Trying to Conceive 2021

Hello All,
My husband and I have been ttc for more than a year until we finally went for our fertility check. Being a previous endometriosis sufferer ( I had big chocolate cysts in both my ovaries), I was put on the pill for more than 10 years after surgery. After the checks it turned out that my hormones are normal and i am ovulating, my tubes are not blocked either. Only thing is that over the past 3-4 years I noticed my periods are getting lighter, sometimes a few days spotting before the flow came, even then it is not heavy like before.

On the other hand my husband has sperm issues - all 3 factors: motility, count and mortality are affected. However I also won't rule out I am part of the equation of us not conceiving yet due to my past history of endometriosis. In my hyfosy test it also revealed that I have a 1-2 small cysts (likely endometriotic) in my ovaries. Hence we are considering IUI, IVF.

I am thinking of 1 cycle of IUI, if it does not work out I will proceed to IVF. Should I even consider IUI in the first place, instead of going straight for IVF? Seems like it's down to luck and chance.

In the meantime we are trying our best to do what we can:
- For me weekly TCM consists of acupuncture & herbal medication which I have to take 6 days a week. My hubby went for TCM a few sessions after that he had some misgivings as he is not v comfortable w taking herbal medication. In the meantime he is also seeing an andrologist to rule out other causes.
- My husband taking fish maw twice a week - at the recommendation of the TCM physician who says that it improves sperm quality and count.
- exercise and keep a healthy lifestyle
-trying to cool his testicles more often -any of you doing this? What do you use and where can i get it? we have a temporary water bottle which we fill with cold water but not v cool, am thinking of filling a plastic bag with ice and water.

Do any of you have advice to share with me?

Since you mentioned that there are sperm issues, I think IVF is a much better option for you than IUI. IVF has a higher success rate, and if sperm function and ability are compromised, there's no telling how successful IUI can be, since the sperm will still need to travel to fertilise the egg.
Hello All,
My husband and I have been ttc for more than a year until we finally went for our fertility check. Being a previous endometriosis sufferer ( I had big chocolate cysts in both my ovaries), I was put on the pill for more than 10 years after surgery. After the checks it turned out that my hormones are normal and i am ovulating, my tubes are not blocked either. Only thing is that over the past 3-4 years I noticed my periods are getting lighter, sometimes a few days spotting before the flow came, even then it is not heavy like before.

On the other hand my husband has sperm issues - all 3 factors: motility, count and mortality are affected. However I also won't rule out I am part of the equation of us not conceiving yet due to my past history of endometriosis. In my hyfosy test it also revealed that I have a 1-2 small cysts (likely endometriotic) in my ovaries. Hence we are considering IUI, IVF.

I am thinking of 1 cycle of IUI, if it does not work out I will proceed to IVF. Should I even consider IUI in the first place, instead of going straight for IVF? Seems like it's down to luck and chance.

In the meantime we are trying our best to do what we can:
- For me weekly TCM consists of acupuncture & herbal medication which I have to take 6 days a week. My hubby went for TCM a few sessions after that he had some misgivings as he is not v comfortable w taking herbal medication. In the meantime he is also seeing an andrologist to rule out other causes.
- My husband taking fish maw twice a week - at the recommendation of the TCM physician who says that it improves sperm quality and count.
- exercise and keep a healthy lifestyle
-trying to cool his testicles more often -any of you doing this? What do you use and where can i get it? we have a temporary water bottle which we fill with cold water but not v cool, am thinking of filling a plastic bag with ice and water.

Do any of you have advice to share with me?
Hi Potato Lover, I have a very similar experience! My period started getting lighter in the last few years, and I did all the fertility checks in June 2020, they all came back with no issues. But between June-Dec 2020, I developed a chocolate cyst that grew to 6cm, and another 4 cysts (all around 1cm each) sprouted in Dec alone. Had them all removed via laparoscopic cystectomy in Dec. Did you remove your cysts as well? Bcos my period has not come since I had the surgery (2 weeks late) and I'm not sure if that is normal..

TBH I felt like our chances of successful IUI were low bcos of my cysts, and true enough we did 2 cycles of SO-IUI and both failed. We are now going to try for IVF. But I think you should at least try 1 round of SO-IUI, for all you know it could work, and even if it doesn't, at least you will see how your body reacts to the hormone injections.

Btw, which TCM do you see and do you recommend him/her?

Thanks and all the best to you and husband!!
Hi Potato Lover, I have a very similar experience! My period started getting lighter in the last few years, and I did all the fertility checks in June 2020, they all came back with no issues. But between June-Dec 2020, I developed a chocolate cyst that grew to 6cm, and another 4 cysts (all around 1cm each) sprouted in Dec alone. Had them all removed via laparoscopic cystectomy in Dec. Did you remove your cysts as well? Bcos my period has not come since I had the surgery (2 weeks late) and I'm not sure if that is normal..

TBH I felt like our chances of successful IUI were low bcos of my cysts, and true enough we did 2 cycles of SO-IUI and both failed. We are now going to try for IVF. But I think you should at least try 1 round of SO-IUI, for all you know it could work, and even if it doesn't, at least you will see how your body reacts to the hormone injections.

Btw, which TCM do you see and do you recommend him/her?

Thanks and all the best to you and husband!!
Hello, sorry for the late reply! I did not remove the cysts as the KKH doctor said they are still small and not worth doing surgery because it may cause the ovarian reserve to fall - this was in November 2020. We are waiting to do IUI in my next cycle in February and last week did the AMH blood test. I was disappointed cos turned out my AMH reading was 1.1 ng/ml versus 15.68 pmol/L when i did with my private gynae in end 2019, the KKH nurse explained that my ovarian reserve has fell by quite a bit over the last 1 year. Hence we are going to do the injections IUI instead of just taking clomid before doing IUI.
If this fails we will move on to IVF.

I am wondering if 1.1 ng/ml AMH reading is normal for a 38-year old? Honestly I am quite upset and felt that time is not on my side. And although my period is over this month, i still felt some cramps and needle-like pricking, wondering if it's the cysts or ovarian issue.

I see a TCM in Potong Pasir doing acupuncture and drinking the chinese medication since Sep 2020. cannot say to recommend or not since I have not had success in conceiving. If you are still interested you can PM me and I'll share the name of the clinic.

Do share with me about your IVF experience and wish you and your husband success!
Hi, I am wondering if any ladies here would like the following books that I am giving away:
1. Taking charge of your fertility
2. The pregnancy answer and question book
3. God's plan for pregnancy

Please drop me a note here.. i dont often to the forum as busy with my kids..
Collection point : Joo Chiat Community Centre
Anyone going through Fertility Tests now?

I already took the tests at a private clinic and was suggested to go for IVF. Since there will be more subsidy in the govt route, I have gotten a referral letter from the polyclinic and had the first dr consultation at KKH last week. The wait for the subsequent tests and next consultation is super long and its making me very anxious.

Anyone also waiting for their tests?
Anyone going through Fertility Tests now?

I already took the tests at a private clinic and was suggested to go for IVF. Since there will be more subsidy in the govt route, I have gotten a referral letter from the polyclinic and had the first dr consultation at KKH last week. The wait for the subsequent tests and next consultation is super long and its making me very anxious.

Anyone also waiting for their tests?
Which fertility test youve done? Im considering raffles
Anyone going through Fertility Tests now?

I already took the tests at a private clinic and was suggested to go for IVF. Since there will be more subsidy in the govt route, I have gotten a referral letter from the polyclinic and had the first dr consultation at KKH last week. The wait for the subsequent tests and next consultation is super long and its making me very anxious.

Anyone also waiting for their tests?
I did my fertility test at my private gynae's clinic, and after decided to go for ART via KKH route, they also did another round of tests, came back my AMH level dropped quite a bit - the gap from the last test is abt 1 year. Now I am waiting for my full flow menses so that I can call KKH to start on my SO-IUI 1st cycle, if fail i will move on to IVF. We may consider private IVF depending on how long is the wait at KKH. It is a lot of waiting time, i can feel your anxiousness..
I did my fertility test at my private gynae's clinic, and after decided to go for ART via KKH route, they also did another round of tests, came back my AMH level dropped quite a bit - the gap from the last test is abt 1 year. Now I am waiting for my full flow menses so that I can call KKH to start on my SO-IUI 1st cycle, if fail i will move on to IVF. We may consider private IVF depending on how long is the wait at KKH. It is a lot of waiting time, i can feel your anxiousness..

Hi I did my mine so iui at private clinic and decided to go ivf via kkh. The waiting was pretty fast.. I consulted the doc In jan and was schedule for ivf counselling in mar and I am able to start in end mar or early Apr cycle. I didn’t get any referral letter from poly. Hence is considered as private.
Which fertility test youve done? Im considering raffles

I did blood test (check thyroid, amh and estradiol), ultrasound, semen analysis (for hub) at TFC.
At KKH, i did a pap smear (which also tests HPV or smth) on first consultation, then scheduled to return for blood test for progesterone and thalassemia (i think), Hyfosy and another SA for hub.

Are you intending to proceed with private route (eg. raffles) if you need ART?
I did my fertility test at my private gynae's clinic, and after decided to go for ART via KKH route, they also did another round of tests, came back my AMH level dropped quite a bit - the gap from the last test is abt 1 year. Now I am waiting for my full flow menses so that I can call KKH to start on my SO-IUI 1st cycle, if fail i will move on to IVF. We may consider private IVF depending on how long is the wait at KKH. It is a lot of waiting time, i can feel your anxiousness..

Just wondering why you decide to go for SO-IUI instead of IVF directly?
Hi I did my mine so iui at private clinic and decided to go ivf via kkh. The waiting was pretty fast.. I consulted the doc In jan and was schedule for ivf counselling in mar and I am able to start in end mar or early Apr cycle. I didn’t get any referral letter from poly. Hence is considered as private.

Hi Tpt, do you have to go through further tests at KKH? or KKH just take your blood test reports etc from the private clinic?
Hi! Anyone has (cheap) opk to recommend? TIA!

i have tried cheap opk from china before, they aint as accurate as the clearblue ones. But if clearblue are too expensive, u could try to baby dance every other day from the last day of your period for about a week to 9 days so u wont miss your ovulation day. Thats for a regular 28 day cycle.

or just try one box of clearblue, it should be able to last u for 2-3 cycles and u will know roughly when u ovulate. Dont have to keep tracking every cycle after. Clearblue opk having 20% now on lazada.
Hello everyone, jokes are on our side we were planning for ivf on March and in feb we realised we are Preggy but it turns out to be a blighted ovum and doc say to wait for it to miscarriage. Was damn sad because we are TTC for 3 years and finally saw hope at the end of tunnel. Now we are thinking if we should reschedule the ivf and go with the ivf route or not.
Hi Tpt, do you have to go through further tests at KKH? or KKH just take your blood test reports etc from the private clinic?

As per my first appt I don have to go thru further test. Bt as blood test last for 1 year only I have to retake my blood test.. however I can start the cycle after attending the counselling.
Hello everyone, jokes are on our side we were planning for ivf on March and in feb we realised we are Preggy but it turns out to be a blighted ovum and doc say to wait for it to miscarriage. Was damn sad because we are TTC for 3 years and finally saw hope at the end of tunnel. Now we are thinking if we should reschedule the ivf and go with the ivf route or not.

Hi before planning for ivf have u tried iui? Maybe u can take a break let ur body take a rest first..
Hi! Im new here! Just wondering if any of u getting help from TCM? Im currently with Dr Su at Fu Nan TCM. Just started seeing her beginning of this month. I realised after taking one month of Dr Su's herbs, i see changes in my menstrual cycle. Came on the dot this month but my period is lighter. Usually my first and second day will be very heavy with clots (sorry TMI) then medium on the third day and light on the fourth to sixth day. But this time my first and second is medium flow with less clots (sorry TMI) and today (my third day), is super light. Make me worry... Anyone of u experience this?
Hi before planning for ivf have u tried iui? Maybe u can take a break let ur body take a rest first..
Hello yes I tried once for so-IUI but didn’t succeed hence we thought don’t waste time and go for ivf. Who knows we got pregnant naturally but it turns out to be a blighted ovum, now waiting for the miscarriage to pass on or period to come before embarking on ivf
Just wondering why you decide to go for SO-IUI instead of IVF directly?
We just wanted to try SO-IUI for the 1st time cos it is less invasive than IVF, also since I am taking injections in this IUI procedure it will be a better gauge to how my body will react to hormonal injections should we need to do IVF eventually.
Today I went to the Zhu Sheng Niang Niang temple at Sengkang (80 rivervale crescent) to bai bai, saw a tray of red eggs - successful couple returned the red eggs. I took home 2 eggs to jiak heng heng..Fyi for anyone keen and staying nearby.
Hi all, I'm new to BBT and I'm not sure what my temperature is trying to show. So I'll post the Day# and temperature here to see if anyone can guide me what's going on?

OD: 36.2
1DPO: 36.2
2DPO: 36.4
3DPO: 36.6
4DPO: 36.5
5DPO: 36.7
6DPO: 36.7
7DPO: 36.6
8DPO: Didn't take
9DPO (today): 36.8

AF supposedly to come tomorrow. I read online that usually before menses, BBT will dip. I'm on 27-day cycle and it's always on the dot (at least for the past 3 cycles). Is there a high chance that this is the month? Tried taking test on 6DPO and 9DPO but was negative.
Hi all, I'm new to BBT and I'm not sure what my temperature is trying to show. So I'll post the Day# and temperature here to see if anyone can guide me what's going on?

OD: 36.2
1DPO: 36.2
2DPO: 36.4
3DPO: 36.6
4DPO: 36.5
5DPO: 36.7
6DPO: 36.7
7DPO: 36.6
8DPO: Didn't take
9DPO (today): 36.8

AF supposedly to come tomorrow. I read online that usually before menses, BBT will dip. I'm on 27-day cycle and it's always on the dot (at least for the past 3 cycles). Is there a high chance that this is the month? Tried taking test on 6DPO and 9DPO but was negative.
Based on my understanding from my TCM, if your temperature maintains or increased for 14 days from 1DPO, most likely good news for you. My menses always came on the day 12 or 13 :( .... Anyway good luck to you!
As per my first appt I don have to go thru further test. Bt as blood test last for 1 year only I have to retake my blood test.. however I can start the cycle after attending the counselling.

All the best! Have you attended the counselling? Starting cycle soon?
Hi Potatolover, have you tried fertility massages? I heard success stories of women getting pregnant after doing fertility massage from D'Happy Mummies, you can check out their fb page: dhappymummies
No harm trying and jiayou! Don't lose faith.
Thank you, i tried to book with one but say not enough time to prep cos my ivf injections are scheduled in May. Anyway we go for ivf see how first.
Hi ladies... I am on my 5th iui cycle at NUH with Dr. stephen Chew... I am now planning to try IVF , but now since the IVF lab is closing at NUH I am Exploring SGH and Thomas medical.

From various threads here, I see that Dr.Yu at SGH is highly recommended.. I have already called SGH to take an appointment and they said earliest is June2021...I am waiting for them to confirm June reply yet.

Any doc recommendations at Thomson clinic? Or any other doctor at SGH?
Hi anyone interested in clearblue fertility touch screen monitor? letting go mine at $180. bought $390 pm me if interested.
I’m finally starting my ivf and was advised to inform my doctor if i’m taking tcm, as according to them, tcm may interfere with the treatment. Told my tcm doctor and she seems a bit upset, but eventually she said to follow ivf doctor, we just do acupuncture during the cycle. Anyone has comments or come across a similar situation?
I’m finally starting my ivf and was advised to inform my doctor if i’m taking tcm, as according to them, tcm may interfere with the treatment. Told my tcm doctor and she seems a bit upset, but eventually she said to follow ivf doctor, we just do acupuncture during the cycle. Anyone has comments or come across a similar situation?
Hihi, which hospital and doctor are you with?
I’m finally starting my ivf and was advised to inform my doctor if i’m taking tcm, as according to them, tcm may interfere with the treatment. Told my tcm doctor and she seems a bit upset, but eventually she said to follow ivf doctor, we just do acupuncture during the cycle. Anyone has comments or come across a similar situation?
Choice is up to you ultimately. For me, my first ivf stimms I did without tcm which yielded bad results (was it lack of tcm or other factors? Nobody knows). My second stimms I did with tcm which yielded good results (was it because of tcm or other factors? I have no idea too!) ultimately it is your call on what you believe.
Hi all,

So sorry to bother. My period is quite irregular. It can range anywhere from 28 days to 44 days. I'm at day 46 today. For the past few weeks, I've had the following symptoms :
- feeling tired quite often
- on and off nausea
- sore and heavy breasts.

I've taken a couple of HPTs which all turned out negative except for one. I am not sure how to move on from here. I've tried calling a few clinics who said they will only do a urine test and I'm wondering if a I should do a blood HCG test or should I just wait another week (tbh, the anxiety is really killing me). I'll be very grateful for any guidance on this.
Hi all,

So sorry to bother. My period is quite irregular. It can range anywhere from 28 days to 44 days. I'm at day 46 today. For the past few weeks, I've had the following symptoms :
- feeling tired quite often
- on and off nausea
- sore and heavy breasts.

I've taken a couple of HPTs which all turned out negative except for one. I am not sure how to move on from here. I've tried calling a few clinics who said they will only do a urine test and I'm wondering if a I should do a blood HCG test or should I just wait another week (tbh, the anxiety is really killing me). I'll be very grateful for any guidance on this.
Hi! I assume your positive HPT is the latest one. In that case, you can just wait and repeat the test. Hcg levels rise fast so best to test with first morning urine again. You can also use a digital test kit instead since the result won't have room for doubt :)
Hi! I assume your positive HPT is the latest one. In that case, you can just wait and repeat the test. Hcg levels rise fast so best to test with first morning urine again. You can also use a digital test kit instead since the result won't have room for doubt :)

Thank you so much for replying. My positive test was actually in the middle of some of the tests i took. The subsequent tests were negative. So I am a little confused
Thank you so much for replying. My positive test was actually in the middle of some of the tests i took. The subsequent tests were negative. So I am a little confused
False positives on HPT are quite rare, unless you're taking any fertility meds your gynae explained would affect HPT results. If you're sure that the test with positive result was taken correctly (followed waiting time for reading results etc), it may be a chemical pregnancy. Early loss is quite common, just that modern HPTs are advanced enough to pick them up vs. earlier times. A friend also tested positive on Week 4 and then negative by Week 5; was an early loss due to blighted ovum. Do consult your gynae if you're already seeing someone for your irregular cycle. He/she can confirm, and explore possible reasons. Stay strong!
False positives on HPT are quite rare, unless you're taking any fertility meds your gynae explained would affect HPT results. If you're sure that the test with positive result was taken correctly (followed waiting time for reading results etc), it may be a chemical pregnancy. Early loss is quite common, just that modern HPTs are advanced enough to pick them up vs. earlier times. A friend also tested positive on Week 4 and then negative by Week 5; was an early loss due to blighted ovum. Do consult your gynae if you're already seeing someone for your irregular cycle. He/she can confirm, and explore possible reasons. Stay strong!

Thank you very much.
Hi! I'm new here. I'm 39 yrs old. My husband and I have been married for 6 yrs and have only started TTC for more than 6 mths. Reason for the delay in TTC cuz I had hyperthyroid. Now on levothyroxine. We're considering to have ourselves check.
Any idea how much fertility tests costs in the PHIs?
my sis in law tried tcm and it worked for her. 2 pregnancies, 2019 and recently gave birth in 2021 haha. went to 李医师, he newly opened tcm clinic in the west, chime tcm clinic. singaporean tcm doc, bilingual and most imptly managed to conceive and delivered successfully despite her medical condition (she needed some blood thinning meds and had suffered some miscarriages before that) 2 cute nephews for me, no complaints from me of course
Hi ladies, can I check if taking chicken essence (own double boiled chicken breasts) will affect the HCG level?

I am 15 dpo and on CD31. Usually period is 28-29 days rarely above 30 days.

Tested HPT and it seems to have a faint T line. Thinking if it could be bcos of the chicken essence and a false positive :/


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