TOA PAYOH mummies

Congrates Dor~!
Hi babyrac,really ah?hmm...may nd consider then....but other than the toilet, the teacher and the program good?The fees pretty cheap compare with others cc le!mayb is small cc?
Ivy,I did put my son name under first skool in blk 54 there and TPY ctr,but claimed no vacanvy lo!is already vy long wait for me le!haiz!
Only can wait other kids withdraw only hv vacancy...dunno when....

i going to put my girl in YKidz for morning, and then send her to pcf in the afternoon... hope this arrangement works for me..

heard a few scary feedback from mummies with regards to YKidz.. but no choice leh.. my hubby doesnt want my girl to take school bus, and the most convenient and available place for me is YKidz liao.. I feel that pcf classes quite good, so dont want to drop her from there...
hi newmummy08, Wesley, i find it small and packed. i find it bit too noisy. btw Wesley childcare belongs to Wesley Methodist Church. you can try My first skool at blk 248 kim keat link (nearby tpy safra club) & Precious mentioned the new My first skool at blk 14. thinking to register my child for pcf next year k1. White lady & babyrac, how you find the pcf blk 6 & 44/45? the school and the teachers and the things they learn...they have enrichment class like speech & drama..? i also checked out pcf tpy blk 157, their k1 is 4hrs session while the one at blk 45 is 3 hrs and the sch fees the same $105. understand from blk 157 tat they are under different management. anyone have comments about pcf blk 157? Char shared with me her child doing ok there.

i just went pcf k+ this morning... have been considering between YKidz and K+ for the longest time... so the arrangement now is to put my girl at K+ in the morning, and then go to the Nursery at 231.. hope this works out.. any mummies at blk 45 pcf thinking of sending your kids to K+? was thinking if we have the numbers to take school bus..

YKidz is montessori 4hrs class, from 830 to 1230. it's considered an enrichment centre, fee ard 400++ and no subsidy..
U went k+ this morning ? How many kids there ? So after the afternoon nursery class , u bring Ur girl home ? How much do u pay ? N do u feel weird that the k+ let everyone view the school ? No curtain
white lady

yeah.. signed her up.. currently 5 kids in morning... she'll go nursery at blk 231 n my mil or maid will walk her home afterwards at 315pm.. quite far, but seems like it's e best solution now.. better than rushing to bring her to blk 45 for nursery at 1.15..
Hi Sabrina..thx for the info...will drop by sat to go view...
btw,the blk 14 of my first skool is newly open?new Pei Chun school there?i called my first skool,has been told only can online register for one school i register at toyr ctr b4...dunno if i register again will black list me or not...haha...
If cm to the worse, no other school available i os hv to go Wesley lo...but in take only dec...
The blk 238 near toy safra?is my first school too?there got available?
Hi Mommies, I'm a mother of a 28mth old boy. I'm currently looking for a playgroup for him but seems like in Toa Payoh, there's only a few like Kent Ridge or the Neuro Tree.
Anyone has any info/recommendation for classes for 2009 kids?
hi newmummy08, yes blk 238 is my first skool, you can call the main line to check, 6509 7887.

babyrac, so you tranfer you girl from blk 45 to blk 231 pcf nursery? same like you i would like to put my girl in k+ morning and if there is no transport, my maid will have to bring her to blk 45 for the noon k1 class.
I think the 232 have this k+ program too , it's like some extend class of k1 , k2 ... More ex than the cc service ... Think will go check it out ...

Babyrac ,
Ur girl been there few days . She ok to go ? Hows the teacher there ?
yup.. just transferred her to blk 231 pcf.. so my maid/mil will bring her back from 231 pcf.. no need to rush to fetch her for the pcf noon class at blk 45 mah..

me too.. my girl and boy are exactly same age as urs
girl's jul 2007, and boy's dec 2010..

my girl quite ok one, easily adaptable to new places.. there's more boys in the cc now, she told me she has been playing handy mandy.. seems like she's enjoying herself.. better than leaving her at home to watch her okto and disney channels..

wonder how's the pcf at blk 231.. is it good? havent have the chance to see the teachers yet..
anyone know if toa payoh Methodist church got teach hanyu pinyin in K1 and/or K2? i'm hearing they are not want to see if true or not. sigh.
Hi Sabrina!thx for d info.
Called n ask go online register only lo...
Dunno Wen will hv vacancy...btw their new open blk14 is it almost same area with blk258 Kim Keat there?
Irene,welcome to son now at deerland do do u may call to ask?my son 27 mths now...
Hi Mummies, How are you. I've MIA for very very long, back in action again. Been reading the past posts , wow lots of happening.

Hi rlcl, I think my kindy does not teach hanyu pinyin. I post the same qn to my girl's k chinese teacher, she told me its not encouraged to teach hanyu pinyin at K1/K2 in order not to confuse their phonics learning.
Hi TPY Mummies,
Finally, i poped! #2 arrives on 29 June, 2 wks earlier then expected. My delivery was a smooth one thanks to your blessings and well wishes.


ivy & newmummy,
Thanks for the well wishes!

did u ask abt Jessin @ blk 232 lor. 2? They have playgroup for 2hrs and playland fm mon-fri,
morning till 7pm. They do not operate on Sat unlike other CCC. The reno u'd seen is actually PAP offices something like tat heard fm Jessin's staff.

Babyrac & Irene,
Hope am not too late to welcome you to this thread

My new born is currently under wait list at lor. 5 my first skool infantcare still hasnt rx any news fm them yet.
Hey precious,thx for d PAP same as cc in my first skool?7-7as well?do u hv the contact?
Dor!congrate!I called jessin but only hv vacAncy next yr!n is frm9-7.but if start 9 too late for me brg him there le...hmm..
I don't hv the contact. Blk 238 and Blk 14 is different.
Blk 238 just started to operate as childcare service early July 2011. Blk 14, has not started yet.
Yes Kim Keat is My First Skool.
Actually it is good to make a trip to your shortlisted lists. See the layout, and to find out the teachers' experiences etc
i may be dropping my girl out of first skool blk 192, maybe then will have opening.

Baby rac,
what is K+ at where?

congrats again, u going to send ur no2 to IFC at how old?
Oh. I asked more details like how long they have been working in that school, teaching which group, what their qualifications etc. These are standard questions. And what are the teaching materials for K1 and K2 as to build strong foundation for Pri 1? I was surprised that there are ccs with premium school fee and yet thet have many extra enrichments excludes school fee. As I always thought those expensive cc definitely have excellent n comprehensive program/curriculum? But of course it depends if the school principal is willing to share more, I did encounter those who did not want to share, simply just replied: all our teachers are experienced". Good to look into school which has strong objectives and guidances for K1 and K2. But of course, as long as the teachers have passion n love towards children, then it does not matter if she is not a uni graduate, as long as she or the school continue to provide more resources and to upgrade one's skills. Comfort level and good communication with the teachers play critical roles to bring the best in every child
Hey ivy,I'm wonder y u wan withdraw ur daughter frm my first skool?if u withdraw her n like recommend other child go in?else if they go by waiting list then will be wait forever to my turn!as their waiting list so long!but if u can recommend me then will b easy...haha!!
Btw I called BìSHàÑ united Montessori they hv vacancy but vy ex d fee,$900+ b4 subsidy!
But thk the school quite gd?!
yoyo.. long time din chat here.. paisei paisei.

babyrac - read tat u says ykidz has some bad comments? care to share? or can pm me

Liz Montessori - saw the place from the outside.. v small place hor.

Ivy - u changing to which CC? found already?
i think it depends on individual. Seems like a lot of parents are fine with first skool, those parents i know from IFC are fine with their kids upgrade to toddler class. In fact i tot i was ok with it until my girl fall really sick, so i think her health is too weak for big school. I quite like her IFC teachers, but now she in toddler class, its a class of 30, so i kind of feel its too big group for my girl who has such a weak health. She fall sick almost once or twice a month, so i am temporary a SAHM to let her get well. The principal was nice to have a chat with me, but i told her, i really think 30 kids is too much. So its really up to you whether you like big class where kids got lots of classmate to play with.

If my girl is 30months already, then i may not mind putting her back into first school, cos their play group for age 30mths are more organize, and the kids more discipline, toddler class the teacher not strict but the principal say becos toddler is young, they are learning through playing at this age... so.. really depends on you. You got to go down and see whether you like it or not.

MTDT, not yet, now me SAHM leh haha, teaching at home and getting her body back in shape.
ivy - ooh so now u r SAHM to nurse bb's health huh. She officially withdrawn already?

Well, gd tat u can spend some time with her
enjoy it! hehehe
Ivy...thx for ur adv~! true also if too big group of ppl then abit messy....understand also...
Well...i heard united Montessori in Bishan hv vacancy le...but fees quite ex...
Hi Ivy
Ur gal still fall sick every other month? My boy although never attend infant care also fall sick often =( Think he got if from nanny's children (who are also my cousins).
How come My first skool's class size is so big? Do they have 2 teachers every time? My elder boy in Pri 1 have a class size of not more than 30.
Do u consider Mindchamps at HDB Hub?
Any mummies interested in Mindchamps?
Jfoo - is ur boy in Ykidz Morn session? Think i saw u but u din seems to recognise me :p

Just went to ykids for trial. Not bad...
But still would like to check out Liz.. but always no one pick up the tel. Anyone in Liz Montessori?
3 teachers and if im not wrong 1assistant or 2 at most.

yes big group bit messy but they always full, u can see a lot of parents still like first skool. Maybe becos their nursery and kindergarten actually quite ok. montessori ex right?

exactly, thats why i feel so big. If got children around sure fall sick, fall sick is common, but its how serious is the illness that matters. Mindchamps ex right???

yes withdraw, me sahm from 8am to 10pm, then 10pm tp 1am ftwm. Today go to office to settle paperwork from 1pm to 7pm haha,octopus. So far quite fun lah, just sometimes really pek chek with her.

MTDT, tot ur 2 kids in pats? u changing ar???
anyone know of private school bus/minivan operating in toa payoh? I need to send my child to pcf childcare at block 146 toa payoh daily... hope someone can help. I stay at toa payoh lorong 4

kindly pm me
Yes, think mindchamp is exp. I haven't check out the price thus asking if anyone here have any info.
It's gd if u can stay at home for ur gal. Can spend more time wif her n see her grow up. How I wish too.
I can't, its temporary only, i run a 3 men company, a very small business i started as freelancer, so i cannot afford to quit. My hubby will be very stress, so its temporary, i do treasure every temporary sahm time with her.
Ivy - Zay going Pats in jan 2012. Then me backside itchy, feel like starting him on a 2hr playgroup class. :p

Went to see Liz yesterday, very very small place. But the tr sounds v patient. However she says it's 8kids to 1 tr.. or 14kids to 2.. tat puts me off alittle as for toddlers really need the space and attention.

thus likely i starting ykidz for 3days per wk session

Mindchamp - I visited them bfore. nice place... impressive classroom/gym room/chinese room. But i dun like it as it's in a office building thus centralised aircon and catered food. (after pats food poisioning case, i truly appreciate self cook food haha).

Mindchamps premium is becos they roped in afew famous educators (like ex RGS pricipal) etc. But the program is actually more or less the same but with bombastic names. :p
Dear Mommies...
i have a 14 month gal and am looking for a good childcare. Am concerned abt the curriculum, hygiene,and teachers dedication. i am living around Toa Payoh area and have visited all childcare centers in Toa payoh, Bishan and Ang Mo Kio.
I have narrowed my selections to Red Schoolhouse, Kinderland Carmichael or Bishan and Carpe Diem (Pico). If any of you mommies have any comments, complains, feedbacks or experiences with any of these childcare centers, i would really appreciate your sharing. Please kindly share yr views as i am very confused and have to make a decision by Aug 2011. please help....
Ivy - Temp SAHM is good too. Enjoy the moments. Will you be putting Yuyu back to childcare centre?

MTDT - Thanks for sharing. Which Pats is your boy going to? Where is it?

I have signed up my younger boy up for those 2 hour playground with PCF at blk 157 next year.
