Toa payoh shuan lin si got open during cny?
HI 各位姐妹们,
如果精子质量少/ 不好,应该吃些什么呢?
Does anyone know when is ZSNN birthday this year?
Hi all, I will be returning 30 eggs tomorrow, 31 March 2019 morning to Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Temple.
Reach around 10amAround what time?
Hi everyone, I will be returning 100 red eggs this Friday, 19th April at 12pm at
Kampong Tengah Thian Hou Keng (Ban Gang Tian Hou Gong, part of Sengkang Joint Temple)
Where: 80 Rivervale Crescent
Phone: 6386 5680
Opening hours: 8am – 5pm
Baby dust to ya'll!![]()
Hi,I have returned some eggs to the temple located at 80 Rivervale crescent to thank 注生娘娘 for her blessings. Baby dust to all!
how do you pray at Shuang Lin Temple? Got anyone there guide you?Im at shuanglin temple now... wa a aunty unpacking 200+eggs to zsnn now... wish we all got baby dust ba...
I just went to Seng Wong Beo Temple 城隍庙 at Tanjong Pagar with the suggested red & white flowers, Butterfly Florida Water Cologne, Sam Fong Hoi Tong Powder and Red Thread. But the person at the temple mentioned wrong liaoAsked me to buy 2 packs of mixed chrysanthemum and 5 oranges. Thus, have to go the nearby market and get.
Nonetheless, we have to pray to their main deities first with their joss stick pack (S$6). After that the person help me with the prayers with a big platter of joss papers ($43), after he help me with the request for babies and throw the twin
crescent and got the “sacred combination”(聖杯). After he mentioned something and asked me to throw again, another “sacred combination”(聖杯). Apologies for not hearing what he say cause in my heart i just pray for BFP and smooth pregnancy for both mother and child. the whole prayer/ritual ends with me burning the platter of joss papers. Of cuz the person also request for a red packet. He passed me back 3 oranges and a pack of mixed chrysanthemum (for my wifey to flower bath).
Hope it helps those who wish to head down to Seng Wong Beo Temple
Hi, I need your advise as how long have you prayed for child birth?I have returned some eggs to the temple located at 80 Rivervale crescent to thank 注生娘娘 for her blessings. Baby dust to all!
hi,Hi everyone, I will be returning 100 red eggs this Friday, 19th April at 12pm at
Kampong Tengah Thian Hou Keng (Ban Gang Tian Hou Gong, part of Sengkang Joint Temple)
Where: 80 Rivervale Crescent
Phone: 6386 5680
Opening hours: 8am – 5pm
Baby dust to ya'll!![]()
Hi,Sorry this came last minute...but we have just returned 100 red eggs to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang at Seng Wong Beo temple (tanjong pagar) on 14 July. Hope others get some baby dust too!
We will be returning 80 red eggs this coming Saturday 15-Sep (by 11am) to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang at 玉皇殿@495 Havelock Road.
Hoping to spread baby dust to all here.
Venue No.: 1 - 崇义庙/半港天后宫 (@ Sengkang; Bakau LRT station)
View map:
Remark: 面向崇义堂,右侧就是天后宫(正神:妈祖/天后娘娘)。天后娘娘的右边即是“注生娘娘”。
Photo album:
Venue No.: 2 - 都城隍庙 (@ Tanjong Pagar)
Remark: 进入城隍庙第一道大门(铁门不算),左侧有供奉一些专署的神明位置 - 包公神台、注生娘娘神台、清水祖师神台。得拜主神城隍爷先,然后再拜注生娘娘。
Photo album:
Venue No.: 3 - 韭菜芭城隍庙 Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong Temple (@ Paya Lebar/MacPherson)
Remark: 进入城隍大殿的最右边神台,供奉地母、注生娘娘、 观音、 天后。
后排左起:观音佛祖、注生娘娘、地母之尊。窍门得拜主神城隍爷先。求子愿望可跪在注生娘娘面前。尽管放心,没有人会朝笑。自己觉得不舒服拜阴神的话,无需勉强自己。其他众阴神不拜没有关系的。In the past, devotees are able to walk in right infront to altar. After renovation, 神台隔远多了。
Photo album:
Venue No.: 4 - 莲山双林寺/双林城隍庙 (@ Toa Payoh/Kim Keat)
Remark: 双林城隍庙坐落于莲山双林寺范围之内。双林城隍庙内有两尊注生娘娘。祖神城隍爷的右边便是注生娘娘,而另一尊注生娘娘是有抱小孩。多数前去向注生娘娘求子的,是有抱小孩的那尊神像。另外提醒,莲山双林寺(观音殿、天王殿等属于‘阳庙’),城隍庙(则是‘阴庙’)。本人不建议去了‘阴庙’再去‘阳庙’或者,去了‘阳庙’再去‘阴庙’。外面也是一样。
Photo album:
Venue No.: 5 - 玉皇殿 (@ Havelock)
Remark: 主神乃玉皇大帝,不拜不行。可向玉皇大帝表明你的来历以及此行的目的。玉皇大帝的左手边,有道门可以进入后殿。进入后殿便可看到注生娘娘了以及‘七娘嫲’(福建话)。可以买花献给注生娘娘,无须把花拿回。要买什么花都可以。若有供水果,拜完之后拿回去吃。
Photo album:
Venue No.: 6 - 东岳庙 (@ Kg Bahru)
Remark: 主神乃东岳大帝。主神左边即是注生娘娘。
Photo album:
Hi, I need your advise as how long have you prayed for child birth?
Which Temple and what is the procedure?
Need to go with husband?
what to bring to offer?
did you get back eggs to eat?
Your info is greatly appreciated.
You can refer to this post for more info on how to pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang.
If you are not sure what is the procedure, just approach the temple caretakers. They will guide you in details, just tell them you are first time and not sure what to do.
It’s best if you can go with your husband. I normally see couples go pray together.
As for the eggs, it’s really by luck. The first time I went to the temple at Toa Payoh, no one returned eggs so I couldn’t have a chance to bring any eggs home to eat. But thanks to this forum, people who are returning eggs will inform here. Just have to wait patiently for someone to post the details here. And try to visit that temple on the same day coz I don’t think the temple will keep the eggs for long.
Hope the info helps.
Hi all, I am blessed with a baby girl who has recently turned one month after praying to ZSNN. We will be returning 50 red eggs today at Shuang Lin Cheng Huang Miao (184 Jalan Toa Payoh) around 12 noon.
Hi all, we will be returning 200 red eggs to ZSNN at Shuang Lin Cheng Huang Miao (Toa Payoh) around 11am tomorrow, 12 May. Please help yourself to the eggs. With ZSNN blessings, we finally have our rainbow baby who just turned 1 month old.
Baby dust to all.
I will be returning 60 eggs to the toa payoh shuang lin temple this Saturday (01/06) at around noon. Baby dust to all!
Hi there, many congratulations on ur new bundle of joy.
Thanks for sharing this info. May I know roughly around what time will u be going down.
Thank you.
Thanks, only saw today. Tomorrow afternoon i m thinking go there, hope still lucky enough to get your eggs.Hi ladies, I have just returned 100 red eggs to Toa Payoh Shuang Lin temple. Baby dust to all!
Sometimes they have the egg in fridge and still can share with you. When i went on Jun 3rd, the aunti work there give me the egg which might keep for days in fridge already. But still is luck !May I know if anyone will be returning eggs this coming Saturday? (8th June 2019). Thanks!!
Wow, the link was a long time ago - the info was from myselfHi,
You can refer to this post for more info on how to pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang.
If you are not sure what is the procedure, just approach the temple caretakers. They will guide you in details, just tell them you are first time and not sure what to do.
It’s best if you can go with your husband. I normally see couples go pray together.
As for the eggs, it’s really by luck. The first time I went to the temple at Toa Payoh, no one returned eggs so I couldn’t have a chance to bring any eggs home to eat. But thanks to this forum, people who are returning eggs will inform here. Just have to wait patiently for someone to post the details here. And try to visit that temple on the same day coz I don’t think the temple will keep the eggs for long.
Hope the info helps.
Try not to eat cooked eggs from the fridge - you do not want to get food poisoning, which is worse.Sometimes they have the egg in fridge and still can share with you. When i went on Jun 3rd, the aunti work there give me the egg which might keep for days in fridge already. But still is luck !
Hello, you can get these type of flowers as in the picture. Red for baby girls, white for baby boys.Saw some discussion here regarding 注生娘娘 but all is many years ago. Anyone did recently can share? I am thinking to pray this week, maybe tomorrow. And for flowers, i will buy 6pcs white flower and 6pcs red, ( boy or girl both ok, best is twins, haha) .can anyone advise if any specific flower required? Thanks.
Hello, usually you can go as and when you like to pray - there's no hard and fast rule like when you must go back to pray.Hi I would like to know is I just went to 都城隍庙 (@ Tanjong Pagar) on 25.04.2019 to pray zhu sheng niang niang already, brought back a packet of flowers, 3 oranges. SHower with flowers and eaten the oranges, then how long later do I need to go back and pray? That day I went alone. My hubby never follow me.
Next is, can I go to other temple mentioned above to pray again? Cos I read a lot to get egg to eat.... I hope to get 2 and bring home eat. is it ok?
Hello, usually you can go as and when you like to pray - there's no hard and fast rule like when you must go back to pray.
Yup, you can go to other temples to pray too.
Thanks, thanks god the eggs last time still gd for my stomache,haha.Try not to eat cooked eggs from the fridge - you do not want to get food poisoning, which is worse.
thanks, first time I just pick some red some white. but didn't do as 6 and 6. coz sometimes got more than 6pcs sub-flowers on 1pc flower. So I just randomly pick two pcs flower ( which have some sub-flowers there)Hello, you can get these type of flowers as in the picture. Red for baby girls, white for baby boys.
ummm...thanks, first time I just pick some red some white. but didn't do as 6 and 6. coz sometimes got more than 6pcs sub-flowers on 1pc flower. So I just randomly pick two pcs flower ( which have some sub-flowers there)