Yew Kwang Studio Photography


For inquiry, please email to [email protected], thank you!

Hi Yew Kwang,

Please email me your package for photography for

1) 1 baby
2) 1 baby + 1 child

all soft copies return.

Any further discount for returning customer?
Hi Venx,

Have send you a PM.
Please contact me if you didn't receive the message or would like to find out more, thank you.
Hi, can email me [email protected] the package price n details for indoor / studio photography for
1) 1 5yo child
2) 1 2-month old baby
3) both together
4) family photo shoot of 2A 2C

With all soft copies returned n whether there is make-up / hairdo option? Planning to take next month, thank u.
Do u hv studio pkg for 3 generations? Total 7 adults and 2 children. Consist of grandparents, brother in law & wife, sister in law, and my family of 4. Hope to hv some photos taken for individual family too. Can provide me with the quote if u do hv the pkg?

Thank u.
