wow, I must say this thread is very inspiring!! I really appreciate all the mommies who took the time and trouble to share their experiences and tips here!! I am going to Shanghai for a business trip for 4 days, and thought of pumping and throwing before reading this thread! Now I am going to give it a try. If it works, it will save me a lot of milk in the future too, since I have two more trips each 4-7 days next month to Tokyo and Paris respectively.
After reading through all the threads, I compile a packing list (mainly based on Jajos's post plus tips from other mommies as well).
Can you ladies tell me anything that I miss out? Thank you so much!
(1) To check-in
a. milkbags
b. labels for milkbag
c. 3 tupperware containers (1 for sterilising, 1 for stock flat lying milkbag in hotel freezer, 1 for storage of extra milk bags).
d. Medela pump and accessories and charger
e. Sterilizer tablets (it helps to read the usage if you’ve never used it before. What I did after reading the instructions - I took the Tupperware container and made a marking on it after I filled it up with the desired amt of water for sterilizing. This saves u the trouble for gauging how much water is required/exact for sterilizing purpose each time you need it)
f. Baby detergent
g. Ziplock bags (freezer type and in different sizes)
h. Brush (for cleaning the bottles and pump)
i. Daiso cooler bag *2
j. A pair of scissors
k. A roll of masking tape
l. cloths to wrap the dry ice
m. rubberbands
n. laundry bags
o. Daiso ice blocks * 4 + fridge to go panels*2 ( in case dry ice doesn’t reach)
p. Mother’s milk tea
(2) To hand-carry to the plane
a. Fridge-to-go bag with Daiso ice block*2 + small storage bottles *4 + freemie collection cups
b. A few milkbags
c. Spectra M1 with charger
d. Nursing cover
e. Big zip lock bags for ice (in case ice block melts or confiscated by customs) to put bottles in
f. Baby mouth-and-hand wipe
g. Hand santinizer
h. Tissue paper
i. Rubber bands
j. TSA policy on carrying on board EBM printed out
(3) Tips
a. On plane: ask for EBM to be stored in their fridge, if not dry ice, if not, normal ice
b. During stay in hotel:
i. mark container with room number and content
ii. use two ice panels/blocks to chill milk in bar fridge before bring down for freeze, with the other four blocks to freeze in hotel freezer and rotate
c. On the way back: label dry ice on luggage. Dry ice not exceed 2.5kg