Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

Dear ladies, I will be returning eggs to zsnn at havelock road (玉皇壂) and zsnn at toa Payoh 双林寺城皇庙 tomorrow morning 20 dec 2017. Feel free to drop by to collect the eggs. Baby dust to all!:)

Hi, congrats. Can I check did you do all the red eggs yourself? Or did you get someone to do it?



Did you do the red eggs yourself or get someone to do it?



Follow ... i also need to return 200eggs too as i just delivered my no2 with the grace of ZSNN.

Saw that the below bakery does red eggs too but looking for more alternatives too.

Hi all, I'm new here. :) Hubby and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years now but still unsuccessful. It's so depressing month after month when my menses come. :(

I'm intending to make a trip to pray to ZSNN at tpy this weekend as I just got to know about this opportunity to turn to and pray to Goddess for help. Anyone returning red eggs this weekend? I'm hoping to get my hands on 2 lucky red eggs. ;)

Also, my hubby is very supportive and offered to go to the temple with me. In that case, how many sets of offerings (i.e. Jade Butterfly Water Cologne + Sam Fong Hoi Tong Powder + reel of red thread + 12 stalks of flowers) should we bring? Do we bring 1 set since we are going to pray as a couple? Or need to bring 2 sets since its 2 humans praying to ZSNN?

I read from an online article about what items to bring along to pray to ZSNN. Hubby and I decided to try our luck to buy Jade Butterfly Water Cologne and Sam Fong Hoi Tong Powder, along with a reel of red thread + 6 stalks of red flowers and 6 stalks of white flowers (we are not particular about baby gender).

Pls guide me along...thanks in advance! ;)
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Follow ... i also need to return 200eggs too as i just delivered my no2 with the grace of ZSNN.

Saw that the below bakery does red eggs too but looking for more alternatives too.

Hello, u may get from wholeseller then diy dye. There is a shop at jalan kayu which we bought from there. If convenient for yall
Hi thanks for your reply. If i manage to find an alternative way, will also share here...
Hi all, I'm new here. :) Hubby and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years now but still unsuccessful. It's so depressing month after month when my menses come. :(

I'm intending to make a trip to pray to ZSNN at tpy this weekend as I just got to know about this opportunity to turn to and pray to Goddess for help. Anyone returning red eggs this weekend? I'm hoping to get my hands on 2 lucky red eggs. ;)

Also, my hubby is very supportive and offered to go to the temple with me. In that case, how many sets of offerings (i.e. Jade Butterfly Water Cologne + Sam Fong Hoi Tong Powder + reel of red thread + 12 stalks of flowers) should we bring? Do we bring 1 set since we are going to pray as a couple? Or need to bring 2 sets since its 2 humans praying to ZSNN?

I read from an online article about what items to bring along to pray to ZSNN. Hubby and I decided to try our luck to buy Jade Butterfly Water Cologne and Sam Fong Hoi Tong Powder, along with a reel of red thread + 6 stalks of red flowers and 6 stalks of white flowers (we are not particular about baby gender).

Pls guide me along...thanks in advance! ;)
Hi, first of all, got or no eggs available is secondary. Most importantly is pray and tell zsnn ur issues. Proceed to the kaunter which is on the extreme right, near entrance (prominent), buy the necessary joss sticks which costs 3dollars. Just put the money in the box. They will ask, wan to qiu or bai? I heard from elderly is just say bai instead which we did followed.

As for the other stuffs like perfume, i am not so sure tho. Above is how we did.

Last but not least, baby dusts to yall
Hi, first of all, got or no eggs available is secondary. Most importantly is pray and tell zsnn ur issues. Proceed to the kaunter which is on the extreme right, near entrance (prominent), buy the necessary joss sticks which costs 3dollars. Just put the money in the box. They will ask, wan to qiu or bai? I heard from elderly is just say bai instead which we did followed.

As for the other stuffs like perfume, i am not so sure tho. Above is how we did.

Last but not least, baby dusts to yall

Thank you so much for your reply and advice! I'll take note and seek assistance from the temple assistants if need be. :)
Also, my hubby is very supportive and offered to go to the temple with me. In that case, how many sets of offerings (i.e. Jade Butterfly Water Cologne + Sam Fong Hoi Tong Powder + reel of red thread + 12 stalks of flowers) should we bring? Do we bring 1 set since we are going to pray as a couple? Or need to bring 2 sets since its 2 humans praying to ZSNN?

I read from an online article about what items to bring along to pray to ZSNN. Hubby and I decided to try our luck to buy Jade Butterfly Water Cologne and Sam Fong Hoi Tong Powder, along with a reel of red thread + 6 stalks of red flowers and 6 stalks of white flowers (we are not particular about baby gender).

Pls guide me along...thanks in advance! ;)

Hello! Just one set will do since you and your hubby are considered as one entity.

White flowers = baby boys
Red flowers = baby girls

Place the items on the altar and you can earnestly pray to her that you and your hubby (full names, birth dates and year, home address) have been wanting to have a healthy and filial baby. Hope she can give you her blessings. When your wish comes true, do pay it forward in the form of reg eggs (100, 200,300, up to you).

Good luck!
Not sure...Any recommendations or is there a list?
No, really up to comfort level. But definitely not "yin" deities together with the "yang" deities on the same altar.

It may be a good idea to seek the help of a fengshui master or medium.

Good luck!
Hello! Just one set will do since you and your hubby are considered as one entity.

White flowers = baby boys
Red flowers = baby girls

Place the items on the altar and you can earnestly pray to her that you and your hubby (full names, birth dates and year, home address) have been wanting to have a healthy and filial baby. Hope she can give you her blessings. When your wish comes true, do pay it forward in the form of reg eggs (100, 200,300, up to you).

Good luck!

Thank you very much for the detailed guide! Hopefully everything goes well and wish come true! :)

Oh ya btw, is there any preference on flowers I should or shouldn't buy? E.g. Are peonies ok? Are roses ok? Pls advice! Thanks!!
Thank you very much for the detailed guide! Hopefully everything goes well and wish come true! :)

Oh ya btw, is there any preference on flowers I should or shouldn't buy? E.g. Are peonies ok? Are roses ok? Pls advice! Thanks!!
Hi Jasmine, usually we bought the typical "chrysanthemum" lookalike flowers.

Peonies and roses are not common choices.
Hi Jasmine, usually we bought the typical "chrysanthemum" lookalike flowers.

Peonies and roses are not common choices.

I bought chrysanthemum in the end. :) I bought 1 stalk of red chrysanthemum with 6 flowers bud + 1 stalk of white chrysanthemum with 6 flowers bud.

I read from an online article that if I wish for a boy, I have to bring odd number of white flowers (e.g. 11) and if I wish a girl, I have to bring even number of red flowers (e.g. 12). But if no preference, bring 6 of each.

I didn't know to buy 6 stalks or 6 flowers. I chose 6 flowers in the end because 6 stalks of each colour will be too huge. I was afraid there won't be sufficient space on the altar for such a big bouquet. So I bought 6 flowers of each colour in the end.

I visited TPY temple on Saturday afternoon. I called in advance to ask whether there were red eggs. The lady said yes. But when I went down, I couldn't see any on the altar. So I asked and was told that the lady gave me wrong info. :( Nevertheless, my hubby and I prayed sincerely and took 1 sweet each from the altar as blessings from ZSNN.

Today, my office has a colleague who sent full month celebration goodies for us to enjoy. I took the chance to bring home 2 red eggs, 1 for me, 1 for hubby. Hopefully baby dust through this method works!

-keeping my fingers crossed-
I bought chrysanthemum in the end. :) I bought 1 stalk of red chrysanthemum with 6 flowers bud + 1 stalk of white chrysanthemum with 6 flowers bud.

I read from an online article that if I wish for a boy, I have to bring odd number of white flowers (e.g. 11) and if I wish a girl, I have to bring even number of red flowers (e.g. 12). But if no preference, bring 6 of each.

I didn't know to buy 6 stalks or 6 flowers. I chose 6 flowers in the end because 6 stalks of each colour will be too huge. I was afraid there won't be sufficient space on the altar for such a big bouquet. So I bought 6 flowers of each colour in the end.

I visited TPY temple on Saturday afternoon. I called in advance to ask whether there were red eggs. The lady said yes. But when I went down, I couldn't see any on the altar. So I asked and was told that the lady gave me wrong info. :( Nevertheless, my hubby and I prayed sincerely and took 1 sweet each from the altar as blessings from ZSNN.

Today, my office has a colleague who sent full month celebration goodies for us to enjoy. I took the chance to bring home 2 red eggs, 1 for me, 1 for hubby. Hopefully baby dust through this method works!

-keeping my fingers crossed-
Jia you jia you! another method is to get a set of baby clothes and place it in your wardrobe.
Just get a set of baby clothes and place in wardrobe can already? need bring e clothes to pray or wat?
No need to pray...just place a set of baby clothes and place it in your wardrobe. It's like a symbolic move that you and your hubby are ready for kids.
Dear ladies,

With the blessings of Zhu Seng Niang Niang, i have successfully conceived and safely delivered my baby girl. My hubs and i will be returning 100 red eggs tomorrow at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin temple. We will reach the temple between 3-4pm. We hope to spread baby dust to all of you who are currently ttc.

My pregnancy was a difficult one and it was a miracle i conceived the lo via my second ivf as i have moderately severe endometriosis. We are very very grateful to be blessed by Zhu Seng Niang Niang for this little miracle in our lives. What I wanna say is don't give up hope, have faith! Please feel free to come and collect the red eggs tomorrow.

I will be returning 200 red eggs at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Temple this coming Sunday (4Feb morning) to thank ZSNN for blessing me with my miracle baby who arrived in Dec17.

For those who are keen to collect the eggs, you may go to the temple after 1230pm.

Once again spreading baby dusts to all who are currently trying to conceive and please do not give up and i wish that everyone here will carry your bundle your joy soon.
Hi faithmummy1706 & all who want to 念保胎经,
Please ensure that 你们要吃全素,才能开始念经。要不然会不灵而且会浪费你们的时间和effort. 如果你们下定决心就可以pm 老师。如果老师给你们功课了,有什么flow不清楚可以pm我。老师会比较忙。

Hi SteveAu,
请问一下, 保胎经应该怎么念。。我刚刚怀孕。。但老师的脸书已关闭了。。我已经开始吃全素了。。 May I trouble you to share some information with me please? Thank you so much....
Hi all,

I will be returning 200 red eggs at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Temple this coming Tuesday (13Feb afternoon) to thank ZSNN for blessing me with my baby!!! Wanted to spread baby dusts to all who are currently trying to conceive. Jiayou everyone!!!

For those who are keen to collect the eggs, you may go to the temple after 2pm.

May your bundle of joy come to you soon.... :)

Festive Greetings!!! Have a Happy Happy CNY....
Hi, I will be offering 40 red eggs at Chong Ghee Temple, 80 Rivervale Crescent on 19/2 (noon time).
Hope those TTC will strike after taking the eggs.
Jiayou and happy Chinese New Year!
Hello Ladies,
I will be returning eggs to 注生娘娘 at Toa Payoh 双林寺城皇庙 on Saturday Noon (24 February 2018)
I took the red egg last CNY and got blessed with baby no. 3 who will be turning 1 month old in 2 days time.
Feel free to drop by to collect the eggs.
Baby dust to all : )
Hi everyone

I will be returning 100 red eggs to ZSNN at sengkang 半港天后宫 (80 Rivervale Crescent) this coming sunday 25 Feb b4 noon.

Please collect them n baby dusts to all..
Hi all,
I will be returning red eggs at Toa Payoh Lian Shan Shuang Ling Si on Sunday 25 Feb, around 12 noon.

My TTC journey took a long while with several IUIs, miscarriage, and 3 IVF cycles. The pregnancy was also unstable at the beginning. But with ZSNN’s blessings and the support from some sisters here whom I chatted with, I’m blessed with my gal today!

My prayers and wishes are with all of you. Jia you! Baby dust to all.
Hello to everyone, my husband and I are married for 3 years but we wasn’t specifically trying for a baby however since there wasn’t any good news in any case we would be making the trip to pray ZSNN and i’m just wondering if there’s anyone would be dropping the red eggs in the next 1-2 weeks?

And if you are could you update the date and location? Your help will be most appreciated!
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Hello to everyone, my husband and I are married for 3 years but we wasn’t specifically trying for a baby however since there wasn’t any good news in any case we would be making the trip to pray ZSNN and i’m just wondering if there’s anyone would be dropping the red eggs in the next 1-2 weeks?

And if you are could you update the date and location? Your help will be most appreciated!

I just dropped 100 eggs today at Toa Payoh. But there’s some event going on so it’s really crowded today with hundreds of people.
