What happens after you stop taking the pill?


New Member
Dear all,

Has anyone taken Progyluton or Hormonal Replacement Therapy? I was prescribed Progyluton after polyp removal and last month, I had 2 days of brown spotting after 5 days of menses (quite acceptable to me as within 7 days).

I took the last box of pills and had my menses this month, and didn't continue a new box. For this month, I had 5days of menses and 5 days of brown spotting and counting. Out of the 5 days, day6 and day7 had more frequent and stronger coloured brown. The rest of the days from day8 to day 10 and counting today, it's somewhat lighter and clearer discharge tinged with brown, sometimes staining the pad but nth too major, just that the brown wouldn't stop!?

From the last day of progyluton to the start of brown discharge, is about 7-8 days. As this is my first time taking the hormonal pill, is it a common thing to experience brown spotting after completing the dosage? My spotting is right after menses.

Not too sure if it is the old blood that's discharging slowly or it's really side effect of hormonal pill?Looking forward to hear your views and experience :) Thank you in advance.
