Slimming through the principles of TCM techniques @Slim Couture


Looking to have a pair of sexy thighs?

Miss Cheng, lost a total of 9kg and an overall centimeters loss of 27.5cm after embarking on Slim Couture's slimming journey. "I've always envied girls of having a pair of skinny thighs whenever I'm out on a beach outing with friends. I'm thankful that Slim Couture helps me to fulfil my dream and my friends commented that I have a bikini body and a pair ...of sexy legs now!" Miss Cheng

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665

#slimming #slimmingsg #slim #slimcouture #tcmslimming #yinagoh #shiberty #mediacorp #beautiful #mums #brides

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Something to get the girls out of having Monday blues! We think it's so true! Every girl's dream is to eat without getting fat and not to find the perfect guy! Slim Couture can make your dreams come true! ... Call us at 6536 8586/ 6336 8665 now! Www.slim-couture #slimming #slimmingsg #beautiful #mums #brides #tcmslimming #beautiful #mediacorp #slim #slimcouture #beautiful #shiberty #yinagoh
"Slim Couture has changed my life in just 3 months!

Obesity has been my lifelong demon in my family. My father is overweight. My mother is overweight. My brother is overweight. And you guessed it. I am overweight. Standing at just 1.52m in height, I’m simply a walking (sometimes bouncing) blob.

My heaviest was 75kg in my late teens — BMI at 32.5.

I managed to lose some weight in my 20s but only managed to maintain at about 65-68kg — BMI at 29.

Being the opposite of a sports fanatic, I wanted to seek the easiest way out to lose more weight. I have tried diet pills, supplements, blah blah blah. Sure I did lose a few kilos initially but ballooned back when I stopped. I was near surrendering to the fatty devil and accepting the fact that this is what I am.

My turning point came in July 2014 when I saw a Facebook post of my friend’s , showing that he lost 8kg in a month after undergoing a TCM detox/ weight management program. My jaws dropped. I immediately contacted him for more details. He told me about the Divine Slim treatment, which he assured me was 100% natural and healthy. The treatment will, in the long run, benefit me as it’s done using a very healthy TCM process.

I went down to the branch for a free consultation. The staffs are super patient and friendly. And I embarked on a 3 months’ program.

By November 2014, I had lost 12 kg — BMI at 23.8. I looked like a different person. And I felt confident.

I generated numerous wows and gasps from family, relatives and friends.

It was money extremely well spent.

Now, 2 months later, I’m still maintaining my weight. My appetite and intake have since changed to be healthier. I have become more conscious of what goes into my mouth. I now minimise the intake of processed food (I used to LOVE bacon, spam and sausages… like REALLY LOVE), and make sure I have enough greens in my meals, and at least 2L water everyday.

When one feels confident and looks good, life seems to be more beautiful and everything just seems more colorful." KITTY TAN


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I've lost 28kg in 4 months by going through Slim Couture's slimming program! It has been 2 years since I've stopped and my weight has not rebound at all! My hubby commented that I look better than before marriage and my friends call me a hot mama now! Who doesnt likes to be praised? Geezzz:p

I've recommended a few friends to Slim Couture and they lost weight too! Good thing that I love about the program is that I do not have to take any pills and I do not need to exercise to lose weight! hehehehe :D
TCM SLIMMING @Slim Couture

After completing my treatment course, many people had been asking me how i managed to shed off half my weight.

After giving birth to 2 kids, I had gain so much weight; After my youngest daughter turn 1, people I met will still be asking how many months pregnant I am. Perhaps due to my big tummy plus my stubborn fats. This had caused me to be really upset and felling less confident.

As I was still breastfeeding, I wanted to find a safer and healthy way to slim down. Then I came across tcm slimming. After 2.5 months treatment I had managed lost 10kg.

It's so fast and easy. Money well spend method to slim. I highly recommend slim couture. No exercise or stave myself was required to achieve my slimming result. Slim couture used a much healthier way to slim down with planned diet, cupping and gua sha

losing 10kg from a size L to a size s had made me feel more confident and healthier. Thanks slim couture.


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[TCM SLIMMING THE NATURAL AND EFFECTIVE WAY] Which woman doesn't enjoy receiving compliments? Miss Phua, lost a total of 11.1 Kg and an overall centimetres loss of 38.7cm after going through 12 sessions of #divineslim at Slim Couture. ... "Ever since I've signed up the slimming program with Slim Couture and lost almost 12 kgs, I've been receiving compliments from everyone around me, everyday. It just makes me a much more confident person and my life seems so colorful now." Miss Phua Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665 #slim #slimmingsg #slimcouture #divineslim #obese #fat #mums #pretty #excited #sexy #wellness #brides #yinagoh #shiberty #media #simplyher #promisingsme500 #awards #thankyou #valueourclientsbeforeus #happy #testimonial #myscjourney #sgblooggers #tcm #tcmslimming
TCM slimming @Slim Couture
I have finally found the solution to my fat thighs problem! Thank you Slim Couture TCM slimming centre . I chanced upon Slim Couture on Groupon. I was skeptical at first.. Tried a session and I fell in love with the treatment! You can see results after just 1 session. When I went for my 2nd session a few days later, I lost 1.5 kg and abt 0.5-1cm at my thigh area.Unbelieavable! The treatment goes in conjunction with detox diet.. I learnt to eat more fruits and drink more water too ..healthier diet . after abt 3 mths , I lost 5kg from 51kg and abt 10 cm from each thigh. So Amazing! Simply love it.. You should try it! I'm not so concerned abt my weight, it is the thigh problem that has always been bothering me. Now I have finally found a safe and effective solution to my problem! Thanks to Slim Couture again
TCM SLIMMING @Slim Couture

I have always been on the heavy side since young and have gone through a number of slimming centers, of which some had worked for me. I also had gestational diabetes for both my pregnancies and my blood results post delivery were also not fantastic. I first heard of Slim Couture from my friend who lost quite a bit of weight after she was with them. After much deliberation, I decided to give Slim Couture a try. I lost ~5kg and 3% in body fats after 4 weeks at Slim Couture. While the weight loss was not phenomenal, I learned to eat more healthily and the most important results were that my blood results had improved tremendously. Slim Couture uses TCM techniques like gua sha and cupping for their treatment. I will continue to work hard and I hope to lose more weight and inches.

Thanks Slim Couture.
TCM SLIMMING @Slim Couture

I've always been on the heavy side since young and I've got thunder thighs and huge hips. Since starting work and being in a relationship, I've let myself go by indulging in lots of food, especially cakes and chocolates. The turning point was in CNY 2014 where my relatives started commenting on how fat I've become. Still, I did not think much of it until my wedding photoshoot in Apr. It was then that I saw how fat I looked in my gown and photos that I decided I needed some help to look good on my wedding day. I chanced upon Yina Goh's blog and under the encouragement of my fiance, I decided to embark on the slim couture journey. I weighed 72kg when I started and after 20 sessions, I weighed 63kg. The transformation of my body was amazing. My arms and thighs never looked slimmer and I felt so good on my wedding day.

Admittedly, the diet was a pain to start, especially for a carbs lover like me. Eating fruits for meals was terrible. Thank God I loved cherry tomatoes though. But I believed in the treatment as I always felt rejuvenated after the guasha and the cupping even cured my constipation problem! Fast forward one year after my treatment, I started eating regularly again but I've not gained much weight - maybe 3kg? Slim couture really works and I know that we will always be in their good hands.


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Snice I was young I have always been overweight. Always dream of wearing pretty dress.
As I started to work colleague and some friends ask me if I have the desire to slim down. I always said yes. However, I always give up half way or even gain more weight.
I started to research online on ways to slim down.
Then I saw blogger shiberty and Yinagoh share their weight loss journey with slim couture I decided to give it a try.
With just 2 months I loss more than 6 kg without exercise. After trying Slim contour treatment I understand food better to help me be on track with my diet. Also I am more confident in wear pretty dresses.
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TCM Slimming @Slim Couture

Under the recommendation of a friend, I signed up with Slim Couture in May 2015. I was at my heaviest closing to 78kg then and was feeling super duper unhealthy and clumsy. I have since gone through a total of 25 sessions with them, spread over till Sept as I took several breaks due to work travel. Coupled with a healthy diet recommended by them (except during my travels) I have managed to shed 14.5 kg since and is now a happy healthier bunny. I'm guessing I could have lost more if I haven't had to take those breaks. What is encouraging is that all the therapists there are non judgemental and always so friendly and encouraging. Will complete my last 3 sessions and am likely to sign up a maintenance package with them to remind me that staying healthy and eating well is for life and not a fad!
TCM slimming @Slim Couture Really works

I have been a chubby gal since young and my weight keeps increasing as time goes by and I have tried all sorts of diet methods but it just doesn't work partly due to my hypothyroid condition it's even harder to lose weight until I saw a blog on slim couture and decided to try out after I saw a lot of positive review. I have since lost a total of 6 kg with inches lost on my overall body after being on the session for 4 mths and even though I have graduated but my weight didn't seems to be increase as I am eating as per normal without any dieting. I would highly recommend going to slim couture to solve your weight issue and to maintain a healthy mind and body. Thumbs up to the staff at slim couture for being patient and giving useful advice to me each time I was there for the session.
TCM Slimming @ Slim Couture

I was feeling rather heavy, out of shape and unhealthy and finally made up my mind to do something about it. Crash diets and exercises were very difficult for me to maintain and I keep falling off the wagon...and naturally not losing anything at all.

One day I got to read about Slim Couture in a magazine and I started to go online to find out more about it. Finally made an appointment for a consultation. The therapists were really informative and honest about the treatments. Since they themselves have gone through the treatments and were living proof of the success of the treatments.

After going through the treatments for almost a month, I was amazed that I managed to lose 5kg. Going through the treatments and following their diet plan, I not only feel healthier but I could see a change in my body shape especially my tummy area. I look forward to continue with my sessions with Slim Couture (SSC) to achieve my targeted weight.

I had gained alot of weight recently. Feeling v heavy and clumsy, i wanted to lose weight. I chanced upon slim couture via yina's blog. Feeling sceptical, i did my home work by googling all the reviews I can find. I also went to the consultation session to hear what slim couture had to say. The ladies are v patient and answered my questions. In the end, I took the risk and tried it.

The sessions involved gua sha and cupping. The gua sha Is painful for me and left bruises. However, the ladies at slim couture helped to address my concerns. This is because of my stubborn cellulite. The cupping is ok for me.

Of course, the sessions also require dieting. It is not as hard as I can still eat food so i dont experience hunger pangs. Just need to sustain from red meat. Within a mth, i had lost 4kg. With another 8 sessions to go, I look forward to losing more weight!

[TCM SLIMMING THE NATURAL AND EFFECTIVE WAY] Will you be happy to drop 3 pants size healthily without having to starve yourself? Slim Couture is your answer!

Miss Wan Yi, lost a total of 9.8kg and an overall of 31.5 centimeters loss after going through a 2 months' slimming program with Slim Couture!

"I'm happy to be able to drop 3 pants' size healthily without having to starve myself! My friends commented that I look so much prettier now after going through the slimming program! Oh ya.. my complexion is a lot clearer too! Thank you Slim Couture for transforming me!" Miss Wan Yi

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665 now

#slimming #slim #slimmingsg #slimcouture #divineslim #obese #fat #mums #pretty #excited #sexy #wellness #brides #yinagoh #shiberty #media #simplyher #promisingsme500 #awards #thankyou #valueourclientsbeforeus #happy #testimonial #myscjourney #sgblooggers #tcm #tcmslimming

Inevitably, I gained weight over the past year since I stopped exercising due to my injured knee. It doesn't help that I have a low metabolism rate. Furthermore, I was suffering from stomach bloating and indigestion. An acquaintance suggested that I try Slim Couture to shed some pounds first before I go back to exercising. I liked the proposition that I didn't have to go on extreme diets (since I still have to work) and that they employed use of TCM techniques as opposed to diet pills. I am happy to say that in the last 2 months - I have lost 7kg and dropped 1 dress size. More importantly, my stomach bloating has gone away.
I signed up with slim couture in Aug 2013 and lost about 7-8kg in a span of 2-3 months and received compliments. (Didn't want to lose too much as I didn't want to lose the boobs ;) ) The whole program taught me to realign what I was eating too and I have been sticking to better eating choices since.

I have a very low threhold for pain and the first 1-2 sessions were rather stressful for me as the first 1-2 mins on the suction part was a little unbearable for me, on the legs. Thereafter the pain eases and I usually fall asleep during the sessions. I cheat most of the time due to business lunches and entertainment but was still losing the cms. :)

Angie one of the senior Consultants was one of my cheerleaders on the weightloss journey... She is the best!
TCM Slimming @Slim Couture

I have seen how effective this TCM treatment has on my friends and I knew my investments will not go to waste if I followed the schedule delegently.

The treatment may not be a pain-free one, but it is definitely bearable. From the 3rd session, I started to see good effects and this got me motivated. Upon completing my 12 sessions, I have shed many cm off my thighs, arms and waistline.

Thumbs up!

Please pardon my blue black. I am personally very very prone to bruises. A simple brush will create a bruise so do not be alarmed by that. Simply see the before and after effect of my visibly smaller thighs, tummy and arms after just 3 sessions.

My before:

My after:
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TCM Slimming @Slim Couture

I have tried slimming centres, slimming pills and even strict diet and exercise but none of them are effective and sustainable.
My friend introduced me to Slim Couture after I witness amazing weight loss she had. Slim couture helped lose 10kg in 3 months and my fat % dropped by 9%. Most importantly after I have stopped the treatment for 9 months, with all the festive and entertainment feasting, I only put on 1kg.

Slim Couture is God sent and worth every investment.


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TCM SLIMING @Slim Couture

Having gained a lot of weight due to stress that resulted in binge eating, my weight rocketed up to 70kg - heaviest in my life. I felt really clumsy and down. I didn't like my own reflection in the mirror and figured out its time for something to be done.

Naturally, the first thing I tried is crash diets. It worked! But not for long as the weight bounced back even higher than before. I chanced upon slim couture, look for blog reviews, went for a free consultation and started on my first sessions shortly after a month's wait.

I've managed to loose 7.3kg in 11 sessions. No pills, no injections, no slimming cream and best of all, no exercise needed! The staffs in sc are really encouraging and friendly. Looking forward to loosing another few kg with my remaining sessions. I'm happier and more confident with my body now.
TCM SLIMMING @Slim Couture

I had piled up lots of weight esp after embarking on a new job that requires lots of OT and even working on weekends. Glued to my chair, I had unconsciously put on many kgs from eating to overcome the stress. I do workout - running and high intensive cardio but it did not work. I went on paleo diet (no carb, high protein, no processed food) but it did not work. I paid almost 2k to join a bespoke gym that was set up by a national coach. After 3 months of hard work training and keeping to their diet plan, I only lost 2 kg with no change to my body measurements - they attributed to my hormonal imbalance conveniently and shirked all responsibility immediately.

I chanced upon Slim Couture, reading all the transformational photos made me think - Why not?
I made a consultation appt and honestly was very skeptical due to all the stigma about slimming centres cheating customers' money, but I took the plunge and I'm glad I did. It has been amazing so far, I have lost 14kg so far within <3 months, through sensible eating and the treatment sessions.

Unlike my horror experience with the personal trainers at the gym, Slim Couture team takes ownership of my progress -they weigh and measure you at each session, and when progress is not fast enough, they are quick to recommend suggestions like to your diet. (this is unlike my previous experience where the gym trainers conveniently push the fault to you).

You can see results fast with Slim Couture!
Don't bother wasting your money and time elsewhere.


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TCM slimming @Slim Couture

Since young, i'm very very bothered by my two fats thighs, i will always have problem buying bottoms. I have tried exercising, leg press, leg lift, but of no use! I thought i'm going to live with it for the rest of my life until i got to know Slim Couture TCM slimming. My thighs have lost 5cm on both thighs after 1.5mth (mine being those really serious case) and not only on my legs, u will see result as a whole as the treatment is for whole body. And my skin complexion has become better too as they encourage u to eat cherry tomatoes. Consultation is free and the staff are not pushy to sell u, understand it and u will see the result in you.


Have you ever thought what a big difference you can do to your body shape in just 2.5 months?
Miss Magdelene, lost a total of 13.1kg and an overall centimetres of 40.5cm in just 2.5 months! Look at her curvy body that she's having now! ... "My second job now is to share how I managed to lose my weight after being on the big side for so many years because whenever clients or friends see me, they will keep bugging me on how i managed to shed off so much within such a short period and the best part is, they commented that I look radiant! I've been through other slimming programs before that made me look haggard during the program. I will strongly urge anyone with weight issues to stop at Slim Couture because Slim Couture will be your final destination for weight loss!" Miss Magdelene
Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665

#slimming #slim #slimmingsg #slimcouture #divineslim #obese #fat #mums #pretty #excited #sexy #wellness #brides #yinagoh #shiberty #media #simplyher #promisingsme500 #awards #thankyou #valueourclientsbeforeus #happy #testimonial #myscjourney #sgblooggers #tcm #tcmslimming
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TCM slimming @Slim Couture

Read about Slim Couture through some bloggers and I can totally relate to the posts by Shiberty and Yina!
Being the kind that breathe also will gain weight type of body, my attempts to diet were futile as the weight loss slowly creep back to hunt me.

Slim Couture, unlike other slimming centres, is very honest and do not over promise. They do expect discipline throughout especially when it comes to the food you eat!
Today is the 6th session and I had lost 4.2kg in less than a month! Throughout this whole course, even though I've to attend some social activities (ie good food everywhere) I am surprise that I manage to shed some kilograms!
Highly recommend to those who are like me (try all sorts of ways to diet but failed miserably)
Thank you Slim Couture!
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Losing your weight and still maintaining your lost weight after 6 months?

Miss Tanya, lost 5 kg and an overall centimetres loss of 19 cm after going through 1 months'of #divineslim's program with Slim Couture!

"I've always been on the big side ever since i reached puberty and I have never thought that I will be able to see myself in such a nice figure now (To myself). The best part of all is, I've graduated from the slimming program for 6 months and I've maintained my lost weight even though I've resumed my normal diet and lifestyle." Miss Tanya

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665

#slimming #slim #slimmingsg #slimcouture #divineslim #obese #fat #mums #pretty #excited #sexy #wellness #brides #yinagoh #shiberty #media #simplyher #promisingsme500 #awards #thankyou #valueourclientsbeforeus #happy #testimonial #myscjourney #sgblooggers #tcm #tcmslimming
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Good morning peeps! Time for a laugh! Have a great day! Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665 for a non obligation consultation if you want to be easier to be kidnap!
TCM Slimming @Slim Couture

I've never been the girl who is thin or 'just the right size'. Obesity has been something that I have to face ever since puberty.

The heaviest was when I was studying in interior design and all the snacking and sleepless night has caused my metabolism to go haywire. My weight kept on piling up just like the endless assignment. Rather than eating a proper meal, my friends and I would rather snack on easy food like bread, biscuits, coffee, tea, bubble tea and what not. I've never stepped on a weighing scale or in fact looked at one during my 3 years in that course. I've never paid much attention then, because “Who cares? I don't even have time to sleep or eat. Who has the time to go and weigh themselves?” All I cared about was completing my design task.

Then I graduated and as I was about to leave Singapore to pursue my dreams of being a pastry chef. Because the school in Australia requires me to do a health check before they can grant my VISA. I was so shocked when I saw my weight. 78Kg! I put on almost 9kg in 3 years. I was horrified.

So in Melbourne, I watched my diet and lost 5kg in 2.5yrs. Then off I went to Paris to future my studies, and I managed to lose another 4kg there. I was happier in my body but somehow my weight doesn't seem to go down anymore. I was at 69kg for more than a year regardless of watching my diet and exercising. And I was starting to hate how I looked like.

So my sister mentioned to me about Slim couture and I decided to give it a try. After the treatment, I was down to 61kg. The lowest in.... god knows how many year! I feel healthier, happier, lighter and more confident now.

Slim Couture has really help me a lot in terms of my health and confidence.


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TCM slimming @ slim couture

after giving birth to my 2nd child, my weight seems to stuck with me and i didnt lose a single bit. i have tried pills prescribed by doctor and replacement diet but it doesnt seems to work and i binge more than ever. i heard people said that having braces on will lose weight as you cannot eat much after every visit to the dentist but it didnt happen to me too! i was very devastated since i cant wear the clothes that i had in my wardrobe.
During cny, i saw my cousin who had lost 5kg with slim couture. i was skeptical initially since she said i have to cut carbo and red meats. as my main meal is usually during dinner (because that is the time we sit down n have a proper meal with my kids n husband), i was not keen.
after seeing my cousin again not long ago, she lose another 7kg which inspires me to join SC this time! after being 'tortured' (the guasha is painful but bearable) for 10 sessions, i lost almost 5kg and 21.1cm overall.
i am elated as nothing works for me previously. i have confident that i'll achieve my ideal weight soon with SC!
TCM slimming @ slim couture

Got to know slim couture thru a friend. To begin with, I have quite a small body frame. Just that throughout the years, lack of exercise and proper eating habit caused me to gain unwanted fats on my hips & thigh area. Following strictly to their diet plan + going to their guasha & baguan (twice a week) can see very effective results. I'm very satisfied with the end results. even my friends commented that my love handles are curvier than before. Thank you once again Slim Couture! Special thanks to Yvonne:)


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TCM slimming @ slim couture

I came to know about slim couture through a friend and decided to be committed to their TCM slimming's program. After going through slim couture's natural and healthIy way of slimming, I have lost a total of 13kg and an overall centimeters loss of 40cm.
Also, I have been receiving compliments about how good I look now and I feel more confident of myself. FAT to FAB is possible!!


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I've never really been in the "fat category" but I've always had a heavier bottom since school days. After I started working, things got worse. The flat tummy I used to be proud of started to disappear, 'muffin tops' surfaced and I was losing sight of my waist. I started going to gym and tried treatments such as fat freeze but these did not help me achieve what I want.

I chanced upon Yina's Instagram and learnt about Slim Couture. I was slightly skeptical at first as I was never a believer of rapid weight loss. However, I decided to go for a first consultation as I read that Slim Couture uses TCM methods and there will be no pills involved. During the consultation, there was no hard selling, only detailed explanation of how the sessions would be like to manage expectations.

I must say that deciding to go for these sessions has been one of the best decisions I've made. I've lost 2.5kg in less than 3 weeks and a total of 14cm in dimensions! Not much weight loss as compared to many but because I was not very heavy to begin with (about 52kg). I'm very pleased to see my waistline again though! Not only that, my indigestion and gastric problems improved significantly. Even my menses came on time (which has not been the case for a very long time)! The cupping and gua sha sessions certainly have helped and of course, the recommended healthy diet that goes along as well. I'm just really thankful that it is not only helping my body on the outside but most importantly, on the inside as well. The staff at Slim Couture are also the most encouraging group of people I've seen and that definitely helps too. Really looking forward to my final result after my remaining sessions!

[TCM SLIMMING THE NATURAL AND EFFECTIVE WAY] Embarking on a slimming program doesn't mean that you have to go on a hunger strike! With Slim Couture's #Divineslim, you can lose weight healthily and steadily, without having to suffer any hunger pangs! Miss Wynnie, lost a total of 15.2kg and an overall centimeters loss of 54.5cm after making a decision to embark on #scjourney! ... "I must say that this is one of the best decision I've made! No hard selling of packages like other slimming centres and I did not have any hunger pangs while I was on the program.. best of all is that I'm still maintaining my lost weight after completing the program for 3 months! Thank you Slim Couture for doing the wonders to regain my confidence!" Miss Wynnie Call us at 6536 8586/ 6336 8665 #slimming #slimmingsg #beautiful #mums #brides #tcmslimming #slimcouture #slim #scjourney #Divineslim

Happy Diwali to all our Indian friends and happy holiday to all of you! #deepavali #happydiwali #diwali2015 #diwali #slimcouture #tcmslimming #slimming #slimmingsg #slimcouturesg
TCM SLIMMING @Slim Couture

I have been fat all my life since young. I have tried lots of methods from pills to starving. None of which works for me. 3 years back, I tried going on a pill diet prescribe by doctor and go on harsh diet plan which exclude carbs and strictly rely on fruits and vegetables. Yea, I managed to lost a lot of weight for that period. But once I stop taking the medication and go back to normal eating habit, my weight gradually increases and now after 3 years, all the fats that I have lost come back to me.
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I was so depressed and I lost all the confidence. Till I went to do more research online and found SLIM COUTURE. I read reviews from varies women, from bloggers (Yinagoh and Shiberty) to forums, and I knew I have found the right place to seek help from. Both Yina and Shiberty proved to have dramatic change in their overall appearance and it motivates me a lot.

Indeed SLIM COUTURE did not disappoint me. I have made the right choice to entrust my overall well being to them. The treatment is a TCM based slimming treatment that not just help us to loss weight purely but also giving us a better contour in our body shape. On top of that, the treatment helps to improve blood circulation and detoxify all the impurities that we have in our body. After 8 sessions of treatments (less than a month to be exact), here is the total cm/kg lost up to date:
Left Arm : 4.0 cm
Right Arm : 4.0 cm
Waist : 6.5 cm
Left Thigh : 4.5 cm
Right Thigh : 4.0 cm
Weight Loss: 5.2 kg

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I am very impressed with the result! With a healthy diet plan given my the professional staffs as a guideline, all the advices, theories behind each act and best of all, without doing any form of vigorous exercises. I feel so happy and healthy now. This is definitely a place I will recommend my friends to visit.

I can't wait to graduate and see how much more weights I am able to shed:)
TCM Slimming @ Slim Couture

I have been dealing with weight problems since secondary school and my weight has always been yoyo-ing since. After seeing Shiberty's, Yina's and now MissTamChiak's journeys, I have absolute trust in Slim Couture to help me achieve my desired weight.

Even gym membership and normal acupuncture methods did not help me. but with SC's angels who keep good track of your weight, slimming program and diet plan, I had a 17cm and 5kg loss! amazing results. although the treatment can be painful, without pain, there is no gain right? you will get used to it after a while.. drinking lots of water and having adequate sleep helps to reduce the painful effect.

my friends and family have complimented my new look and i feel so much healthier and happier. i will definitely recommend SC to all my friends!
Hi... Been reading your post.. Will the weight bounce back when u stop the programs after 8 sessions? What is the diet plan like after finish the treatment? Totally no carbo or can eat carbo? Thx
Title: TCM slimming @Slim Couture
I was introduced to Slim Coutour by a friend. She shed off at least 2 dress sizes within a short span of 1month and was looking amazingly radiant. Encouraged by the positive change in her, i decided to give it a try. Turns out to be the best decision i've made. I lost 8kg in a short span of 2-3 months. I now sleep better and feel improvement in my complexion due to the change in diet. People around me commented on my slimmer, healthier silhouette. Thanks to Slim Couture!


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Title: TCM slimming @ Slim Couture
Since young I have been plagued by arms which are not proportionate to the rest of my body. Meaning whenever I wear sleeveless attire, the focus goes to the arms and I look and feel like I am 5kg heavier than my actual weight of 50kg. Was casually chatting with a friend when she mentioned she managed to shed 5kg off her already slim figure over a period of 1-2 months. Now she enjoys having a flat tummy which she has not seen since her pregnancies! The most deciding factor was, the weight did not return even though she went on an extended holiday straight after the sessions and even months after the treatment but of course now she is a lot more conscious about what she puts into her mouth compared to before. I was obviously intrigued and decided to give this a try as I have previously tried another well know slimming center, lost 4 kg but gained them all back within 6 months of stopping the treatments. Currently I have attended 4 sessions (2 weeks) with Slim Coutour and already lost 2.5 kg, clothes are a lot looser now and I can't wait to work towards my target of total weight loss of 8kg. 5.5kg more to go!
Title: TCM slimming @ Slim Couture
Over the years, I have been gaining weight so decided to go to Slim Couture for treatment (Gua Sha, Cupping) . I have seen weight loss improvement of 2.6 kg. Feeling more motivated to continue losing weight. To add on, i have been able to sleep well and feel energise in the morning. My food routine has also change. The staffs here is very helpful and informative. I would recommend all ladies who wish to lose weight and adopt a healthy eating lifestyle, kindly seek Slim Couture for enquires.


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TCM Slimming @ Slim Couture
I have been gaining weight over the years and decided to go to Slim Couture to try after hearing from friends it is effective and they use TCM method of gua sha & cuping. I've lost 5kg in a short span of 5 weeks. The friendly staffs are encouraging and friendly. I'm glad it turns out to be the best decision I've made! Thanks to Slim Couture!
We are sure that most of you have read about the recent post of how Miss Tam Chiak lost 4kg within 2 months with Slim Couture!
After receiving tons of emails from her readers about her recent post, she decided to catch up with our 2 Founders to do an exclusive interview with them.
Read more about the brains and beauty behind Slim Couture!
I am really thankful to the staff at slim couture and for being able to find this slimming centre. Have heard all the good stuff about Slimming through TCM and finally got to experience it first hand. I was about to give up on slimming after i screwed up my own metabolic rate when i was mild anorexia in my teens. Afterwhich, whatever exercise I do or slimming pills i eat just don't seem to be able to result in a weight loss. Thanks Slim Couture for making what seems impossible, possible.

I manage to lose 6.5kg and drop 6.3% fat and a loss of 31cm for my wholebody over 5 weeks. Thanks Slimcouture. Signing up for your package is one of the best decision that i have made.


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TCM Slimming @Slim Couture

I am on the “heavier side” since young. I had previously tried a slimming programme with one of the slimming centre in Singapore. It requires me to eat a lot of supplements which got me worried for a while. I stopped after trying it out for 2 weeks. I tried non carbo and salad diet but it didn’t work for me..the weight just refuses to go down. I ran 3-5km at least 3 times a week & also visited the gym for toning classes. Once again the weight just did not go down no matter how hard I try. Recently I read about misstamchiak’s weight loss journey through her Instagram post and it inspired me to call slim couture up for a consultation.

The therapists at slim couture weren’t pushy & gave me enough time to decide whether I would want to “invest” in this program. I finally decided to embark on this journey a month plus back, especially so when I needed to get married next year. Over a short span in a month, I have lost 2.8kg, fat level has reduced by 2.8% and 9.4cm around my body (despite the fact that there were days that I had no choice but to eat out and couldn’t stick to the diet recommended). I believe I can do even more better in weeks to come. Thank you slim couture (and also the super friendly therapists over at SC)! I definitely did not regret on my decision to sign up this programme
TCM SLIMMING @Slim Couture

I was never consider as fat, neither am I overweight.. But I'm more on the plump side. Heavy thighs, flabby arms and "spare tyre tummy" have been around with me for years. And as years go by, it gets harder to slim down especially when my metabolism rate declined.
So one day, I chanced upon a blog that featured Slim couture. I'm a sucker for anything natural, organic and the tcm slimming method using ba guan and gua Sha is scientific sounded too. Hence after reading a few more reviews, I decided to give it a try.

The journey with slim couture is not an easy one for someone like me who can't live without snacking and have a really low threshold for pain!! No joke, the pain from gua sha and the blue black that come with it! But thankfully, slim couture therapists are experienced and nice ladies who always try to make each treatment bearable!

I must admit, my progress was slow due to my work and love for snacks. But after being through the program for a month, I have slowly see progress. I have lost 2.3kg, 3.4% fat and a total of 12.7 cm from my thighs, arms and tummy. It's not the best results I must say but it's definitely a booster to motivate me to be more discipline!

Thank you slim couture! I feel more confident now and I can't wait to see better results from the remaining treatments!
TCM Slimming @ Slim couture.

"Discipline is about choosing between what you want Now and what you want Most!"

I have never imagined myself stepping into a "slimming centre" in my life! But ever since the very day my weighing scale showed "56KG" I was devastated. Constant suppers and late nights left me with tons of body fats and low self-esteem. I decided to give Slim couture a shot and it changed my life. I've never seen my thighs slimmer than this that I could ever recall.

Dieting ain't gonna be easy. But it's all for a better cause! Special thanks to Rivy and Yvonne for being more than just a therapist, replying all my various questions and uncertainties and showing utmost patience! I would confidently say I'm healthier, more confident and slimmer by 4.2KG, 2.7% fats level and 14cm total body measurement in a short span of 1 month!


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TCM SLIMMING @Slim Couture

I am returning to Slim Couture again after the birth of my second child. I started on the package 7weeks after delivery.

I am returning to Slim Couture because the technique applied, together with the diet recommended, works.

After 3 sessions, I have lost a total of 2.1kg, 0.8% body fat and overall body measurement decreased by 3.2cm. I am confident I will regain my pre-pregnancy weight n figure with the help of slim couture.
