missylan (missylan)
Username: missylan
Post Number: 1777
Registered: 1-2003
Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 7:36 pm:
It might/might not be the FM's problem. I give my son S26-gold before he reaches 1, then now using GAIN IQ. He has eczema since 7-8th mth old. Even now, when he weather gets too hot.
My son has sensitive nose and got to Zytec for the nose allergies.
After he had suffered from a virus that cos him to vomit and diarrhoea, he fell sick easily.. runny nose, cough and phlegm. Every morning sure to have runny nose. Brought him to Paed., took medicine for 1 week and still not ok... went back for anti-botics, took for another 6 days... ok for 4-5 days then sick again. I think some illness cannot be cured by western medicine so I choose eastern herbs and some vitamins.
Now my son has no problem. Not becos of western medicine for my case. I gave him Shaklee's children vitamin and vit C. Another eastern herbs which I get from a shop in Rivervale Plaza is to be brew with his daily meal... ingredients are Cordyceps, almond, shi seng, wild american ginseng and a few more... After taking daily for ard 2 weeks, I really see results. No more so call "sensitive nose" and coughing/phelgm STOPS w/o medication.
Hi Missylan,
My son has the same symtoms as described in your posting in 2006. I would like to get him the herbs to try too.
Can you let me know the shop name or address??
Thank u in advance!!!