Unfavorable 20wks results


Hi mummies,

I'm 31yrs old & pregnant with my 3rd child. Did an oscar test earlier and was told that Trisomy 21 reading is 1:12 (high risk) when I got back the result... Was then recommended to do an amino test at 16weeks, results came back at 18weeks & shows that no extra chromosomes found .

That put my mind at peace at least for awhile until I went for my detailed scan today and was told that my baby has 'short' nasal bone, smaller head circumference & recessing chin compared to babies at this stage............ Heart shattered.... If abortion has to be done, it would have to be before 24weeks. Baby's organs & limbs are fine, hence, I wouldn't have the heart to end her life.

Any advice from mummies who have dealt with this before?

I also did amino test when my oscar test was not favourable. and turned out everything was ok.

So my gynae did not order detail scan for me since i already did the amino test. eveything was alright now my gal is coming to 6yr.
Specialist says it may be due to Pierre robin symdrome. Googled it and found out that these babies will have difficulties in breathing.
Does anyone have similar experience to share please?
