynae soon next tuesday for the second ultrasound scan to see the heartbeat. i'm so excited and nervous!
welcome to new members. do join us in FB. pm either Eunice or fishbone to add you.

Hannah, we same edd :)

mochaa, how many weeks will you be when u go for yr 1st appt?
I think I shd be able 6weeks+ going when I go for 1st appt. Found out I was pregnant when I was 5 weeks and gynae said to meet him 2 weeks later ma. :)
I thought I cld siam MS but burping, bloatedness and fatigue is stronger now guess cos it's 6th week, start of symptoms..is that right?
Just back from 2nd appt, and this time I can saw my bb heartbeat! So excited! Edd is 16 Mar, so now is abt 7 wks 6 d.
Dr recommend to have Down syndrome checked( ultrasound + blood test) as I'm age 33. Did anyone of #2 times mummy did e test before? Test ard $321, I felt quite exp. But hubby it's better to test. This is part of first trimester screening as well.
Btw, thinking to let my boss know abt my pregnancy this coming Mon. Can share w me normally in how many wks will u disclose yr pregnancy to yr boss?
orangebeauty, I will only disclose only after 3rd mth mainly to secure maternity benefits. If my tummy leaks out the secret, I have no choice :p

mocha, enjoy your first gynae's visit. i saw him at 5+ weeks, brought forward from wk6 due to his leave. now i have to wait 2 more weeks.
Hi Mums,

I am selling mostly unused baby items, still in packaging. Prices are negotiable.

Belly belt from spring maternity @ $18 (retail: $29.90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...belt-from-spring-maternity-W0QQAdIdZ510229899

Cot bumper @ $25 (retail: $39.90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...ile-cot-bumper-rarely-used-W0QQAdIdZ510143521
Tiny Love Cot Mobile @ $60 (retail: $90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff-for-Sale-Baby-Children-Tiny-Loves-Cot-Mobile-W0QQAdIdZ510221757
Infant head support @ $15 - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff-for-Sale-Baby-Children-BN-infant-head-support-W0QQAdIdZ510222225
Owen brand 4 pc receiving blankets @ $16 - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...pc-Owen-receiving-blankets-W0QQAdIdZ510233170
Mama's love swinging cot @ $180 (retail: $399) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-ViewA...qVAPi0n0zKAhN8eKH02YOxL8ofwCW8&wmid=510237145

Kindly drop me a sms @ 90059905.

Hello all mummies-to-be *waves*

After tested positive, I already went for my gynae visit last week twice to take the HCG test at 5 weeks. Already felt painful with the blood test, I wonder how I am going to survive the labour process! Also saw the waterbag during the 2 visits, can't wait for my next scan in week 8 to hear my bb's heartbeat!

EDD: 1 Apr 2014 - - - can u believe it! I'm determined to have my precious born before April's Fool! that's why I'm here in the Mar page :D
Baby #1/#2: #1
Doctor: Jocelyn Wong
Hospital: deliberating between TMC or MAH

Wanna find out.. those packages offered by gynaes, what do they include? do they include the costs of all the misc tests (eg. OSCAR, Blood Test, Detailed Scan) and medicines/supplements?
orangebeauty, I will only disclose only after 3rd mth mainly to secure maternity benefits. If my tummy leaks out the secret, I have no choice :p

mocha, enjoy your first gynae's visit. i saw him at 5+ weeks, brought forward from wk6 due to his leave. now i have to wait 2 more weeks.
Twinklestar, what do you mean 'to secure maternity benefits".. whether when we reveal, we shd all still be entitled to the maternity benefits, no? :) I don't know if I shd tell my bigger boss cos now they are arranging manpower for the new FY. Wonder if I shd give them a headsup. Did you get to hear the bb's hb and see the water sac during that 1st visit?

Now been feeling more nauseous.. anyone got remedy to feel better?
Mochaa just my level of comfort. by right co should provide maternity benefits whether u reveal now or later.
By left it doesn't stop the co from dismissing citing under performance as reason for e.g.

I worked in both Mnc for #1 & #2. I don't think they will do anything funny but just want to wait after 1st trim where preg is more stable. It is up to u, not right or wrong to tell now. :)

I get to see the sac. But I was asked to return 2 weeks later for review. By then i will be 7w+, hopefully can hear heartbeat. I am feeling nauseous and having morning sickness...
Hello fellow mummies! I'm expecting my #2, edd is on 15 march. MS has been bad.. :( hopefully first tri passes quickly..
Can I join in the fb grp? My email is [email protected].
Looking forward to knowing everyone here!
Hi mummies! Tested positive last wkend and is expecting my no. 2. The new forum format look "very messy" maybe too used to the old thread and forum format. :) how to PM ? I wan to join the fb group too!
Mochaa just my level of comfort. by right co should provide maternity benefits whether u reveal now or later.
By left it doesn't stop the co from dismissing citing under performance as reason for e.g.

I worked in both Mnc for #1 & #2. I don't think they will do anything funny but just want to wait after 1st trim where preg is more stable. It is up to u, not right or wrong to tell now. :)

I get to see the sac. But I was asked to return 2 weeks later for review. By then i will be 7w+, hopefully can hear heartbeat. I am feeling nauseous and having morning sickness...

Ohhh I see.. true. I agree with u...
I thot many pple said that pregnancy passes by in a flash...but it seems like a crawl doesnt it? :(
The major lethargy, bloatedness, uncomfy burping, vomiting, lack of appetite n 'sian-ness' weren't what I was expecting and there is no one to whine to much except with you ladies. Thanks for the support and I apologise for the incessant whining . :oops:
hihi... all MTBs, I just went for my gynae visit on sat and he prescribe me with Duphaston (a kind of hormone pills to make ur preg more stable) anybody on this medication? The clinic asst told me is an-tai medication.
any side effects for this?
It is crawling when u r suffering. After 1st trim shld be better. :)

Cher2603, I went to get thid med fr doc. Yup it is an tai medi to stabilize preg. Pple said Will feel nausea. I don't know if I feel nausea naturally or is it bcos of med.
Mocha, I agreed with u. I found time passed so slow. I hope jump to 2nd trimester asap. I also got bloatedness, uncomfy burping, feeling of vomit if stomach empty. But lucky things is not yet ms yet, this is my 8th weeks.
Think u can try eat some sour things, like sour plum to release the nauseous. It work for me! Eat apple, also good and release a bit.

BTW, planning to disclose to my direct boss this week as it's easier for them to arrange manpower also easier for me to apply leave for check-up.

twinklestarworld, i saw my bb heartbeat last Sat at my 7wks 6 days. So happy and excited. Dr tell me my EDD as well.
My current co. is MNC also, got 2 hrs time-off for medical check-up. But think not enough to go hospital check-up with just 2 hrs :( Still need to apply at least half day leave. Think 2mths can tell first, maybe ask her don't tell others (but too bad she's big mouth and seem difficult to keep secret type).
Cher, think it's same as Dydrogesterone. I took Dydrogesterone, Dr gave me about 2 weeks dosage, 2 times per day. It's kind of an tai yao, and to increase the level of 孕酮 so that the bb can grow steadily. U can go wiki Dydrogesterone.
Actually chinese explanation more simple (not sure if you can read chinese).

Chinese called 黄体酮-黄体酮是由卵巢黄体分泌的一种天然孕激素,在体内对雌激素激发过的子宫内膜有显著形态学影响,为维持妊娠所必需.

After finished the dosage, no more given by Dr then. Some ppl think it's not good taken this. But i personally felt that since gyane given, it should be no problem.
I had been feeling quite unwell after taking this medication. When taking this, do u gers feel nausea, giddy and restless?
After take this, I felt nausea actually. Maybe u can ask your gynae. After I stop taking this, still nausea. So think it's not bz of this medicine.

You complete the whole dosage of the medication. I just called my gynae he says is ok to stop if I m feeling very unwell after taking this... bt I knw this medication is gd for beanie that's y very dilemma....
