
New Member
I am in my 40s this year, trying to conceive for the past 18 months but absolutely no result.
Time is running out and I started reading about IUI/IVF when I chanced onto this forum.
Will appreciate if your can share which doctor(s) your did your successful IUI/IVF at.
I am in my 40s this year, trying to conceive for the past 18 months but absolutely no result.
Time is running out and I started reading about IUI/IVF when I chanced onto this forum.
Will appreciate if your can share which doctor(s) your did your successful IUI/IVF at.
Liu Shu Ling from KKH.
Hello, I'm also close to 40 - currently 37 pregnant with my first child.
I have had 3 rounds of IVF with two different clinics.

I did my first at Thomson medical fertility clinic (Paragon) Service is good and the doctor was really attentive and i wanted a female doctor. She's not the kind that will scan you and then chase you away. The reason I did IVF is because I have low ovarian reserve (Low-AMH) - and only learnt about it at 32. :( We tried naturally for a year and nothing happened.

My first IVF failed, but looking back - it is not because of the doctor. Not every couple get a successful pregnancy after 1 round. IVF is truly to assist conception, but it depends on the egg and the sperm whether they're chromosomally compatible for it to be successful, which for my case the embryo did not survive and stick. I was able to use 6000 from Medisave to help offset some of the cost.

I ended up doing IVF in JB because it was cheaper with Dr Tan at IVF Bridge Fertility Center. He can be a bit rush or unkind with words, but he knows what he is very experienced and knows what he is doing.

I'd recommend you to take a fertility test first (if you have not) - IUI is less invasive than IVF. It's also a lot cheaper. I had to go straight to IVF because of my condition.

If you go to KKH - I understand they have a pretty long waiting list and if you're a citizen there are subsidies you can use.
There is no harm getting on the list first and then see if they call you up.

Take care and all the very best! If you have any questions, feel free to DM me.
Hello, I'm also close to 40 - currently 37 pregnant with my first child.
I have had 3 rounds of IVF with two different clinics.

I did my first at Thomson medical fertility clinic (Paragon) Service is good and the doctor was really attentive and i wanted a female doctor. She's not the kind that will scan you and then chase you away. The reason I did IVF is because I have low ovarian reserve (Low-AMH) - and only learnt about it at 32. :( We tried naturally for a year and nothing happened.

My first IVF failed, but looking back - it is not because of the doctor. Not every couple get a successful pregnancy after 1 round. IVF is truly to assist conception, but it depends on the egg and the sperm whether they're chromosomally compatible for it to be successful, which for my case the embryo did not survive and stick. I was able to use 6000 from Medisave to help offset some of the cost.

I ended up doing IVF in JB because it was cheaper with Dr Tan at IVF Bridge Fertility Center. He can be a bit rush or unkind with words, but he knows what he is very experienced and knows what he is doing.

I'd recommend you to take a fertility test first (if you have not) - IUI is less invasive than IVF. It's also a lot cheaper. I had to go straight to IVF because of my condition.

If you go to KKH - I understand they have a pretty long waiting list and if you're a citizen there are subsidies you can use.
There is no harm getting on the list first and then see if they call you up.

Take care and all the very best! If you have any questions, feel free to DM me.
