Postnatal Thai Slimming Massage (with results)


New Member
Hello ladies!!!

Are you the first time mother? Or are you frustrated with Jamu/Malay styled postnatal massage and wrapping which shows no results?

If so, read on! I'd like to share my personal experience and story with you all. Highly recommended for all mothers!

My background

I put on 23kg from my 1st pregnancy in 2017 and I had the Jamu/Malay styled postnatal treatment which was a 1 hour head-to-toe massage with a small hot stone and tummy wrapping for “30” sessions. The result? My tummy didn’t go down much at all and it was quite saggy considering I had the massage and tummy wrapping Monday-Saturday over a month.

I lost 11kg and later another 2kg in a year. Yes, the other 10kg was still with me. I was disappointed at the result as I still looked like 6-7 months pregnant the whole time. Over a year later I got pregnant again and I had gained 13kg this time. Thank goodness!

This pregnancy I’m determined that it will have to be better than last time and I will get back to the healthy me again, so I’ve done my serious research. I’ve found a few mothers posted about a Thai lady called Nit, whom they said that she helped them slim down dramatically.

I contacted her and went to her place. I can tell you now that her price is not cheap but if it’s worth it I’ll be happy to pay. I saw what kind of materials she uses for her treatment and the amount of fresh herbs is tonnes! When I break down the cost to each treatment it sort of justifies why the package price is super high. Eventually, I’ve decided to go with this lady and couldn’t wait to see what she could do for me.

More than what you bargain for

When I finally had Nit at my place doing her job, I’ve realised she used to work in various well known slimming centers. It would have cost me a lot more to do the same thing she does for me here. She’s like my personalised confinement masseuse and a Thai herb specialist (I’m originally from Thailand myself but I know even less than half of the herbs she uses).

She is a very knowledgeable lady whom you can ask any questions and she will be able to explain in details. Perhaps I have advantage for the communication point as I speak Thai to her so that she can explain to me in her native tongue. She will analyse your body type and what needs to be fixed. She can also adjust the amount of herbs to cater to every person's health and slimming needs in order to make sure you get ultimate results out of what you paid for. She even advised me what food/vegetables to eat and not to eat.

Nit has many steps to help slim you down and bring you back to good health which I’ll list them here while it’s still fresh in my head. You can choose a cheaper/more expensive package as you wish. Also, she only uses fresh herbs, not instant dried herbs like other places. I remember I was stunned with amount of fresh herbs from Thailand she brought to my place along with all the other things. This makes me feel that the money I’ve paid is well spent.

The steps (for my package)

1. Eye Herbal Steam – They say after you get pregnant and give birth, your eye sight changes. This will gently help your eyes to be back to a healthy state and you’ll breathe in the herbal steam which help clear your sinus at the same time.

2. Body wrapping and hot herbal steam – She will apply some hot balm on your skin before wrap from your breasts down to your legs with cling wrap. The amount of herbs is very generous and you sweat so badly! After the hot steam done, she will knock your skull with a big herbal ball to get rid of wind inside and to reduce the risk of having migraine in the future. Then your skin will be exfoliated with some herbal stuff from head to toe which I also use for my face and underarms to help lessen the dark patches.

3. Hot blanket with ginger red wine – After the skin exfoliation, you’ll need a shower. Then you’ll lie down inside the hot blanket for 15-20 minutes (my last week I did up to 30 minutes) covered with ginger soaked in red wine to open pores and rid the toxins (you’ll sweat again) When done, have a rinse and you’ll be asked to drink Thai herbal drink to improve blood circulation before she moves on to the massage treatment. This is optional but I choose to buy this drink extra.

4. Ear Candling – This will get rid of winds from your head area. She will massage your head and neck at the same time, very soothing.

5. Hip Stepping – This helps your hips to come back into its original width. Don’t worry, she knows anatomy and she has certificate for it. She’ll step on your hips down to your legs and feet.

6. Hot Stone – This stone is taken from the mountain, so it’s rich in minerals. The stone is heated up and placed on parts of your body to aid in slimming. For my case, the focus is on the tummy area and my thighs.

7. Navel Candling and Uterus Lifting – The candling helps rid the winds stuck in your tummy and Nit will massage your tummy to lift the uterus putting it back to its original position. The first couple of weeks it hurt when she massaged my tummy but later I got used to the pain.

8. Bamboo Shaping & Slimming - This step is the best. It helps to bring the body back in shape and smoothen out cellulite. My arms, thighs, legs and tummy have gone down in a major way from this step.

9. Slimming Hot Mask/Mud – This step really helps reduce water retention in your body parts. It’s very relaxing also coz it’s nice and warm!

10. Full Body Stone Scrub – This will be done once a week. I couldn’t believe how much of dead skin I had until Nit scrubbed my body from neck down to toes.

These are just a rough summary of my package but they're actually more to it. The package I choose is 20 sessions, Monday to Friday (4 weeks long) and the cost is about $10K. Please note that there are various packages to choose from. I would suggest people who are interested to contact her and consult with her first (it’s free). Visit her Facebook Fanpage at Jitsinee Nit Therapy. Alternatively, you can WhatsApp her at 93906921 for inquiry.

Apart from all these steps, she also helped massage my baby and massage my breasts to stimulate breast milk. I was so touched and I really wish I had met her earlier since my first pregnancy. She also gave me whitening cream to help lighten my dark patches on my underarms and my thighs. It works the wonder!

After I had finished 20 sessions with her (4 weeks), I decided to extended another 5 sessions (5 weeks in total). I finished the treatment on 24th Feb 2019 and I’ve lost 15kg in just over a month. My body is a bit slimmer than before my 2nd pregnancy and I can now wear normal clothes. I have attached my photos here, so you guys can see the results. Trust me, it’s worth the high price. Nit says I’ll slim down even more when I stop breastfeeding my baby.

: The above-mentioned is written based on my personal experience which I’d like to share with any mothers who are frustrated with the disappointing results from Jamu/Malay styled postnatal massage. Because I think it’s worth the investment which will last you a lifetime. Also I believe that Nit deserves more people to know about her awesome work and her dedication in helping mothers slim down with good health.


Hi Jenifir,

I’ll be starting my package with Nit in July this year but am hesitant whether to take the herbal drink. How did you find the drink (taste & whether it’s beneficial to you) & did you take it through your confinement period (like 2 bottles per day as recommended by Nit) or only during the massage?
Hi Jenifir,

I’ll be starting my package with Nit in July this year but am hesitant whether to take the herbal drink. How did you find the drink (taste & whether it’s beneficial to you) & did you take it through your confinement period (like 2 bottles per day as recommended by Nit) or only during the massage?

Hi Sarphis,

I actually took both types of herbal drink, one brown colour in clear bottle and one brown bottle - 30 bottles each.

The clear bottle one helps with blood circulation during the massage and gets rid of amniotic water (she’ll ask you to drink after hot steam). Taste wise, bad but bearable - you’ll get used to it.

The brown bottle one helps clearing and cleaning your colons as during the pregnancy the baby would pee inside your womb for many months which causes toxin accumulation in your body. If you don’t get rid of it, when you’re older it could cause some illness according to what she told me (which I think it makes sense). Taste wise, it’s pretty bad (worse than the other one) but as you drink one bottle a day you’ll get used to the taste BUT I did have to reward myself with a piece of chocolate afterwards to wash away the bad taste on your tongue and throat haha... She said some of her client mix it with chocolate drink to ease the taste but I drank it without mixing anything.

Note: Be prepared that you’ll poop every 10-20 mins for 4-6 hours as it’ll clean&clear your guts like I said, so you should drink around 2pm-4pm (that’s what I did) and so you’ll sleep without worrying you’d poop your panties in your sleep!

Hope the info helps! And congrats for the pregnancy!
Dear Jenifir,

Thank you for your reply! Totally appreciate it :)

Congrats on your newborn & continue to enjoy motherhood!

Hi Sarphis,

I actually took both types of herbal drink, one brown colour in clear bottle and one brown bottle - 30 bottles each.

The clear bottle one helps with blood circulation during the massage and gets rid of amniotic water (she’ll ask you to drink after hot steam). Taste wise, bad but bearable - you’ll get used to it.

The brown bottle one helps clearing and cleaning your colons as during the pregnancy the baby would pee inside your womb for many months which causes toxin accumulation in your body. If you don’t get rid of it, when you’re older it could cause some illness according to what she told me (which I think it makes sense). Taste wise, it’s pretty bad (worse than the other one) but as you drink one bottle a day you’ll get used to the taste BUT I did have to reward myself with a piece of chocolate afterwards to wash away the bad taste on your tongue and throat haha... She said some of her client mix it with chocolate drink to ease the taste but I drank it without mixing anything.

Note: Be prepared that you’ll poop every 10-20 mins for 4-6 hours as it’ll clean&clear your guts like I said, so you should drink around 2pm-4pm (that’s what I did) and so you’ll sleep without worrying you’d poop your panties in your sleep!

Hope the info helps! And congrats for the pregnancy!
Hi all,

I just gave birth to my 2nd child and like Jenifir, I engaged Nit to do my post natal massage. After going through Malay wrapping and massage after my first child, I realised that I still have lots of 'wind' in my body and I would get lots of backache and headache after my confinement. I also couldn't tolerate the thought of being wrapped tightly for 6 to 8 hrs and decided to look for alternatives this time round. My main concern is to regain back my health as I have lots of health problem especially for my kidney and bloatedness in my stomach. My secondary concern is of course to regain my figure and if possible slim down. With these in mind, I search through the forum and found a few ladies giving their positive reviews on Nit.

I went to her place to consult her and was amazed at the sheer amount of herbs she has. Nit has insisted for me to meet her first so that she can assess my body and health and explain to me what her treatment consists and the reasons behind that so I must say this first consultation is extremely important for both of us. The price like many of the ladies feedback is high comparing to those Malay massage and wrapping and I was still rather insecure after leaving her place. But when I started the treatment with her just 3 weeks ago I must say the price is worth is it for her work, effort and materials. The amount of stuff she brought to my place a day before my treatment start is jaw dropping. There was so much fresh herbs. Everyday she will chop and cut these herbs and prepare my steam bath. I must say this is an eye opening experience for me. Similar to Jenifir, my treatments has those she mentioned so I will touch on what really impacted me after 3 weeks because I still have another week of treatment to go.

She is well trained on the human body anatomy and very knowledgable. I will ask her many questions on what the specific treatments do and she can always explain clearly the reasons behind it. What impress me was that she is really concern about her customers. I was rather surprise that she can remember about my health condition (my kidney issue' and will tune her treatments to suit me. She also recommended her herbal drink to me to help me pass out lots of wind from my body.

I was also very impressed with the treatment she gave for my face. I wasn't 'pinning too high hopes' about this as I thought her facial therapy or scrub is like the usual facial treatment I will get from outside. But was I wrong. The first time she scrub my face, I had so much dead skin coming out. It is really different from those AHA peels I get from the Doctors in the past. My face was glowing and her 'face chop' as she called really tightens up my skin. I have never felt my face so smooth before. After the 2nd scrub in the subsequent weeks, my facial pores were smaller and even tighter. Even my mum was amazed and she want to sign up for Nit's facial treatment.

Currently, my stomach is much smaller and I'm 2 kg away from my pre- pregnancy weight and this is within 1st month since I delivered my baby. Auntie Nit as what I addressed her now, mentions that after I stop breast feeding , I will continue to see effect of her treatment as I take her herbal drink.

I wished that I had known her after the birth of my 1st child and I'm very very Glad to have met her through this forum for my 2nd child. She is much more than a masseuse. She actually helps mothers to detox, regain back that health and youth. In order to help me, at times, her treatment sessions was also longer than what her package mentioned. Really appreciate her hard work, care and effort so I want to post this to affirm her abilities and skills.
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Hello Mums,

I am a new mother who delivered in February this year. Like everyone I was also looking for post natal massage options and luckily read this thread about Nit.

I totally agree with Jenifer and Kai about Nit’s massage therapy.

Initially, I was sceptical of the taking the full body sessions but after my first session with Nit I had lot of confidence in her unique thai therapies. She would bring and adjust herbs accordingly to your body type and also change the contents with each session. I believe her precise selection of herbs in herbal steam made a big change in removing my water retention.
Herbal steam is the first part of the session. Later part is focused on removing gas and providing firmness to the loose skin areas. She knows how to make passage for gas removal in tummy. I was super amazed the way my tummy went down even after first session of gas removal. Hot mud and bamboo added the benefit of firmness. Hence, it’s the selection of different steps which are important in improving the health and provide slimming effects. That too, all herbal and no chemicals used.

I would definitely recommend Nit for your postnatal massage and will take her service if I have the second kid
Hi mummies, I have paid $1k deposit to Nit. However, my newborn has medical issues. Hence, I need a lot of cash for his medical needs. I do not want to incur so much money for Nit massage. For information, her massage cost is over $10k. I requested Nit to refund me $1k but she insisted that it’s nonrefundable.

Nevertheless, she has given me an option to sell the package to another person. The person has to top up $160 (pay to Nit) where $1,160 ($1k buys from me; $160 to Nit) entitles the person with 2days massage. The person can decide if she wants to continue the massage (i.e. more than 2 sessions) or just use the 2days massage which she purchased from me.

Given that all the reviews above are so good, if any mummies would like to take up with Nit, pls help to buy over my package. Thanks. PM me if you are interested.
Hi just to share my experience with PNSG. I have signed their 10 session package session and 3 of them are prenatal. I think the good thing to have is they visit your place and the prenatal and postnatal massage therapist will be the same.

I have to say the whole process was so relaxed and successfully reduce my back pain! Haven't tried the postnatal massage but the friend of mine who recommended this service have slim down very quickly and back to her pre-pregnancy shape!

Recommend PNSG!
Hello ladies!!!

Are you the first time mother? Or are you frustrated with Jamu/Malay styled postnatal massage and wrapping which shows no results?

If so, read on! I'd like to share my personal experience and story with you all. Highly recommended for all mothers!

My background

I put on 23kg from my 1st pregnancy in 2017 and I had the Jamu/Malay styled postnatal treatment which was a 1 hour head-to-toe massage with a small hot stone and tummy wrapping for “30” sessions. The result? My tummy didn’t go down much at all and it was quite saggy considering I had the massage and tummy wrapping Monday-Saturday over a month.

I lost 11kg and later another 2kg in a year. Yes, the other 10kg was still with me. I was disappointed at the result as I still looked like 6-7 months pregnant the whole time. Over a year later I got pregnant again and I had gained 13kg this time. Thank goodness!

This pregnancy I’m determined that it will have to be better than last time and I will get back to the healthy me again, so I’ve done my serious research. I’ve found a few mothers posted about a Thai lady called Nit, whom they said that she helped them slim down dramatically.

I contacted her and went to her place. I can tell you now that her price is not cheap but if it’s worth it I’ll be happy to pay. I saw what kind of materials she uses for her treatment and the amount of fresh herbs is tonnes! When I break down the cost to each treatment it sort of justifies why the package price is super high. Eventually, I’ve decided to go with this lady and couldn’t wait to see what she could do for me.

More than what you bargain for

When I finally had Nit at my place doing her job, I’ve realised she used to work in various well known slimming centers. It would have cost me a lot more to do the same thing she does for me here. She’s like my personalised confinement masseuse and a Thai herb specialist (I’m originally from Thailand myself but I know even less than half of the herbs she uses).

She is a very knowledgeable lady whom you can ask any questions and she will be able to explain in details. Perhaps I have advantage for the communication point as I speak Thai to her so that she can explain to me in her native tongue. She will analyse your body type and what needs to be fixed. She can also adjust the amount of herbs to cater to every person's health and slimming needs in order to make sure you get ultimate results out of what you paid for. She even advised me what food/vegetables to eat and not to eat.

Nit has many steps to help slim you down and bring you back to good health which I’ll list them here while it’s still fresh in my head. You can choose a cheaper/more expensive package as you wish. Also, she only uses fresh herbs, not instant dried herbs like other places. I remember I was stunned with amount of fresh herbs from Thailand she brought to my place along with all the other things. This makes me feel that the money I’ve paid is well spent.

The steps (for my package)

1. Eye Herbal Steam – They say after you get pregnant and give birth, your eye sight changes. This will gently help your eyes to be back to a healthy state and you’ll breathe in the herbal steam which help clear your sinus at the same time.

2. Body wrapping and hot herbal steam – She will apply some hot balm on your skin before wrap from your breasts down to your legs with cling wrap. The amount of herbs is very generous and you sweat so badly! After the hot steam done, she will knock your skull with a big herbal ball to get rid of wind inside and to reduce the risk of having migraine in the future. Then your skin will be exfoliated with some herbal stuff from head to toe which I also use for my face and underarms to help lessen the dark patches.

3. Hot blanket with ginger red wine – After the skin exfoliation, you’ll need a shower. Then you’ll lie down inside the hot blanket for 15-20 minutes (my last week I did up to 30 minutes) covered with ginger soaked in red wine to open pores and rid the toxins (you’ll sweat again) When done, have a rinse and you’ll be asked to drink Thai herbal drink to improve blood circulation before she moves on to the massage treatment. This is optional but I choose to buy this drink extra.

4. Ear Candling – This will get rid of winds from your head area. She will massage your head and neck at the same time, very soothing.

5. Hip Stepping – This helps your hips to come back into its original width. Don’t worry, she knows anatomy and she has certificate for it. She’ll step on your hips down to your legs and feet.

6. Hot Stone – This stone is taken from the mountain, so it’s rich in minerals. The stone is heated up and placed on parts of your body to aid in slimming. For my case, the focus is on the tummy area and my thighs.

7. Navel Candling and Uterus Lifting – The candling helps rid the winds stuck in your tummy and Nit will massage your tummy to lift the uterus putting it back to its original position. The first couple of weeks it hurt when she massaged my tummy but later I got used to the pain.

8. Bamboo Shaping & Slimming - This step is the best. It helps to bring the body back in shape and smoothen out cellulite. My arms, thighs, legs and tummy have gone down in a major way from this step.

9. Slimming Hot Mask/Mud – This step really helps reduce water retention in your body parts. It’s very relaxing also coz it’s nice and warm!

10. Full Body Stone Scrub – This will be done once a week. I couldn’t believe how much of dead skin I had until Nit scrubbed my body from neck down to toes.

These are just a rough summary of my package but they're actually more to it. The package I choose is 20 sessions, Monday to Friday (4 weeks long) and the cost is about $10K. Please note that there are various packages to choose from. I would suggest people who are interested to contact her and consult with her first (it’s free). Visit her Facebook Fanpage at Jitsinee Nit Therapy. Alternatively, you can WhatsApp her at 93906921 for inquiry.

Apart from all these steps, she also helped massage my baby and massage my breasts to stimulate breast milk. I was so touched and I really wish I had met her earlier since my first pregnancy. She also gave me whitening cream to help lighten my dark patches on my underarms and my thighs. It works the wonder!

After I had finished 20 sessions with her (4 weeks), I decided to extended another 5 sessions (5 weeks in total). I finished the treatment on 24th Feb 2019 and I’ve lost 15kg in just over a month. My body is a bit slimmer than before my 2nd pregnancy and I can now wear normal clothes. I have attached my photos here, so you guys can see the results. Trust me, it’s worth the high price. Nit says I’ll slim down even more when I stop breastfeeding my baby.

: The above-mentioned is written based on my personal experience which I’d like to share with any mothers who are frustrated with the disappointing results from Jamu/Malay styled postnatal massage. Because I think it’s worth the investment which will last you a lifetime. Also I believe that Nit deserves more people to know about her awesome work and her dedication in helping mothers slim down with good health.

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Hi just to share my experience with PNSG. I have signed their 10 session package session and 3 of them are prenatal. I think the good thing to have is they visit your place and the prenatal and postnatal massage therapist will be the same.

I have to say the whole process was so relaxed and successfully reduce my back pain! Haven't tried the postnatal massage but the friend of mine who recommended this service have slim down very quickly and back to her pre-pregnancy shape!

Recommend PNSG!
I would totally recommend Ms Nit for the postnatal treatment as mentioned by Jenifir. It’s totally worth it. I had used her service for my first child and totally gain back my body in half a year after gaining 25kg for my pregnancy. Did it again with her for my second post natal treatment. You gotta believe the treatments to try it. Apart from those, you have to try her face chopping service. It will firm up your face and kinda make your face smaller. The result is amazing and long lasting.
Hi mummies, today is my last day of the treatment. My waist have gone down quite a lot and all thanks to Auntie Nit.
She is able to mix the herbs to suit your body, and capable to see whether are you heaty type, or a combination of heat and water retention body and can even help to adjust the bones because she have learnt body anatomy. 20 sessions is because you need to detox 32 organs within a month to get back the pink health - my eyes have cleared up quite a lot. I followed Auntie Nit avoid food list (to prevent baby’s stomach from getting gassy which I think it works as my number 1 just keep crying for no reason). Thailand’s theory is more of detox the body rather than adding heat (which is Chinese confinement theory).
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Much thanks to the mummies in this thread, I got in touch with Nit and engaged her for post natal massage. I just completed my sessions a few days back – no regrets!

Nit’s post natal massages/treatments are quite different from the Malay/Jamu post natal massage, which I did after I had my first child. I was surprised that there was no need for abdominal wrap, instead Nit uses hot blanket, herbal steam and hot stone etc . For the herbal steam, fresh herbs are used during the treatment. Nit will adjust the herbs to be used based on your body/health condition and how your body responses to the last treatment. As Jenifir and Kai2202 have written quite a comprehensive post on their treatments, do have a read to get an idea of the treatments that Nit offers.

Just to add, I too find Nit to be knowledgeable, and very sincere in helping mummies get into the pink of health – she will share with mummies on the food to consume (and avoid) to aid in mummy’s recovery and also breastfeeding journey. For example, and interestingly, drinking lots of hot plain water is encouraged – big plus for mummies who are not big fan of longan red dates drink. She will also constantly remind you ((like a mother!) of the food to avoid.

Cost wise, Nit’s packages are not cheap compared to the Malay post natal massages. But do speak with Nit as there are a number of packages with some more affordable options.

Am sharing my experience, so that more mummies and mummies to-be are aware of thai post natal treatment and they can also benefit from Nit`s treatment.
I want to shared my best post natal massage with a Lady . Her name is Rose.

she also do prenatal massage.

This was my third delivery and I still get her for my post natal massage.

She is really very friendly and guard me alot of things, like my health and breast feeding problem. Whatever thing I ask her, shE know how to answer me and guard me. I took her 7 days. Include 90mins Head to Toe full body massage and Herbal steam.

Her massage help to clear a lot of my dirty blood which clog inside my stomach. And I really sweat a lot during every steam.
After the steam, she will shower you with the ginger & lemon glass water. she will help me measure my tummy every treatment done and wrap me with two binder.
And on your last day, she will do massage for your baby.

I love to sweat alot so she will sometime extend the timing for steam to me. Her massage I can feel every point she pointed was the right place.
Best thing is I slim down very fast. Tummy first day after steam 33.5inch, last day 28.5inch. And my weight drop down 6kg as I did weight myself on the first day of session. And im Very happy.

If you are interested on Rose, you can contact her at 92706169.And you can also mention me to her. Jeslyn from Tampines street 33.
Nit: Thai Style Post Natal Treatment

My experience with Nit was actually quite unique..

Because I know her through a client, she initially does not want to take me up. On the 1st day she came to do the massage for me, her face was literally black, not sure why, but after doing the massage for almost 1 week than I come to realize why initially she had her defense wall on me was because the client that introduce me to her apparently also introduce many super-duper, problematic client to her that lead to her defense wall on me.

Next challenge with her, my initial package sign with her was 6.2k.. after doing the package for the 4th times she told me that the one I sign never existed in her package, to my horror thinking it was impossible as I had consulted and agreed on the package and she insisted that I write my own pack in her blue small notebook she give upon confirm in her home. She showed me her “new” package was 6.8k which I thought to myself “did she just want to upsell me after spending and saving hard for this 6.2k for this massage?!” And I have to top up another $600!!?? No way!

She was quite angsty at the moment when she broke the news to me when I replied her it was not this package I agree.. and brought her “newly” done package file to show me too, I told her is impossible but she insisted, to prevent from getting things heated up as you know thai women can be hostile, I told her to wait while I search for my ‘deleted photo album’ in my phone.. and luck is with me, and lucky I did not had other phone that does not store ‘deleted’ picture.. I showed her a number of picture I took in her house during consult, in the end, she shut up totally.. while I also didn’t pursue the matter she had wrong me initially and let it be and continue with the treatment. After that then I know that the change of package was done by Nit daughter.. she actually has forgotten her own old package price she short of wrong me. During the last week of my treatment, Nit brought her daughter (training her to take over her business in progress) I ask Nadia (her daughter) about the package than her daughter told me that her mum can be quite forgetful at times and she did inform her mum but Nit has forgotten the old package price.. later nit also mention that she seldom do 6.2k treatment as all her pack was 10k. Anyway, not everyone can afford a 10k treatment. I save like shit too for this 6k.

In the end, I told her if there is a need she want to adjust some of my treatment is up to you to make do best for me.. true enough I think because she was paisay she wrong me also I didn’t pursue, she give me front tummy bamboo slimming for additional service.

*note: her bamboo slimming only both hand, legs and back, front tummy not included

The steps and experience walkthrough
My 6.2k package

1. Eye Herbal Steam (10min/ 15x) – she uses some kind of white powder to boil using my stove using her own metal bowl. She will use your 2 towels to cover over your head while you breathe into the medicated oil smell like steam. So call to steam your eye and face. Initially, it was unboreable as the spicy and hot steam you have to breathe inside the towel with limited air vandilation.. but you will get use to it, after the 10min session whole face dripping sweat

2. Vaginal Herbal Smoking (8 to 10min/ 15x) - The herbs she using are sent from Thailand using some Thai native herbs. To shrink the womb back and detox.

3. Thai Hot Oil (2min/ 15x)- She will apply thai medicated balm on your skin, both hand legs tummy, back shoulder and waist

4. Body wrapping (4min/ 15x)– using cling wrap from your breasts down to your legs and arms.

5. Hot herbal steam (15min max/ 15x) – The amount of herbs is a lot, you will be standing inside her self made huge cloth, you have to stand inside with the super hot pot she cook with all her fresh herbs inside you’ll be wet whole body due to your own sweat and the steam, abit difficult to breathe inside too, have to stand inside for 3 songs she will play, about less than 15min. After which she will scoop the water and ask you to scoop and shower with it. This will reduce water retention and detoxing by steaming. The aftermath of the remaining herbs she cook in your house you have to throw it away yourself after each session. she don't do discard for you. if you have a maid is good. but if not, ask your husband to do.

6. Hot blanket (10 to 15min/ 5x) – After the hot herbal shower, wrap up myself and lie down in the hot blanket to continue let out water retention again. GREAT!

7. Ear Candling (8min/ 15x) – This will get rid of winds from your head area. She will perform a simple unrhythmic massage on your head and neck at the same time when doing hot blanket, not so soothing.

8. Hip Stepping on left and right hip (depending on how much she adjust the stepping for you/ 15x)– This helps your hips to become smaller, she say from XL to S is possible. LOL. She knows bone anatomy. She’ll step on your hips down to your legs and feet. Its pain, as she mention that its because of wind. True enough just after 4 times of stepping I can see the width of my hip getting smaller.. which is always an issue for me because I don’t have the curvy shape when I wore jeans, always have the bulk on my hip if you understand what I mean.. wohoo!!

9. Bamboo Shaping (15min/15x) - It helps to bring the body back in shape and smoothen out cellulite. Cellulite is reduce, but not disappear... Arms, thighs, legs and tummy have gone down and is in shape. She mention this shaping for my package did not include the tummy… because of the reason I mention above, she gave me for “complimentary” bamboo shaping on tummy. Don’t know what’s the logic with whole-body shaping but excluding the tummy? Didn’t further question her also isn’t it should be a inclusive?? She say she give me “free” and some replacement package she change so I say thank you lo…

10. Hot Stone (10min/ 15x) – This stone is taken from the mountain, so it’s rich in minerals. The stone is heated up using my stove and placed on both thigh, lower tummy, upper tummy to aid in slimming and contraction of the uterus.

11. Navel Candling (3 to 5min/ 15x) – Naval candling helps rid the winds in your tummy. Concurrently she will do a simple pressing on the tummy too.

12.Uterus Lifting (2min/ 15x) – After Naval candling massage your tummy to lift the uterus putting it upwards. The very first time I did was so painful, after that it was bearable.. until last week session it was not painful at all.

13. Full Body Stone Scrub (10 to 15min/ 3x) – Sitting on my toilet bowl, facing her topless while she sits on a stool *awkward* she will apply a gel like product which can be purchased at any beauty store, to aid exfoliation by using together with the stone use for skin exfoliation from both legs and arm front tummy, back shoulder and lower back

Conclusion for my $6.2k spent on post natal massage.. my first experience with such an amount.. My 1st child I did was jamu, and took me almost 1 year to slim down.. with aching there and there still, with the wind and toxic still accumulated in my body.. and even my friend tell me they can use this amount to spent on jamu massage until their skin tear.. LOL… to me, since there is so much good review in Nit, im willing to try and throw this amount to test and prove it.. Im this kind of knock head on wall to learn lesson person..

I really can say that she is indeed experience.. on my first few day of the treatment after she did my hip stepping my lower back does not ache anymore! WOW!! My lower back pain has been torturing me after my 1st born and even on my 2nd baby during my pregnancy.. but just after a few session of her leg stepping on my hip it does not hurt anymore!! Seriously!!?? And on some occasion my house window were open and wind accidentally hit in my body and create some ache, but whenever she come to do the treatment for me, my shoulder, neck or back aching due to poor breastfeed posture or wind hit me and were actually GONE!

She is tentatively trying to let her daughter Nadia taking her business in the future, on my last week of treatment like hip stepping and bamboo shaping were did by her, shes 17 yo, shes ok.. but I still prefer Nit to do the whole treatment for me though I didn’t voice it out, her daughter wanted to help lighten her mother job too.. filial daughter, but for a paying client, I don’t really prefer.

Nit is very informative too during my treatment chatting with her, she taught me alot of things.. anything we can talk.. she is actually a very talkative and very funny person.. i love her analogy using laymen example, really funny..

All in all, I have reduce approx 4cm from top to bottom after my 15 times seesion.. I would recommend Nit, the Thai Style Post Natal Treatment, not ‘Massage’ ya.. cause she actually don’t really do so much massage for you (not the kind of massage you expecting) for mothers who wants to remove water retention fast, remove toxic in the body for faster slimming and shaping and no more post aching issue after birth..
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Hi everyone,
I found Nit through Jenifir’s review and decided to go With her. This is my first pregnancy but I am close to my 40s and I wanted to lose all my pregnancy weight. I still have a few sessions with her and so far I am happy with my results.

I did the full range for 20 sessions and also drank the herbs everyday for the treatments. Overall I am happy with the results and feel healthier as I did a complete overhaul and detox internally (from the herbal drinks + ginger wine wrap ) and externally ( herbal Sauna like steam ).

So far I find the treatment effective and my thighs and legs went back to my pre-pregnancy shape after about 10 sessions. My upper back was very bulky and thick ( like a turtle ) from my pregnancy and I have to say it has also gone down significantly through the treatments.

My tummy has gone down but it’s not completely flat. Ideally I hope to see more improvement but Nit says to be patient and I will see more reduction after I stopped breast feeding.

In my package , there is also an organic facial where Nit uses honey and herbs to remove the impurities from the skin . I enjoyed this very much and have seen that my complexion is clearer, smaller pores and significant gunk/ small bumps removed.

I topped up to have 10 face chopping sessions as well and this is most effective to reduce the water retention in the face, firm up and lifts the skin . I saw results in 2 sessions and my bloated nose went back to It’s pre pregnancy form.

I hope this review will help those who are considering Nit .
Hello! I'm halfway through my treatment with Nit. For my first kid, I did Jamu massage but i had an allergic reaction and had rashes all over my tummy so I was searching for alternatives. Jamu also made me lose weight but I gained them all back after awhile:( However, all thanks to the review by Jenifir, I decided to engage Nit after delivering my 2nd kid. I am doing the full 20 days sessions with 2 types of herbal drinks everyday. The herbal drinks tastes quite awful but should get used to it with time. No pain no gain!

I must say that Nit is awesome. Though the price is much higher than the mainstream Jamu, the things done were so much more. I like the fact that Nit is very committed and wants the best for us inside out. She also uses fresh herbs everyday for the herbal steam (I got a shock when the 'ingredients' came one day prior to starting my treatment). And she would modify the treatment based individual body condition. Nit is also v knowledgeable and willing to share whatever she knows. She was able to advice me on all my queries and kept reminding on the foods that cannot be eaten. I wont elaborate on the steps as its already described by other mummies above.. but i would like to share on my improvements thus far.

1. Skin. Though only halfway through, my skin is so much smoother compared to when I started and even before I was pregnant. My pores are smaller and my skin is fairer. My dad said I look much more radiant (I see him once a week so shld be accurate).

2. Cellulite. My arms and legs are significantly slimmer and more toned (even my dad noticed and complimented).

3. Snoring. I used to snore quite loudly, especially during my pregnancy until my husband kinda like commented. But now, no more snoring! Happy :)

4. Weight. I lost all the weight I've gained in my pregnancy, plus 3kg more! I.e. I am 3kg lighter than before I got pregnant!

5. Body ache. I used to have very bad backache, my entire back. But now, I feel so much at ease and feel "lighter", less burden on my back! This is awesome!!

Oh yes! As my body is on the softer side, Nit is also very nice to include ginger wine wrap for me on top of my package, in order to achieve the toned results she wants. Nit is really committed. On the areas that she didnt see the best results as expected, she would try different means to make sure she gets there. I'm so appreciative of that.

I will be starting my face chop next week and facial. Really look forward to a slimmer and more dimensional face.. and say byebye to blackheads, huge pores and oily skin :D

Hope this helps mummies out there who is considering Nit :)
Hello ladies!!!

Are you the first time mother? Or are you frustrated with Jamu/Malay styled postnatal massage and wrapping which shows no results?

If so, read on! I'd like to share my personal experience and story with you all. Highly recommended for all mothers!

My background

I put on 23kg from my 1st pregnancy in 2017 and I had the Jamu/Malay styled postnatal treatment which was a 1 hour head-to-toe massage with a small hot stone and tummy wrapping for “30” sessions. The result? My tummy didn’t go down much at all and it was quite saggy considering I had the massage and tummy wrapping Monday-Saturday over a month.

I lost 11kg and later another 2kg in a year. Yes, the other 10kg was still with me. I was disappointed at the result as I still looked like 6-7 months pregnant the whole time. Over a year later I got pregnant again and I had gained 13kg this time. Thank goodness!

This pregnancy I’m determined that it will have to be better than last time and I will get back to the healthy me again, so I’ve done my serious research. I’ve found a few mothers posted about a Thai lady called Nit, whom they said that she helped them slim down dramatically.

I contacted her and went to her place. I can tell you now that her price is not cheap but if it’s worth it I’ll be happy to pay. I saw what kind of materials she uses for her treatment and the amount of fresh herbs is tonnes! When I break down the cost to each treatment it sort of justifies why the package price is super high. Eventually, I’ve decided to go with this lady and couldn’t wait to see what she could do for me.

More than what you bargain for

When I finally had Nit at my place doing her job, I’ve realised she used to work in various well known slimming centers. It would have cost me a lot more to do the same thing she does for me here. She’s like my personalised confinement masseuse and a Thai herb specialist (I’m originally from Thailand myself but I know even less than half of the herbs she uses).

She is a very knowledgeable lady whom you can ask any questions and she will be able to explain in details. Perhaps I have advantage for the communication point as I speak Thai to her so that she can explain to me in her native tongue. She will analyse your body type and what needs to be fixed. She can also adjust the amount of herbs to cater to every person's health and slimming needs in order to make sure you get ultimate results out of what you paid for. She even advised me what food/vegetables to eat and not to eat.

Nit has many steps to help slim you down and bring you back to good health which I’ll list them here while it’s still fresh in my head. You can choose a cheaper/more expensive package as you wish. Also, she only uses fresh herbs, not instant dried herbs like other places. I remember I was stunned with amount of fresh herbs from Thailand she brought to my place along with all the other things. This makes me feel that the money I’ve paid is well spent.

The steps (for my package)

1. Eye Herbal Steam – They say after you get pregnant and give birth, your eye sight changes. This will gently help your eyes to be back to a healthy state and you’ll breathe in the herbal steam which help clear your sinus at the same time.

2. Body wrapping and hot herbal steam – She will apply some hot balm on your skin before wrap from your breasts down to your legs with cling wrap. The amount of herbs is very generous and you sweat so badly! After the hot steam done, she will knock your skull with a big herbal ball to get rid of wind inside and to reduce the risk of having migraine in the future. Then your skin will be exfoliated with some herbal stuff from head to toe which I also use for my face and underarms to help lessen the dark patches.

3. Hot blanket with ginger red wine – After the skin exfoliation, you’ll need a shower. Then you’ll lie down inside the hot blanket for 15-20 minutes (my last week I did up to 30 minutes) covered with ginger soaked in red wine to open pores and rid the toxins (you’ll sweat again) When done, have a rinse and you’ll be asked to drink Thai herbal drink to improve blood circulation before she moves on to the massage treatment. This is optional but I choose to buy this drink extra.

4. Ear Candling – This will get rid of winds from your head area. She will massage your head and neck at the same time, very soothing.

5. Hip Stepping – This helps your hips to come back into its original width. Don’t worry, she knows anatomy and she has certificate for it. She’ll step on your hips down to your legs and feet.

6. Hot Stone – This stone is taken from the mountain, so it’s rich in minerals. The stone is heated up and placed on parts of your body to aid in slimming. For my case, the focus is on the tummy area and my thighs.

7. Navel Candling and Uterus Lifting – The candling helps rid the winds stuck in your tummy and Nit will massage your tummy to lift the uterus putting it back to its original position. The first couple of weeks it hurt when she massaged my tummy but later I got used to the pain.

8. Bamboo Shaping & Slimming - This step is the best. It helps to bring the body back in shape and smoothen out cellulite. My arms, thighs, legs and tummy have gone down in a major way from this step.

9. Slimming Hot Mask/Mud – This step really helps reduce water retention in your body parts. It’s very relaxing also coz it’s nice and warm!

10. Full Body Stone Scrub – This will be done once a week. I couldn’t believe how much of dead skin I had until Nit scrubbed my body from neck down to toes.

These are just a rough summary of my package but they're actually more to it. The package I choose is 20 sessions, Monday to Friday (4 weeks long) and the cost is about $10K. Please note that there are various packages to choose from. I would suggest people who are interested to contact her and consult with her first (it’s free). Visit her Facebook Fanpage at Jitsinee Nit Therapy. Alternatively, you can WhatsApp her at 93906921 for inquiry.

Apart from all these steps, she also helped massage my baby and massage my breasts to stimulate breast milk. I was so touched and I really wish I had met her earlier since my first pregnancy. She also gave me whitening cream to help lighten my dark patches on my underarms and my thighs. It works the wonder!

After I had finished 20 sessions with her (4 weeks), I decided to extended another 5 sessions (5 weeks in total). I finished the treatment on 24th Feb 2019 and I’ve lost 15kg in just over a month. My body is a bit slimmer than before my 2nd pregnancy and I can now wear normal clothes. I have attached my photos here, so you guys can see the results. Trust me, it’s worth the high price. Nit says I’ll slim down even more when I stop breastfeeding my baby.

: The above-mentioned is written based on my personal experience which I’d like to share with any mothers who are frustrated with the disappointing results from Jamu/Malay styled postnatal massage. Because I think it’s worth the investment which will last you a lifetime. Also I believe that Nit deserves more people to know about her awesome work and her dedication in helping mothers slim down with good health.

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How come the pictures you attached seemed to be the same as the previous post on Nit. All seems to be posting the same pic.
Hello! I'm halfway through my treatment with Nit. For my first kid, I did Jamu massage but i had an allergic reaction and had rashes all over my tummy so I was searching for alternatives. Jamu also made me lose weight but I gained them all back after awhile:( However, all thanks to the review by Jenifir, I decided to engage Nit after delivering my 2nd kid. I am doing the full 20 days sessions with 2 types of herbal drinks everyday. The herbal drinks tastes quite awful but should get used to it with time. No pain no gain!

I must say that Nit is awesome. Though the price is much higher than the mainstream Jamu, the things done were so much more. I like the fact that Nit is very committed and wants the best for us inside out. She also uses fresh herbs everyday for the herbal steam (I got a shock when the 'ingredients' came one day prior to starting my treatment). And she would modify the treatment based individual body condition. Nit is also v knowledgeable and willing to share whatever she knows. She was able to advice me on all my queries and kept reminding on the foods that cannot be eaten. I wont elaborate on the steps as its already described by other mummies above.. but i would like to share on my improvements thus far.

1. Skin. Though only halfway through, my skin is so much smoother compared to when I started and even before I was pregnant. My pores are smaller and my skin is fairer. My dad said I look much more radiant (I see him once a week so shld be accurate).

2. Cellulite. My arms and legs are significantly slimmer and more toned (even my dad noticed and complimented).

3. Snoring. I used to snore quite loudly, especially during my pregnancy until my husband kinda like commented. But now, no more snoring! Happy :)

4. Weight. I lost all the weight I've gained in my pregnancy, plus 3kg more! I.e. I am 3kg lighter than before I got pregnant!

5. Body ache. I used to have very bad backache, my entire back. But now, I feel so much at ease and feel "lighter", less burden on my back! This is awesome!!

Oh yes! As my body is on the softer side, Nit is also very nice to include ginger wine wrap for me on top of my package, in order to achieve the toned results she wants. Nit is really committed. On the areas that she didnt see the best results as expected, she would try different means to make sure she gets there. I'm so appreciative of that.

I will be starting my face chop next week and facial. Really look forward to a slimmer and more dimensional face.. and say byebye to blackheads, huge pores and oily skin :D

Hope this helps mummies out there who is considering Nit :)

I've completed my 4weeks with Nit. I can say that the results are amazing! Overall I lost 6.5cm on thighs, 16cm on waist, 5cm on hip, 7cm on tummy, 3.5cm on arms, and 10kg in total :) my back is also longer, hence looking slimmer. my pants became so loose that I had to keep pulling it while walking. Lol. My skin is also smoother and fairer.

In my package, there are 2 organic facials (done end of 3rd & 4th week) where Nit uses honey to remove the impurities on my face. There is also a 24k gold mask. V soothing. My complexion is much clearer & pores smaller. The face chop made my face sharper and nose more dimensional too! Nit said the body and face will continue to slim down and change after stopping breastfeeding.

In the last week, Nit also brought her daughter Nadia to assist with the treatment. Despite being young, Nadia is equally good, knowledgable and committed. I enjoyed chatting with her as well.

Nit also threw in additional ginger wine wrap to make my skin more firm. However, I broke out in rashes, which Nit said is good as the toxins in my body is being purged out.

All in all, I would strongly recommend Nit for postnatal treatment. It is not just the typical massage and tummy wrap. It is a whole body revamp, inside out, top to bottom :) highly recommended if u are looking for removal of water retention, toxins and body aches after birth. I can see that Nit really wants the best for me and tried her best in the 20days to make me a "new" person. I've attached my before and after pics for comparison.

Hope this review helps for those considering a different type of postnatal treatment as compared to the traditional Jamu :)


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Hi mummies-to-be!

I like to share my wonderful experience with Nit. Like many of you, I balked at Nit's postnatal treatments price initially.

I did the 20 days premium package with the 2 detox herbal drinks. I bought extra tube of whitening cream + did face chop + bust firming treatments. Nit's treatments were not relaxing for me, in fact I always have to chant "No Pain No Gain" during the treatments and at the end of the 20 days, I was addicted to "No Pain No Gain" 'cos I am very pleased with the results I get.

I did not book Nit before my bb's delivery in Dec 2019 as I was not prepared to set aside that kind of budget. I decided to engage Nit's service only after

1) I saw my colleague's awesome post treatments results with Nit.
Our baby EDD are 2 weeks apart & she was then expecting her 3rd child. She was super excited to find Nit postnatal treatment as she found jamu & tuina postnatal treatments for her 1st & 2nd child left her with flabby tummy. She had asked me to consider engaging Nit but I wasn't prepared to spend a bomb on post natal treatments.

2) I found out one of my hot mummy gf had done 3 months of daily jamu massages to help her slim down. Nit's 20 days treatments would be similar to my hot mummy gf's 3 months jamu and I only need to set aside 20 days instead of 90 days!

Nit did not have any slot for me when I text her after my confinement. I was of course very disappointed & decided to try the "Yu Fai" Thai Traditional Post Natal treatments in Bangkok since I will be there for a week during the CNY holidays. The Yu Fai treatments was very relaxing but it did not help me to reduce my tummy which was bothering me a lot.

I tried my luck to see if Nit has slot after I return from my Bangkok trip. Much to my delight, she is available every evening for the next 20 days ( excluding Sat & Sun ) and I need to go to her house in Bedok. And so, I only started my treatment with Nit 70 days after I deliver my baby.

If I have my 2nd child, I will surely engage Nit during my confinement. Here's why:

1. Nit will advise you what to eat & what not to eat. I ate a lot of broccoli and also salmon fish ( which were food to avoid ) during my confinement. Nit said these food had contributed to the gas in my stomach that caused my bloated tummy. She had worked very hard on my tummy but the result for me was marginal ( as compared to some of Nit's clients ). In my eyes, I am already very pleased with the marginal result as I already had very hard bloated tummy even before pregnancy.

2. Nit will travel to your house instead of you traveling to her place in Bedok. I pay the same package price as someone who engages her during confinement.

3. The 2 detox herbal drinks are best taken when you are at home doing nothing. Well... mummies are supposed to rest well during confinement so that when our confinement nanny leaves, we are ready to look after our little one. One of the drink makes you LS multiple times & the other one makes you super drowsy. You need to drink loads of high hot water ( I drank 4l of water daily ) to help you clear the toxics in your body. The super drowsy detox herbal drink knocks me out within 15 mins & I had a super scary experience with this drink one of the day. I will share with you all so that you don't make the same mistake as me.

I am someone that cannot hold my liquor well & this herbal drink contains alcohol that helps with your blood circulation. I had increased the dosage to drink 3/4 ( three quarter) bottle instead of half a bottle. My heart raced super fast that night, I was breathless and I thought I was going to die. I dare not wake up my husband in the middle of the night for help as I was fearful he will chide me for taking herbal drinks any old how. When I related this incident to Nit the next day, she mentioned I had forgotten her reminder - I need to drink a lot of high hot water to clear the blockage in my body. And true enough, I did not experience similar symptoms after that day.

4. Nit's post natal treatments take care of your health & beauty inside out and the results last for a long time. She customises her herbs & treatments according to your needs. Nit had learnt many traditional treatments from her Teochew Thai grandmother ( her grandmother made Nit do the treatments on her as she is the eldest girl in the family ). And Nit learnt herbal knowledge from her dad who was a military doctor. Nit horned her slimming treatment skill when she was working in a slimming centre in Orchard Road.

It is hard work on Nit's part with all the kneading and slapping. All I need to do is to lie down, bear with the occasional pain, discomfort and let Nit do her work. I believe I will yield better results if I had done my postnatal treatments with Nit during confinement instead of post confinement. So do not make the same mistake as me.

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Picture 1 - Smaller tummy, less cellulite thighs. I now dare to wear shorts!

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Picture 2 - The "Yu Fai" herbal steam in Bangkok with 2 compress herbal balls ( Nit mentioned these looked off-the-shelf ) vs. the big pot of customised blended fresh herbal steam by Nit

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Picture 3 - These herbal drinks taste really horrible initially. I have to psych myself that drinking these is better than taking medications. The blood circulation drink on the left - Always drink with a lot of high hot water. Surprisingly I did not need to wake up in the middle of the night to pee, even though I drink a lot of water to go with this before bedtime. The LS drink on the right - I will pair it with fruits like blueberries / strawberries to make it more bearable.

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Picture 4 - Hot mask applied on all body parts to help with firming, slimming. Check out my glowing skin. :)

Picture 5 - Bamboo Slimming can be painful at some point. Trick is to control your inhaling and exhaling for more comfort. Who tells you slimming is pain free?


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"Nothing good is cheap and nothing cheap is good"...

I first discovered Nit here on this forum while 5 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby. Having tried the Jamu after my first baby I couldn't help but want something more holistic; plus the idea of walking around day and night with my stomach bound for weeks on end without long term results didn't appeal to me. Also, with my 2nd pregnancy I knew there was a chance my body wouldn't bounce back so well this I was encouraged by the reviews here but scared of the costs...

When I went for my first consultation I was impressed by Nit's confidence in her claims to restore my health inside, with the beautifying aspect of her treatment being a mere bonus. Who doesn't want to have a healthy body? 9 months of hormonal turbulence, no bleeding and a living baby pooping in your uterus will make you want to clean every internal pipe and organ you can reach!

Let's clarify one thing early on: Nit is expensive. But if you want a superficial temporary bind on your stomach to give the illusion of being slim then you have Jamu. If you want a toned and healthy glowing body inside and out which is long lasting then you need to pay for Nit.

The day after I gave birth she sent about 12 crates of herbs, massage equipment and other ingredients that would be used on me over the next 20 days. I was astonished at how much she ordered for my package and I realised where a bulk of my 11k had gone.

Within the first 5 days of seeing Nit I started to look like my old self and saw definition in my abdomen again. By day 14 I had lost 7kg at my first gynae weight check after giving birth. Even my gynae was impressed at how quickly I had restored so close to my pre-pregnancy weight.

Nit customises her treatments for each of her clients by assessing their state of health on day 1 and every subsequent day thereafter. There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to her work and she takes pride in ensuring you see results as soon as possible - a pride of work that I commend. She understands the anatomy from a holistic perspective and modifies her ingredients accordingly.

Day 1 was painful. I was still only a few days postpartum and my body was tender. She recognised this and took it easy on me, even though it was still agonising, she did everything with my recovery and health at the top of her mind. Some things that stand out in my memory:
- the cling wrap and herbal sauna: my goodness the amount of sweat that came out! The measurement of the herbs in her boiling cauldron were adapted each day to ensure I got the maximum benefits as my body recovered.

- The body scrub. I like to think I exfoliate all the time when I buy scrubs or glycolic skin products... but her organic homemade herbal scrubs had me shedding skin like a snake!

- The bamboo rollers: oh my god the first day was a shock with these. She rolls them firmly against your whole body to flush out water retention and cellulite and tone up your muscles so that the skin firms around them.

- The heated oil and mineral mountain rock she heats up and presses against the body. Its hot. There's no hiding from it! You can feel your abdomen tightening under the intensity of the heat...

- Pushing up the uterus and expelling any wind in your tummy with the sheer strength of her hands. I yelped so loud on day 1 when she first did this to me... it helped so much in getting rid of the postpartum paunch.

Nit is a very sincere and kind lady who actually has a vested interest in ensuring you get your moneys worth so once you've paid her, she shows you her determination in getting your body to an even better state than before. She came to my house every day and even healed my husbands sprained ankle by heating the herbal sauna mix and letting him soak his leg in it. Within 2 days he was walking again and couldn't believe it.

I gave birth on a Tuesday and 6 days later I started my package with Nit. Within 9 days of giving birth, my tummy was flat again and I could see definition not just in my abdomen but my thighs, my arms and even my back.
I'd say I got my money's worth very quickly!

You need to book Nit early because she gets booked out fast. I paid my deposit at 5 months pregnant.

I'm absolutely thrilled with the results and will definitely call on her again not just for my 3rd pregnancy but for an annual detox. I intend to call on her services at the start of every year to give my body and immune system a booster.

The costs are actually cheaper than going to a slimming centre or 20 day spa, plus you will definitely get results which can't be guaranteed with cheaper treatments.

If you want to see real results that go beyond skin deep, then Nit is the only person I would recommend.


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When I was researching for post-natal massage / treatment - it was a challenge someone who provided a holistic view with a focus on all organs when it comes to treatment. This is why I was so thankful to have found the reviews here on Nit and engaged her service for my post-natal treatment recently. I was never convinced that what we have put our bodies through for 9-10 months can be resolved in 1 or 2 weeks like most post-natal massages which is why I chose to engage Nit for her 4 week package to ensure she had time to work on all my whole body.

I had no choice but to do a C-sect and was extra worried that it would be difficult to lose the weight. Nit started on me 10 days post C-sect and by the end of treatment, I was 1-2 kg away from my pre-pregnancy weight.

While it might seem that Nit's package is expensive, think about slimming treatments or well known jamu massages that can go up to 2k a week for 1-1.5hr each time and you will realize her treatment is really worth it (3-3.5 hrs per session). Not forgetting the amount of herbs and equipment she sends to your house before she starts, you will see where the money has mostly gone into.

A quick recap of my journey with Nit:

- Eye steam helped with my sinuses! After each session, I would have dirt being expelled from my eye and my nose got gradually clear of its' usual morning sinus.

- Wrap, Herbal Steam and Body Scrub was where I would sweat buckets and as she adapted the herbs each day according to how my body responded, some days felt like an extra detox. I even added water to the leftover herbs after each session and got my husband to steam which he thoroughly enjoyed. Where I found this helped most for me was my post-birth BO which i developed as the sweating helped me get rid of it and it was so much more manageable after.

- Bamboo rolling (everyday), Ginger wine wrap (Week 2/3), Salt pot (Week 3/4) and Hot Stone (Week 3/4) were used to help with firming and detoxing. Ginger wine wrap is not easy to bear as the ginger burns and forces you to detox more fluids which helped with my stubborn water retention. Bamboo, Salt Pot and Hot Stone helped with firming and was the more relaxing part of the treatment.

- Uterus lifting and Navel Candle is something you will need to remind yourself ' no pain no gain' as Nit adjusts the uterus and expels wind from the belly. It hurts but it will be worth it to help minimize the post partum pooch as much as possible

- Hip stepping was probably my favourite part of the package. As I enjoy strong massages in general and Nit has great strength. She will help adjust your hips which widen during birth as much as possible. I am planning to go back to her for a hip stepping package once i am done breastfeeding.

It is clear that Nit is passionate about the work she does and genuinely cares for her clients. She is direct, kind and puts a lot of effort into ensuring you get your money's worth for her treatments. I miss her dearly now that it has ended and cannot wait to work with her again when I get pregnant again.
Just wanna share my thoughts with Nit

This is my second baby in two years. I had leftover weight from first pregnancy. I did a chinese massage that time, and didn’t like the binder and herbs. I didn’t lose weight, and the binder and herbs gave me a rash. For the second baby, I also gained 20+kg. I already knew my body didn’t fully recovered from first pregnancy coz I will feel cold and ache randomly, just overall sluggish and tired. Initially I did a one week package, but after two days of massage, Nit offered me a package of 5k for 10days. It was expensive, but My husband said look at the long term, my body will feel better. First day Nit and her daughter came with a trolley filled with big containers of herbs. My husband, helper and I thought they were moving house. Now we realised where all that money went to - good quality and large amount of herbs.

I realised it was a 3hour treatment. Not the usual 1 hour we get from massage places.

Eye steam

  • I couldn’t take it the first time, but second time onwards, I enjoyed it. I was sweating already and the eye steam cleared my eyes, cleared the tiredness, I felt refreshed.
Vaginal steam

  • this is meant to tighten the vagina/womb and release the remaining blood inside you for those who did vaginal delivery. My blood came out throughout the 10days.
Body wrap, Herbal steam, body scrub, head knocking

  • The herbal steam was Done in the bathroom. I couldn’t take it at first coz I didn’t drink enough fluid prior. Surprisingly, after 3days, I was able to take it and eventually could stay inside the herbal steam for the whole 15mins. I was all wrapped up tight and sweated so much. After that did bodyscrub and washed off with the herbs water from the herbal steam.
  • The head knocking was not my favourite. But I had to endure it as part of treatment. It is meant to dispel gas from your head and help you with better memory and help you feel more fresh. Nit’s daughter will use the herbs that they concoct to pound on your body so that the body absorbs the herb. After that just wash it off.
  • For two days (mid and end treatment) Nit asked her daughter to give me a deep scrub. Deep scrub is alot more intense and takes up more time than the normal scrub. I didn’t know I had so much dead skin from the deep scrub. And they use their herbal soap and scrub bar - not those normal salt scrub. I like the scrub bar so much I asked where to buy. Apparently the scrub is very hard to find. The scrub can be a bit stingy on the face, but after that, I felt so much cleaner. I also felt whiter after the deep scrub.
Massage, Hot blanket, ear + naval candling, bamboo rolling, uplifting of uterus, hot mask, hot stone, more massage, hip stepping

  • This was the best part. It was about 1.5hour long. The massage was very soothing, and they will take special focus on your troubled areas.
  • I initially thought naval and ear candling will be uncomfortable but it wasn’t. The amount of dirt in my naval was quite disgusting.
  • The bamboo rolling and hot stone and hot mask were quite relaxing. The stone is not any stone. Nit had to get her govt permission to take it from some mountain in thailand. So Nit will heat the stone on my gas stove and wrap with towel to treat me.
  • The lifting of uterus was the most painful for me and I had to do breathing exercises to endure.

I had a really good time during the treatment. Everytime i just felt like sleeping. I lost inches off my thighs, hips, and most significantly my waist line. Last time it will take me a few months, but it only took two weeks. I forgot to weigh myself before the treatment but I think I easily lost a few kg. I still haven’t gotten back to pre pregnancy, but this was really a good start for me, better than other post natal massages.

During my treatment, Nit also customised a few things based on the progress. She told me midway through the treatment, that she will wrap me again before going into the hot blanket, or she and Nadia will do more bamboo rolling and hot stone on certain areas.

I want to also say that my milk supply that 2 weeks was the most! I didn’t have milk supply for first kid, and second kid, I struggled the first week but Nit’s treatment somehow boost my milk supply. She will advise you to eat certain food and must drink high-warm water (according to her).

Three hours each session ( if you do the deep scrub, maybe four hours) , 10days, watch your diet, all for 5K+. Nit also asked me to drink the herbal detox drink and ginger tea - they were quite disgusting but can I just say, I felt cleaner with all the detox. I heard that such treatment is no longer available in thailand. And Nit is the only one left in Singapore to do this. Nit’s really caring and concern of your health. You can tell she is doing this to help people. She and her daughter are very easy going people and they don’t waste your time. She will look at your body and as the treatment goes, she may make some tweaks here and there. My experience is great, and they are skillful and kind people with big hearts to have helped me in this journey.
As a new mom, discovering Nit's postnatal treatment was a game-changer.

Nit's expertise, honed from years in prestigious slimming centers, was evident. From her personalized approach to her wealth of knowledge in Thai herbology, Nit crafted a regimen tailored to my body's needs.

The postnatal package Nit offered was comprehensive. From herbal steams to soothing massages, each session was meticulously designed to address my body's post-pregnancy needs. Nit's attention to detail, coupled with her genuine care, made every session worthwhile.

I wholeheartedly recommend Nit to postpartum moms. Investing in Nit's expertise is an investment in your well-being and newfound vitality as a mother.
